Prevent RecyclerView loading from delaying transition - firebase-realtime-database

I have two activities A and B. A contains a RecyclerView and a click on an item of that RecyclerView starts activity B which also contains a RecyclerView.
This my enter transition for the whole app:
<transitionSet xmlns:android=""
<slide android:slideEdge="end">
<target android:excludeId="#android:id/statusBarBackground"/>
<target android:excludeId="#android:id/navigationBarBackground"/>
and this is the exit transition
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<slide android:slideEdge="start">
<target android:excludeId="#android:id/statusBarBackground"/>
<target android:excludeId="#android:id/navigationBarBackground"/>
The start of activity B freezes for some milliseconds due to the recyclerview set up and fetching data from firebase to populate it.
Is there a way to start the transition immediately? I mean, is there a way to prevent the recyclerview from delaying the transition?


How to transfer a variable value from one bot task to another bot task in Workfusion RPA Express?

I am trying to design a business process that will take the variable value from the first bot task and use it again in the subsequent bot tasks. Can anyone please tell me how to do that in RPA Express?
Set the data you need in the first task, then reference the data by using the same variable name.
First task:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config charset="UTF-8">
<export include-original-data="true">
<single-column name="city" value="london" />
Second task:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config xmlns=""
<export include-original-data="false">
You need to use the same variable name in both bot tasks. In this case the value will be automatically passed from one task to the other.

iOS 7 action bar look in flex mobile application

How to get iOS 7 action bar look in flex mobile application, I want my action bar to be completely flat and semi transparent too, I have seen few posts; those talks about making action bar flat by custom skin but no one talks about transparency.... any help or point to right direction would be greatly appreciated....
All you need to do is set the alpha property on your custom skin:
From Adobe's help documentation:
I added a transparent fill to the button's background/border <s:Rect>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- SparkSkinning/GlobalVariableAccessorExample.mxml -->
public var myLabelString:String = "Hello World";
<s:Button skinClass="mySkins.GlobalVariableAccessorSkin"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- SparkSkinning\mySkins\GlobalVariableAccessorSkin.mxml -->
minWidth="21" minHeight="21">
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
private var localString:String = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.myLabelString;
<!-- Specify one state for each SkinState metadata in the host component's class -->
<s:State name="up"/>
<s:State name="over"/>
<s:State name="down"/>
<s:State name="disabled"/>
left="0" right="0"
top="0" bottom="0"
width="69" height="20"
radiusX="2" radiusY="2">
<s:SolidColorStroke color="0x000000" weight="1"/>
This section added to demonstrate
<s:SolidColor color="0x999999" alpha="0.5"/>
<!-- ----------------------- -->
<s:Label id="labelDisplay"
horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="1"
left="10" right="10" top="2" bottom="2">

ANT GUI with path validation task

I've recently been experimenting with an ANT script for setting up a small application (with various paths and other variables) using AntForm. AntForm has a file selector, but I would have to write something custom to validate the path (i.e., make sure it is the path to the thing that I asked the user for). I was wondering if anyone had experience with using using AntForm in this way. What I want is something like a Wizard page with a file selector, and when the user clicks "next" or when the file is selected some sort of a validation task is executed, and the wizard proceeds from there. The absolute best would be if I could gray out the "next" button or add an "invalid path" message, but that's getting a little complicated for what it seems that AntForm was designed for. Below is an example XML file to get started. Note that it expects AntForm.jar to be in the ./bin directory.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="My App Setup" default="getPath" basedir=".">
<property name="app.dir" value="${user.home}/appXYZ"/>
<path id="runtime.cp">
<pathelement location="bin/"/>
<fileset dir="lib" includes="antform.jar"/>
<taskdef name="antform" classname="com.sardak.antform.AntForm"
<taskdef name="antmenu" classname="com.sardak.antform.AntMenu"
<!-- test wizard behaviour, step 1 -->
<target name="getPath"
description="Check for App XYZ in path">
<antform title="Choose directory of app xyz"
label="App XYZ Distribution"
directoryChooser="true" />
<!-- TODO: how to validate and choose where to go from this form? -->
<!-- test wizard behaviour, step 1 -->
<target name="wizard2"
description="continue setup">
<antform title="did we validate?"
<label>Did we validate the path before we got here?</label>

displaying ant task/target in recorder log

I am using the ant task <record> to create a log file of the output and activity of my ant build script. The problem is:
i am not seeing the names of the targets that are being executed.
For instance: When my target called cleanFW is being executed, i only see the stuff being done inside the target and NOT the name of the target it self. Since this is happening, i have no way of telling when cleanFW began in the log file.
Is there a way to get this cleanFW target name to appear? It was appearing when i was using the flag -logfile. But i had to switch to <record> because i want to record log file and see the output in console.
Using Ant 1.8.2
simple solution
My simple solution to this is to just put an echo in each one of the targets. Just wondering if there was a better way.
sample code where it is not working
<project name="foobar">
<record name="test.txt" action="start" append="true" loglevel="verbose" />
... lots of property stuff here ...
<target name="cleanFW">
<record name="test.txtaction="start" append="true" loglevel="verbose"/>
<mkdir dir="${FOOBAR_OUTPUT}"/>
<mkdir dir="${FOOBAR_GEN}"/>
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${FOOBAR_BIN}" includes="**/*"/>
<fileset dir="${FOOBAR_GENERATED}" includes="**/*"/>
<fileset dir="${FOOBAR_NODES}" includes="**/*"/>
<fileset dir="${FOOBAR_GEN}" includes="**/*"/>
<mkdir dir="${FOOBAR_OUTPUT}"/>
<record name="test.txt" action="stop"/>
<record name="test.txt" action="stop"/>
The reason why i have the first record name="test.txt" action="start" append="true" loglevel="verbose" /> at the top, is because i want all of the statements and stuff that are before the targets to be displayed too. Like my property sets and all that jazz. I left that junk out because it is not important.
I'm at a bit of a loss to explain why exactly, but I think you need to omit the last record 'stop' task - the one that is outside of a target.
Having said that, you can probably omit all of the record tasks except the first 'start', and get the result you want.

Ant propertyset inheritance with nested tasks

I have a set of nested Ant build files, and I need to control which properties are inherited by each "sub" task. I'm trying to define these as propertysets (to keep the code manageable) but these are not inherited by subtasks, unlike properties.
The example below demonstrates the problem, foo.* get copied into the middle project but not to the bottom project. If I define each property to be inherited explicitly, like bar.*, they get inherited by the bottom project too.
Is there any way to get a group of properties to inherit all the way down, in the same way individual properties do? Without rewriting the sub-processes, is there something else I could try?
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="test-top">
<property name="foo.1" value="1"/>
<property name="foo.2" value="2"/>
<property name="bar.1" value="1"/>
<property name="bar.2" value="2"/>
<ant antfile="middle.xml" inheritall="false">
<propertyref prefix="foo."/>
<property name="bar.1" value="${bar.1}"/>
<property name="bar.2" value="${bar.2}"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="test-middle">
<echo>foo ${foo.1} ${foo.2}</echo>
<echo>bar ${bar.1} ${bar.2}</echo>
<ant antfile="bottom.xml" inheritall="false"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="test-bottom">
<echo>foo ${foo.1} ${foo.2}</echo>
<echo>bar ${bar.1} ${bar.2}</echo>
[OUTPUT OF ant -f top.xml]
[echo] foo 1 2
[echo] bar 1 2
[echo] foo ${foo.1} ${foo.2}
[echo] bar 1 2
I think Alexander's solution is close. How about this though, doesn't need any change in middle.xml or bottom.xml.
The idea is to use the echoproperties task to 'unroll' the propertyset to individual properties, then to use that in the ant task call.
Before calling middle.xml, write the property set out using something like this:
<echoproperties destfile="myproperties.txt">
<propertyref prefix="foo."/>
<propertyref prefix="bar."/>
Then make the call to middle.xml:
<ant antfile="middle.xml" inheritall="false">
<property file="myproperties.txt" />
Properties supplied to the ant task inherit all the way down as you say, so you only need to change top.xml:
These properties become equivalent to
properties you define on the command
line. These are special properties and
they will always get passed down, even
through additional <ant> tasks with
inheritall set to false (see above).
In top.xml you can create a file with inheritable properties using <propertyfile> task.
Then you can load this file with <property file="..."/>in each of your submodules.
