A system issue occurred in facebook account kit - account-kit

i could not resolve facebook account kit (A system issue occurred. please try again) issue even i have enabled client token access and sms login in account kit developers account.

If you try to Login With Account Kit and Try to Generate:-
1- the AccessToken Code
you must Enable the
Client Access Token Flow and set new AccountKitConfiguration.AccountKitConfigurationBuilder(LoginType.PHONE, AccountKitActivity.ResponseType.TOKEN);
2- the Authorization Code
you must Disable the Client Access Token Flow and and set new AccountKitConfiguration.AccountKitConfigurationBuilder(LoginType.PHONE, AccountKitActivity.ResponseType.CODE);

Please check the Client Token it is exactly the same as on dashboard!!
Also check the manifest file do you properly add the Account kit activity and meta data of Account kit.
If again having problem feel free to ask..

Don't forget to change ACCOUNT_KIT_CLIENT_TOKEN from string.xml
ACCOUNT_KIT_CLIENT_TOKEN using the client token found in the Account Kit tab in the App Dashboard.
In above url replace FB_APP_ID to your application id

Please check your internet, when you are clicking on next, if the internet is not there, then you will face this error apart from client access token not being given

Go To Products Tab--> Setting --> Server Side Validation is Enabled
1). Allow Email Login Yes
2). Allow Phone Number Login Yes
3). Enable Client Access Token Flow Yes
4). Require App Secret No

just because u might not be removed [] those brackets... i did the same thing. then i had found this syntax error
this is wrong-->
this is right-->(no BRACKETS)


Unable to get Salesforce ClientID and SecretID

I'm attempting to use Outh authentication for my PHP request to Salesforce but I can't get my ClientID and SecretID for my app.
I normally have an option to View these values but for some reason I'm unable to view them with an administrator login.
I created a new App and was able to get the credentials successfully, so I know it's not the account permissions preventing me from accessing this information.
Does anyone with experience of Salesforce have any experience with an inability to get these details?
Is it a normal app created in this org or managed connected app, coming from installed package? You can't see secrets of managed app.
For normal app they're hidden behind a button. For me clicking it takes me to email challenge (provide OTC or one-time code we've sent to your mailbox). Completing that I can access the page with key and secret I can copy-paste.
Your user might be misconfigured. Try to fish around with browser's source inspector, maybe the button's there but doesn't render?
<input id="appsetup:setupForm:details:oauthSettingsSection:manageConsumerKeySecretSection:manageConsumer" type="submit" name="appsetup:setupForm:details:oauthSettingsSection:manageConsumerKeySecretSection:manageConsumer" value="Manage Consumer Details" class="btn gsbutton">
Is your email valid in this org (maybe it's a fresh sandbox with ".invalid")? Do you use Multi Factor Authentication? Do you think you have "high assurance session" configured when accessing certain areas of setup? Can be in Setup -> Session Settings or in your Profile
thank you for writing back to me regarding the issue.
The issue I encountered was trying to get the API credentials for an existing app but I was able to create a new App which is posting the Leads successfully into the system.
So the answer to my problem was that the original app was misconfigured when it was created and I was able to create a new App to resolve the problem.

Okta authentication failing in iOS App with valid details

I am trying to authenticate with Okta in my iOS app, Create a app is Okta dashboard and added client id and redirect url's. After setting up and installing app in simulator. app is throwing the below error:
Please let me know if i missed any settings.
Created a native app from dashboard.
It looks like the client ID you're sending in the request is not what you think it is. You should be able to copy the URL from your browser, paste it in something like Notes, and examine the client ID. Make sure it matches what you have in your Okta org and that it doesn't contain any unexpected characters in it.
That's a common problem being faced by every newbie.
Here are some steps which will guide you to make your Okta authentication without error.
Create an application in Okta Page.
At text field & you may put your domain id. ex dev-xxxx.okta.com:/callback
Provide the same detail in your okta.plist in iOS Application.
You may refer to the Okta 'GitHub Repositories' for working samples.

Custom scheme URIs are not allowed for 'Web' client type - Google with Firebase

I am trying to implement google sign in using firebase in to my iOS app. I follow this tutorial.
I have setup the iOS app in firebase and use the google clientID and reversedClientID from the dowloaded GoogleService-Info.plist.
FYI: I have a custom sign-in button instead of the google sign in button. Anyway when i click the sign in button, google following error display in a webview.
I know my problem is the same as which described in this question.
Google 400 Error: invalid request Custom scheme URIs are not allowed for 'Web' client type
But, in my case, I have created the app in Firebase still I get the error. Any idea please...
The first step is to check if you have already the OAuth 2.0 ID for iOS. To do this please open the Credentials page in the API Console. I hope you will find iOS client for your application under OAuth 2.0 client IDs section. If not, please follow this Guide
The second step is to replace the Web Client ID with in iOS Client ID from OAuth 2.0 client IDs section. To do this, you should open the GoogleService-Info.plist and modify following keys: CLIENT_ID with [value].apps.googleusercontent.com and REVERSED_CLIENT_ID with com.googleusercontent.apps.[value].
if you're using flutterfire ui package you need to change the client id parameter in your GoogleProviderConfiguration class with the iOS client id,
you can copy it from here Credential page
providerConfigs: [
clientId: "your copied key here"),
re-build you're app and you should be good to go
I've just faced this same issue using flutterfire_ui on Flutter.
The error appears to be from a couple of things. As Valeriy points out you need the ios client ID. But I still got the error if I used the scopes
Instead change these to
Strangely the opposite is true for Android, where the WebID and the first of the scopes should be used.
It also pays to be aware of the OAuth Content Screen..
In google cloud go to APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen > Edit.
You can add scopes here and fix any missing required fields that Firebase might not be filling out (I had 1). I believe this takes a while to propagate after a change, so give it an hour.

How to get client secret from Google Developers Console in iOS?

Currently i am working on one of old project within that there is a client id and client secret. Now i want to update those with new client id and client secret using another Developer account. I followed each and every step from
Google APIs Console - missing client secret
But i can see only client id. Where is the client secret ?
Here i can see only client id
Hey this is step by step process ,hope this helps you...
Step 1:
Goto Google Developer console and create new app
Step 2:Enable the google plus api
You can see the enable api in the Enable API's tab which is next to API Library ,which is visible in second image.
Step 3: Goto to credential in API & auth tab then select credentials option
select the type of authentication you require
then you will can see the configure consent screen configure the page with the information you wish to provide .
Step 4: Select the web Application option on top
and enter required url's
and finally click create button
once you do that ..you can see ...client id and client secret key...
When in iOS, the application type of the OAuth credential should be 'iOS'.
And then you should pass an empty string as the client secret in your code.
Keeping a secret (that is global to the entire application, not unique per user) in an app is NEVER EVER secure. See https://developer.okta.com/blog/2019/01/22/oauth-api-keys-arent-safe-in-mobile-apps This is an amazing article, please spend as much time as needed to understand it.
Because it can't be kept secure, using client secret in iOS is the old, outdated approach. Nowadays you want to use proof-key-code-exchange (PKCE). It's also explained in above link, but in short:
Generate a secret key in iOS, it is one time use for that one specific login
Only send the hash of the key to the login authority (Google). The original has not left the app yet
To get the tokens, you send: <AuthorizationCode,ORIGINAL secret> AuthorizationCode is also a one time use
Google can compare the "original secret" to the previously sent hash. It therefore knows you are not an attacker that has stolen the AuthorizationCode
Back to the question. Google let's you create different types of "Apps":
Web application: Has a client secret (It's on a backend server, not on a publicly accessible iOS app)
iOS app: Has "iOS URL scheme" instead. There are frameworks that use this URL scheme and do the steps I described above for you (including PKCE). Disclaimer: I'm not an iOS developer, but I'm 99% certain

iOS facebook SDK 3 > Get the signed request

I try to get the signed request to login the user via a webservice but I only have access to the accessToken on FBSession.
I saw this link
Facebook Signed Request for iOS (HMAC SHA256)
who shows how to convert the signed_request but doesn't show how to get it.
Need help :)
If I undersand you right you want your app to login and then make a call to a server where you need to check the users credential again.
I used this tutorial for the authentication.
Then when I call the server I send the accessToken property as a parameter to check the users credentials on the server. You can get the token value like this:
On the server side you can then set the access token to the value you got from the app.
I compiled a gist that generates a signed request which you can then use to authenticate a user on your server without having to query the graph API.
You can find it here: https://gist.github.com/3962188
You can find the original question I compiled it for here: Facebook iOS SDK to return a signed request object upon login
Please note that most of the code is simply a compilation of existing open source code, but I haven't seen any fully working implementation like this anywhere.
