How to animate letters/words on screen in different ways - ios

I know How to use/show animated images in ImageView. But I m wondering if this is possible in native iOS and/Or Android that letters of a string can be shown on screen via different shape of animations.
For Example:
Ballons on the full app screen pop and deposit the words of the text/string.
Popcorn in a pan on the full app screen pop and deposits the words of the text/string.
Then these letters/words are moving down to bottom of app screen and placed/shown in some textView
I have searched a lot but found nothing like this in Native environment.
I have found THIS LTMorphingLabel but it is very far from my requirement.
Any idea or direction will be highly appreciated.

Lottie is a mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe
After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and renders
them natively on mobile!
you can have different animation for each lettter
have fun


I want to display an animated GIF on the splash screen of iOS with ReactNative (or want to have the same behavior)

As the title says, I want to display animated GIFs on the iOS splash screen.
However, I saw a lot of information that the iOS splash screen does not support animated GIFs.
If you know how to achieve a splash screen-like behavior on iOS, could you give me some advice?
Of course, it also supports Android, so I think that a method that can be realized on Android is good.
Sorry for poor English.
react-native: 0.60.6
Thank you.
#gysnet use react-native-community/lottie-react-native
Unfortunately as far as I am aware RN only allows the splash screen content to be static, however there are workarounds.
I was able to get around it by first setting a standard static splash screen, and then having that transition into an initial screen containing the animated splash on a timeout.
There is a good example of how you can do this here:
If you don't mind using lottie instead of gif, i would suggest looking into this package.
It implements animation splash screen using airbnb lottie files in react native. Also, I apply this for multiple react native projects and it worked well.
Have a nice day!

Grid Lines in UIImagePicker camera

I am developing an app that uses UIImagePickerController to capture photos in my current app. I would like to display grid lines (like the original iOS camera app).
At the moment I am adding a custom view as an overlay over my camera preview to draw the grid but the problem is I can’t never get it to be perfectly positioned on all devices. It’s a lot of manual math and guessing what position works on each of devices.
I am wondering is there any better solution than what I am doing.
Thank you

Can I animate with Adobe Edge Animate and import to Xcode using Objective-C?

I would like to animate using Adobe Edge (html5). I would then like to proceed to import my animation in Xcode for an iPad app (IOS 8). I will be using Objective-C for this project. Is there any way to do so?
If not what are my alternatives? Keep in mind I want to animate using some sort of GUI application.
I think it depends on what sort of animations you want to create and how they will be used in your app. One possible way is to integrate the SpriteKit library into your UI, which can be useful for making animations or interactive artwork in your UI.
If you go this route, you can create an animation as a movie clip symbol in Adobe Animate. (Adobe Edge Animate has been discontinued and effectively replaced by what is currently called Adobe Animate). Then right-click your symbol in Animate and select Export PNG Sequence. This will produce the frames of your animation as PNG images, which you can then animate in your app using SpriteKit. Animate can also export art assets as a sprite sheet or texture atlas.
You would need to get familiar with the SpriteKit library to go this route. As other users pointed out, there are alternate approaches you could take.
The only way I know this would work would be to use a webview in your ObjectiveC code. Then you would point your web view to the local HTML/JS files generated by Edge Animate. Basically this is how Cordova does things.
You could user alternatives like Phonegap, or create your own UIWebView and charge the www folder.

Phonegap plugin half-screen camera ala Taptalk

I am trying to mimic the half-screen camera as exists in apps like Taptalk. The goal is to have a live camera in a self-contained view on the upper half of the screen controlled by a Cordova plugin, with the lower half of the screen containing the normal HTML-based Cordova content.
I know the standard cordova camera plugin allows you to bring up the fullscreen camera component, and I know that doing this natively, at least on iOS would be relatively straightforward, but I'm really not sure where I would start trying to do this in a cross-platform way within a larger phonegap app (via Ionic).
I'm guessing I need to write a custom Cordova plugin ala this excellent article, but the main conceptual issue I'm worried about is that I think I'd have to use a view positioned and sized to only fill the top half of the screen, as opposed to a fullscreen ViewController (focusing on iOS for now).
Does anyone have any advice for implementing this approach?
I ended up writing my own Cordova plugin, SnapsCamera.
It uses a half-screen-sized view with UIImagePickerController's UIView added as a subview.

UI very distorted using jquery apps

I have couple of questions:
1) I am creating apps using and trying to make a search form that loads listview and shows data. However the UI is very distorted when i tried on android simulator and i also tested on my android tablet.
All the rounded borders and icons in list view looks very messed up. Does anyone have any solution to this?
2) How can i add ads in my apps? Can i use admob?
3) How can i scale YouTube video according to screen size?
1) Is your HTML displaying properly in browsers? Unfortunately, we don't control the HTML rendering, so you'll need to write your markup in a webkit-compatible way.
2) We have an AdMob integration in our medium-term plans
3) If you want full-screen video playback, see For inline video, we should behave in the same way as the stock browser - if not, let me know!
1) Android 2.x has f'ugly rendering of CSS rounded corners, combined with older 2.x handsets having lower res displays leads to some really freaky looking borders, shadows and bevels. Also slows down the page a lot - I would avoid these css effects if possible if you want to target these devices.
