Natural Language Understanding - Analyze - watson-nlu

NLU (Natural Language Understanding) Analyze call is failing with the error codes below,
{"error": "cannot analyze: downstream issue", "code": 500 }
{"error": "failure to communicate with server", "code": 500 }
{"error": "requested service timeout", "code": 500 }
This started happening since 09-Oct-2017.
It is working sometimes and failing most of the times.
Is there any change deployed for NLU?

Is it happening consistently with a given set of inputs? I would suggesting contacting the bluemix support at to follow-up on the issue.
In general, code 500's are unexpected and require some level of digging for the support team to triage.


Microsoft Graph API for mail using $value issue

I need to export Exchange email (on premise) into *.eml file. The API
seems is the appropriate one. But it returns error below.
405 Method Not Allowed
"error": {
"code": "ErrorInvalidRequest",
"message": "The OData request is not supported. REST APIs for this mailbox are currently in preview. You can find more information about the preview REST APIs at",
"innerError": {
"date": "2022-02-19T15:22:01",
"request-id": "9118f0dd-8d06-4e2b-9fdb-355123ba6a66",
"client-request-id": "78ed917d-4602-867a-5db4-6615e6c29696"
I also tried the
but still got same error.
But the
can return result properly. It seems this is not security issue, because this API should already return enough data for constructing the *.eml file.
Any one have advise for this?
From the error it sounds like maybe you have a Hybrid environment and your trying to export a Message from a Mailbox that is onPrem?. If so that won't work for the onPrem mailboxes because they can only do a limited subset of the graph operations and Mime Export isn't one of the current features (not sure if that is going to change in the future). The only work around I know for onPrem would be to use EWS for those mailboxes until this feature comes to the Graph for Hybrid mailboxes.

YouTube API - setModerationStatus to heldForReview not working

I have tried several times for the past few hours to deal with this but i think it's related to the YouTube Api or some other restriction in place.
I am currently moderating multiple yt channels' comments section through YT API and setting malicious comments in "heldForReview" status if they match specific criterias (scam/spam type of comments)
Since few hours ago i keep receiving the following error:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "The API server failed to successfully process the request. While this can be a transient error, it usually indicates that the request's input is invalid.",
"errors": [
"message": "The API server failed to successfully process the request. While this can be a transient error, it usually indicates that the request's input is invalid.",
"domain": "youtube.comment",
"reason": "processingFailure",
"location": "id",
"locationType": "parameter"
Nothing changed on my end and i'm wondering if there's an issue with the API or i got restricted in any way
There's nothing to indicate any restrictions applied to my account/project so i suspect its not me.
I'd like to specify that i have an api quota of 500k and it did not get reached. Even now after the reset of the quota, i keep getting the error.
The same when I try to use the API developer (
In the past i did get this kind of error, but the requests were processed and the comments were put in the "heldForMorderation" status.
I'm processing a bulk of 80 comments per call.
I am having the same issue with a custom spamfilter that I have written and have also observed that the ability to hide/remove comments is broken in a commercial product (Agorapulse) that I also use.
Neither setmoderationstatus, markasspam or delete are working, basically there is no way to automatically remove the spam comments. (Which is a big problem on my channel)
Basically it looks like something has changed/broken on the API side, as the commands don't succeed even if run directly from the documentation website. (Everything worked fine until about 48hrs ago)
I confirm what has been shared previously.
We encounter some difficulties with markAsSpam, setModerationStatus and delete on youtube#comment domain.
markAsSpam returns systematically 204 but seems to do nothing
got same error than #YT Guard with setModerationStatus endpoint (100% errors)
same as previous point with delete endpoint
I add that I cannot generate 404 anymore with wrong comment ID.
We started to have this error since the November 19th.
Our investigation doesn't reveal anything for the moment, we reproduce with HTTP API requests (Postman) and the online forms 'Try this API' available in reference documentation.

gspread: 503 the service is currently unavailable

I have written a python code that downloads data from a google sheet and converts into a csv. I give a google drive id and it scans all the sheets in it, downloading them into local machine. I have ran this program many times, but today I got this error:
raise APIError(response) gspread.exceptions.APIError: { "error": {
"code": 503,
"message": "The service is currently unavailable.",
"status": "UNAVAILABLE" } }
Any inputs would be appreciated.
Having run into this error recently on a script on my own my research brought me to these two articles:
2. And this so answer
Since you have run this code well in the past it looks to be an issue on google's side and you'll just have to run it again later.

Datastax OpsCenter Install Cluster Error: 400 Client Error when retrieving package_information

I'm attempting to use OpsCenter 6.1 to install a new cluster. OpsCenter successfully ssh's to each of the nodes in the cluster then appears to nearly immediately error out on each node with the following message:
400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://<opscenter>:8888/api/v1/lcm/internal/nodes/<node-id>/package_information
When attempting to reach that page myself I receive a 404 error with this message:
{"brief": "error", "message": "{\"type\":\"ApiException\",\"code\":404,\"msg\":\"Can't find object for given parameters: {:job-id nil, :node-id \\\"<node-id>\\\"}\"}", "type": "NoSuchResource"}
Note that <opscenter> (above) is the IP address of my local install, and <node-id> is the ID of the node.
Considering that I don't receive the 400 error myself I'm assuming that I'm unable to replicate the scenario that occurs during the install because of some perviously executed steps that are rolled back.
Any insight into what might be causing this issue?
Thanks in advance!
LCM developer here... It's hard to know exactly what's wrong based on the information provided. But here are some tips:
If there's an api error during a job, the error will be recorded in opscenterd.log (usually in /var/log/opscenter in package installs, or in something like ./log/ in tarball installs).
The internal api is private and is not publicly documented. It's authenticated via a per-node secret token that's only valid during the lifetime of a job, so it's fairly challenging to try to ping internal urls manually, we've never needed to have someone try to ping internal api's to successfully diagnose issues in the past. It's not something I'd recommend spending a lot of time on.
You might get more context about LCM is doing when the error happens by turning the "lcm" logger up to debug in opscenter's logback.xml and restarting opscenterd.

Asana returns spurious 500 errors with cryptic messages

I am seeing spurious HTTP 500 errors with cryptic messages. For example, doing a GET using oauth on /projects/28408740055707 I see a response body: {"errors":[{"message":"Server Error","phrase":"24 purple woodchucks wriggle fast"}]}
I've also seen it on GET /tasks/{taskId}/stories and other endpoints as well. Any thoughts on this? Thanks!
When an API call or an action within the Asana application generates a server error we generate a random phrase that corresponds so that we can easily look up logs about the issue later.
If you continue to experience 500 errors when making calls to the API we encourage you to write into and reference the error phrase along with the call that you were making so that we can try to fix the issue.
I checked for "24 purple woodchucks wriggle fast" and that specific issue seems to have been solved.
