Cucumber with capybara failed xpath - ruby-on-rails

Why I'm getting this error ?
undefined method `map' for true:TrueClass
Did you mean? tap (NoMethodError)
Checking in browser was successful.
Doing this xpath:
page.find(:xpath, './/td[contains(., "Total Income:")]/following-sibling::td[2]//text()="£ 0.00"')
I tried to dissect it,
doing this has no issue: page.find(:xpath, './/td[contains(., "Total Income:")]')
Seems error starts after using following-sibling

You're getting it because your XPath isn't returning elements, but rather the XPath
.//td[contains(., "Total Income:")]/following-sibling::td[2]//text()="£ 0.00"
returns a boolean (the result of text()="£ 0.00"). It's not immediately clear exactly which element you're trying to grab - but something along the lines of
page.find(:xpath, './/td[contains(., "Total Income:")]/following-sibling::td[2]//*[text()="£ 0.00"'])
is probably what you were trying to do.
By the way - what driver are you using with Capybara?


How to Calculate Nothing - Nil on Rails

Rails 4, Spree 2.1
The Issue:
Adding an item to cart with the Spree Flexi Variants engraving calculator, I get an error:
undefined method `value' for nil:NilClass
Is this line in my engraving calculator model causing this error?
def compute(product_customization, variant=nil)
return 0 unless valid_configuration? product_customization
# expecting only one CustomizedProductOption
opt = product_customization.customized_product_options.detect {|cpo| == "inscription" } rescue ''
opt.value.length * (preferred_price_per_letter || 0)
def valid_configuration?(product_customization)
And as for the value method, any ideas on that?
I've tried defining value but nothing seems to work. I have another calculator called amount times contant. This is setup pretty much the same way; however, this one works. Getting kind of confused and way past my deadline.
Here is the github repo with the branch that I am using:
NoMethodError (undefined method `value' for nil:NilClass)
/Users/russellkompinski/Desktop/spree_commerce/spree_flexi_variants/app/models/spree/calculator/engraving.rb:29:in `compute'
/Users/russellkompinski/Desktop/spree_commerce/spree_flexi_variants/app/models/spree/product_customization.rb:11:in `price'
/Users/russellkompinski/Desktop/spree_commerce/spree_flexi_variants/app/models/spree/order_contents_decorator.rb:32:in `block in add_to_line_item'
/Users/russellkompinski/Desktop/spree_commerce/spree_flexi_variants/app/models/spree/order_contents_decorator.rb:32:in `map'
/Users/russellkompinski/Desktop/spree_commerce/spree_flexi_variants/app/models/spree/order_contents_decorator.rb:32:in `add_to_line_item'
/Users/russellkompinski/Desktop/spree_commerce/spree_flexi_variants/app/models/spree/order_contents_decorator.rb:7:in `add'
/Users/russellkompinski/Desktop/spree_commerce/spree_flexi_variants/app/models/spree/order_populator_decorator.rb:36:in `attempt_cart_add'
/Users/russellkompinski/Desktop/spree_commerce/spree_flexi_variants/app/models/spree/order_populator_decorator.rb:17:in `block in populate'
/Users/russellkompinski/Desktop/spree_commerce/spree_flexi_variants/app/models/spree/order_populator_decorator.rb:16:in `each'
/Users/russellkompinski/Desktop/spree_commerce/spree_flexi_variants/app/models/spree/order_populator_decorator.rb:16:in `populate'
/Users/russellkompinski/Desktop/spree_commerce/spree_flexi_variants/app/controllers/spree/orders_controller_decorator.rb:18:in `populate'
The source code you pointed to on github contains a different definition of compute as follows:
which is consistent with your stack trace, since line 29 of engraving.rb involves an invocation of value. I'm not familiar with spree, but based on this code, the detect call is returning nil.

Console error with example of ui.bootstrap.datepicker

I try to use angular-ui-bootstrap datepicker and it upset me for a while with an error on firebug console (Firefox 21) saying
Error: array is undefined
Line 5754
After I check every datepicker settings I check the given example in documentation, followed the link "edit it on plunker" and I got a similar error.
Error: array is undefined
Line 5687
Then I try Chrome Version 26.0.1410.63 and I got a different error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
at indexOf (
at arrayRemove (
at JQLiteUnbind (
at Object.JQLite.(anonymous function) [as unbind] (
at Object.fn (
at Object.Scope.$digest (
at Object.Scope.$apply (
at Object.invoke (
at bootstrap (
It works but the error message upset me a lot and I thought that was something wrong with my code.
Can I assume this is not related with example given but with some internals or is the example missing something?
ui-bootstrap 0.5.0 has a bug,
(it tries to unbind 'focus' event handler, but handler doesn't exist)
you can apply this changes
or build it directly from github
or wait for 0.6.0

Capybara Poltergeist get element text

I've got a line of code that can will get the contents of an element on the page with any driver but poltergeist. Is this expected behavior for poltergeist and if so, how can I do this in a way that works with poltergeist?
Here is the Ruby
page.find( item_price_selector(3) ).native.text
Here is the error
Failure/Error: price = page.find( item_price_selector(3) ).native.text
undefined method `text' for #<Capybara::Poltergeist::Node:0xb07db1c>
page.find( item_price_selector(3) ).native.text
The native is unnecessary. Removing it and causes it to run correctly in all drivers
page.find( item_price_selector(3) ).text

Get "Response code = 500" error randomly when running cucumber

For some reason I keep getting a response code of 500 when I run cucumber, even though all the tests pass. The error occurs randomly for different tests, every time I run it. Sometimes all tests pass as well.
I thought it was a memory issue, so I tried restarting my computer, but that didn't do anything.
An example of the error is:
And I follow "link" # features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:33
Failed. Response code = 500. Response message = Internal Server Error. (ActiveResource::ServerError)
./app/controllers/companies_controller.rb:23:in `show'
./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:14:in `with_scope'
./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:34:in `/^(?:|I )follow "([^"]*)"(?: within "([^"]*)")?$/'
features/manage_sites.feature:256:in `And I follow "link"'
It seems related to the tagging feature. I was using the #wip tag, and when I moved it around, it would cause the sporadic 500 errors. Removing all #wip tags makes all the tests pass.
I could be wrong though. I'll need to try and replicate it consistently.
Would anybody be able to help?

Getting "undefined method `include?'" for request.user_agent

I've got this line of code:
if request.user_agent.include?("iPhone") then
But I'm occasionally getting this error:
"undefined method `include?' for nil:NilClass"
When checking logs on the error, there isn't a "HTTP_USER_AGENT" for the user that is getting the error.
So how can I fix that line so it doesn't throw an error if there isn't an HTTP_USER_AGENT?
For Rails 2.3.xx you can also use Object#try
request.user_agent.try(:include?, 'iphone')
Check here for more info.
Check it for nil or rescue the exception yourself.
NSD is right.
You could also use try as a short cut:
request.user_agent.try(:include?, "iPhone")
try will not error when its receiver is nil, so you can chain them together, like this:
