How images are mapped in Contao news Extension? - contao

I am doing a newsmigration to latest Contao 4.
Can anyone please explain how the image files are related to tl_news table ?
Currently for my migration I have imagepath and imagename for the respective image.
When I add an image to a news in contao through backend. The following fields get updated in database.
addImage => 1,
singleSRC => f52a3871946211e782662e3e7a222c66
But when I search singleSRC in tl_files.uuid , it doesn't show any records.
Please help me to find how the images can be mapped during migration to Contao 4

The singleSRC field in tl_news (and also tl_content and tl_calendar_events for example) is a binary field containing an UUID that relates to the tl_files.uuid field.
I do not know how exactly you implemented your news migration script. But within the Contao framework, this is how you get the path to a file from singleSRC for example:
// $objNews is a \Contao\NewsModel object
$objFile = \Contao\FilesModel::findByUuid($objNews->singleSRC);
$strPath = $objFile->path;
And this is how you would add it back to the new news entry somewhere else:
// $strPath contains the relative path of the file on the other installation
$objFile = \Contao\Dbafs::addResource($strPath);
$objNews->singleSRC = $objFile->uuid;


Ruby on Rails - How to convert to images some elements from a word document

In our platform we allow users to upload word documents, those documents are stored in google drive and then dowloaded again to our platform in HTML format to create a section where the users can interact with that content.
Rails 5.0.7
Ruby 2.5.7p206
selenium-webdriver 3.142.7 (latest stable version compatible with our ruby and rails versions)
Some of the documents have charts or graphics inside that are not processed correctly giving wrong results after all the process.
We have been trying to fix this problem at the moment we get the word document and before to send it to google drive.
I'm looking for a simple way to export the entire chart and/or table as an image, if anyone knows of a way to do this the advice would be much appreciated.
Edit 1: Adding some screenshots:
This screenshot is from the original word doc:
And this is how it looks in our systems:
Here are the approaches I have tried that haven't worked for me so far.
Approach 1
Using nokogiri to read the document and found the nodes that contain the charts (we've found that they are called drawing) and then use Selenium to navigate through the file and take and screenshot of that particular section.
The problem we found with this approach is that the versions our gems are not compatible with the latest versions of selenium and its web drivers (chrome or firefox) and it is not posible to perform this action.
Other problem, and it seems is due to security, is that selenium is not able to browse inside local files and open it.
options = '/usr/bin/firefox', headless: true)
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, options: options
path = "#{Rails.root}/doc_file.docx""file://#{path}")
# Here occurs the first issue, it is not able to navigate to the file
puts "Title: #{driver.title}"
puts "URL: #{driver.current_url}"
# Below is the code that I am trying to use to replace the images with the modified images
drawing_elements = driver.find_elements(:css, 'w|drawing')
modified_paragraphs = []
drawing_elements.each do |drawing_element|
paragraph_element = drawing_element.find_element(:xpath, '..')'paragraph.png')
modified_paragraph ='paragraph.png')
modified_paragraphs << modified_paragraph
file =, 'doc_file.docx'))
doc = Nokogiri::XML(file)
drawing_elements = doc.css('w|drawing')
drawing_elements.each_with_index do |drawing_element, i|
paragraph_element = drawing_element.parent
new_doc_file = File.write('modified_doc.docx', doc.to_xml)
s3_client.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: #document_path, body: new_doc_file)
Approach 2
Using nokogiri to get the drawing elements and the try to convert it directly to an image using rmagick or mini_magick.
It is only possible if the drawing element actually contains an image, it can convert that correctly to an image, but the problem is when inside of the drawing element are not images but other elements like graphicData, pic, blipFill, blip. It needs to start looping into the element and rebuilding it, but at that point of time it seems that the element is malformed and it can't rebuild it.
Other issue with this approach is when it founds elements that seem to conform an svg file, it also needs to loop into all the elements and try to rebuild it, but the same as the above issue, it seems that the element is malformed.
response = s3_client.get_object(bucket: bucket, key: #document_path)
docx =
Zip::File.open_buffer(docx) do |zip|
doc = zip.find_entry("word/document.xml")
doc_xml =
doc = Nokogiri::XML(doc_xml)
drawing_elements = doc.xpath("//w:drawing")
drawing_elements.each do |drawing_element|
node = get_chil_by_name(drawing_element, "graphic")
if node.xpath("//a:graphicData/a:pic/a:blipFill/a:blip").any?
img_data = node.xpath("//a:graphicData/a:pic/a:blipFill/a:blip").first.attributes["r:embed"].value
img = Magick::Image.from_blob(img_data).first
node.replace("<img src='#{img.to_blob}'/>")
elsif node.xpath("//a:graphicData/a:svg").any?
svg_data = node.xpath("//a:graphicData/a:svg").to_s
Prawn::Document.generate("node.pdf") do |pdf|
pdf.svg svg_data, at: [0, pdf.cursor], width: pdf.bounds.width
puts "unsupported format"
# update the file in S3
s3.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: #document_path, body: doc)
Approach 3
Convert the elements since its parents to a pdf file and then to an image.
Basically the same issue as in the approach 2, it needs to loop inside all the elements and try to rebuild it, we haven't found a way to do that.

Get Resources\Raw Path in .NET Maui

I have an application which uses a SQLite database to store data locally. I get the path to and open the database using:
string dbPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(FileSystem.AppDataDirectory, "mydatabase")
db = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath);
I have created an example database (example.db3) and copied this to the Resources\Raw folder with the Build Action MauiAsset.
My question is how do I get the path to this database file so I can use
string dbPath = System.IO.Path.Combine("*path to Resources\Raw foldder*", "example.db3");
to get the full path to open the example database.
I have tried searching but the best I can get is using FileSystem.Current.OpenAppPackageFileAsync but this opens the file for stream reading whereas I need to get the path.
Ideally the method would work on all platforms.
It is a known issue about this problem.
You can follow it up here:
Thanks for your feedback and support.

cordova-plugin-file: files not accessible after app update (iOS)

I am experiencing a funny problem: I am developing an ionic app, using cordova-plugin-file to store images. The resulting paths (URIs in form file:///...) are stored in a SQLite DB along with more information. When I install the app and use it, all works perfect. But if I update (or reinstall) the app, the old images are not found anymore, while newly added images work perfect.
I first suspected that the image files were being deleted on update, but I checked the content of the directory and the files are still there. (FYI: I am using file.dataDirectory/scans/ to place my files).
Then I thought that maybe I could go around the problem loading into img src a base64 blob loaded with cordova.file.readAsUrl(), but cordova.file does not find the file as well (I insist, the files are there, I checked with XCode).
So I checked further with cordova.file and it only finds files that are added after last app install, but the older files are still present in the directory.
Here my code:
private getImgSrcFromDocument(doc: Document): any {
const uri = doc.fileName;
const src = this.webView.convertFileSrc(uri);
const sanitized = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl(src);
console.log({uri, src, sanitized});
return sanitized;
<img class="document_thumbnail" [src]="getImgSrcFromDocument(doc)">
I have already checked this, but is not my case.
By the way, the same code works perfect on Android.
Any idea what could be the problem?
Thanks in advance!
I found the reason why and the solution (very obvious when you know the problem):
On every new install, iOS renames the data directory for the app. The directory path has this form:
The hash in the middle is renewed on every install, so the stored full paths in DB are not valid anymore.
If you still can do it (no deploy yet, no real users), store only the relative path and complete it every time with this.file.dataDirectory (or wherever you wanted to store your files).
If you already have real users and want your update to 'find the files', just ignore the first part of the stored path and build it like before:
const ValidUri = this.file.dataDirectory + // The injected cordova-plugin-file
'relativeSubDirectories/' + // If you store your files in some subdirectory
this.document.storedFullPath.substr( // Take from fullPath only the filename
this.document.storedFullPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1
Where storedFullPath is the string file:///var/mobile/....
After that, you still have to do the webView conversion and the sanitizing, like in the question above.
Hope this helps someone.

ASP.NET Mvc 4 Save Uploaded File With a Diffrenet Name

The problem is what the title says. I manage to upload an image, resize it and save the resied image to a specific folder with a different name than the name of the uploaded image.
I use this code ...
WebImage img = new WebImage(this.File.InputStream);
img.Resize(width, height).Crop(1, 1);
img.Save(dir, extenstion, true);
And it works. But when I try to save the file with HttpPostedFileBase::SaveAs(dir) method with a new filename, it saves a blank image with 0 bytes. When i try to save it as the same filename that was uploaded, it saves correctly. But, as one will think, user can save images with the same filename, so that behaviour is not desirable.
So, the question is, how to save a uploaded image with SaveAs() but with a new filename that i generate?
I tried these links
Upload tut 1
Upload tut 2
and I save searched extensivly but I couldn't find anything that would solve this.
I also tried saving the original uploaded image with WebImage class after I save the resized one but it also saves it blank.
Code for saving the original uploaded image...
string dir = "~/Content/images/large/";
string newFilename = "2154689.jpg" // filename is generated and then added the correct extension
UploadedFile.SaveAs(Path.Combine(dir, newFilename));
This works but it saves the image with the filename uploaded by the user
UploadedFile.SaveAs(Path.Combine(dir, Path.GetFileName(this.File.FileName)));
I'm new in and C# for about 15 days and this was a mistake on my part. You have to make the filename the sam extension as the file uploaded. So this works...
File.SaveAs(Path.Combine(dir, Path.GetFileName(newFilename + "." + ext)));
A pretty silly mistake on my part.

Multiple input file tags with IOS 6+ on iPad/iPhone

I've been able to resolve this, after finding that iOS uploads every image as "image.jpg". In freeASPUpload.asp, I changed the following :
For Each fileItem In UploadedFiles.Items
filePath = path & fileItem.FileName
Set streamFile = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
streamFile.Type = adTypeBinary
StreamRequest.CopyTo streamFile, fileItem.Length
streamFile.SaveToFile path & FileName, adSaveCreateOverWrite
Set streamFile = Nothing
fileItem.Path = filePath
To :
For Each fileItem In UploadedFiles.Items
FileName = GetFileName(path, fileItem.FileName)
fileItem.FileName = FileName
filePath = path & fileItem.FileName
Set streamFile = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
streamFile.Type = adTypeBinary
StreamRequest.CopyTo streamFile, fileItem.Length
streamFile.SaveToFile path & FileName, adSaveCreateOverWrite
Set streamFile = Nothing
fileItem.Path = filePath
This is within the save function of the script. The GetFileName function iterates over what is in the folder already, and adds a number until it is unique. It then updates the file key to its new name. I've left an "image.jpg" file in the temp folder, so that it always finds one. That works for now.
What I've found, however, is for some reason, it flips the second photo out of the five that the form allows for..
I will try to fix that / look for others with the same issue. I've always had problems with iPhones and iPads rotating pictures, and it's never consistent.
I'm trying to grab multiple files from a mobile fleet of iPads and iPhones. Currently I have 5
<input type="file" name="fileX" accept="image/*">
This works fine in a browser (using free asp upload / classic ASP). In testing, it works with IOS, but only if I send one file. If I send more then one via the form, I get the error 'file not found'. It seems like the files aren't being sent at all.
The file not found kicks back when trying to manipulate the file via FSO.
Uploads here :
Dim Upload, fileName, fileSize, ks, i, fileKey
Set Upload = New FreeASPUpload
SaveFiles = ""
uploadsDirVar = "directory"
ks = Upload.UploadedFiles.keys
Errors out here :
Set f=fs.GetFile(uploadsDirVar & "\" & Upload.UploadedFiles(fileKey).FileName)
Any ideas on how I can get around this? Everything I've read points towards the HTML5 multiple tag on a single input. However, in my scenario, this won't work. I'm also tying descriptions for the images to the fields based on field name, restricting the upload to 5, re-sizing the images on the action page before passing it to its final destination and attaching them to an email.
Any advice welcome, and thank you for your time!
The issue seems to be that IOS names all uploads "image", coming from either the camera or the library. Now the problem is how to rename the image before the script attempts to upload it. From what I'm understanding, it needs to happen within the asp upload component before it places the file.
See the above edit for the answer. As for the flipped images - turns out they are flipped straight from the iPad. I checked the exif data and I'm not sure how to account for this in my system. If I find the answer, I'll post here.
