Concurrent Queue Issue - iOS/Swift - ios

In my program I need two tasks to run simultaneously in the background. To do that i have used concurrent queues as below,
let concurrentQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "concurrentQueue", qos: .utility, attributes: .concurrent)
concurrentQueue.async {
for i in 0 ..< 10{
concurrentQueue.async {
for i in (0 ..< 10).reversed(){
Here I need the output like this,
But what I get is,
I referred below tutorial in order to have some basic knowledge about Concurrent Queues in Swift 3
Can someone tell me what is wrong with my code? or else is it the result I should get? Is there any other ways to get my thing done? Any help would be highly appreciated.

There is nothing wrong with your code sample. That is the correct syntax for submitting two tasks to a concurrent queue.
The problem is the expectation that you'd necessarily see them run concurrently. There are two issues that could affect this:
The first dispatched task can run so quickly that it just happens to finish before the second task gets going. If you slow them down a bit, you'll see your concurrent behavior:
let concurrentQueue = DispatchQueue(label: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! + ".concurrentQueue", qos: .utility, attributes: .concurrent)
concurrentQueue.async {
for i in 0 ..< 10 {
print("forward: ", i)
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.1)
concurrentQueue.async {
for i in (0 ..< 10).reversed() {
print("reversed:", i)
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.1)
You'd never sleep in production code, but for pedagogical purposes, it can better illustrate the issue.
You can also omit the sleep calls, and just increase the numbers dramatically (e.g. 1_000 or 10_000), and you might start to see concurrent processing taking place.
Your device could be resource constrained, preventing it from running the code concurrently. Devices have a limited number of CPU cores to run concurrent tasks. Just because you submitted the tasks to concurrent queue, it doesn't mean the device is capable of running the two tasks at the same time. It depends upon the hardware and what else is running on that device.
By the way, note that you might see different behavior on the simulator (which is using your Mac's CPU, which could be running many other tasks) than on a device. You might want to make sure to test this behavior on an actual device, if you're not already.
Also note that you say you "need" the output to alternate print statements between the two queues. While the screen snapshots from your tutorial suggest that this should be expected, you have absolutely no assurances that this will be the case.
If you really need them to alternate back and forth, you have to add some mechanism to coordinate them. You can use semaphores (which I'm reluctant to suggest simply because they're such a common source of problems, especially for new developers) or operation queues with dependencies.

May be you could try using semaphore.
let semaphore1 = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)
let semaphore2 = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
concurrentQueue.async {
for i in 0 ..< 10{
concurrentQueue.async {
for i in (0 ..< 10).reversed(){


Is there an equivalent to Akka Streams' `conflate` and/or `batch` operators in Reactor?

I am looking for an equivalent of the batch and conflate operators from Akka Streams in Project Reactor, or some combination of operators that mimic their behavior.
The idea is to aggregate upstream items when the downstream backpressures in a reduce-like manner.
Note that this is different from this question because the throttleLatest / conflate operator described there is different from the one in Akka Streams.
Some background regarding what I need this for:
I am watching a change stream on a MongoDB and for every change I run an aggregate query on the MongoDB to update some metric. When lots of changes come in, the queries can't keep up and I'm getting errors. As I only need the latest value of the aggregate query, it is fine to aggregate multiple change events and run the aggregate query less often, but I want the metric to be as up-to-date as possible so I want to avoid waiting a fixed amount of time when there is no backpressure.
The closest I could come so far is this:
.concatMap { it.reduce(setOf<String>(), { applicationNames, event -> applicationNames + event.body.sourceReference.applicationName }) }
.concatMap { Flux.fromIterable(it) }
.concatMap { taskRepository.findTaskCountForApplication(it) }
but this would always wait for 1 second regardless of backpressure.
What I would like is something like this:
.conflateWithSeed({setOf(it.body.sourceReference.applicationName)}, {applicationNames, event -> applicationNames + event.body.sourceReference.applicationName})
.concatMap { Flux.fromIterable(it) }
.concatMap { taskRepository.findTaskCountForApplication(it) }
I assume you always run only 1 query at the same time - no parallel execution. My idea is to buffer elements in list(which can be easily aggregated) as long as the query is running. As soon as the query finishes, another list is executed.
I tested it on a following code:
boolean isQueryRunning = false;
Flux.range(0, 1000000)
.bufferUntil(aLong -> !isQueryRunning)
.doOnNext(integers -> isQueryRunning = true)
.concatMap(integers-> Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
int sleepTime = new Random().nextInt(10000);
System.out.println("processing " + integers.size() + " elements. Sleep time: " + sleepTime);
return "";
).doOnNext(s -> isQueryRunning = false)
Which prints
processing 1 elements. Sleep time: 4585
processing 402 elements. Sleep time: 2466
processing 223 elements. Sleep time: 2613
processing 236 elements. Sleep time: 5172
processing 465 elements. Sleep time: 8682
processing 787 elements. Sleep time: 6780
Its clearly visible, that size of the next batch is proprortional to previous query execution time(Sleep time).
Note that it is not "real" backpressure solution, just a workaround. Also its not suited for parallel execution. It might also require some tuning in order to prevent running queries for empty batches.

Bad precision of usleep when is executed in background thread in Swift

I have been using "usleep" to stop a thread during some milliseconds and I have checked that is stopping more time than expected.
I am sure I am doing something wrong, I am not an expert in Swift, but I don't understand it because it is very easy to check. For example: .background).async {
let timeStart: Int64 = Date().toMillis()
usleep(20 * 1000) // 20 ms
let timeEnd: Int64 = Date().toMillis()
let timeDif = timeEnd - timeStart
print("start: \(timeStart), end: \(timeEnd), dif: \(timeDif)")
The result:
start: 1522712546115, end: 1522712546235, dif: 120
If I execute the same in the main thread:
start: 1522712586996, end: 1522712587018, dif: 22
I think the way I generate the thread is wrong for stopping it. How could I generate a thread that works good with usleep?
A couple of thoughts:
The responsiveness to usleep is a function of the Quality of Service of the queue. For example, doing thirty 20ms usleep calls on the five queue types, resulting in the following average and standard deviations (measured in ms):
QoS mean stdev
&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen; &hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen; &hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;&hyphen;
background 99.14 28.06
utility 74.12 23.66
default 23.88 1.83
userInitiated 22.09 1.87
userInteractive 20.99 0.29
The higher the quality of service, the closer to 20 ms it got, and with a lower standard deviation.
If you want accurate time measurements, you should avoid using Date and/or CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(). As the documentation warns us:
Repeated calls to this function do not guarantee monotonically increasing results. The system time may decrease due to synchronization with external time references or due to an explicit user change of the clock.
You can use a mach_time based value, such as conveniently returned by CACurrentMediaTime(), to avoid this problem. For example:
let start = CACurrentMediaTime()
// do something
let elapsed = CACurrentMediaTime() - start
If you need even higher accuracy, see Apple Technical Q&A #2169.
I, too, get times around 120 ms when sleeping a thread on a background queue:
import Foundation .background).async {
let timeStart = Date()
usleep(20 * 1000) // 20 ms
let timeEnd = Date()
let timeDif = timeEnd.timeIntervalSince(timeStart) * 1000
print("start: \(timeStart), end: \(timeEnd), dif: \(timeDif)")
start: 2018-04-03 00:10:54 +0000, end: 2018-04-03 00:10:54 +0000, dif: 119.734048843384
However, with default QoS, my results are consistently closer to 20 ms:
import Foundation .default).async {
let timeStart = Date()
usleep(20 * 1000) // 20 ms
let timeEnd = Date()
let timeDif = timeEnd.timeIntervalSince(timeStart) * 1000
print("start: \(timeStart), end: \(timeEnd), dif: \(timeDif)")
start: 2018-04-03 00:12:15 +0000, end: 2018-04-03 00:12:15 +0000, dif: 20.035982131958
So it appears that the .background QoS is causing the behavior you are seeing. Although I don't have direct knowledge of why this would be, it doesn't seem too far-fetched to speculate that the OS may be somewhat more lax about waking up sleeping threads that are marked with a background QoS. Indeed, this is what Apple's documentation has to say about it:
A quality of service (QoS) class allows you to categorize work to be performed by NSOperation, NSOperationQueue, NSThread objects, dispatch queues, and pthreads (POSIX threads). By assigning a QoS to work, you indicate its importance, and the system prioritizes it and schedules it accordingly. For example, the system performs work initiated by a user sooner than background work that can be deferred until a more optimal time. In some cases, system resources may be reallocated away from the lower priority work and given to the higher priority work.
The possibility for your background work to be "deferred until a more optimal time" seems a plausible explanation of the behavior you're seeing.

async operation concurrency understanding

These queues manage the tasks you provide to GCD and execute those tasks in FIFO order. This guarantees that first task added to the queue is the first task started in the queue, the second task added will be the second to start, and so on down the line.
below code
let anotherQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.gcdTest.Queue", qos: .userInteractive)
anotherQueue.async {
anotherQueue.async {
print("task 6")
for _ in 1...300 { }
print("task 3")
for _ in 301...600 {}
print("task 5")
for _ in 700...900 {}
print("task 4")
for _ in 5000...7000 {}
print("task 1")
for _ in 9000...10000 {}
anotherQueue.async {
print("task 2")
for _ in 1...1000 {}
produces output
task 1
task 2
task 3
task 4
task 5
task 6
But when we run the same code in Concurrent it produces unpredictable output.
ex:- change first line of code to below line
let anotherQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.gcdTest.Queue", qos: .userInteractive, attributes: .concurrent)
task 3
task 2
task 1
task 4
task 5
task 6
By definition it states
Tasks in concurrent queues are guaranteed to start in the order they were added…and that’s about all you’re guaranteed!
So, expecting a similar output which is produced by serial queue(by default). (task1, task2, task3, task4, task5, task6)
Please any one help me out, where i am going wrong.
Bottom line, GCD will always start the tasks on a queue in the order that they were dispatched to that queue. In the case of a serial queue, that means that they will run sequentially, in that order, and this behavior is easily observable.
In the case of a concurrent queue, however, while it will start the tasks in the queued order, for tasks that are dispatched quickly in succession, they may all start quickly in succession, too, running concurrently with each other. In short, they may start running at nearly the same time, and you therefore have no assurances which will encounter its respective print statement first. Just because the concurrent queue started one task a few milliseconds after another, that provides no assurances regarding the order that those two tasks encounter their respective print statements.
In short, instead of deterministic behavior for the sequence of the print statements, you have a simple race with non-deterministic behavior.
As an aside, while it's clear that your example introduces races when employed on a concurrent queue, it should be noted that because of your nested dispatch statements, you'll have race conditions on your serial queue, too. It looks like the sequence of behavior is entirely predictable on serial queue, but it's not.
Let's consider a simplified version of your example. I'm assuming that we'll start this from the main thread:
queue.async {
queue.async {
print("task 3")
print("task 1")
queue.async {
print("task 2")
Clearly, task 1 will be added to the queue first and if that queue is free, it will start immediately on that background thread, while the main thread proceeds. But as the code on the main thread approaches the dispatching of task 2, task 1 will start and will proceed to dispatch task 3. You have a classic race between the dispatching of task 2 and task 3.
Now, in practice, you'll see task 2 dispatched before task 3, but it doesn't take much of a delay to introduce non-deterministic behavior. For example, on my computer, if, before dispatching task 2, a Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.00005) manifested the non-deterministic behavior. But even without delays (or for loops of a certain number of iterations), the behavior is technically non-deterministic.
But we can create simple example that eliminates the races implicit in the above examples, but still illustrates the difference between serial and concurrent queue behavior that you were originally asking about:
for i in 0 ..< 10 {
queue.async { [i] in
This is guaranteed to print in order on serial queue, but not necessarily so on a concurrent queue.

GCD not respecting dispatch time intervals

i am having difficulty getting GCD to fire my dispatch at the correct time. It seems to miss by huge margins and i don't understand why it's happening.
i send 3 dispatches to my queue for execution . .one at 5 mins in the future ( 300 seconds ) one at 10 minutes ( 600 secpnds ) and another at 20 minutes (1200 seconds)
All three fire and the audio file plays in all three dispatches but not at their designated times.
The first one fires after 10 minutes
The second one after 16 minutes
and the last one fires at 21 minutes..
These fire times vary a bit in testing but they NEVER fire when they are supposed to..
If you know why it would be greatly appreciated . .also
i've tried this with my iphone and ipad ( same result ) ..
At the top in my viewcontroller i have this code bit ..
var myAudio = AVAudioPlayer()
var timer: DispatchSourceTimer!
Then after clicking a button i send 3 dispatches like this below one but with different times in each .. then lock the device which RESIGNS the app. and wait for the short 16 second audio file to play.
i also have the key Application_does_not_run_in_background set to true in my file so my app does not go to the background when the user locks the screen.
First Create my queue:
let Myqueue = DispatchQueue(label: "Myqueue")
Then here is the dispatch to my Myqueue - same thing 3 times with different intervals etc. .
Myqueue.asyncAfter ( + 900.0, qos: .userInitiated, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags(rawValue: 0)) {
i am running Xcode 9 .. and compiling for ios 8 and up
i spent many hours testing trying to figure out why this doesn't work.
Found many answers here in the past - hope someone can help

GCD concurrent queue not starting tasks in FIFO order [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
iOS GCD custom concurrent queue execution sequence
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a class which contains two methods as per the example in Mastering Swift by Jon Hoffman. The class is as below:
class DoCalculation {
func doCalc() {
var x = 100
var y = x * x
_ = y/x
func performCalculation(_ iterations: Int, tag: String) {
let start = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
for _ in 0..<iterations {
let end = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
print("time for \(tag): \(end - start)")
Now in the viewDidLoad() of the ViewController from the single view template, I create an instance of the above class and then create a concurrent queue. I then add the blocks executing the performCalculation(: tag:) method to the queue.
cqueue.async {
print("Starting async1")
calculation.performCalculation(10000000, tag: "async1")
cqueue.async {
print("Starting async2")
calculation.performCalculation(1000, tag: "async2")
cqueue.async {
print("Starting async3")
calculation.performCalculation(100000, tag: "async3")
Every time I run the application on simulator, I get random out put for the start statements. Example outputs that I get are below:
Example 1:
Starting async1
Starting async3
Starting async2
time for async2: 4.1961669921875e-05
time for async3: 0.00238299369812012
time for async1: 0.117094993591309
Example 2:
Starting async3
Starting async2
Starting async1
time for async2: 2.80141830444336e-05
time for async3: 0.00216799974441528
time for async1: 0.114436984062195
Example 3:
Starting async1
Starting async3
Starting async2
time for async2: 1.60336494445801e-05
time for async3: 0.00220298767089844
time for async1: 0.129496037960052
I don't understand why the blocks don't start in FIFO order. Can somebody please explain what am I missing here?
I know they will be executed concurrently, but its stated that concurrent queue will respect FIFO for starting the execution of tasks, but won't guarantee which one completes first. So at least the starting task statements should have started with
Starting async1
Starting async3
Starting async2
and this completion statements random:
time for async2: 4.1961669921875e-05
time for async3: 0.00238299369812012
time for async1: 0.117094993591309
and the completion statements random.
A concurrent queue runs the jobs you submit to it concurrentlyThat's what it's for.
If you want a queue the runs jobs in FIFO order, you want a serial queue.
I see what you're saying about the docs claiming that the jobs will be submitted in FIFO order, but your test doesn't really establish the order in which they're run. If the concurrent queue has 2 threads available but only one processor to run those threads on, it might swap out one of the threads before it gets a chance to print, run the other job for a while, and then go back to running the first job. There's no guarantee that a job runs to the end before getting swapped out.
I don't think a print statement gives you reliable information about the order in which the jobs are started.
cqueue is a concurrent queue which is dispatching your block of work to three different threads(it actually depends on the threads availability) at almost the same time but you can not control the time at which each thread completes the work.
If you want to perform a task serially in a background queue, you are much better using serial queue.
let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "serialQueue")
Serial Queue will start the next task in queue only when your previous task is completed.
"I don't understand why the blocks don't start in FIFO order" How do you know they don't? They do start in FIFO order!
The problem is that you have no way to test that. The notion of testing it is, in fact, incoherent. The soonest you can test anything is the first line of each block — and by that time, it is perfectly legal for another line of code from another block to execute, because these blocks are asynchronous. That is what asynchronous means.
So, they start in FIFO order, but there is no guarantee about the order in which, given multiple asynchronous blocks, their first lines will be executed.
With a concurrent queue, you are effectively specifing that they can run at the same time. So while they’re added in FIFO manner, you have a race condition between these various worker threads, and thus you have no assurance which will hit its respective print statement first.
So, this raises the question: Why do you care which order they hit their respective print statements? If order is really important, you shouldn't be using concurrent queue. Or, the other way of saying that, if you want to use a concurrent queue, write code that isn't dependent upon the order with which they run.
You asked:
Would you suggest some way to get the info when a Task is dequeued from the queue so that I can log it to get the FIFO order.
If you're asking how to enjoy FIFO starting of the tasks on concurrent queue in real-world app, the answer is "you don't", because of the aforementioned race condition. When using concurrent queues, never write code that is strictly dependent upon the FIFO behavior.
If you're asking how to verify this empirically for purely theoretical purposes, just do something that ties up the CPUs and frees them up one by one:
// utility function to spin for certain amount of time
func spin(for seconds: TimeInterval, message: String) {
let start = CACurrentMediaTime()
while CACurrentMediaTime() - start < seconds { }
os_log("%#", message)
// my concurrent queue
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: label, attributes: .concurrent)
// just something to occupy up the CPUs, with varying
// lengths of time; don’t worry about these re FIFO behavior
for i in 0 ..< 20 {
queue.async {
spin(for: 2 + Double(i) / 2, message: "\(i)")
// Now, add three tasks on concurrent queue, demonstrating FIFO
queue.async {
os_log(" 1 start")
spin(for: 2, message: " 1 stop")
queue.async {
os_log(" 2 start")
spin(for: 2, message: " 2 stop")
queue.async {
os_log(" 3 start")
spin(for: 2, message: " 3 stop")
You'll be able to see those last three tasks are run in FIFO order.
The other approach, if you want to confirm precisely what GCD is doing, is to refer to the libdispatch source code. It's admittedly pretty dense code, so it's not exactly obvious, but it's something you can dig into if you're feeling ambitious.
