Trigger Jenkins Job for every parameter - jenkins

I have created a Global choice Parameter using Extensible Choice Parameter plugin.
I am using this parameter list in one of my parametrized jenkins job.
Is there a way in jenkins, where I can execute the job with each of the parameters in the Global choice Parameter list?
I have had a look on Build Flow job in jenkins, as suggested in this answer, but it seems it accepts hardcoded parameters only, and not dynamic.

I finally managed to resolve this using the following steps (with great help from this post) -
As my parameters list is dynamic in nature, it could be added or modified according to other jobs, we have managed it in a text file.
Next, We have used Extensible Choice Parameter plugin to display the parameters, using the groovy script -
def list = [];
File file = new File("D:/JenkinJob/parameterList.txt")
file.eachLine { line ->
return list
Now I want to call this jenkins job for each of the parameter.
For this, I have installed, BuildFlow plugin, and crated a new jenkins job of BuildFlow type -
Next, get the Extended Choice Parameter plugin, and configure it as follows -
Now in the flow step of this job, write this script, where "Feature" is the parameter, that is just created above, and within call to "build" parameter, pass in the name of job which we want to call for each parameter -
def features = params['Features'].split(',')
for (feature in features ) {
build("JobYouWantToCall", JobParameter: feature,)


Jenkins allow comma separated values to be passed one by one to generate job dsl

I have a seed job which takes in a parameter say project and invokes a "Process Job DSL" to create the generated jobs.
However, I need to do the same for multiple projects.
Wondering, if there is a way in Jenkins for me to provide the list and it iterates through each of those choices and create its job.
I looked into Extended Choice Parameter but that too passes all the parameters at once.
I am interested in a way that it iterates through the loop.
I recently wrote a python client that wraps python-jenkins to do just this. The caller supplies the dsl file and the url to the jenkins server. The python client then calls the seed job, passing the dsl file as the argument. The seed job is just:
node {
stage('create-job') {
jobDsl failOnMissingPlugin: true, scriptText: params.jobDsl
To turn it into a loop, you would just iterate over the list of projects and invoke the client for each project.

Parameterized Jenkins job with dependent parameter

I am trying to create a Jenkins job that has dependent parameters.
Firstly I want to be able to choose a main parameter:
And then secondly to be able to choose from a set of options that are dependent parameters of the main parameter.
If I select a different main parameter:
I then want to have a different set of options as the dependencies to the second main parameter.
Please, can you help me with how I can achieve this?
I would suggest the Active Choices plugin (also known as "uno-choice"). (This question has references to both, though they're not the accepted answer.)
For your specific use case, you'll want to add two parameters to your job:
Active Choices Parameter
Name: MainOption
Script: Groovy Script
return ['A','B']
Active Choices Reactive Parameter
Name: DependentOption
Script: Groovy Script
def choices
case 'A':
choices = ['Blue','Green','Yellow']
case 'B':
choices = ['Black','White','Grey']
choices = ['N/A']
return choices
Fallback Script: Groovy Script
return ['Option error']
Referenced parameters:
The "Referenced parameters" setting is the key - when that value is changed, the plugin will re-evaluate the Groovy script, giving you the dependent parameter effect.
For all of you who stumble upon the same kind of problem (like I did). There is a fairly new Jenkins plugin available that does exactly what is desired here: display a dependent set of drop-downs, updating dependent boxes when a main box changes selection.
For your job you just need to follow the following steps:
Install "Multiselect Parameter Plugin"
The "multiselect parameter plugin" can be installed from Jenkins plugin management, the documentation is available on its Jenkins Plugin page.
Add new parameter
Use "Multiselect Parameter" type
Set name to a sensible value
give a short description
configure like shown below:
H,Main option,Dependent option
Use selected values
When you run "build with parameters" in your job, the following boxes are displayed for selection:
In your build script you can simply use the configured environment variables SELECTED_MAIN and SELECTED_DEPENDENT, which contain the selected values from both select boxes.

How to inject environment variables to a pipeline from another job jenkins

So I have two jobs, one job creates a .properties file, and builds the second job (which is a pipeline) by using this option:
Here I specify a properties file to pass into the pipeline. What I don't know is what settings to put into the pipeline to "inject" these parameters.
The pipeline has no parameters to begin with. I want to inject those from the properties file into the pipeline. Usuaully I would use the inject enviroment variables plugin but I do not see it here. I don't think it is supported with pipeline jobs.
How do I input these paramaters into the pipeline, and how would I call them? ${env:param}, env.param?
Thank you
Assuming you are using an actual Properties object, this should work:
Set propSet = properties.entrySet()
propSet.each {
def key = it.getKey()
def value = it.getValue()
env."${key}" = value
Now you can access them directly in your build using the property name.

Jenkins Job DSL Plugin: How to Modify Parameters on other jobs

I want to create a job in Jenkins which modifies an existing parameter on another job.
I'm using the Job DSL Plugin. The code I'm using is:
parameters {
choiceParam('PARAMETER1',['newValue1', 'newValue2'],'')
However, this only adds another parameter with the same name in the other job.
I'm trying the alternative to delete all parameters and start from scratch, but I haven't found the way to do that using Job DSL (not even with the Configure block).
Another alternative would be to define the other job completely and start from scratch, but that would make the job too complicated, specially if I want to apply this change to many jobs at a time.
¿Is there a way to edit or delete lines on the config.xml file using the Job DSL plugin?

Get Active Choices Parameter value from upstream job

There is a job parametrized with Active Choices Parameters using Active Choices Plugin
I want to trigger this job from the upstream job.
The upstream job should use the default parameters of the downstream job.
The parameter UtilityPath depends on UtilityVersion to evaluate itself and to form the list of choices.
How can I
Get the list of choices returned by the groovy script of UtilityVersion from the upstream job?
Supply my choice for UtilityVersion to the parameter UtilityPath, so it could generate it's own list of choices for me (again, on the upstream job).
Trigger the job with my choices for parameters UtilityVersion and UtilityPath?
Whatever your downstream job's parameter has (in the groovy script/ code section), if you can put that in a SCRIPTLER script (see Jenkins Scriptler plugin) then you can call that scriptler script and pass the same parameters (that you were passing in the downstream job) in your upstream job's BUILD section (either execute shell or Run Groovy script) as you mentioned, you don't want to add the same downstream parameters in your upstream job due to complexities). NOTE: See conditional run plugin on how to call Scriptler script (in Build section) if you don't want to call the Scriptler script if you are dealing with TFS vs ProjectC vs someAutomationD or when parameterX is set to true (your call there).
It's pretty much same what CSchulz mentioned but Scriptler script is better as you change the code/script in one place (Scriptler Script section - left hand side section on Jenkins home page) and then use/reuse that script anywhere (i.e. either in parameters which support Groovy Scriptler script --or-- in the build section) without requiring to read a downstream job's parameter values (some hacky way before even the downstream is called, time changes everything sometimes) --OR doing something crazy with Jenkins API to make it more complex.
As I have tried, you cannot trigger upstream/downstream jobs with "Active Choice Plugin". Active choice and Reactive parameters get fired only if you trigger the job manually. For instance, if you tried to trigger the build from a bitbucket, active choice parameter get the value but reactive value will be shown as empty.
But you can achieve this in different ways.
If you are triggering the first job manually (by yourself), set the downstram job parameters as string so you can read those values directly.
Second option is to use environmental variable. Active choice is more over a conditional choice parameter. you can write groovy script to set parameters as environmental variable.This can be achieved with EnvInject Plugin. Write your conditional script in groovy and parameters are available in each and every build steps.
use environment variables to pass parameters to downstream job
