How to properly send a Signal with an initial value using ReactiveCocoa? - ios

I'm trying to send a Signal from one ViewModel to another one. Basically I want the second ViewModel to use the same Signal as the first ViewModel, but I also need the initial value at init state in the second ViewModel . So far I have manage to solve this by sending the Signal<Person, NoError> and the Person model.
struct Person {
let name: String
let age: Int
In PersonListViewModel the Signal is defined as output where the stream is handled.
protocol PersonListViewModelOutputs {
var goToPersonDetail: Signal<Person, NoError> { get }
protocol PersonDetailViewModelInputs {
func viewDidLoad()
func configureWith(personSignal: Signal<Person, NoError>, initialPerson: Person)
protocol PersonDetailViewModelOutputs {
var person: Signal<Person, NoError> { get }
protocol PersonDetailViewModelType {
var inputs: PersonDetailViewModelInputs { get }
var outputs: PersonDetailViewModelOutputs { get }
public final class PersonDetailViewModel: PersonDetailViewModelType, PersonDetailViewModelInputs, PersonDetailViewModelOutputs {
self.person = self.configureWithPersonPropery.signal.skipNil()
private let configureWithPersonProperty = MutableProperty<Person?>(nil)
func configureWith(personSignal: Signal<Person, NoError>, initialPerson: Person) {
configureWithPersonProperty.value = initialPerson
configureWithPersonProperty <~ personSignal.producer
However this solution seems to bring unnecessary parameter inside func configureWith(...) and I guess there could be a better way to solve it.
For example, is it possible to get the last emitted value from personSignal: Signal<Person, NoError> inside func configureWith(...) without sending the Person Struct?

Since your signal is NoError, you can just pass in a Property instance instead of a Signal. A property is basically a signal that is guaranteed to have a value and can't send an error. You can create one with an initial value and an existing signal:
let prop = Property(initial: initialPerson, then: signal)


Swift protocol and extension, I need to call overridden method or default extension method as per requirement

I have a protocol Vehicle and its extension like below:
protocol Vehicle {
func Drive()
extension Vehicle {
func Stop() {
And I also have declaration like below for Stop Method
struct Car: Vehicle {
func Drive() {
print("Can Drive")
func Stop() {
print("yo stop")
let myCar = Car()
But its override the Stop Method
// Output
// Can Drive
// yo stop
And as per my requirement I need default method sometime and some time overridden method definition
Hey I got the answers that is to conform the protocol by the object call your default method rather than overriddedn, so we can call both defination as required
let honda: Vehicle = Car()
// Output
// Can Drive
// iiiich..
When we create a variable without type then this is static dispatch when a object conform a protocol only.
If you need the method declared in the protocol extension, just make the compiler think that the car is of type Vehicle:
let myCar = Car()
(myCar as Vehicle).Stop()
As already mentioned in the answers, the generic solution is to make sure that the instance that calls Stop() method is of type Vehicle (not Car). Nevertheless I would mention what's the logic behind it.
Personally, I think that there is a possibility to face this issue when it comes to work with the POP paradigm. Protocol extensions is a handy way the apply Polymorphism in our code, however it does leads to this "weird" behavior!
Static Dispatch:
Firstly, keep in mind that it is not a bug. In case of:
let honda: Vehicle = Car()
there is a manual cast to the honda as Vehicle, at this point the compiler will use static dispatch, which means that it would be recognizable which method should be called (Vehicle().Stop or Car().Stop) during the compile time. It selects the default implementation for Vehicle which is implemented in the extension, without the need of checking what is the concrete type.
Dynamic Dispatch:
In case of:
let myCar = Car()
nothing special goes here, it works exactly as expected. That's exactly the the meaning of dynamic dispatch, which leads to apply polymorphic operations during the run time.
To make it more clear, consider that you have another type that conforms to Vehicle protocol:
struct Bus: Vehicle {
func Drive() {
print("Bus Drive")
func Stop() {
print("Bus stop")
let myBus = Bus()
Obviously, the print("Bus stop") is the one which will be called, and actually that's the expected! The compiler is "smart" enough to recognize which method to be selected based on what is the concrete type (Bus().Stop).
For better understanding of what's going on here, reviewing Understanding Swift Performance Apple session might be helpful.
You need a protocol with a default implementation that allows a struct param, that can do custom behaviors:
import UIKit
struct Car{
//Any properties
func drive(){
print("Yo Drive")
func stop(){
print("Yo Stop")
protocol Vehicle {
func drive(vehicle : Car?)
func stop(vehicle : Car?)
extension Vehicle where Self: UIViewController {
func drive(vehicle : Car? = nil) {
if (vehicle != nil){
print("drive default behavior")
func stop(vehicle : Car? = nil) {
if (vehicle != nil){
print("stop default behavior")
class ViewController : UIViewController, Vehicle {
func driving() {
drive() //will print drive default behavior
stop() //will print stop default behavior
let car = Car()
drive(vehicle: car) //will print yo drive!
stop(vehicle: car) //will print yo Stop!
override func viewDidLoad() {

How can I use Rx Swift PublishRelay with no type just for onCompleted() event?

I have this view model in my code:
import RxSwift
protocol ViewModelInput {
func buttonTouched()
protocol ViewModelOutput {
var done : PublishRelay<Bool> { get set }
protocol ViewModelType {
var inputs: ViewModelInput { get }
var outputs: ViewModelOutput { get }
public final class ViewModel: ViewModelInput, ViewModelOutput, ViewModelType {
var inputs: ViewModelInput { return self }
var outputs: ViewModelOutput { return self }
internal var done = PublishRelay<Bool>.init()
init() {}
func buttonTouched() {
And I'm using it's "output" like this:
// Somewhere else in my app
.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] _ in
// whatever
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
To be honest I don't need that Boolean value with PublishRelay. I don't even need onNext() event. All I need is to notify my coordinator (part of app that uses this view model) about onCompleted(). However there is still some <Bool> generic type added to my output. I don't need any of that. Is there any cleaner way to achieve that?
I though about traits like Completable but as far as I understand I need to emit completed-event inside create() method or use Completable.empty(). Or maybe I don't understand traits that good, I don't know.
Any ideas?
I haven't done any RxSwift in a while, but have you tried making the type PublishRelay<Void>? Once you do that you can just pass () to outputs.done.accept(()) in your buttonTouched() method and not have to worry about passing arbitrary information that isn't needed
I think #Steven0351 is right with the < Void> approach. Just 2 little things:
It should also work by terminating the subject instead of emitting a Void value. It looks cleaner in the subscription as well.
I guess you are subscribing your outputs.done subject in the UI. In that case you might want to use Drivers. That way there's no need to specify observation on main scheduler (among other Drivers advantages).
internal var done = PublishRelay<Void>.init()
func buttonTouched() {
.drive(onCompleted: { [weak self] in
// whatever
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)

RxSwift network status observable

I have a method 'getProducts' in my view model:
struct MyViewModel {
func getProducts(categoryId: Int) -> Observable<[Product]> {
return api.products(categoryId: categoryId)
var isRunning: Observable <Bool> = {
api.products is a private variable which uses URLSession rx extension: in the background.
I would like to have some isRunning observer in my view model which I could subscribe to to know if it's do a network request.
Is it something I could do without making any amendments to my api class?
I'm new in reactive programming so any help would be appreciated.
Here's a solution using a helper class written by RxSwift authors in RxSwift Examples called ActivityIndicator.
The ideas is simple
struct MyViewModel {
/// 1. Create an instance of ActivityIndicator in your viewModel. You can make it private
private let activityIndicator = ActivityIndicator()
/// 2. Make public access to observable part of ActivityIndicator as you already mentioned in your question
var isRunning: Observable<Bool> {
return activityIndicator.asObservable()
func getProducts(categoryId: Int) -> Observable<[Product]> {
return api.products(categoryId: categoryId)
.trackActivity(activityIndicator) /// 3. Call trackActivity method in your observable network call
In related ViewController you can now subscribe to isRunning property. For instance:
viewModel.isLoading.subscribe(onNext: { loading in
}).disposed(by: bag)

RxSwift: Prevent multiple network requests

I am currently having an issue with multiple network requests executing when using RxSwift Observables. I understand that if one creates a cold observable and it has multiple observers, the observable will execute its block each time it is subscribed to.
I have tried to create a shared subscription observable that executes the network request once, and multiple subscribers will be notified of the result. Below is the what I have tried.
Sequence of events
Create the view model with the tap event of a uibutton
Create the serviceStatus Observable as a public property on the view model. This Observable is mapped from the buttonTapped Observable. It then filters out the "Loading" status. The returned Observable has a shareReplay(1) executed on it to return a shared subscription.
Create the serviceExecuting Observable as a public property on the view model. This observable is mapped from the serviceStatus Observable. It will return true if the status is "Loading"
Bind the uilabel to the serviceStatus Observable
Bind the activity indicator to the serviceExecuting Observable.
When the button is tapped, the service request is executed three time where I would be expecting it to be executed only once. Does anything stand out as incorrect?
class ViewController {
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
var button: UIButton!
var resultLabel: UILabel!
var activityIndicator: UIActivityIndicator!
lazy var viewModel = { // 1
return ViewModel(buttonTapped: self.button.rx.tap.asObservable())
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.viewModel.serviceStatus.bindTo(self.resultLabel.rx_text).addDispsoableTo(disposeBag) // 4
self.viewModel.serviceExecuting.bindTo(self.activityIndicator.rx_animating).addDispsoableTo(disposeBag) // 5
class ViewModel {
public var serviceStatus: Observable<String> { // 2
let serviceStatusObseravble = self.getServiceStatusObservable()
let filtered = serviceStatusObseravble.filter { status in
return status != "Loading"
return filtered
public var serviceExecuting: Observable<Bool> { // 3
return { status in
return status == "Loading"
private let buttonTapped: Observable<Void>
init(buttonTapped: Observable<Void>) {
self.buttonTapped = buttonTapped
private func getServiceStatusObservable() -> Observable<String> {
return self.buttonTapped.flatMap { _ -> Observable<String> in
return self.createServiceStatusObservable()
private func createServiceStatusObservable() -> Observable<String> {
return Observable.create({ (observer) -> Disposable in
someAsyncServiceRequest() { result }
return NopDisposable.instance
Based on the conversation below, the following is what I was looking for...
I needed to apply a share() function on the Observable returned from the getServiceStatusObservable() method and not the Observable returned from the createServiceStatusObservable() method. There were multiple observers being added to this observable to inspect the current state. This meant that the observable executing the network request was getting executed N times (N being the number of observers). Now every time the button is tapped, the network request is executed once which is what I needed.
private func getServiceStatusObservable() -> Observable<String> {
return self.buttonTapped.flatMap { _ -> Observable<String> in
return self.createServiceStatusObservable()
.shareReplay(1) will apply to only one instance of the observable. When creating it in createServiceStatusObservable() the sharing behavior will only affect the one value returned by this function.
class ViewModel {
let serviceStatusObservable: Observable<String>
init(buttonTapped: Observable<Void>) {
self.buttonTapped = buttonTapped
self.serviceStatusObservable = Observable.create({ (observer) -> Disposable in
someAsyncServiceRequest() { result in
return NopDisposable.instance
private func getServiceStatusObservable() -> Observable<String> {
return self.buttonTapped.flatMap { [weak self] _ -> Observable<String> in
return self.serviceStatusObservable
With this version, serviceStatusObservable is only created once, hence it's side effect will be shared everytime it is used, as it is the same instance.

Swift - Dynamic cast class unconditional?

It doesn't seem like I can cast a generic type to another? Swift is throwing DynamicCastClassException.
Basically here is the problem:
// T is defined as T: NSObject
let oebj1 = NetworkResponse<User>()
let oebj2 = oebj1 as NetworkResponse<NSObject>
Here is why I need to do this casting
class BaseViewController: UIViewController {
// Not allowed to make a generic viewController and therefore have to cast the generic down to NSObject
func fetchData(completion: (NetworkResponse<NSObject>)->()) {
fatalError("You have to implement fetchData method")
class UsersViewController: BaseViewController {
override func fetchData(completion: (NetworkResponse<NSObject>)->()) {
userNetworkManager.fetchUsers { networkUSerResponse in
completion(networkUSerResponse as NetworkResponse<NSObject>)
class UserNetworkManager {
func fetchUsers(completion: (NetworkResponse<User>)->()) {
// Do stuff
In general, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this. The basic problem is that NetworkResponse<NSObject> and NetworkResponse<User> are essentially completely unrelated types that happen to have identical functionality and similar naming.
In this specific case, it really isn't necessary since you're throwing away the known Userness of the result anyway, meaning that if you really want to treat it as a User later you'll have to do a conditional cast back. Just remove the generic from NetworkResponse and it will all work as expected. The major drawback is that within UserVC.fetchData you won't have access to the returned User result without a (conditional) cast.
The alternative solution would be to separate out whatever additional information is in NetworkResponse from the payload type (User/NSObject) using a wrapper of some sort (assuming there's significant sideband data there). That way you could pass the NetworkResponse to super without mutilation and down-cast the payload object as needed.
Something like this:
class User : NSObject {
class Transaction {
let request:NSURLRequest?
let response:NSURLResponse?
let data:NSData?
class Response<T:NSObject> {
let transaction:Transaction
let payload:T
init(transaction:Transaction, payload:T) {
self.transaction = transaction
self.payload = payload
class UserNetworkManager {
func fetchUsers(completion: (Response<User>) -> ()) {
completion(Response(transaction:Transaction(), payload:User()))
let userNetworkManager = UserNetworkManager();
class BaseVC {
func fetchData(completion: (Response<NSObject>) -> ()) {
fatalError("Gotta implement fetchData")
class UserVC : BaseVC {
override func fetchData(completion: (Response<NSObject>) -> ()) {
userNetworkManager.fetchUsers { response -> () in
completion(Response(transaction: response.transaction, payload: response.payload))
Although at that point, you're probably better off just separating the transaction information and payload information into separate arguments to the callback.
