Flex how to differentiate between capital words, lower case words and words? - flex-lexer

I have the following rules:
capital_word [A-Z]+
lower_case_word [a-z]+
word [^ \t\n\.]
delim [ \t\n\.]
For the word "Hello", it says "H" is a capital word and "ello" a lower case word. How could I do to have "Hello" as "Word"?

If you're testing a single word, you want to match the whole word, and you want to allow lowercase letters after the first capital.
capital_word ^[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+$
lower_case_word ^[a-z]+$
word ^[^ \t\n\.]+$
delim [ \t\n\.]
^ is beginning of test and $ is end of test, meaning you want to match all text. It's needed for the first three but not the last (since in last you just want to know if a delimiter is present, I think).


Regular wrong regular expression, not validating

please i want to validate the inputs from a user, the format for the inputs would be: 3 uppercase characters, 3 integer numbers, an optional space, a -, an optional space, either a 'LAB or ((EN or ENLH) with 1 interger number ranging from a [1-9]).
The regex i wrote is
am finding it difficult to stop inputs after the LAB so that when EEE333 - LAB1 is inputed it becomes invalid.
If you are asking how to prevent LAB1 at the end, use an end of line anchor $ in your regex test:
If you are trying to require exactly one digit at the end of the acceptable strings, move the single digit match outside of the optional groups:
I have wrote for you the following regular expression:
The regex works a follows:
MATCH a space (optional) or a '-' (required) or a space (optional)
MATCH 'LAB' OR ('EN' OR 'LH')?: omits capturing LAB OR EN OR LH
You could place your regex between word boundaries \b.
You start your regex with \D which is any character that is not a digit. That would for example also match $%^. You could use [A-Z].
You use \d{1} which is a shorhand for [0-9], but you want to match a digit between 1 and 9 [1-9]. You could also omit the {1}.
Maybe this updated will work for you?
\b[A-Z]{3}\d{3} ?- ?(?:LAB|(?:EN(?:LH)?[1-9]))\b
A word boundary \b
Match 3 uppercase characters [A-Z]{3}
Match 3 digits \d{3}
Match an optional whitespace, a hyphen and another optional whitespace ?- ?
A non capturing group which for example matches LAB or EN EN1 or ENLH or ENLH9 (?:EN(?:LH)?[1-9]))
A word boundary \b

How can I construct a regular expression to account for non-consecutive characters?

I'm currently using this regex for my names \A^[a-zA-Z'.,\s-]*\z; however, I don't want there to be any consecutive characters for a apostrophe, period, comma, whitespace, or hyphen. How can I do this?
The significant part would be (?:[a-zA-Z]|['.,\s-](?!['.,\s-])).
[a-zA-Z] # letters
| # or
['.,\s-] # any of these
(?!['.,\s-]) # but in front can not be another of these
But, in this case:
Guedes, Washington
Would invalidate the name, so maybe you want remove \s from the negative look-ahead.
Hope it helps.
How about this (string of letters, potentially ending with one of those terminator chars)

Ultraedit regex to remove all words which contains number

I am trying to make a Ultraedit regex which allows me to remove all words of a txt file containing a number.
For example:
get only
A case-insensitive search with Perl regular expression search string \<[a-z]+\d\w*\> finds entire words containing at least 1 digit.
\< ... beginning of a word. \b for any word boundary could be also used.
[a-z]+ ... any letter 1 or more times. You can put additional characters into the square brackets like ÄÖÜäöüß also used in language of text file.
\d ... any digit, i.e. 0-9.
\w* ... any word character 0 or more times. Any word character means all word characters according to Unicode table which includes language dependent word characters, all digits and the underscore.
\> ... end of a word. \b for any word boundary could be also used.
A case-insensitive search with UltraEdit regular expression search string [a-z]+[0-9][a-z0-9_]++ finds also entire words containing at least 1 digit if additionally the find option Match whole word is also checked.
[a-z]+ ... any letter 1 or more times. You can put additional characters into the square brackets used in language of text file.
[0-9] ... any digit.
[a-z0-9_]++ ... any letter, digit or underscore 0 or more times.
The UltraEdit regexp search string [a-z]+[0-9][a-z0-9_]++ in Unix/Perl syntax would be [a-z]+[0-9][a-z0-9_]* which could be also used with find option Match whole word checked instead of the Perl regexp search.

Difference between \b and \s in Regular Expression

I was learning regular expression in iOS, saw this tutorial:http://www.raywenderlich.com/30288/nsregularexpression-tutorial-and-cheat-sheet
It reads like this for \b:
\b matches word boundary characters such as spaces and punctuation. to\b will match the "to" in "to the moon" and "to!", but it will not match "tomorrow". \b is handy for "whole word" type matching.
and \s:
\s matches whitespace characters such as spaces, tabs, and newlines. hello\s will match "hello " in "Well, hello there!".
I have two questions on this:
1) what is the difference between \s and \b? when to use which?
2) \b is handy for "whole word" type matching -> Don't understand the meaning..
Need some guidance on these two.
\b Boundary characters
\b matches the boundary itself but not the boundary character (like a comma or period). It has no length in itself but can be used to find for example e in the end of a word.
For example in the sentence: "Hello there, this is one test. Testing"
The regex e\b will match an e if it's at the end of the word (followed by a word boundary). Notice in the image below that the e in "test" and "Testing" didn't match since the "e" is not followed by a boundary.
\s Whitespace
\s on the other hand matches the actual white space characters (like spaces and tabs). In the same sentence it will match all the spaces between the words.
Since \b doesn't make much sense alone I showed to how to it as e\b (above). The OP asked (in a comment) about what e\s would match compared to e\b to better explain the difference between \b and \s.
In the same string there is only one match for e\s while there was two matches for e\b since the comma is not a whitespace. Note that the e\s match (image 3) includes the white space where as the e\b match doesn't (image 1).
\b is matching a word boundary. That is a zero width assertion, means it is not matching a character, it is matching a position, where a certain condition is true.
\b is related to \w. \w is defining "word characters", means letters, digits and underscores. So \b is now matching on a change from a word character to a non-word character, or the other way round. Means it matches the start and end of a word, but not the character before or after the word.
\s is a predefined character class that is matching any whitespace character.
See and try out what \bFoo\b matches here on Regexr
See and try out what \sFoo\s matches here on Regexr
\b is zero-width. That is, it doesn't actually match any character. Meanwhile, \s does match a character. This is an important distinction for capturing and more complicated regular expressions.
For example, say you're trying to match numbers that begin with multiple zeros, like 007 or 000101101. You might try:
But see, that would also match 1007 and 101000101101! So then, you might try:
But see how that wouldn't match a 007 at the beginning of the string (because there's no space character)? Using \b allows you to get the "whole word (or number)":
\b matches any character that is not a letter or number without including itself in the match.
\s matches only white space.
For example:
\b would match any of these: "!?,.##$%^&*()_+ ".
$text = "Hello, Yo! moo .";
$regex = "~o\b~";
^---Will match all three o's.
$text = "Hello, Yo! moo .";
$regex = "~o\s~";
^---Will only match the 'o' in 'moo'.

How to update this REGEX to make sure string does not have _(underscore) at the end or beigning

This is the regular expression which i have, i need to make sure that string does not start or end with underscore , underscore may appear in between.
I have tried
But doesn't seem to work
Allowed strings:
Not allowed strings:
Not too hard!
"Any character except an underscore at the start of the line (^[^_]), then any characters (.*), then any character except an underscore before the end of the line ([^_]$)."
This does require at least two characters to validate the string. If you want to allow one character lines:
"Anything except an underscore to start the line, and then either some characters plus a non-underscore character before end-of-line, or just an immediate end-of-line.
You could approach this in the inverse way,
Check all those that do match starting and ending underscores like this:
^_ #starts with underscore
| #OR
_$ #ends with underscore
And then eliminate those that match. The above regexp is much more easier to read.
Check : http://www.rubular.com/r/H3Axvol13b
Or you can try the longer regex:
^[a-zA-Z0-9.-] #starts with a-z, or A-Z, or 0-9, or . -
[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]* #anything that can occur and the underscore
[a-zA-Z0-9.-]$ #ends with a-z, or A-Z, or 0-9, or . -
| #OR
^[a-zA-Z0-9.-]$ #for one-letter words
| #OR
^[a-zA-Z0-9.-][a-zA-Z0-9.-]$ #for two letter words
Check: http://www.rubular.com/r/FdtCqW6haG
Try this
In the first section, [a-zA-Z0-9.-], regex only allows lower and upper case alphabets, digits, dot and hyphen.
In the next section, [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+, regex looks for a single or more than one characters that are lower or upper case alphabets, digits dot, hyphen or an underscore.
The last part, [a-zA-Z0-9.-], is the same as the first part that restricts the input to end with an underscore.
Try this:
Recently had the same concern and this is how I did it.
// '"^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$"' → Alphanumeric and 「.」「_」「-」
// "^[^_].*[^_]$" → Reject start and end of string if contains 「_」
// (?=) REGEX AND operator
SLUG_REGEX = '"(?=^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$)(?=^[^_].*[^_]$)"';
I used this snippet for my Laravel Validation so you may need to change the code as needed like " to / based on your code sample and other answers' code.
