Jump to corresponding bracket in Sublime Text - editor

I am writing big lines of code and then I had to jump from one block of code to another , how would someone jumps to the corresponding opening or closing bracket in the code in sublime text editor.

Before Sublime 3
Put the cursor on opening or closing tag and Press
Ctrl+m for Windows / Cmd+m for Mac
Put the cursor on any on the opening or closing bracket and press Ctrl+m , will take your cursor to the respective closing or opening bracket.
Sublime 3
ctrl+m on Windows
control + m on Mac

The Shortcuts have been updated for Mac on Sublime Text 3
Put the cursor on opening or closing tag and Press
Ctrl+m for Windows
Ctrl+m for Mac


Select Text in vertical in Spyder text Editor

Is there a way for selecting text in vertical in Spyder3 Text Editor? What I mean is something equivalent to Alt + Shift in Atom text editor for example:
(Spyder maintainer here) No, there's no way to do that in Spyder, sorry. Unfortunately it's not so easy to implement it with our current editor code.
You can write text code in 'sublime' editor and perform all sorts of shortcuts there. to select matching text in the sublime editor, first select/highlight that text using the cursor and then press Ctrl+D as many times you want, sublime will keep highlighting matching text in the whole text file. To select all matching entries simply press Alt+F3 (in windows).

RAD Studio XE8 behave strange

I am using RAD Studio XE8 i have a strange issue when press enter the text line in IDE is not moving to next line or when i press the spacebar it starts to remove the text followed by the space.
You are in overwrite mode. This can be discerned both from the behaviour you describe and that "overwrite" is written In the status bar underneath the edit window.
In overwrite mode, text that you type overwrites the existing text at the cursor. In insert mode, typing inserts the text before the cursor.
Press the INS key to toggle between overwrite and insert modes.
This behaviour is typical of any text editing program. You will find the same behaviour in other IDEs, in text editors, in word processors and so on.
This is not limited to Delphi XE8, but you have pressed the insert key on your keyboard.
The solution is to press it again to toggle the insert state.

How to move a cursor to the first character of the current line by a keyboard shortcut

Is there a keyboard shortcut to move a cursor to the first character of the current line not to the position 0?
In case you have XE8 and/or Castalia installed there is the Smart Home Key feature.
From the Help:
How to Use the Smart Home Key
Place the cursor anywhere in the code editor.
Press the Home key. The Code Editor moves the cursor to the
beginning of the line where the cursor was located.
If you press the Home key again, the code editor moves the cursor to the beginning of the text.
If you press the Home key again, the code editor moves back the cursor to the beginning of the line.
In the IDE editor, with default keyboard shortcuts, use a combination of
Home and Ctrl+RightArrow.

Aligning left and right on the same line in WordPad

Is it possible to align texts left and right on the same line in WordPad? For example, I want my name to the left and the date to the right. Both on the same line. How can I do this?
While WordPad does not allow you to modify the alignment of tab stops the RTF format supports tab stops with alignments and WordPad can display and edit documents containing such tab stops, for example when you create them in Microsoft Word and save as RTF.
If you don't have access to Microsoft Word you can create the tab stops in WordPad, save the file as RTF, then open it with a text editor and modify the tab stop definitions you are interested in.
Here is an example:
I created a simple RTF document in WordPad which contains the text Left<tab>Middle<tab>Right and created two tab stops. I want the first tab stop to align centered and the second tab stop to align right.
Then I save the document in RTF format on my desktop and open it in notepad. It looks like this:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.14393}\viewkind4\uc1
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\tx3976\tx7242\f0\fs22\lang7 Left\tab Middle\tab Right\par
Notice the \tx3976 and \tx7242 commands which define the tab stop positions (generally you look for \tx followed by some number).
Now you can insert the \tqc command for center-aligned tabstops or the \tqr command for right-aligned tabstops. You enter that command in front of the \tx command you want to modify. The RTF document now looks like this:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.14393}\viewkind4\uc1
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\tqc\tx3976\tqr\tx7242\f0\fs22\lang7 Left\tab Middle\tab Right\par
Now you can save the document and exit notepad, when you reopen the file in WordPad you should see it displaying with the correct tab stop alignments. It is also possible to move the tab stops around in WordPad without losing the alignments.
Tested on Windows 10 but it probably will work on earlier versions of WordPad since the required commands are not exactly new.
It's not possible using proper formatting.
For example, in Microsoft Word/LibreOffice Writer you'd use left- and right-aligning tabs, as demonstrated in this howto for Word. However, WordPad only has left-aligning tabs.
It is possible to fake it, as it was done in the old days (and still now, by those who don't know better), by clever usage of spaces (or a mix of spaces and tab stops).

Does RubyMine have TextMate-style multiple line editing?

Is there a shortcut key for editing multiple lines in RubyMine (Windows) as you can do with TextMate? I've seen it in TextMate where you can highlight multiple lines, and press a key code, then start typing. All text you type will appear at the end of all of the highlighted lines. I would love to do this with RubyMine as well.
Yes, this feature is called Column Mode and can be enabled via Edit menu or keyboard shortcut.
RubyMine version 6.3 and later has real multiple line editing. Simultaneously edited areas of text need not be vertically adjacent and vertically aligned (as they must be to use Column Selection Mode).
option-click (on Mac; alt-click on Windows or Linux) to create additional carets, edit as usual, then hit escape to revert to a single caret
select some text and control-G (on Mac; alt-J on Linux and Windows) to search for the next occurrence of that text and add a caret to it
There are also editor commands to add carets (Clone Caret Below, Clone Caret Above) that are not bound by default, but that you can bind to keys of your choice.
More here: What’s Mining: Multiple Cursors and Selection
(Column Selection Mode still works fine for areas of text that are vertically adjacent and aligned.)
