SKStoreReviewController.requestReview() stop to work in debug mode - ios

I have an app that I call the method SKStoreReviewController.requestReview () after 10 times that the user performs some action. The prompt stoped to appear even the debug show me that the method requesrReview is being called.
What's can be happening?

From the Apple docs:
Although you should call this method when it makes sense in the user
experience flow of your app, the actual display of a rating/review
request view is governed by App Store policy. Because this method may
or may not present an alert, it's not appropriate to call it in
response to a button tap or other user action.
The popup will only display sometimes, and it's dictated by the SKStoreReviewController as to when this will be, so you can't guarantee it will ever be displayed.


How iOS handles events that occurs just right before the background?

First of all I'd like to say sorry in case my question is dummy, I'm really new to iOS and what to understand how thing are going on. Imagine such a situation - user taps on home button and the app starts to collapse, but immediately after taping on home button user taped on some UI element. So, I'm wondering how the iOS will handle this? I tried to do some tests using breakpoints, but since it just test I can't be 100% sure. It seems that if the UI interaction event will happen before the system will call willResignActive then the event will be fully processed and if the system will call willResignActive first, then the even will be discarded and won't be handled at all. Is this correct, or I missed something? Thanks
First, why do you want to use this in your app? If a user presses a button exactly in this time, it's okay that the action is not handled.
The only thing you have to keep track of is that whenever the button gets pressed and let's say you store a file without a completion handler it could be that you present an alert which is saying that everything went well but you actually not saved the file because the user left the app in this time.
But since you're never doing critical actions without completion handlers, in my opinion, there's no need to make sure that this doesn't happen.
If I got you wrong, just comment!

Determine which button was tapped on system alert

I am presenting SKStoreReviewController.requestReview() and I want to have a boolean in UserDefaults which I would make true in case the user taps on Cancel.
Is there a way to determine if cancel was tapped considering this is a OS alert?
There isn’t a way to access which button was selected. I’m curious why you would you need this functionality? The OS will decide if the user should be shown the alert depending on a few factors including when the user last left a review or canceled.
Apple Developer Site:
Although you should call this method when it makes sense in the user
experience flow of your app, the actual display of a rating/review
request view is governed by App Store policy. Because this method may
or may not present an alert, it's not appropriate to call it in
response to a button tap or other user action.

Callback for when the application regains focus back from a redirected app

Is there any way to manage callback when user go through web view and click button - back to app?
You can bind the UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification to an action do whatever you wish when you come back to your application. It should be thrown whenever your application gains back focus for any reason.
Note that this notification will be thrown every time you app becomes active, so make sure to unbind the action after it is called once. Also it will be thrown even if the user does not tap the back button, but goes back to home screen and reopens your app.
You can also use the delegate methods in your AppDelegate class and store the status of the app with some variables to determine when the user comes back to your app.

Chromecast - return to homepage when done casting

I'm writing an iOS app that casts pictures. I want to make it in a way that when the user quits the picture viewing scene, it goes back to the homepage (the one displaying app's name) on the big screen. I've tried calling the stop method for mediaControlChannel and it's not going back to the homepage. So apparently this is not the one I'm looking for. So which method should I call to make it go back to homepage?
SDK doesn't have any understanding of your "homepage"; that is a concept in your app so you need to write your receiver so that if user ends the process of viewing picture, it switches to that page. Whether receiver on its own can determine that the above process has ended or sender has to signal the receiver depends on your application and its details but regardless, going to your home page is an action that you have to define and handle.

How to remove all callbacks of a popped screen in Blackberry java

I have a blackberry application in which i want to show a "please wait" modal screen(which is a FullScreen push as modal screen) while sending a server request and if the user hitting the device back button , pop the modal screen and current active screen.This works fine.
My problem is that : I used a callback for server request in the active screen.But the callback executed even after popped up the screen.
Exactly whats happening while calling popScreen()? How can i remove all callbacks and refresh the screen if the user pressing back button while server request happens?
Thanks in Advance
There are several solutions to this problem of course. I guess the server request is sent asynchronously.
The simplest way I think out is having a flag and when the callback
is triggered check whether the user cancelled the action (pressing
the back button).
Another solution, perhaps not that nice is to check whether the
Loading Screen is still in the display stack.
What I think would be a proper solution is to have a stack of
cancelled http operations, so you can stop requests at any time. Then
if the request to the server has been sent, before calling the
callbacks you can check if the operation has been cancelled.
Otherwise, you just avoid sending the request to the server.
When you call popScreen, the screen which is on top of the display stack (the screen in the foreground) is removed from the stack and the Screen is refreshed (a paint event is triggered) to reflect the changes. Make sure you execute Screen.pop() on the UiThread:
In your scenario, how is the callback handled? Is it a delegate you passed along with the request or is a listener you register?
When I refer to delegate I mean something like the following:
Server.sendRequest(request, objectWithCallbacks)
and callbacks of the objectWithCallbacks (and only objectWithCallbacks) will be called accordingly. On the other hand, a listener would be something like:
Server.addListener(objectWithCallbacks, request)
this way, all the objects listening to "eventName" will get their callbacks triggered accordingly.
As far as I see, your callback will be always executed but in the callback itself you can check if the screen is currently displayed.
if( this.isDisplayed() ) {
// Do the magic
// Do nothing
Good Luck
