How to push npm project from jenkins to oneops - jenkins

I have an npm project which I am using Jenkins for Continuous Integration. So I achieved build automation in Jenkins. Right now I am struggling how to push the build output to Oneops. I browsed couldn't find any solution.
Any help is appreciated.

It depends. Let's say you are deploying something like a React application that you are building in Jenkins. Maybe you run "npm run build" and your build creates an optimized application in the build/ subdirectory?
This is a process I run several times a day in response to a CI build.
I do this now in Jenkins, Jenkins run the build "npm run build."
I use a simple Maven deploy-file task to upload a ZIP archive to Nexus. (See the documentation for Maven deploy-file here:
Then I configure the OneOps artifact component to download from Nexus -
Admittedly, this may not be the NPM-focused way of publishing artifacts, but I found the using NPM to publish artifacts to Nexus had some limitations that I couldn't accept.
To take this a step further, I've configured by Jenkins build to call out to OneOps and trigger an environment variable update that triggers the deployment of code to OneOps.


What should be mentioned in build stage and deploy stange in Jenkins script...what is difference between deploy and build state.?

What should be mentioned in build stage and deploy stange in Jenkins script...what is difference between deploy and build state.?
Try to search it on Google for better understanding..but no luck
Deploy should mean take all of my artifacts and either copy them to a server, or execute them on a server. It should truly be a simple process.
Build means, process all of my code/artifacts and prepare them for deployment. Meaning compile, generate code, package, etc

Publish npm from jenkins

I am new to jenkins. I want to know what is equivalent of
"npm publish --registry..." in Jenkins.
I have configured Artifactory plugin in Jenkins, but I don't know how to use that in my job.
When I do npm publish manually it automatically creates .tgz file with correct version number and add it to Artifactory.
How can I accomplish the same?
The Jenkins Artifactory plugin allows you to define the Artifactory server.
There is a deploy maven artifact section, but you could also simply consider a basic build step as an "Execute Windows batch command" or an "Execute shell" (for Linux), in which you can type the same command as the one you are typing manually.
You only need to make sure the environment variables used during that step by the account running Jenkins are the same as the account you are using when typing said command.
You can use the jfrog command line interface for this:
Just use jfrog rt npm-publish in place of npm publish and jfrog cli will take care of the rest.

Using Jenkins for Continuous Deployment of WebApp - Publish Artifacts to Server

We are searching for a CI and CD Solution for our WebApp based on NodeJS/Meteor.
Our Process should be:
On each Push to Master/ Pull Request/ Merge to Master do the following:
Run Code Style Checks (coffeelint, scsslinter, etc.)
Build Code
Run Tests
Generate Tarball-Archive
Deploy archive to Developmet (Quality Management) Server, extract and run
next step would be manual testing of the app on our dev server.
when we think it is deployable, I want have a button in jenkins like "Deploy these Artifacts NOW to Live-Instance". How can I achive this? Also Nice would be something like deploy these artifacts at 2am to the live instances.
From Checkout to deploy to dev-server is already implemented in jenkins. What we need now is a button "deploy this artifact to live"
You need another job to get this working. The other job takes the artifact from the build job and deploy it wherever you want.
There is no possibility to include such behavior in the same job.

how to publish npm and maven in same maven reactor build using jenkins

Is there a way to publish to both an npm and a maven repository in a Jenkins job using one Maven2 reactor build pom file? The reactor build pom file contains two modules, one is a standard jar module and the other is a pom module that uses the exec plugin to call npm script targets that build the javascript project. Jenkins is configured to publish the maven dependencies to a corporate nexus server when build succeeds.
Project Layout:
This works great for the mvn-module and the npm-module builds. But now the trick is publishing the npm-module. Jenkins seems to only allow one publish to nexus post-build task.
Is there a way to do this? Can anyone explain how to set up Jenkins and a reactor build pom file that publishes both npm and maven modules to nexus?
I have an answer but would love to hear other ideas.
Jenkins Setup
create pre step "execute shell" to set npm _auth and email fields
npm config set _auth authhashstring
npm config set email
add deploy to the maven "goals and options"
clean deploy -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -Dfullclean=true
add "settings file from filesystem"
Note: use the deploy goal instead of the jenkins "deploy artifacts to maven" post step because it does not use maven so your npm goals won't get called.
pom.xml Setup
In npm-module/pom.xml use frontend-maven-plugin and add executions to install node/npm and for npm publish. Make sure the publish is attached to the deploy phase. The instructions were good enough. Or you can use the exec plugin to execute the npm publish command on the deploy phase.
In mvn-module/pom.xml add the distributionManagement/snapshotRepository for your snapshots repo location.
maven settings.xml Setup
We put the maven settings.xml with the username and password in the project in a config directory, like this, mvn-module/config/maven-settings.xml. This is not ideal but we can replace the username and password w/ properties that can be set from maven/jenkins, I think. Jenkins will be configured to read this file from this location.
package.json Setup
In npm-module/package.json add the publishConfig/registry entry
"publishConfig": {
"registry": "url/nexus/content/repositories/npm-snapshots/"
Nexus Setup
The npm-snapshots hosted repository is set to allow redeploy. This is probably not a great idea but may be good enough for ongoing new development (not for releases obviously) and I was just trying to get the stack working. I will now need to work out the kinks.
So with that caveat aside, now the jenkins build will publish both java and node modules to their respective repositories from one Jenkins job using a top-level multi-module reactor pom.

How to configure jenkins to upload build artifact to nexus?

I have jenkins jobs that builds ios and android app and i want jenkins to upload those artifact to nexus after build is done.Is there any way to do it?
If you are building the apps with Maven or Gradle or whatever (esp. the Android ones) a simple mvn deploy or gradle uploadArchives will do the trick. Same applies if you build the ios app with one of these tools.
In most other cases you can always do normal upload via the REST API.
Examples for the Maven and Gradle setup are in the eval guide and the examples to the Nexus book.
Use the Nexus Artifact Uploader Plugin, and set up a new job where you set a build step to Copy artifacts form another project, and a step to Upload artifact to Nexus
