Docker build image Prestashop - docker

I'm a Docker beginner. I have pull and configured, installed Prestashop in my docker container.
I would like to build an image with this config.
How can I do?

To build a container you would have to run docker build -t myawsome_container:1.0.0 . (providing that you are in the directory where your Dockerfile is located)
Now to run your container you would want to run docker run myawsome_container:1.0.0


Copy folder from Dockerfile to CI-Host machine during building of the Image

I build an Image with a Dockerfile in Jenkins.
In the Dockerfile ./gradlew build is run which generates .xml-files for the JUnit Test-results.
I want to copy these files into the Jenkins which ran docker build so that the Jenkins UI can display the results.
How would I do that?
There are no containers yet so docker cp or volumes are not options afaik.
You can create a container without starting it, then you can copy from it:
docker create --name tmp_container ci_image
docker cp tmp_container:/source ./destination
docker rm tmp_container
Documentation: docker create.

how can i start using docker container using Dockerfile

I am using ubuntu 18.04
I have docker-ce installed
I have a file named Dockerfile
I didn't have any other files
how can I start using this container
Firstly you need to build an image from Dockerfile. To do this:
Go to the directory containing Dockerfile
Run (change <image_name> to some meaningful name): docker build -t <image_name> .
After image is built we can finally run it: docker run -it <image_name>
There multiple options how the image can be run so I encourage you to read some docs.

Where does the docker images stored in local machine

I created docker a docker image of a spring boot application using the below command
docker build -f Dockerfile -t myimage
once i run the command "docker images" I see that image. Now I want to get that image out my local machine and run on another machine using the below command.
docker run -p 8085:8085 myimage
What are the steps to relocate docker image to another machine over a physical medium?
but that local contain .txt files of 6KB. I know normally a docker image is around 600MB in size.
Could anyone please help me to find the exact location.
Thank you
1.You can export your docker image after building it.
docker build -f Dockerfile -t myimage .
docker save myimage > myimage.tar You will see this in your directory where you execute docker build command.
Then you can load it anywhere else as
docker load < myimage.tar
Other than that if there is a docker repo , you can simply push the docker image.
2.If the other machine can be reachable via a network you can setup the other machine as a docker hub

Using docker pull & run to build dockerfile

I'm learning how to use docker.
I want to deploy a microservice for swagger. I can do
docker pull schickling/swagger-ui
docker run -p 80:8080 -e API_URL=http://myapiurl/api.json swaggerapi/swagger-ui
To deploy it, I need a dockerfile i can run.
How do i generate the dockerfile in a way I can run it with docker build ?
The original question asks for a Dockerfile, perhaps for some CI/CD workflow, so this answer addresses that requirement:
Create a very simple Dockerfile beginning with
FROM schickling/swagger-ui
Then from that directory run
$ docker build -t mycontainername .
Which can then be run:
$ docker run -p 80:8080 -e API_URL=http://myapiurl/api.json mycontainername
Usually the docker pull pulls the Dockerfile. The Dockerfile for swagger is on the docker repo for it if you wanted to edit it or customize it.
That one should work with the build command. The build command builds the image, the run command turns the image into a container. The docker pull command should pull the image in. You don't need to run docker build for it as you should already have the image from the pull. You only need to do docker run.

Docker image versioning and lifecycle management

I am getting into Docker and am trying to better understand how it works out there in the "real world".
It occurs to me that, in practice:
You need a way to version Docker images
You need a way to tell the Docker engine (running on a VM) to stop/start/restart a particular container
You need a way to tell the Docker engine which version of a image to run
Does Docker ship with built-in commands for handling each of these? If not what tools/strategies are used for accomplishing them? Also, when I build a Docker image (via, say, docker build -t myapp .), what file type is produced and where is it located on the machine?
docker has all you need to build images and run containers. You can create your own image by writing a Dockerfile or by pulling it from the docker hub.
In the Dockerfile you specify another image as the basis for your image, run command install things. Images can have tags, for example the ubuntu image can have the latest or 12.04 tag, that can be specified with ubuntu:latest notation.
Once you have built the image with docker build -t image-name . you can create containers from that image with `docker run --name container-name image-name.
docker ps to see running containers
docker rm <container name/id> to remove containers
Suppose we have a docker file like bellow:
->Build from git without versioning:
sudo docker build
in here:
fecomments is branch name and comments is the folder name.
->building from git with tag and version:
sudo docker build -t lordash/comments:v1.0
->Now if you want to build from a directory: first go to comments directory the run command sudo docker build .
->if you want to add tag you can use -t or -tag flag to do that:
sudo docker build -t lordash . or sudo docker build -t lordash/comments .
-> Now you can version your image with the help of tag:
sudo docker build -t lordash/comments:v1.0 .
->you can also apply multiple tag to an image:
sudo docker build -t lordash/comments:latest -t lordash/comments:v1.0 .
