ARKit: how to correctly check for supported devices? - ios

I'm using ARKit but it is not a core functionality in my app, so I'm not setting the arkit key in the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities. I'm setting the directive #available(iOS 11.0, *), but ARKit requires an A9 processor or above (that is, iPhone 6S or newer...)
What the best way to check that? I've found a workaround that involves checking the device model in several places, but it looks like it's a bit complicated. And would this be rejected in a review for the Store?

You should check the isSupported boolean provided by the ARConfiguration class for this.
From the Apple Developer Documentation:
A Boolean value indicating whether the current device supports this session configuration class.
All ARKit configurations require an iOS device with an A9 or later processor. If your app otherwise supports other devices and offers augmented reality as a secondary feature, use this property to determine whether to offer AR-based features to the user.

Just check ARConfiguration availability.
if (ARConfiguration.isSupported) {
// Great! let have experience of ARKIT
} else {
// Sorry! you don't have ARKIT support in your device

Here is the solution Ar support or not
// Get array containing installed apps
var installedApps = require("react-native-installed-packages");
let appArray = installedApps.getApps();
// Check app_array for ar core package
var arPackage = appArray.find(function (_package) {
return _package == "";
if (typeof arPackage === "undefined") {
console.log("AR not support");
} else {
console.log("AR support");


Check if iOS device has LiDAR in Swift

is there a way in Swift to check if the device has a LiDAR sensor? Unfortunately I've didn't find anything in the official Apple documentary nor with internet search.
My current workaround is to determine the device type like described in this post:
How to determine the current iPhone/device model?
Use this code:-
import ARKit
let supportLiDAR = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.supportsSceneReconstruction(.mesh)
guard supportLiDAR else {
print("LiDAR isn't supported here")
Scene reconstruction requires a device with a LiDAR Scanner, such as the fourth-generation iPad Pro.
The Accepted answer is fine and here is another solution :
you can check for the availability of depth data from LiDAR, we need to check whether our device supports this sensor
and enable its flag ‘.sceneDepth’ in ARConfiguration.
Use This Func
func setupARConfiguration() -> ARConfiguration{
let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
// add specific configurations
if ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.supportsFrameSemantics(.sceneDepth) {
configuration.frameSemantics = .sceneDepth
}else {
print("Device is not support lidar sensor")
return configuration
from Apple Docs :
Call this function before attempting to enable a frame semantic on your app's configuration. For example, if you call supportsFrameSemantic(.sceneDepth) on ARWorldTrackingConfiguration, the function returns true on devices that support the LiDAR scanner's depth buffer.
Ref :

how to detect what bluetooth device audio is coming out of

I have two BluetoothHFP bluetooth devices connected to my iPad(bluetoothA2DP and bluetoothLE) and I need to detect which one is currently getting the audio. Below is the code I am using to detect what bluetooth is available :
let currentRoute = audioSession.currentRoute
for description in currentRoute.outputs {
if convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(description.portType) == convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(AVAudioSession.Port.bluetoothA2DP) {
//Do Something
}else if convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(description.portType) == convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(AVAudioSession.Port.bluetoothHFP) {
//Do Something
}else if convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(description.portType) == convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(AVAudioSession.Port.bluetoothLE){
//Do Something
What can I use to find out what one of the BluetoothHFP devices is currently getting audio?
You can distinguish between ports of the same type using description.portName and description.uid. Note that the name is not promised to be unique (it comes from the device). The UID is system-assigned and is not promised to be stable. It's only promised to be consistent with the owningPortUID property, and will be unique at any given time.
It happens to be true currently (iOS 13) that the UID is based on the hardware MAC address, and is stable. It's in the format aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff-tacl (the MAC address followed by -tacl). This has been true for a long time. I've been using this fact since at least iOS 8, and it's very likely it's been true as long as AVAudioSession has been around. But it's not promised, and is exactly the kind of thing that Apple has been known to change without notice.

How to support low data mode in iOS 13?

"Low Data Mode" is introduced in iOS 13. See "Settings" section Apple's iOS 13 overview:
I couldn't find any developer documentation on this.
Is this something third party app developers can opt into, as suggested by MacRumors? Or is will it just suspend background activity when not connected to Wi-Fi, as suggested by AppleInsider?
To determine if iOS is currently in Low Data mode, you can use the Network library:
import Network // Put this on top of your class
let monitor = NWPathMonitor()
monitor.pathUpdateHandler = { path in
if path.isConstrained {
// Path uses an interface in Low Data Mode.
else if path.isExpensive {
// Path uses an interface that is considered expensive, such as Cellular or a Personal Hotspot.
monitor.start(queue: .background))
URLSession supports LowData mode in iOS 13.
Provide two different resources for high resolution and low resolution(low data mode)
If statusCode == 200 (low data mode is disabled in setting).
If error.networkAvailableReason == .constrained (low data mode is enable in settings)
Check out Advances in Networking, Part 1 from WWDC 2019 from 16:00 for a demo and sample code. You can use Combine to make the code simpler, but this is not required.
First of all, you need to configure your URLSession (NSURLSession) to either allow or disallow expensive or constrained network connections to be opened.
You can do that by changing URLSession's respective properties allowsExpensiveNetworkAccess or allowsConstrainedNetworkAccess to false (NO).
If a URLSessionTask results in an error that is either an NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet error containing NSURLErrorNetworkUnavailableReasonKey entry in userInfo (Objective-C) or an URLError with a non-nil NetworkUnavailableReason property set (Swift), then you need to act accordingly.
Those reasons can be:
The cellular reason has sort of been there since iOS 7, so it's not new, but the entire reason enumeration is, as Apple streamlined connection type handling a bit this year.
Here is the solution in Xamarin, for those interested:
NWPathMonitor monitor = new NWPathMonitor();
monitor.SetUpdatedSnapshotHandler(path =>
if (path.Status == NWPathStatus.Satisfied)
// Path uses an interface in Low Data Mode.

Detecting ARKit compatible device from user agent

We would like to enable a feature that allows a model to be viewed using a deep link to our ARKit app from a web page.
Has anyone discovered a way to discover if a device is ARKit compatible using the user agent string or any other browser-based mechanism?
Apple seems to use the following code to show/hide the "Visit this page on iOS 12 to try AR Quick Look" on
(function () {
var isRelAR = false;
var a = document.createElement('a');
if (a.relList.supports('ar')) {
isRelAR = true;
document.documentElement.classList.add(isRelAR ? 'relar' : 'no-relar');
The interesting part of course being
var isRelAR = false;
var a = document.createElement('a');
if (a.relList.supports('ar')) {
isRelAR = true;
Make your actions accordingly based on the value of isRelAR.
Safari doesn’t expose any of the required hardware information for that.
If you already have a companion iOS app for your website, another option might be to still provide some non-AR experience for your content, so that the website has something to link to in all cases.
For example, AR furniture catalogs seem to be a thing now. But if the device isn’t ARKit capable, you could still provide a 3D model of each furniture piece linked from your website, letting the user spin it around and zoom in on it with touch gestures instead of placing it in AR.

A loop to continuously collect the Wifi strength of nearby access points

Assume I have an iPhone connected to a wifi network with 3+ access points.
I'd like to collect all possible fields around wifi access strength/signal/etc from EACH access point and use that to triangulate, even while in background.
while true {
for access_point in access_points {
signal_strength = ...
I've been reading previous SO answers and other posts, and seems like it wasn't allowed on iOS without a jailbreak for a while, but is now availiable again.
Anyone can show a code snippet of how I'd go about doing this? All new to iOS development..
It's been quite a while since I worked with this, so I did a quick check again and now I am fairly certain you misunderstood something you've read. As far as I can tell, Apple did not suddenly revert their previous decision to restrict the public frameworks to scan for access points, i.e. specific MAC addresses and their signal strength.
You can query the specific rssi (signal strength) for a network (i.e. for an ssid), but not for individual MAC addresses. Before iOS 5 you could do that using private APIs, then you could do it with private APIs on a jailbroken device and that's pretty much it.
I don't have the code of my own, old stuff at hand (I used to do this for indoor location tracking before we switched to use iBeacons), so I can't provide you with a sample snippet myself. My code is dated and no longer functioning anyways, but you might find something here.
I would be really interested in the sources you mention that claim iOS 10 now allows this again. Apple closed this for privacy considerations (officially at least, and although this might be true in part it also means developers dealing with location-tracking now need to rely fully on Apple's framework for that only), so I highly doubt they went back on it.
Also, note that this is for sure not something trivial, especially if you're new to iOS development. I haven't even tackled the background idea, you can safely forget about that, because no matter what you do, you will not have a scanner that runs continuously in the background. That's against a very core principle of iOS programming.
I've answered how to ping ALL wifi networks in this question;
func getInterfaces() -> Bool {
guard let unwrappedCFArrayInterfaces = CNCopySupportedInterfaces() else {
print("this must be a simulator, no interfaces found")
return false
guard let swiftInterfaces = (unwrappedCFArrayInterfaces as NSArray) as? [String] else {
print("System error: did not come back as array of Strings")
return false
for interface in swiftInterfaces {
print("Looking up SSID info for \(interface)") // en0
guard let unwrappedCFDictionaryForInterface = CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo(interface) else {
print("System error: \(interface) has no information")
return false
guard let SSIDDict = (unwrappedCFDictionaryForInterface as NSDictionary) as? [String: AnyObject] else {
print("System error: interface information is not a string-keyed dictionary")
return false
for d in SSIDDict.keys {
print("\(d): \(SSIDDict[d]!)")
return true
You may have seen this feature in jailbroken apps as it is possible to do this using private libraries, which means that apps that are sold on the iOS store can't be sold if they utilise them.
