Is there REST API for getting aggregated sysinfo about neo4j cluster?
Like querying ":sysinfo" in cypher.
I tried http://neo4j_db_host:7474/db/manage but there isn't enough information.
You can do this with the following query:
curl -u neo4j -v http://neohost:7474/db/manage/server/jmx/domain/org.neo4j > sysinfo.json
I renamed the existing example database from Movies RDBM to Movies and changed the password to pwd.
from py2neo import Graph
db=Graph("neo4j://neo4j:pwd#localhost:7687", name="Movies" )
No errors for the above"MATCH (n:Movie) RETURN n").to_table()
The above fails with
ServiceUnavailable: Cannot connect to any known routers
what am I doing wrong ?
I was using WSL and Jupyter Notebooks but Neo4j was running in Windows so was pointing to the WSL loopback and there was nothing there to receive the API calls
I found we can use gerrit query api to query as below:
ssh -p 29418 gerrit query --format JSON --current-patch-set status:open MY-JIRA
But I found another python module pygerrit2 as well, I guess this module is using REST API, which one is more better for user? How can I translate above command to REST API if possible!
I try below but doesn't work:
mylst = rest.get("/changes/?q=status:open%20current-patch-set%20{}".format(jira))
Problem: Change the user password of account neo4j
Attempted Flow:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST \
-d '{"password": "newPwd"}' \
-u neo4j:"oldPwd" \
Only one instance has reflecting with the changed user password.
All instances of the Causal Cluster should be applied with the password changes.
Version: Neo4j 3.5.1
Database type: Causal Cluster (3 instances)
Update: NEO4J Team Replied in their chat
Neo4j 4.x no longer has this limitation and users/roles are auto
propagated amongst members
In 3.5 after changing the password in one member, you need to copy the neo4j_directory/data/dbms/auth file manually to all other cluster members , there is no need to shutdown the members, the file will be re-read autimatically in few minutes after you copy. ( The issue is fixed in neo4j 4.X )
I'm trying to debug my app. When I hit the production elasticsearch host through my python app, the results are returned. When I change it to localhost, it works when I hit it manually through the browser, but not through the app.
I'd like to log all queries that are hitting my elasticsearch container, I've tried env variables such as "DEBUG=TRUE" or "DEBUG=*", and no requests are being logged (even when hitting it manually and results are returned).
Any idea how I'd do this?
You can use the slow queries log with a really reduced treshold. See for more details on this feature. For example: 0s
Using cluster or index settings api you're able to change this settings while running the cluster.
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/_all/_settings" -H "content-type: application/json" -d'
"": "0s"
There are even more settings you can use to log and monitor index, fetch or search duration.
I want to run the
dbinfo -g "High Availability"
command over the Neo4J API. Does such an endpoint exist?
The neo4j doesn't provide endpoint for dbinfo -g.
for High Availability (HA), Its provides three REST endpoint
To check more on this read their official docs on HA.