How to avoid the "Docker cannot link to a non running container" error when the external-linked container is actually running using docker-compose - docker

What we want to do:
We want to use docker-compose to link one already running container (A) to another container (B) by container name. We use "external-link" as both containers are started from different docker-compose.yml files.
Container B fails to start with the error although a container with that name is running.
ERROR: for container_b Cannot start service container_b: Cannot link to a non running container: /PREVIOUSLY_LINKED_ID_container_a_1 AS /container_b_1/container_a_1
output of "docker ps":
RUNNING_ID container_a "/docker-entrypoint.s" 15 minutes ago Up 15 minutes 5432/tcp container_a_1
Sample code:
docker-compose.yml of Container B:
- container_a_1
What differs this question from the other "how to fix"-questions:
we can't use "sudo service docker restart" (which works) as this is a production environment
We don't want to fix this every time manually but find the reason so that we can
understand what we are doing wrong
understand how to avoid this
It seems like two instances of the container_a exist (RUNNING_ID and PREVIOUSLY_LINKED_ID)
This might happen because we
rebuilt the container via docker-compose build and
changed the forwarded external port of the container (80801:8080)
Do not use docker-compose down as suggested in the comments, this removes volumnes!

Docker links are deprecated so unless you need some functionality they provide or are on an extremely old version of docker, I'd recommend switching to docker networks.
Since the containers you want to connect appear to be started in separate compose files, you would create that network externally:
docker network create app_net
Then in your docker-compose.yml files, you connect your containers to that network:
version: '3'
name: app_net
# ...
- app_net
Then in your container_b, you would connect to container_a as "container_a", not "container_a_1".
As an aside, docker-compose down is not documented to remove volumes unless you pass the -v flag. Perhaps you are using anonymous volumes, in which case I'm not sure that docker-compose up would know where to find your data. A named volume is preferred. More than likely, your data was not being stored in a volume, which is dangerous and removes your ability to update your containers:
$ docker-compose down --help
By default, the only things removed are:
- Containers for services defined in the Compose file
- Networks defined in the `networks` section of the Compose file
- The default network, if one is used
Networks and volumes defined as `external` are never removed.
Usage: down [options]
--rmi type Remove images. Type must be one of:
'all': Remove all images used by any service.
'local': Remove only images that don't have a custom tag
set by the `image` field.
-v, --volumes Remove named volumes declared in the `volumes` section
of the Compose file and anonymous volumes
attached to containers.
--remove-orphans Remove containers for services not defined in the
Compose file


Docker compose command is failing with conflict

I am bringing up my project dependencies using docker-compose. So far this used to work
docker-compose up -d --no-recreate;
However today I tried running the project again after couple of weeks and I was greeted with error message
Creating my-postgres ... error
ERROR: for my-postgres Cannot create container for service postgres: b'Conflict. The container name "/my-postgres" is already in use by container "dbd06bb1d99eda6f075ea688df16e8b355e559e1759f084dee8f3cddfc535b0b". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.'
ERROR: for postgres Cannot create container for service postgres: b'Conflict. The container name "/my-postgres" is already in use by container "dbd06bb1d99eda6f075ea688df16e8b355e559e1759f084dee8f3cddfc535b0b". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.'
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
My docker-compose.yml file is
container_name: my-postgres
image: postgres:latest
- "15432:5432"
Docker version is
Docker version 19.03.1, build 74b1e89
Docker compose version is
docker-compose version 1.24.1, build 4667896b
Intended behavior of this call is to:
make the container if it does not exist
start the container if it exists
just chill and do nothing if the container is already started
Docker Compose normally assigns a container name based on its current project name and the name of the services: block. Specifying container_name: explicitly overrides this; but, it means you can’t launch multiple copies of the same Compose file with different project names (from different directories) because the container name you’ve explicitly chosen won’t be used.
You almost never care what the container name is explicitly. It only really matters if you’re trying to use plain docker commands to manipulate Compose-managed containers; it has no impact on inter-service communication. Just delete the container_name: line.
(For similar reasons you can almost always delete hostname: and links: sections if you have them with no practical impact on your overall system.)
In my case I moved the project in an other directory.
When I tryed to run docker-compose up it failed because of some conflicts.
With command docker system prune I resolved them.
It's caused by being in a different directory than when you last ran docker-compose up. One option is to change back to the original directory. Or if you've configured it as a systemd service you can use systemctl.
Well...the error message seems pretty straightforward to me...
The container name "/my-postgres" is already in use by container
If you just want to restart where you left, you should use docker-compose start.
Otherwise, just clean up your workspace before running it :
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
Remove --no-recreate flag from your docker-compose command. And execute the command again.
$docker-compose up -d
--no-recreate is using for preventing accedental updates.
If there are existing containers for a service, and the service’s configuration or image was changed after the container’s creation, docker-compose up picks up the changes by stopping and recreating the containers. To prevent Compose from picking up changes, use the --no-recreate flag.
official docker docs.Link
I had similar issue
dcdown --remove-orphans
That worked for me.

What is the difference between docker and docker-compose

docker and docker-compose seem to be interacting with the same dockerFile, what is the difference between the two tools?
The docker cli is used when managing individual containers on a docker engine. It is the client command line to access the docker daemon api.
The docker-compose cli can be used to manage a multi-container application. It also moves many of the options you would enter on the docker run cli into the docker-compose.yml file for easier reuse. It works as a front end "script" on top of the same docker api used by docker, so you can do everything docker-compose does with docker commands and a lot of shell scripting. See this documentation on docker-compose for more details.
Update for Swarm Mode
Since this answer was posted, docker has added a second use of docker-compose.yml files. Starting with the version 3 yml format and docker 1.13, you can use the yml with docker-compose and also to define a stack in docker's swarm mode. To do the latter you need to use docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml $stack_name instead of docker-compose up and then manage the stack with docker commands instead of docker-compose commands. The mapping is a one for one between the two uses:
Compose Project -> Swarm Stack: A group of services for a specific purpose
Compose Service -> Swarm Service: One image and it's configuration, possibly scaled up.
Compose Container -> Swarm Task: A single container in a service
For more details on swarm mode, see docker's swarm mode documentation.
docker manages single containers
docker-compose manages multiple container applications
Usage of docker-compose requires 3 steps:
Define the app environment with a Dockerfile
Define the app services in docker-compose.yml
Run docker-compose up to start and run app
Below is a docker-compose.yml example taken from the docker docs:
build: .
- "5000:5000"
- .:/code
- logvolume01:/var/log
- redis
image: redis
logvolume01: {}
A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands/Instruction a user could call on the command line to assemble an image.
Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration. By default, docker-compose expects the name of the Compose file as docker-compose.yml or docker-compose.yaml. If the compose file has a different name we can specify it with -f flag.
Check here for more details
docker or more specifically docker engine is used when we want to handle only one container whereas the docker-compose is used when we have multiple containers to handle. We would need multiple containers when we have more than one service to be taken care of, like we have an application that has a client server model. We need a container for the server model and one more container for the client model. Docker compose usually requires each container to have its own dockerfile and then a yml file that incorporates all the containers.

How can I use an ephemeral volume for a Docker container using an official MySQL image with docker-compose?

I'm using an official MySQL docker image ( with docker-compose and I would like its data to be wiped out upon restart. The default is that it retains its data between container restarts.
Here's my docker-compose.yml:
version: "2"
image: mysql:5.6
When I use docker inspect on my container it shows its location on the host machine. How can I instead have it store the data inside the container? I do not want it to persist.
When using docker-compose, the containers are not removed on docker-compose stop (or ctrl-c, or any other kind of interrupt/exit). Thus, if you're stopping the container, it's still going to exist the next time you start.
What you want is docker-compose down which, according to the docs will "Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes". Note that only containers and networks are removed by default - you need to specify a command-line switch if you want to remove images or volumes.

Managing a group of docker containers without the sweat

I am using a bash script to spin up a virtual network with two docker containers on it. This feels prehistoric. Is there some tool that can spin such an ensemble up and down & show its current status, or does one have to take care of that on their own?
In case docker-compose, it is unclear from docker documentation whether docker-compose is self-contained or tied to swarm, and an authoritative example of a compose definition file, with commands for starting and stopping the ensemble would be very helpful.
E.g. here is what a bash script would do to define/start an application of two interrelated containers, needless to say this script does not help with managing its lifecycle beyond just starting it up once.
docker network create --driver bridge FooAppNet
docker run --rm --net=FooAppNet --name=component1 -p 9000:9000 component1-image
docker run --rm --net=FooAppNet --name=component2 component2-image
Also in this example, container component1 exposes port 9000 to the host, and its contained application has it hardwired in its configuration file, to consume the service of component2 by its name (following the common docker networking practice relying on docker networks' internal DNS).
For the example you've given, the following Docker Compose file would give you what you want:
image: component1-image
net: FooAppNet
container_name: component1
- "9000:9000"
image: component2-image
net: FooAppNet
container_name: component2
If you store this in a docker-compose.yml file and then run docker-compose up -d it will create/start/restart your containers and assign them to your FooAppNet network.
The -d flag runs the containers in detached mode and prevents the logging output being printed to your terminal window when you start the containers. You can still get their log via docker logs -f ... like with any other container.
You can then use docker-compose down and docker-compose restart etc to control the ensemble's lifecycle. As an aside, using variables can spice up the definition file towards greater flexibility.
See in the comments below about using the network automatically spun up by docker compose.
TL;DR ― see the beginning section of for the solution. It walks you through the entire necessary configuration. Works nicely, and need to master the various docker-compose command-line options to be productive with it.

how to ignore some container when i run `docker-compose rm`

I have four containers that was node ,redis, mysql, and data. when i run docker-compose rm,it will remove all of my container that include the container data of mysql is in the the container and i don't want to rm the container data.
why i must rm that containers?
Sometime i must change some configure files of node and mysql and rebuild.So
,I must remove containers and start again.
I have searched using google again over again and got nothing.
As things stand, you need to keep your data containers outside of Docker Compose for this reason. A data container shouldn't be running anyway, so this makes sense.
So, to create your data-container do something like:
docker run --name data mysql echo "App Data Container"
The echo command will complete and the container will exit immediately, but as long as you don't docker rm the container you will still be able to use it in --volumes-from commands, so you can do the following in Compose:
image: mysql
- data
And just remove any code in docker-compose.yml to start up the data container.
An alternative to docker-compose, in Go (, let's you create contianer groups -- including overriding the default group so that you can ignore your data containers when rebuilding your app.
Given you have a "crane.yaml" with the following containers and groups:
- "my-app"
- "my-data1"
- "my-data2"
You can build your data containers once:
# create your data-only containers (safe to run several times)
crane provision data # needed when building from Dockerfile
crane create data
# build/start your app.
crane lift -r # similar to docker-compose build && docker compose up
# Force re-create off your data-only containers...
crane create --recreate data
PS! Unlike docker-compose, even if building from Dockerfile, you MUST specify an "image" -- when not pulling, this is the name docker will give the image locally! Also note that the container names are global, and not prefixed by the folder name the way they are in docker-compose.
Note that there is at least one major pitfall with crane: It simply ignores misplaced or wrongly spelled fields! This makes it harder to debug that docker-compose yaml.
#AdrianMouat Now , I can specify a *.yml file when I starting all container with the new version 1.2rc of docker-compose ( just like follows:
image: ubuntu
- "/var/lib/mysql"
thinks for your much useful answer
