I am new to shopify. Now I want to use shopify API to create a price rule, this is my source code here
I use rails 5.1.4, shopify_app 8.1.0
shop_url = "https://api_key:secret#domain/admin"
ShopifyAPI::Base.site = shop_url
prerequisite_saved_search_ids = [53677883419]
price_rule = ShopifyAPI::PriceRule.new
price_rule.title = "demodemo"
price_rule.target_name = "line_item"
price_rule.target_selection = "all"
price_rule.allocation_method = "across"
price_rule.value_type = "fixed_amount"
price_rule.value = "-10.0"
price_rule.customer_selection = "prerequisite"
price_rule.prerequisite_saved_search_ids = prerequisite_saved_search_ids
price_rule.start_at = Time.now.iso8601
res = price_rule.save
puts res
However it always return me false. If anyone has the idea? Thanks a million!
Please check this Api to create price rule(Shopify Api). I have used this Api in php and its working fine for me.
I have created App and then use Api key and secret key to generate price rule.
For the ones coming to this question, one could fetch Price rules as per shopify_app gem for Rails applications as:
First allow your app to access read/write permissions in initializers/shopify.rb file as:
config.scope = "read_products, write_products, read_price_rules, write_price_rules"
After that you can fetch price rules as:
#price_rules = ShopifyAPI::PriceRule.find(:all, params:{id: '4171201931'})
And can also create a price rule as:
#create_price_rule = ShopifyAPI::PriceRule.new(
price_rule: {
target_type: "shipping_line",
target_selection: "all",
allocation_method: "each",
value_type: "percentage",
value: "-100.0",
usage_limit: 20,
customer_selection: "all",
prerequisite_subtotal_range: {
greater_than_or_equal_to: "50.0"
starts_at: "2017-11-19T17:59:10Z"
There are validations involved. Incase you want to check the response, one may inspect it like #create_price_rule.inspect
Or even you can delete a PriceRule as:
#price_rules = ShopifyAPI::PriceRule.find(:all).first
#last_price_rule = ShopifyAPI::PriceRule.find(4171860875)
I have tried mostly everything. Checked all docs and stack questions and shopify community like:
Shopify API how to do a search query with like
How to search products by title using Shopify product search API?
and found out that
#search = "2018";
#products = ShopifyAPI::Product.find(:all, params: { limit: 10,title:#search })
but this is returning empty array although I have may records containing this in title. https://prnt.sc/sx37o6
I want to get records according to #search
I have tried Product.search too but it causes: undefined method `search' for ShopifyAPI::Product:Class
Using the RestAPI I failed doing filtering (with wildcards for example) as well. But with the GraphQL-API the search functionalities (see here https://shopify.dev/concepts/about-apis/search-syntax) are pretty solid.
This is an example including auth, filtering by title including wildcard-support (for part matching) and mapping results to a simpel array of hashes:
#responses = []
shopify_session = ShopifyAPI::Session.temp(
domain: shop.shopify_domain,
token: shop.shopify_token,
api_version: ShopifyApp.configuration.api_version
) do
client = ShopifyAPI::GraphQL.client
ql_query = <<-GRAPHQL
products(first: 10, query: "title:*#{query}*") {
edges {
node {
query_result = client.query(client.parse(ql_query))
query_result.data.products.edges.each do |result|
#responses << {
id: result.node.id,
title: result.node.title,
handle: result.node.handle
I am getting the following response of a web service call:
response = "{\"price\":39.74000000000000198951966012828052043914794921875}"
Then I'm parsing it:
json = JSON.parse(response, {:symboize_names: true})
The result is:
json = {price: 39.74}
Then I tried from Rails console to check if it is happening because of JSON library, but simply I got the following result:
>> data = {:price => 39.74000000000000198951966012828052043914794921875}
So it's default behavior in Rails and I need to change it (on application level) to always parse decimal numbers as BigDecimal instead of float.
Ruby = 2.3.0
Rails = 4.2.4
Can anybody help?
The solution is a hack really, but I couldn't find any better
response = "{\"price\":39.74000000000000198951966012828052043914794921875}"
transformed_response = response.gsub(/\d+\.\d+/, '"\&"')
hash = JSON.parse(transformed_response , symboize_names: true})
The resulting hash will be
{ price: "39.74000000000000198951966012828052043914794921875" }
With which you can do something like this
hash.tap { |hash| hash[:price] = BigDecimal.new(hash[:price]) }
I'm using restforce to interat with salesforce in Ruby on Rails.
I have this snippet of code:
client = Restforce.new
acc = client.find("Account", account_ID)
acc.firstName = "test"
# if I use update I get the same error
But I get the following error
"message":"Unable to create/update fields: jigsaw_clean__Sync_Status_Indicator__c, LastModifiedDate, PhotoUrl, IsDeleted, jigsaw_clean__Jigsaw_Managed_Backend__c, jigsaw_clean__Sync_Status_Summary__c, AccPwr1__c, BillingAddress, jigsaw_clean__Duplicate__c, LastActivityDate, jigsaw_clean__Automatic_Updates__c, JigsawCompanyId, CreatedById, MasterRecordId, LastViewedDate, CreatedDate, LastReferencedDate, jigsaw_clean__Additional_Information__c, jigsaw_clean__Jigsaw_Last_Sync_Locked__c, Cross_Sell_Score__c, jigsaw_clean__Jigsaw_Managed__c, ShippingAddress, LastModifiedById, IANA_Number_field__c. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.",
and other fields.
I know, I can do something like:
client = Restforce.new
acc = client.find("Account", account_ID)
acc1 = {Id: acc.Id}
acc1["firstName"] = "test"
client.update("Account", acc1)
How do I do this in a more efficient way?
Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.
Are you sure that you have permission to make updates?
The only way I can find is the instead of using find we use query with fields that we want to update.
client = Restforce.new
acc1 = client.query("SELECT ID, firstName, LastName FROM Account where ID = '#{account_ID}'").first
acc1["firstName"] = "test"
I have a Charge model in my database with field names that match up to the fields returned from a third-party API.
charge = ThirdPartyChargeAPI.find(1)
Charge.create do |e|
e.object = charge.object
e.paid = charge.paid
e.amount = charge.amount
e.currency = charge.currency
e.refunded = charge.refunded
e.amount_refunded = charge.amount_refunded
e.failure_message = charge.failure_message
e.failure_code = charge.failure_code
e.description = charge.description
e.metadata = charge.metadata
e.captured = charge.captured
e.balance_transaction = charge.balance_transaction
e.customer = charge.customer
e.invoice = charge.invoice
e.created = charge.created
Seems painfully redundant, though. Is there some way to merge this without having to basically set every single field manually?
Assuming there's no way to get a direct hash from the API (I would imagine there would be, since it's probably coming in as XML or JSON), you could try a direct map of instance variables:
Charge.create do |c|
charge.instance_variables.each do |var|
value = charge.instance_variable_get(var)
c.instance_variable_set(var, value)
This is making some pretty bold assumptions about the structure of the charge you're getting back from the API though - any instance variable in it that you don't want will be included.
I am trying to get a users friends checkins, I am using omniauth and koala gem.
When a user gets saved this method hits:
def add_friends
friends_data = facebook.get_connections("me", "friends", :fields => "id, name, link, picture, gender, checkins")
friends_data.map do |h|
friend = Friend.new
friend.uid = h["id"]
friend.name = h["name"]
friend.image = h["picture"]
friend.gender = h["gender"]
friend.urls = h["link"]
friend.user_id = self.id
if (!h["checkins"].blank?)
checkin = Checkin.new
checkin.checkin_id = h["id"]
checkin.user_id = h["checkins"]["data"]["from"]["id"]
checkin.user_name = h["checkins"]["data"]["from"]["name"]
checkin.tags = h["checkins"]["tags"]["data"]["name"]
checkin.place_id = h["checkins"]["place"]["id"]
checkin.place_name = h["checkins"]["place"]["name"]
checkin.message = h["checkins"]["message"]
checkin.created_time = h["checkins"]["created_time"]
checkin.friend_id = friend.id
But I get this error:
Koala::Facebook::APIError: HTTP 500: Response body: {"error_code":1,"error_msg":"An unknown error occurred"}
I dont really know what that means, any ideas? And does anybody know how to define a limit on checkins with the koala gem?
I tried something like this:
u.facebook.get_connections("me","friends", :fields => "checkins.limit(2)")
But I got the same error!
In fields, you're requesting information about a friend, but 'checkins' isn't a profile field, it's an entirely different connection altogether.
What you must do is loop through all the friend IDs and get the checkins for each:
friend_checkins = []
friend_ids = u.facebook.get_connections("me","friends", :fields => "id")
friend_ids.each do |friend_id|
friend_checkins << u.facebook.get_connections(friend_id,"checkins")
Also, when doing this, it would be a great time to look into batch requests with Koala, as you could potentially be making a lot of calls to the API here..