Is it possible to create a docker image whitout OS? - docker

To install my microservice binaries I need a centos. And since I have 20 microservice I'm trying to find a way to optimize the images size so I'm wondering if there's a way to create a docker image without os and at the moment of deployment Docker takes the OS Layer from cache to put it in all the images.. I'm a beginner so I don't know if I'm clear in my statements ?

Yes, look at the scratch keyword (docs):
You can use Docker’s reserved, minimal image, scratch, as a starting
point for building containers.
Also you may find useful using multi-stage builds.
An example:
FROM scratch
ADD hello /
FROM fedora
RUN yum -y update && yum clean all
RUN yum -y install nginx


Docker - Extending a container with another image?

At my company, we have hardened containers created by the security team, and I would like to extend the hardened container with another docker image. For example, if we have a hardened Debian container, and I want to add Apache, how do I do this?
I understand I can use FROM to use a base, but the examples I've seen, don't add another level of published images to an existing base, but specific commands. Do I just go to the official Dockerhub Apache (HTTP) image and just copy and paste the commands from the github repo? I'm assuming there's a cleaner way (but not sure if there is).
For example, do I
FROM mycompanyprivaterepo/Debian:latest
//some command?
FROM httpd
docker build -t mynewimagewithapache
After attempting via apt-get apache2 per some comments, it kept hanging on interactive questions, Solved with the help of comments using:
My Dockerfile:
FROM myprivaterepo/hardened-ubuntu
RUN apt-get update && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qq install apache2
and building via:
$ docker build -t hardened-ubuntu-apache
Well, as far as I understood, you cannot use multi-stage builds and just
COPY --from=base-image /path/to/file/you-are-interested-in /path/inside/new-stage-image
in order to copy the required data to your preferred image. If this is the case, then you have to create your own Dockerfile with base image as your company mycompanyprivaterepo/Debian:latest, and then just create some layers on top of it in order to install required software, using RUN.

Update of root certificates on docker

If I understand correctly, on standard Ubuntu systems for example, root certificates are provided by ca-certificates package and get updated when the package itself is updated.
But how can the root certificates be updated when using docker containers ? Is there a common preferred way of doing this, or must the containers be redeployed with an up-to-date docker image ?
The containers must be redeployed with an up-to-date image.
The Docker Hub base images like ubuntu actually get updated fairly regularly, and if you look at the tag list you can see that there are several date-stamped variants of the images. So one approach that will get you pretty close to current is to always (have your CI system) pull the base image before you build.
docker pull ubuntu:18.04
docker build .
If you can't do that, or if you're working from some sort of derived image that updates less frequently, you can just manually run apt-get upgrade in your Dockerfile. Doing this in the same place you're otherwise installing packages makes sense. It needs to be in the same RUN line as a matching apt-get update, and you might need some way to force Docker to not cache that update line to get current updates.
FROM python:3.8-slim
# Have an option to force rebuilds; the RUN line won't be
# cacheable if the dependency_stamp option changes
ARG dependency_stamp
ENV dependency_stamp=${dependency_stamp:-unknown}
RUN touch /dependencies.${dependency_stamp}
# Update base OS packages and install other things we need
RUN apt-get update \
&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get upgrade \
&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install \
--no-install-recommends --assume-yes \
If you find yourself doing this routinely, maintaining your own base images that are upgraded to current packages but don't have anything else installed can be helpful; if you find yourself doing that, you might have more control over the process and get smaller images if you build an image FROM ubuntu and install e.g. Python, rather than building an image FROM python and then installing updates over it.

Is it possible to install openssl in openshift?

I have a script that encrypts the files that are created by my application. The script is a bat file, I am changing it to shell script because in openshift we use wildfly server in centOS and the script uses OpenSSL.
My question is
Is it possible to install OpenSSL in the container or image. If so, is there any issue?
Or do we need to create custom openshift container which has openssl installed.
I am new to openshift and all. So not aware of this.
The short answer is "Yes" - practically, you can add to a container image any tool that you need. It is usually regarded as a good practice to add only what you need to keep the image size small.
It is quite possible that there's an image already "out there" that has openssl installed on centos. You may have to build the image for reasons like security, company policies, etc.
First, create a new image from a base image. A sample Dockerfile:
FROM centos:centos7
# Switch to root to be able to install stuff
# -y for unattended install
RUN yum install -y curl \
# clean up the yum cache
&& yum clean all
Build the image, then push it to a Docker registry. Next, reference the image in the deployment configuration as the image for a container.
With OpenShift you actually have the option of building images on OpenShift, including using Docker builds, and saving them automatically in OpenShift's integrated Docker registry.

Is it possible to remove unwanted packages from docker image?

I'm trying to reduce the size of my docker image which is using Centos 7.2
The issue is that it's 257MB which is too high...
I have followed the best practices to write Dockerfile in order to reduce the size...
Is there a way to modify the image after the build and rebuild that image to see the size reduced ?
First of all if you want to reduce an OS size, don't start with big one like CentOS, you can start with alpine which is small
Now if you are still keen on using CentOS, do the following:
docker run -d --name centos_minimal centos:7.2.1511 tail -f /dev/null
This will start a command in the background. You can then get into the container using
docker exec -it centos_minimal bash
Now start removing packages that you don't need using yum remove or yum purge. Once you are done you can commit the image
docker commit centos_minimal centos_minimal:7.2.1511_trial1
Experimental Squash Image
Another option is to use an experimental feature of the build command. In this you can have a dockerfile like below
FROM centos:7
RUN yum -y purge package1 package2 package2
Then build this file using
docker build --squash -t centos_minimal:squash .
For this you need to add "experimental": true to your /etc/docker/daemon.json and then restart the docker server
It is possible, but not at all elegant. Just like you can add software to the base image, you could also remove:
FROM centos:7
RUN yum -y update && yum clean all
RUN yum -y install new_software
RUN yum -y remove obsolete_software
Ask yourself: does your OS have to be CentOS? Then I would recommend you use the default installation and make sure your have enough disk space and memory.
If it does not need to be CentOS, you should rather start with a more minimalistic image. See the discussion here:
Which Docker base image should be used to install Apps in a container without any additional OS?

Compatability of Dockerfile RUN Commands Cross-OS (apt-get)

A beginner's question; how does Docker handle underlying operating system variations when using the RUN command?
Let's take, for example, a very simple Official Docker Hub Dockerfile, for JRE 1.8. When it comes to installing the packages for java, the Dockerfile uses apt-get:
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ...
To the untrained eye, this appears to be a platform-specific instruction that will only work on Debian-based operating systems (or at least ones with APT installed).
How exactly would this work on a CentOS installation, for example, where the package manager would be yum? Or god forbid, something like Solaris.
If this pattern of using RUN to fork arbitrary shell commands is prevalent in docker, how does one avoid inter-platform, or even inter-version, dependencies?
i.e. what if the Dockerfile writer has a newer version of (say) grep than I do, and they've used some new CLI flag that isn't available on earlier versions?
The only two outcomes from this can be: (1) RUN command exits with non-zero exit code (2) the Dockerfile changes the installed version of grep before running the command.
The common point shared by all Dockerfiles is the FROM statement. It is the first line in the file and indicates the parent Docker image you're building on. A typical base image could be one with Ubuntu (i.e.: The snippet you share in your question would fit well in an Ubuntu image (with apt-get) but not in a CentOS image.
In summary, you're installing docker in your CentOS system, but you're building a Docker image with Ubuntu in it.
As I commented in your question, you can add FROM statement to specify which relaying OS you want. for example:
RUN yum update -y
RUN yum install -y java
now you have to build/create the image with:
docker build -t <image-name> .
The idea is that you'll use the OS you are familiar with (for example, CentOS) and build an image of it. Now, you can take this image and run it above Ubuntu/CentOS/RHEL/whatever... with
docker run -it <image-name> bash
(You just need to install docker in the desired OS.
