CFBundleShortVersionString returns an outdated value - ios

in one of my apps I need to read app version to validate it against some conditions. To read it I execute this code
var version: String {
return Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: versionKey) as! String
I added this functionality in version 2.2.0. It was working good in my debug builds, but when submitted to App Store it started to fail. To investigate it I added code that sends a non-fatal issue to Crashlytics with version in the message (added in 2.2.1).
And now there's a funny part - in Crashlytics logs I can see that some non-fatals are from version 2.2.1 with message "Version: 2.2.1", and some other ones are from version 2.0.0 with message "Version: 2.0.0". So app version 2.2.1 reads its version as 2.0.0.
Have any of you experienced such thing? Any ideas how to solve it?


AKRhodesPiano error (crush) on AudioKit v4.2

I'm using AudioKit version 4.2 and I receive this error (see attached image) after installing my app on my phone (iPhone X) - Xcode error when using AKRhodesPiano
The error is thrown after the app is compiled and installed (after the app is being opened on the device).
This is the line that I'm using:
let pianoNote = AKRhodesPiano() // error
When I change this line to a different instrument, for example -
let pianoNote = AKPluckedString() // works good!
Can someone help me figure it out?
Some of the STK Physical models got screwed up on a recent release. We're hoping to have it resolved in AudioKit 4.2.1. Really sorry for the inconvenience.
The problem is solved on 4.2.2 and later.
Tested and verified.

Hockeyapp doesnt send any crash report

I had a problem with the latest version of my app, there is no crash report (in hockeyappp panel) at all but I had seen several crashes on my device, I updated SDK and checked this doc and report:
but nothing changed, there is no crash report in the new fake version with throwing manual crash, my log is :
2017-05-22 14:07:00.201432+0430 MyBook[274:20890] [HockeySDK] -[BITCrashManager sendCrashReportWithFilename:xml:attachment:]/1777 INFO: Sending crash reports started.
2017-05-22 14:07:32.803691+0430 MyBook[274:20890] [HockeySDK] -[BITCrashManager processUploadResultWithFilename:responseData:statusCode:error:]_block_invoke/1681 INFO: Received API response: {
delay = 6000;
id = 11821670794;
status = "-80";
*what is the meaning of this response :| , any help is appreciated
I contact with hockeyapp support , my problem was my Version code was increased but my build number allways is 1.0 and didn't increase and hockeyapp server is sensetive on build number :|, but I think server api should be sensetive on both version code and build number, so I change version code to 3.3 and build number with same value 3.3 and it works well :|

ADAL Cordova Plugin unable to retain token on ios

I'm still a newbie in the mobile app development arena, please forgive me if I did not provide adequate information, probably because my lack of knowledge on its relevance. I'll edit with more info upon request.
Here's what I'm using to build my app on a Windows 7 64bit environment:
AngularJS 1.0
Phonegap Build 6.3.0 (cloud version)
cordova-android 5.2.1 (as shown on Phonegap build)
cordova-ios 4.2.0 (as shown on Phonegap build)
azure-activedirectory-library-for-cordova version 0.7.1
I'm testing on:
Android phone Samsung Galaxy SCH-I545 os version 5.0.1
iPhone 6S Plus os version 9.3.5
Everything went well with Android using ADAL plugin 0.7.1. However on iPhone, it kept going back to the login screen for authentication to our AD FS even though I already got authenticated the first time. I'm suspecting the token did not get stored in cache, that's why acquireTokenAsync kept getting called? I'm still trying to get my hands on a MAC to troubleshoot further.
Then, I updated to ADAL plugin 0.8.0 to see if that might solve my problem, but now Android stopped working and I got this error:
I debugged through using developer tool on both 0.7.1 and 0.8.0 and I saw no token coming back in acquireTokenAsync method in version 0.8.0. Switching back to 0.7.1 and Android works again.
Could anyone guide me on what might be causing this problem on my iPhone and Android? Maybe I'm missing additional settings or files? The way I updated the ADAL plugin was replacing the cordova-plugin-ms-adal folder under plugins and modify my config.xml file to spec="~0.8.0", that should be sufficient right?
* Update on cordova-android *
I finally got 0.8.0 working on my android device by turning off validateAuthority
var context = new Microsoft.ADAL.AuthenticationContext(authority,false);
I think it's because I'm using AD FS (found this comment in ADErrorCodes.h under adal-for-objc):
/*! The passed in authority URL does not pass validation, if you're trying to use ADFS directly you must disable authority validation. */
/*! An error was raised during the process of validating the authorization authority. */
* Update on cordova-ios *
Debugging in Safari developer tool, I don't have tokenCacheItems after the native method got called.
bridge.executeNativeMethod('tokenCacheReadItems',[this.authContext.authority, this.authContext.validateAuthority])
.then(function (tokenCacheItems) {
tokenCacheItems.forEach(function (item) {
result.push(new TokenCacheItem(item));
}, function(err) {
I spent almost a week on this already and I really appreciate any help on this issue. iOS [pod Parse] error

I'm building a simple app, as it is described on this tutorial: Instagram like app
However, I've made all the steps correctly, to the "Run the app" part, but when I ran it, the Xcode 7 (swift2) outputs this error every time I launch the app or pull to refresh:
2015-09-20 00:46:41.224 Paws2[1196:393571] [Error]: unauthorized (Code: 0, Version: 1.8.5)
I'm using the latest pod available and I don't know how to bypass this issue.
Note that I've made an exactly app as described in the tutorial with the version 1.7.5 and the error was the same, so I updated the pos version to the latest.
I've names the app Paws2 on purpose, it wasn't a error, as it says in the Tutorial to name it 'Paws'.
Thanks in advance
- Regards, Ivan.
EDIT 1: I've updated cocoapods and everything else related and the error continues.
I had a same error too.
My case was silly. I put wrong Application ID / Client Key in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method on AppDelegate.
[Parse setApplicationId:#“Your Application ID"
clientKey:#“Your Client Key"];
Make sure you put right keys.

Migrating from android-annotation 2.7.1 to 3.3.1 break app

As i said in another question i "migrate" eclipse/maven code of android-annotation app 2.7.1 to gradle in 3.3.1 but when i open tab "devices" (the bottom middle) it crash but if i used store app its doesn't and i suppouse because some change from 2.7.1 to 3.3.1
I upload code
and crash in com.pandaos.smartconfig.DevicesFragment
void afterViews() {
Some idea?
Thanks in advance.
As wondercsabo said, the original code wasn't copy correctly and there is no problem with version upgrade.
Thanks again wondercsabo
