ios app, running accelerometer while the app is in the background - ios

I have an app using accelerometer. When a certain motion is detected, i am trying to make my iphone vibrate. While the app is in the foreground, and I conduct a certain motion, it vibrates. But it does not when the app is in the background.
I have a counter that detects this motion. When I execute this motion while in the background for three times, although it does not emit any vibration, after I transition back to foreground, the counter is increased by three. So I know the accelerometer is working. Or is putting the motions in a queue and executing it when the app comes back to foreground.
And I'm not making a rookie mistake by touching the phone's vibrate to off.
I'm quite not sure where to go from here. Is iphone inherently not capable of capturing and processing accelerometer data while in the background? Or is there something I'm not doing correctly?

In iOS there are only a certain type of activities allowed in background. Here you can check them: Background Modes.
I'm currently working in an app that uses sensors like the accelerometer and I get updates from it using the CoreLocation delegate method didUpdateLocation, since using the GPS to locate the device is one of the Apple allowed background modes. I hope this helps you!


invoke a alarm sound when ios app is in background and someone pick it, using core motion

invoke a alarm when someone touched the iPhone or iPad and a app is running in background.
this is happening into a ios app i.e. iAntiTheft
iAntiTheft is not using the location i checked the permission of the app, in a scenario i put the app in background activating motion alert and device get's locked after some time, now i pick the device, it immediately show a Notification and start alarm on high volume.
one More thing here to notice it always playing a low volume beep beep after enabling the motion sensor alert. any help appreciated.
how can i achieve this.
The answer to get Core Motion Update when the app is in background and the device locked. in both case just put an audio with background mode playing after the core motion updates function, now the device will go to background or get locked you always getting the core motion coordinates updates
Repo Link Providing soon

How to detect iBeacon in iOS app when screen is off?

Still fighting with iBeacon monitoring for screen-off mode in my iOS app.
In my experiment, when the screen is turned off, the delegate method "locationManager:didRangeBeacons:inRegion:" is still triggered continuously, but, as soon as the screen is off, the signal disappears accordingly(RSSI=0, beacon.accuracy=-1.0), and then, 10 seconds later, there is no beacon found at all.
I found some important information in this post saying that "iOS uses beacons in two different ways: region monitoring and beacon ranging. The latter does NOT work in the background ..., or when the app is terminated.
CLLocationManager will ONLY fire off ONE delegate call when a region is entered. If you start monitoring for a region while inside of that said region, the entry delegate will NOT be called. Your app will have to manually call the CLLocationManager’s requestStateForRegion method. Once you’ve exited the monitored region(s), CLLocationManager will call the didExitRegion approximately 30-45 seconds later."
Now I tried to call the "requestStateForRegion:" method continuously when the screen is off. The result is:
If my iPhone is already in the iBeacon region, the delegate method
"didDetermineState" gives "CLRegionStateInside" continuously;
When I hold my iPhone and walk outside the iBeacon region, or just
shut down the iBeacon's advertising, after 30-45 seconds, the
delegate method "didDetermineState" turns to "CLRegionStateOutside"
and keeps in "outside" state;
When I hold my iPhone and walk inside the iBeacon region, or turn on
the iBeacon's advertising again, the delegate method
"didDetermineState" still gives "outside" continuously and NEVER
TURNS BACK TO "inside".
What I need is, when the screen is off, I can detect as soon as my iOS device enters the iBeacon region. Asking for help...Thanks in advance.
Have you added the NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription in your info.plist? I can really recommend you to follow this tutorial which goes through all this.
When you start monitoring, there's always an initial call to the didDetermineState delegate. This is how you can figure out if you're already in the beacon region. From then on, you can continue relying on didEnter/didExit (didDetermineState is also called alongside these). The only catch is, if the user turns Bluetooth off and then back on again—you will lose any state transitions that ordinarily would've happened during that time—so it's a good idea to call requestState after you detect Bluetooth is back on, to get caught up on the current state.
All in all, there's no need to call requestState continuously, and you can't ordinarily even do so when the screen is locked—iOS will put your app to sleep, per my answer to your other question. Unless you're using Background Modes to keep the app running in the background, but then you must be able to defend it when you submit your app for review, as Background Modes are reserved for very specific use cases. You should rely on automatic calls to didEnter/didExit/didDetermineState, aided by requestState if Bluetooth is turned off and on.
When I hold my iPhone and walk inside the iBeacon region, or turn on the iBeacon's advertising again, the delegate method "didDetermineState" still gives "outside" continuously and NEVER TURNS BACK TO "inside".
Keep in mind that depending on hardware capabilities of your iOS device (you haven't mentioned which one you're testing with), the "enter" event might take a while to trigger. The guys at Radius did some testing long time ago, and it was up to 15 minutes for iPhone 4S on iOS 7.1. That's b/c iPhone 4S doesn't support offloading BLE scanning to the Bluetooth chip, unlike newer iPhone models. But even on these newer models, there's a limit of how many scans can be offloaded to the chip, which Radius also measured to be 30 (on iOS 8.3 and with 3 different iOS devices).

How to create iPhone app without user operation in response to the iBeacon detection

Is it possible the following behaviors on my iPhone app ?
1) Proccess begins in background ,when detecting iBeacon wave.
2) Proccess begins with a screen, when detecting iBeacon wave, but
the application will finish automatically(without any user operations) after proseccing.
To simply put it, no. In order for your code to execute in the first place, the user needs to tap on the app. That sort of style application MAY be able to work on Android, but not on iPhone.
You CANNOT start an application from the background.
Also, when it's in the background, you CANNOT bring its UI up and obstruct what the user's trying to do.

Shake functionality in a music application

I have developed a small music app by using AVPlayer and MPMediaPickerControlLibrary with all the normal required functionalities for a music app. The app is also capable of running in the background when the screen is locked.
Now, what I want is to start the app when the screen is locked through a shake and soon as the app starts the current song should start playing.
I am not able to achieve this from a long time
Any suggestions on this will be highly appreciated or any other workaround apart from shake to turn on the music in the app when the screen is locked in iPhone.
Thanks in advance.
You need to implement the a CMMotionManager object, but keeping it running all the time in background will be a major power consumption issue.
Modifying the updateInterval property to reduce the number of updates will defeat the purpose, given that you may miss a shake in background.
Now, if the app was terminated by the user, then no motionManager object will be available until the user launches the app again.

iOS 7.1: Get Core Motion data (accelerometer, gyroscope) while app is in background

I am wondering how I can keep receiving motion sensor values while the app is in background mode. I realize that there are already several posts out there. For example, I have tried How Nike+ GPS on iPhone receives accelerometer updates in the background? which does not work for me.
I have also enabled background modes (location updates at the moment) in my App-Info.plist.
Are there any working examples out there? Also, if possible, I would not want to implement some of the hacks, e.g. play silent audio or get the user's location. Apps such as SleepCycle seem to be able to have achieved this without any workarounds.
I'd be grateful for any help.
