Selectable UITableViewCells inside of a UIScrollView - ios

I've been trying to programmatically create a UITableView inside of a UIScrollView and I'm having some trouble. Basically I want to have the cells to register as "checked" when they are tapped on. I don't need the UITableView itself to scroll because the UIScrollView will be large enough that this isn't necessary, but I still need the UIScrollView to be able to scroll when the user drags over the UITableView. I'm just overall confused about how gesture recognition works with regard to this project. I can't get the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method to be called, although I can get the didHighlightRowAt method to work. I saw a suggestion to add a UIScrollView onto each cell, but this didn't seem to help. Any guidance is appreciated as I'm unsure how exactly to go about this.

Sounds to me like you should be using custom UIButtons rather than UITableViewCells to allow for selectable content within your UIScrollView.


Is there a way to change scrollview focus programatically?

In Swift, is there a way to change scrollview focus programatically? For example, in one of my scrollviews when a user is scrolling, after the scroll has gone past a certain distance I want the scroll to stop scrolling and to immediately scroll a tableview instead. I want this to all happen in the same motion/swipe, so I need to automatically shift the focus from the scrollview to the tableview using code. Is this possible?
Using Rikh's comment, I was able to solve this using a UITableView with multiple sections and custom UITableView headers. I can use the viewForHeaderInSection method to create a custom floating header which is exactly what I need and it scrolls much more smoothly.

UITableview frame changes after scrolling thanks to Autolayout

I'm working on a application where I have a UITableView inside a UIScrollview.
The TableView will display current games players are in, its inside a UIScrollView. I dynamically add cells to the UITableView for each game, but when I scroll the UIScrollView, the tableview inside it snaps back to its size set in the storybuilder.
This is because of autolayout, when I disable it, it doesn't happen anymore. However I do like autolayout for other views in my app. So my question is, how can I fix this problem?
Maybe someone can help me get on the right track.
I think I must explain my situation more, I will use an image where I can display what is happening
Before and after scrolling.
As you can see I use the scrollview because there can be many games, so you'll have to scroll down to see them all. The TableView is just to hold the data, scrolling is disabled on that. After scrolling the TableView that says "JOUW BEURT" snaps back to its size set in the Storybuilder. This is because of auto layout like I said, but I don't know how to fix this.
You shouldn't put a tableview inside a scrollview as a tableview itself contains a scrollview and causes issues just like you are seeing when you have a scrollview inside a scrollview.
Remove the scrollview and this should fix your issue. If you are wanting to put content above the tableview or where you scroll down to view the tableview cells etc, consider adding a tableview header view that is added above the tableview.
Why did you place UITableView inside UIScrollView?
Check below
Check your constraints of UITableView and UIScrollView
Placing UITableView inside UIScrollView is somewhat strange
You will just need to remove the scrollview and enable scrolling feature of the tableview. that will fix it
UITableView is already a subclass of

Adding subview to UICollectionView - disables scrolling

I want to add a subview to a UICollectionView in order to make a left panel that scrolls with the collectionview.
[self.collectionView addSubview:myView]
all touches become disabled and I can no longer scroll the view. I've read that adding a subview to a collectionView like this is bad practice.. is this true? Why does it disable touches from reaching the collectionView event when
userInteractionEnabled = NO
I'm trying to do this: imgur link by grabbing the frame position of the first cell in each section, and adding a dot with to myView with the same y value.
Thanks for any help!
Adding subviews using the addSubview: method to a UICollectionView is very bad practice. It can cause a lot of different problems in the normal behaviour of the CollectionView. It can obstruct the views underneath it, capture the touch events, preventing them from reaching the actual scrollView inside the CollectionView, etc. The subviews added using this method will also not scroll as the other elements in the CollectionView do.
The correct way to do what you want is to implement a new type of UICollectionViewCell for the dots, and compute their locations in the prepareForLayout and layoutAttributesForElementsInRect: methods. Basically you'll have either one or two cells in each row. Which ones will have two rows will be determined by you in the methods I've mentioned.
In fact, Apple's docs have a perfect example that's even more complex than what you're trying you achieve. You should check it out from this link.
May I know the purpose of that scroll view ? Because, if you're looking for a subview that displays only a label or image etc., You can use custom collectionview cell instead if I am not wrong... Hope it helps :) :)

Using paging in UITableViewController

I have a UITableViewController that looks like this:
And i want to implement a paging system by using UIScrollView. Now from what i understood UITableView inherits from UIScrollView. Still i have no clue how to proceed to make this happen.
So what i want to be able to do is when the users enters the view i showed on the picture the user can swipe to get to another UITableView with different data of course.
I tried myself using gestures for a while but i learned that i should not use it and use this method instead. I have been trying out this for a while to but i am getting nowhere.
Some guidance or code snippets would be of great help!
I am using storyboards.
Thank you
If you want to page vertically up and down within the table view, set pagingEnabled to YES on it and set its contentSize. That might get to be an issue if you start having rows that don't line up with the contentSize perfectly though.
If you want to page horizontally between different table views, you need to put each table view into a UIScrollView, set it's contentSize to be the width of each of the table views summed together, and set pagingEnabled to yes on it.

Can I put 2 UITextFields in the same tableViewCell?

Check out this image below, this is what I'm trying to accomplish, but I ran into some problems. The first approach I made was to have an imageView (blue square) and 2 separate tableViews within a scrollView. Each tableViewCell would have textFields inside them. The first issue was when the keyboard came into the view, I would move the view up to make sure the bottom textFields were not covered up. I then wanted to be able to scroll up and down so I could still see the top textFields as well. This didn't work because when I nested the tableView inside the scrollView, The scrollView wouldn't scroll. I was also having a problem with setting the firstResponder to pass from textField to textField on the second table only.
I then decided it would be better to create 1 tableView, and add a custom cell to hold my imageView and two textFields. My question is, is it possible to create that custom cell that will hold my imageView and two textFields? would this be a better approach?
Wow, I think your can do it easily by UITableView. All you need to do is customising UITableViewCell.
This is possible using subviews. However, why you aren't considering UIViewController or UIScrollViewController for this design?
