iOS unit tests: how to handle completion of tests? - ios

I want to write path of test artifacts at the end of output in console. It would be handy. And I'm also just curious.
It seems that XCTest somehow terminate the app, app delegate doesn't receive lifecycle callbacks, program exits before main function from main.m.

Take a look at Test Execution and Observation specifically testBundleDidFinish.
If you define an object which adopts XCTestObservation you can add it to the XCTestObservationCenter.shared instance at any point during your test suite's run and receive a call when the entire bundle has finished.

Jonah helped me, I also want to place some code here for other people.
To start observation before any test there is a proper way to do it.
There is NSPrincipalClass key in test bundle's Info.plist. Put there a name of your "principal class" (google it for more info). In my case it is PrincipalClass. When test bundle is loaded, init is called in the principal class. Here's my PrincipalClass:
final class PrincipalClass: NSObject {
override init() {
I was able to make cool reporting system with Allure2. Reporting is not what I wanted at the time I asked this question, but it was possible because I found an answer. It is a good application of test observation in XCTest.

For me the answers were very confusing.
func testYourTest() {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Your action")
API.sharedInstance.yourRequestWithCompletionAndFailure(parameter: parameter, completion: { (response) in
//XCTAssert with response
}) { (error) in
//XCTAssert with your error
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 30.0)
With expectation you listen to a response. Don't forget to set a timeout.
More Details/Source:


GoogleSignIn (iOS) getTokensWithHandler doesn't call its closure after token has expired

I am using Google Sign-In 5.0.2 with a Swift 4 iOS app. Here is my code to get a current id Token:
public static func getJwtToken(completion: #escaping (Result<String, Error>) -> Void) {
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance()?.currentUser?.authentication.getTokensWithHandler({ gidAuth, error in
if let error = error {
} else if let token = gidAuth?.idToken {
} else {
assertionFailure("shouldn't have come here")
This works fine when I launch the app.
But if I leave the app running for an hour (to let the id token expire), then the next time getTokensWithHandler is called, it will not call my closure. Subsequent calls to getTokensWithHandler will once again call my closure.
I would like it to behave consistently so that my closure is always called, even if the token needs to be refreshed.
Anyone have any ideas on what I need to do to achieve this?
I figured out the answer to this problem after spending some more time on it.
My problem was I was trying to hack the Google SDK's closure to be synchronous instead of just letting it call the closure when it was ready. The function call that I claimed never called its closure would've called it if I had let the program flow naturally instead of trying to make it call the closure when I expected it to be called. I was using a semaphore somewhere in the call stack that was waiting until the closure got called and I just needed stop making assumptions about when Google's SDK would perform its work.
I'm still trying to get used to this async-first paradigm of Swift.

How do I wait for an asynchronous call in Swift?

So I've recently come back to Swift & iOS after a hiatus and I've run into an issue with asynchronous execution. I'm using Giphy's iOS SDK to save myself a lot of work, but their documentation is pretty much nonexistent so I'm not sure what might be happening under the hood in their function that calls their API.
I'm calling my function containing the below code from the constructor of a static object (I don't think that's the problem as I've also tried calling it from a cellForItemAt method for a Collection View).
My issue is that my function is returning and execution continues before the API call is finished. I've tried utilizing DispatchQueue.main.async and removing Dispatch entirely, and DispatchGroups, to no avail. The one thing that worked was a semaphore, but I think I remember reading that it wasn't best practice?
Any tips would be great, I've been stuck on this for waaaaaay too long. Thanks so much in advance
GiphyCore.shared.gifByID(id) { (response, error) in
if let media = response?.data {
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
ret = media
return ret
My issue is that my function is returning and execution continues before the API call is finished.
That's the whole point of asynchronous calls. A network call can take an arbitrary amount of time, so it kicks off the request in the background and tells you when it's finished.
Instead of returning a value from your code, take a callback parameter and call it when you know the Giphy call has finished. Or use a promise library. Or the delegate pattern.
The one thing that worked was a semaphore, but I think I remember reading that it wasn't best practice?
Don't do this. It will block your UI until the network call completes. Since you don't know how long that will take, your UI will be unresponsive for an unknown amount of time. Users will think your app has crashed on slow connections.
You could just add this inside a method and use a completion handler and therefore do you not need to wait for the response. You could do it like this:
func functionName(completion: #escaping (YOURDATATYPE) -> Void) {
GiphyCore.shared.gifByID(id) { (response, error) in
if let media = response?.data {
Call your method like this
functionName() { response in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// UPDATE the UI here

Handling errors in Swift

In my application I need to download a JSON file from the web. I have made a ResourceService class that have a download method as seen below. I use this service in "higher level" services of my app. You can see there are multiple of things that may go wrong during the download. The server could be on fire and not be able to successfully respond at the moment, there could be go something wrong during the moving of the temporary file etc.
Now, there is probably not much a user can do with this other than trying later. However, he/she probably want to know that there was something wrong and that the download or the behaviour of the "higher level" methods could not succeed.
Me as a developer is confused as this point because I don't understand how to deal with errors in Swift. I have a completionHandler that takes an error if there was one, but I don't know what kind of error I should pass back to the caller.
1) If I pass the error objects I get from the NSFileManager API or the NSURLSession API, I would think that I am "leaking" some of the implementation of download method to the callers. And how would the caller know what kind of errors to expect based on the error? It could be both.
2) If I am supposed to catch and wrap those errors that could happen inside the download method, how would that look like?
3) How do I deal with multiple error sources inside a method, and how would the code that calls the method that may throw/return NSError objects look like?
Should you as a caller start intercepting the errors you get back and then write a lot of code that differentiates the messages/action taken based on the error code? I don't get this error handling stuff at all and how it would look like when there are many things that could go wrong in a single method.
func download(destinationUrl: NSURL, completionHandler: ((error: NSError?) -> Void)) {
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: resourceUrl!)
let task = downloadSession.downloadTaskWithRequest(request) {
(url: NSURL?, response: NSURLResponse?, error: NSError?) in
if error == nil {
do {
try self.fileManager.moveItemAtURL(url!, toURL: destinationUrl)
} catch let e {
} else {
First of all this is a great question. Error handling is a specific task that applies to a incredible array of situations with who know's what repercussions with your App's state. The key issue is what is meaningful to your user, app and you the developer.
I like to see this conceptually as how the Responder chain is used to handle events. Like an event traversing the responder chain an error has the possibility of bubbling up your App's levels of abstraction. Depending on the error you might want to do a number of things related to the type of the error. Different components of your app may need to know about error, it maybe an error that depending on the state of the app requires no action.
You as the developer ultimately know where errors effect your app and how. So given that how do we choose to implement a technical solution.
I would suggest using Enumerations and Closures as to build my error handling solution.
Here's a contrived example of an ENUM. As you can see it is represents the core of the error handling solution.
public enum MyAppErrorCode {
case NotStartedCode(Int, String)
case ResponseOkCode
case ServiceInProgressCode(Int, String)
case ServiceCancelledCode(Int, String, NSError)
func handleCode(errorCode: MyAppErrorCode) {
switch(errorCode) {
case NotStartedCode(let code, let message):
print("code: \(code)")
print("message: \(message)")
case ResponseOkCode:
case ServiceInProgressCode(let code, let message):
print("code: \(code)")
print("message: \(message)")
case ServiceCancelledCode(let code, let message, let error):
print("code: \(code)")
print("message: \(message)")
print("error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Next we want to define our completionHandler which will replace ((error: NSError?) -> Void) the closure you have in your download method.
((errorCode: MyAppErrorCode) -> Void)
New Download Function
func download(destinationUrl: NSURL, completionHandler: ((errorCode: MyAppErrorCode) -> Void)) {
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: resourceUrl!)
let task = downloadSession.downloadTaskWithRequest(request) {
(url: NSURL?, response: NSURLResponse?, error: NSError?) in
if error == nil {
do {
try self.fileManager.moveItemAtURL(url!, toURL: destinationUrl)
completionHandler(errorCode: MyAppErrorCode.ResponseOkCode)
} catch let e {
completionHandler(errorCode: MyAppErrorCode.MoveItemFailedCode(170, "Text you would like to display to the user..", e))
} else {
completionHandler(errorCode: MyAppErrorCode.DownloadFailedCode(404, "Text you would like to display to the user.."))
In the closure you pass in you could call handleCode(errorCode: MyAppErrorCode) or any other function you have defined on the ENUM.
You have now the components to define your own error handling solution that is easy to tailor to your app and which you can use to map http codes and any other third party error/response codes to something meaningful in your app. You can also choose if it is useful to let the NSError bubble up.
Back to our contrivances.
How do we deal with interacting with our view controllers? We can choose to have a centralized mechanism as we have now or we could handle it in the view controller and keep the scope local. For that we would move the logic from the ENUM to the view controller and target the very specific requirements of our view controller's task (downloading in this case), you could also move the ENUM to the view controller's scope. We achieve encapsulation, but will most lightly end up repeating our code elsewhere in the project. Either way your view controller is going to have to do something with the error/result code
An approach I prefer would be to give the view controller a chance to handle specific behavior in the completion handler, or/then pass it to our ENUM for more general behavior such as sending out a notification that the download had finished, updating app state or just throwing up a AlertViewController with a single action for 'OK'.
We do this by adding methods to our view controller that can be passed the MyAppErrorCode ENUM and any related variables (URL, Request...) and add any instance variables to keep track of our task, i.e. a different URL, or the number of attempts before we give up on trying to do the download.
Here is a possible method for handling the download at the view controller:
func didCompleteDownloadWithResult(resultCode: MyAppErrorCode, request: NSURLRequest, url: NSURL) {
switch(resultCode) {
case .ResponseOkCode:
// Made up method as an example
resultCode.postSuccessfulDownloadNotification(url, dictionary: ["request" : request])
case .FailedDownloadCode(let code, let message, let error):
if numberOfAttempts = maximumAttempts {
// Made up method as an example
} else {
// Made up method as an example
Long story short: yes
... and then write a lot of code that differentiates the
messages/action taken based on the error code?
Most code examples leave the programmer alone about how to do any error handling at all, but in order to do it right, your error handling code might be more than the code for successful responses. Especially when it comes to networking and json parsing.
In one of my last projects (a lot of stateful json server communication) I have implemented the following approach: I have asked myself: How should the app possibly react to the user in case of an error (and translate it to be more user friendly)?
ignore it
show a message/ an alert (possibly only one)
retry by itself (how often?)
force the user to start over
assume (i.e. a previously cached response)
To achieve this, I have create a central ErrorHandler class, which does have several enums for the different types of errors (i.e. enum NetworkResponseCode, ServerReturnCode, LocationStatusCode) and one enum for the different ErrorDomains:
enum MyErrorDomain : String {
// if request data has errors (i.e. json not valid)
case NetworkRequestDomain = "NetworkRequest"
// if network response has error (i.e. offline or http status code != 200)
case NetworkResponseDomain = "NetworkResponse"
// server return code in json: value of JSONxxx_JSON_PARAM_xxx_RETURN_CODE
case ServerReturnDomain = "ServerReturnCode"
// server return code in json: value of JSONxxxStatus_xxx_JSON_PARAM_xxx_STATUS_CODE
case ServerStatusDomain = "ServerStatus"
// if CLAuthorizationStatus
case LocationStatusDomain = "LocationStatus"
Furthermore there exists some helper functions named createError. These methods do some checking of the error condition (i.e. network errors are different if you are offline or if the server response !=200). They are shorter than you would expect.
And to put it all together there is a function which handles the error.
func handleError(error: NSError, msgType: String, shouldSuppressAlert: Bool = false){
This method started with on switch statement (and needs some refactoring now, so I won't show it as it still is one). In this statement all possible reactions are implemented. You might need a different return type to keep your state correctly in the app.
Lessons learned:
Although I thought that I have started big (different enums, central user alerting), the architecture could have been better (i.e. multiple classes, inheritance, ...).
I needed to keep track of previous errors (as some are follow ups) in order to only show one error message to the user -> state.
There are good reasons to hide errors.
Within the errorObj.userInfo map, it exits a user friendly error message and a technicalErrorMessage (which is send to a tracking provider).
We have introduced numeric error codes (the error domain is prefixed with a letter) which are consistent between client and server. They are also shown to the user. This has really helped to track bugs.
I have implemented a handleSoftwareBug function (which is almost the same as the handleError but much less cases). It is used in a lot of else-blocks which you normally do not bother to write (as you think that this state can never be reached). Surprisingly it can.
ErrorHandler.sharedInstance.handleSoftwareBug("SW bug? Unknown received error code string was code: \(code)")
How does it look like in code: There are a lot of similar backend network requests where a lot of code looks something like the following:
func postAllXXX(completionHandler:(JSON!, NSError!) -> Void) -> RegisteringSessionTask {
return postRegistered(jsonDict: self.jsonFactory.allXXX(),
outgoingMsgType: JSONClientMessageToServerAllXXX,
expectedIncomingUserDataType: JSONServerResponseAllXXX,
completionHandler: {(json, error) in
if error != nil {
log.error("error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
msgType: JSONServerResponseAllXXX, shouldSuppressAlert: true)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
completionHandler(json, error)
// handle request payload
var returnList:[XXX] = []
let xxxList = json[JSONServerResponse_PARAM_XXX][JSONServerResponse_PARAM_YYY].arrayValue
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
completionHandler(json, error)
Within the above code you see that I call a completionHandler and give this caller the chance to customize error handling, too. Most of the time, this caller only handles success.
Whenever I have had the need for retries and other and not so common handling, I have also done it on the caller side, i.e.
private func postXXXMessageInternal(completionHandler:(JSON!, NSError!) -> Void) -> NSURLSessionDataTask {
return self.networkquery.postServerJsonEphemeral(url, jsonDict: self.jsonFactory.xxxMessage(),
outgoingMsgType: JSONClientMessageToServerXXXMessage,
expectedIncomingUserDataType: JSONServerResponseXXXMessage,
completionHandler: {(json, error) in
if error != nil {
log.error("error(\(self.xxxMessageErrorWaitingCounter)): \(error.localizedDescription)")
if (something || somethingelse) &&
self.xxxMessageErrorWaitingCounter >= MAX_ERROR_XXX_MESSAGE_WAITING {
// reset app because of too many errors
xxx.currentState = AppState.yyy
ErrorHandler.sharedInstance.genericError(MAX_ERROR_XXX_MESSAGE_WAITING, shouldSuppressAlert: false)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
completionHandler(json, nil)
self.xxxMessageErrorWaitingCounter = 0
// handle request payload
if let msg = json[JSONServerResponse_PARAM_XXX][JSONServerResponse_PARAM_ZZZ].stringValue {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
completionHandler(json, error)
Here is another example where the user is forced to retry
// user did not see a price. should have been fetched earlier (something is wrong), cancel any ongoing requests
ErrorHandler.sharedInstance.handleSoftwareBug("potentially sw bug (or network to slow?): no payment there? user must retry")
if let st = self.sessionTask {
self.sessionTask = nil
// tell user
// send him back
xxx.currentState = AppState.zzz
For any request, you get either an error or an http status code. Error means: Your application never managed to talk properly to the server. http status code means: Your application talked to a server. Be aware that if you take your iPhone into the nearest Starbucks, "your application talked to a server" doesn't mean "your application talked to the server it wanted to talk to". It might mean "your application managed to talk to the Starbucks server which asks you to log in and you have no idea how to do that".
I divide the possible errors into categories: "It's a bug in my code". That's where you need to fix your code. "Something went wrong, and the user can do something about it". For example when WiFi is turned off. "Something went wrong, maybe it works later". You can tell the user to try later. "Something went wrong, and the user can't do anything about it". Tough. "I got a reply from the server that I expected. Maybe an error, maybe not, but something that I know how to handle". You handle it.
I also divide calls into categories: Those that should run invisibly in the background, and those that run as a result of a direct user action. Things running invisibly in the background shouldn't give error messages. (Bloody iTunes telling me it cannot connect to the iTunes Store when I had no interest in connecting to the iTunes Store in the first place is an awful example of getting that wrong).
When you show things to the user, remember that the user doesn't care. To the user: Either it worked, or it didn't work. If it didn't work, the user can fix the problem if it is a problem they can fix, they can try again later, or it's just tough luck. In an enterprise app, you might have a message "call your help desk at xxxxxx and tell them yyyyyy".
And when things don't work, don't annoy the user by showing error after error after error. If you send then requests, don't tell the user ten times that the server is on fire.
There are things that you just don't expect to go wrong. If you download a file, and you can't put it where it belongs, well, that's tough. It shouldn't happen. The user can't do anything about it. (Well, maybe they can. If the storage of the device is full then you can tell the user). Apart from that, it's the same category as "Something went wrong, and the user can't do anything about it". You may find out as a developer what the cause is and fix it, but if it happens with an application out in the user's hands, there's nothing reasonable you can do.
Since all such requests should be asynchronous, you will always pass either one or two callback blocks to the call, one for success and one for failure. I have most of the error handling in the download code, so things like asking the user to turn WiFi on happen only once, and calls may even be repeated automatically if such an error condition is fixed by the user. The error callback is mostly used to inform the application that it won't get the data that it wanted; sometimes the fact that there is an error is useful information in itself.
For consistent error handling, I create my own errors representing either errors returned by the session, or html status codes interpreted as errors. Plus two additional errors "user cancelled" and "no user interaction allowed" if either there was a UI involved and the user cancelled the operation, or I wanted to use some user interaction but wasn't allowed to. The last two errors are different - these errors will never be reported to the user.
I would wrap the errors in your own, but pass the underlying error as a property on your error class (ala C#'s InnerException). That way you are giving consumers a consistent interface, but also providing lower level error detail if required. However, the main reason I would do this is for unit testing. It makes it much easier to mock your ResourceService class and test the code paths for the various errors that could occur.
I don't like the thought of passing back an array of errors, as it adds complexity for the consumer. Instead I would provide an array of InnerException instances. If they are instances of your own error class, they would potentially have their own InnerException's with underlying errors. However, this would probably only make sense if you were doing your own validations where multiple errors might make sense. Your download method will probably have to bail out after the first error encountered.

Xcode UI Testing: how to test app's first launching

I'm writing UITests in xCode 7.1 and have a function that tests app during first launching. The question is: how to check does the app launched for the first time or not.
I need something like this:
func testFirstLaunching() {
if ("app is launched for the first time") {
//test scenario of first launching
else {
//invoke func that will test other scenario
Does anybody know any trick how to check this?
App is using NSUserDefaults, maybe Xcode tests have a super-powerful feature to access it?
Any suggestions would be valuable!)
Here is a manual solution to your problem:
Create a global variable in your first presented ViewController, make it false
In your viewDidLoad, change its value to true
Save it
In testFirstLaunching(), read the value of your variable
Use the if-statement for doing whatever you want to do
Hope this helps :)

XCTestExpectation - Calling an async method twice causes API violation

I’m writing unit tests in swifts, and testing a unique workflow.
In methodA(), I load an object incorrectly (say with incorrect credentials) using an async method. Also kick off an expectation
func methodA(withCred credential: NSURLCredential) {
var objA = ObjectA()
// Set objA.a, objA.b, objA.c,
objA.credential = credential //Incorrect credential First time, Correct Credential second time
objA.delegate = self
expectation = expectationWithDescription(“Aync”)
objA.callAsyncMethod() //This fires successDelegate() or failureDelegate()}
When FailureDelegate() is fired, I reload the object, correctly this time. In order do so, I need to call MethodA() again (so I can reuse all the other stuff there).
func failureDelegate(error: NSError!) {
XCTAssertTrue(error.localizedDescription == “Invalid Credentials“)
//Now that I’ve verified correct error is returned, I need to reload objA
func successDelegate(obj : ObjectA) {
XCTAssert(“Object is loaded”)
3.This kicks off the same expectation again in methodA, and results in the following error:
API violation - creating expectations while already in waiting mode.
I understand this is not permitted by swift. Is there a workaround or better way to test these kinds of async methods looping with Swift using XCTest?
Don't share instances of expectation across tests. You should be declaring expectation (i.e. with let) in the body of each test, not as a property on XCTestCase. If you really need to use the delegation pattern (closures would be much, much simpler and more conventional), you can pass that as an additional parameter to your delegate method.
I think your code exemple is incomplete, could you provide the full code?
As #mattt said each test should preferably be unique and should not reuse other test variable.
Regarding your issue, you should declare all your expectation first before the triggering waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:handler:. You can't not create a new expectation after you've start waiting for another one.
