iOS Storyboards - Auto layout constraint issue with iPhone 5 - iPhone 6 - ios

I have the following constraints attached to an input field. However when I switch from iPhone 6 to iPhone to trailing constraint of 16 isn't applied.
Why is this happening. I don't have an width constraint so why would it behave this way - and how do i fix it.

These are just warnings, that you can ignore. Yellow marked warning, is a kind of suggestion for update, it won't make any effect/changes in your interface design and their frames until you apply suggestion.
Simple advice: Do not change Interface design (device) size in storyboard. Choose one fixed device size according to your project target (I suggest iPhone 4S or iPhone 5) and setup your all interface design for your project with respect to fixed device size.
Note: Warning will be not visible to you, until you change device (frame size) in your storyboard layout
To check, interface preview for different size of devices (including iPads), there is an option for preview of all size of device. Without changing your storyboard interface view (view controller) size, you can see preview of all layouts from preview screen.
Here is snapshot, that I designed for device iPhone 4S but I can see preview for latest update of iPhone X also, without changing storyboard layout.


Device Layout Does Not match Simulator or Storyboard

I've been away from Xcode for a while, so I may have missed changes in the latest couple of releases. The layout of views looks identical in the Storyboard, and on the simulators (iPhone6 and iPhone7), but different on my iPhone 6. I have no warnings or errors in the Storyboard, and I am using Xcode 8. The device acts as if it had a shorter screen than the simulator -- things that are spread appropriately on the storyboard or simulator, are squeezed together vertically on my phone. What is the reason for this difference?
Have you assigned launch images with the correct dimensions for the different form factors? An easy way to verify this is to add a print statement in a view controller to see what the bounds are for the screen. Verify that these values match what you expect for the device.
The following from Apple documents this:
Because device screen sizes vary, launch screen sizes vary too. To
accommodate this, you can provide a launch screen as an Xcode
storyboard or as a set of static images for the devices your app
supports. Using an Xcode storyboard is the recommended approach, as
storyboards are flexible and adaptable.
While not an official Apple site, this link also references this as a potential issue:
The launch XIB or storyboard is required to support iPhone 6 sized
Another possibility is that you have the screen zoomed in on the device. To change this, go to Settings > Display & Brightness and select Display Zoom at the bottom. Ensure that you have Standard selected. If you are zoomed in, then the device will scale down (A 6 behaves like an SE, a Plus behaves like a 6/7).

Xcode 8 AutoLayout/Constraints: Changing view to fit each Iphone screen size?

I am new to Xcode, and have been trying to figure out how to use AutoLayout and constraints. Long story short, after I hit 'add missing constraints' the Iphone 7 screen looks just as I intended, but both the Iphone 7 plus and Iphone SE screens look completely screwed up. What can I do to fix this so that every screen looks like the Iphone 7?
Iphone 7
Example Iphone SE (screwed up)
add missing constrains option means: adds the constraints needed to have a nonambiguous layout. may not work well for all iOS devices, and may not work well for device's rotation changes or view size changes, so, check view's constrains in size inspector panel
for more info:check Apple's auto layout guide

Same Storyboard for different screen Sizes without Auto Layout

I've been using different storyboard for different screen sizes.
Now, I'm updating an old app with only one Storyboard for iPhones and it looks the same appearance as iPhone 5 in different iPhone simulators, without using auto layout. Works well on iPhone6 and 6 plus Simulator.
Can I trust this behaviour or is any simulator bug? Is it due to any Properties project config ?
You must use auto-layout otherwise it will not work 100%. If you enable auto resize subviews option in storyboard view then it might work upto some extent.
I got it... Just not setting any launch screen image for the devices without defined storyboard

Xcode 7 to 8: Size Classes

I have developed an app with Xcode 7 and I placed all my views for all iPhones in portrait. Now using Xcode 8 I want update the constraints for supporting iPads in portrait. How I am supposed to to that? Copy/Paste views and start from scratch? I can't see any other solution.
PS. Note that views for iPhone 7 Plus to iPhone 4S appears fine.
No need of copying the views. The Xcode SizeClasses aids you in designing the app for various devices.
I suppose you may have used the Any Width Any Height (wAny hAny) or the Compact Width Regular Height (wC hR) to design the portrait orientation screens. Now use the Regular Width Regular Height (wR hR) size class to design the iPad screens. Size classes will automatically switch sensing the device rather than programatically selecting one among the two storyBoards designed for iPhones and iPads.
Select the wR-hR size class. Select your view in the Document Outlinein the storyBoard. In the Attribute Inspector install the view for the current size class (wR hR). the view will appear in the storyboard scene. Set the suitable constraints and you are good to go.
PS: Of course you must set the constraints again unless you have designed the iPhone screens in wAny hAny size class. If so that works in iPads too and you needn't work on any other size class.

UIWebView content not scaling between different iPhone sizes

So I am working on an iOS app that uses the UIWebView to serve HTML content. Why UIWebView and not WKWebView? well I want this app to work on iOS7 and above. I have just updated my Xcode to Xcode 6.1 and I cannot get my webView to scale to fit the available screen space when changing from the 4 inch screen size to 4.7 and above.
What I am after is to have my app look consistent on all iPhone screen sizes of 4 inch and above as all my HTML5 code that is displayed on the web view is.
In my Attributes inspector I have set the size to iPhone 4-inch and you can see what the app looks like in simulators for iPhones of size 4-inch and 4.7-inch respectively in the link below,
How do I get this to scale up appropriately on iPhone screens of different sizes?
fyi, I have set the Scale page to Fit to true for my webView. I am building this app using Swift.
To solve such issue,
1) Uncheck "Use Auto layout" and also disable size classes.
2) Open the size inspector to use Autoresizing as directed in the image below on the desired element (in your case its UIWebView).
Try selecting the bounds as per your requirements.
This will surely solve your problem.
Do check that you haven't coded the dimensions in the .m file.
The answer by Piyush Mathur is simple and seems usable in the given case.
But if the requirements are complex then you need to "Use Auto Layout".
Also make sure that you have set all the needed constraints of the Web-View.
The Introduction to Auto-Layout gives an idea to set constraints to a component which will also give an idea to stretch component (Web-view in your case) based on the device screen size.
You could use Xcode's auto layout tool, which will automatically resize the UIWebView according to the device.
I think the best practice is to untick "constraint to margin" when you add the constraints.
Here are three steps: 1. clear all constraints; 2. add the constraints back in and untick "constrain to margin"; 3. set all four constraints to 0.
Or if you are familiar with the Xcode, this can be done in one step.
What helped me is a creation of 4 constraints:
