In itunesconnect, to check app download figure,
App Analytics and Sales & Trends showing two different figure.
For same certain period,
App Analytics: App Unit = 1729
Sales & Trends: Unit = 1.81K
Which is correct?
I saw some other post (e.g.this) discussing similar issue. But the discussion later didn't come up an answer.
Check the official definitions (from and you will see that all the numbers can be different:
Sales & Trends:
Data Guidelines: Data includes all device types. Sales data is the
estimated total billed to customers. Proceeds is the estimated amount you’ll receive.
Date and Time: Data is shown in UTC or PST. A day includes transactions that happened from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM for the selected
time zone.
App Analytics:
Data Guidelines: Data includes devices with iOS 8 or tvOS 9, or later.
Date and Time: Days start at 12:00 AM and end at 11:59 PM (UTC).
Opt-In: We only show data from users who have agreed to share their diagnostics and usage information with app developers. In the last 30 days, xx% of all users that installed apps agreed to share their data.
Diagnostics and usage information may be delayed by up to 72 hours.
Reporting times are the same if you select the right one (!). App Analytics does not include all sales. If your app is available on older devices, it's not included here. Big question here is: What do you want to achieve? Difference between both numbers in your sample is <5%. For whatever calculations you are doing, just use the same source and don't mix & match.
It's possible that the 3 different reports (including Financial) use different sets of starting and ending timezones, different starting and ending times and dates, and different reporting systems (audited vs. unaudited vs. estimated). Apple says the monthly Financial reports are the most correct.
The tooltip next to "Active Devices" and "Active Last 30 Days" says
The total number of devices with at least one session during the
selected period
The total number of devices with at least one session within 30 days of the selected day" >respectively.
Next to those, it defines another metric called "Sessions" as
The number of times the app has been used for at least two seconds.
What does apple mean by a "device with at least one session during the selected period"? Is it referring to a device that was merely booted, or a device on which our app was launched during the selected period? I haven't been able to find any clarification on that.
On google play connect "Active devices" refers to devices that were active (no matter whether the app was fired during that period).
Before we dive deeper you must understand what session is. Definition of session for Apple App Analytics is:
The number of times the app has been used for at least two seconds. If the app is in the background and is later used again, that counts as another session.
Then we can define what period is:
a length or portion of time.
From this we can conclude that Active Devices gives you information about devices that was running you application at least once and for at least two seconds in that given period. For example if you select dates from 19 July 2018 to 19 July 2019(this is your period), you will get number of devices that was running your app at least once and for at least two seconds in that given period.
Same goes for Active Last 30 Days, only that now your period is last 30 days.
Apple App Analytics 101 (updated)
App Store Connect Help
I have an app, A small app with 4-5 screens, I remember appstore usually takes 1-2 days.
So my question is if i have another app that haves 80 screens, Is the time to be approve is the same or it will take more time ?
First of all App Store usually approves application in 24 hours as per new rules. So all applications with average features will get approval.
Here is an official statement from Apple Team :
On average, 50% of apps are reviewed in 24 hours and over 90% are
reviewed in 48 hours. If your submission is incomplete, review times
may be further delayed or your app may be rejected. Once your app has
been reviewed, its status will be updated and you will be notified.
So the App Store approval time will not vary according to the number of screens application have. But It can be on basis of complexity of features application have. On basis of that it can take time.
I have seen so many apps having 20-30 screens get approval in 24 hours & on the other side some of the applications have hardly 4-5 screens but have some lengthy advance features which needs more detailed review time takes more time.
But still as apple team mentioned in the official statement maximum time in the 90% cases is 48 hours only. So within 2 days they will approve your application even if it has more screens.
Hope this helps to everyone.
Let say I'm a company and I have 2 subcontractors developing 2 different iOs apps. I want to know how much each app is earning to pay them accordingly.
How can I know how much each iOs app is earning per month ?
From the iTunes Connect's "Payments and Financial reports" page I can get the payment per country per month but I didn't find the payment per app that I need.
You are able to get app sales by SKU and a lot more, but you must generate a report first.
In payments and financial records module there is a button in the top right named Create Reports. Click this button and select the regions you want to include. It defaults to all regions. Once the report is generated you can download it and view the data it contains. Each region is archived and once unarchived it is in CSV format. You can view it in a text editor which is rather ugly, or a spreadsheet or enter it into your own database with a custom dashboard for whatever serves your purpose.
For additional info go to the Resources and Help module in iTunes connect. In the news feed there is an entry Feb 25 2016 titled Introducing the new Payments and Financial Records. This has additional info that may be useful.
I could get how much each iOs app is earning per month using my own project and the CSV report files from Apple.
Java version :
Javascript (Node + electron) version :
I am using Facebook analytics to track purchase of In-apps in my app for iOS. I have also been using another tool for analytics named, Distimo. The issue I had is that the purchases shown by Distimo and those shown in Facebook developers site for my app differ and by a huge number. I have made sure that the Purchases event gets fired only once from my app when an purchase actually happens. Distimo takes the data for analytics from the App Store.
One scenario which I am aware of is that Facebook shows the events according to the Pacific timezone while Distimo shows data by taking the date which the App Store gives it.
For instance, Say, two downloads occur at the same time:
1 in Japan at 1:00 on 2013-09-05
1 in Europe at 18:00 on 2013-09-04
In Distimo:
The downloads happened at the same time, but on a different day because of the timezone
difference. In this case, the download in japan would count towards the 5th while the download
in europe would count towards the 4th.
In Facebook:
The download in Japan would count towards 4th at time 9:00 am and the download in Europe would count also count towards 4th at time 9:00am.
However, the difference in the number of events seems to be huge. Is there something I am missing here? I also cannot get the event logs against which I could validate the number of purchases shown in Facebook.
Two thoughts here:
1) have you also enabled automatic in-app purchase logging for iOS in your Facebook app dashboard? If so, you'll want to remove the explicit call to logPurchase for in-app purchases otherwise these will double log, which could account for your discrepancy.
2) if Distimo is disqualifying non-AppStore-verified purchases (for example, from a jailbroken device), that could account for a discrepancy. Facebook Analytics for Apps doesn't yet do this disqualification.
iTunes Connect DAILY reports for our app shows lets say 52 purchases a day... but according to our server logs, there was 55 purchases processed on the same day for which the items were delivered.
How is this possible?
Our server is keeping all the original purchase receipts (all 55 of them) and even now we can re-validate all of them with the apple servers successfully.
We are using "original_purchase_date_pst" in the receipt to identity the date of purchase which we believe what iTunes uses when downloading the DAILY report (We did tried matching with all other "purchase_date" fields in the receipt... but with no success)
The daily report shows NO REFUNDS...
We do have "transaction_id" for all 55 purchases, but there is no way to match them against the DAILY REPORT.
Please help,
Contacted Apple and got a template response (as expected)...
"Apple Sales and Trends reports are working as expected. We can’t account for any discrepancies between our reports and those of any outside reporting systems.
Let us know if you have additional questions about this information. You can reach me Monday - Friday, from 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM (PST) at 1(877)-206-2092."
I had sent them the full details... but they will not even look at it!
Ok, considering if its a REFUND (or REVERSAL as #Ricky suggested), how do we check which transaction was refunded? we do have all the transaction_id but the Apple report does't show any.
If you confirmed that there is no Refund. How about a Reversal of an accidental purchase (eg: purchase 2 times)?
If you read Appendix L - Newsstand Report Field Definitions for
There is a field Sales/Return:
Can be S or R. R is a refund and not a reversal.
It is reasonable to believe that Apple treats Refund and Reversal differently. I believe that when it is a refund, you will see a negative value under Units on your daily report, but for a reversal, the entire transaction might be cancelled out and not even appear on the report.
I am unable to confirm on that with 100% confidence, I guess you may drop an email to Apple Itunes Connect Support for more info on reading the Sales and Trends and daily report.
Added a Screen shot for Reversal (Apple does not mention Refund):-
So is the Report By Apple treat Refund and Reversal different? You have to ask Apple support.
Add extra screen shot:-