Filter data from Umbraco backoffice listview - umbraco

I've a page called Page where I'll add some blocks called a PageBlock. This two are both document types. Under the Page you could create Pageblocks and Pages. Inside my listview on the backoffice, I'll only show the Pages. In the content three, I'll only show the Pages.
How could I do that?
I've tried to find a filter but nothing found and I wouldn't write a plugin. I'm using Umbraco 7.6
Update: I know how to create an listview but how could I make a filter to show only the childeren of one document type?

I don't know if I understand the question correctly, but I think what you want to do is set the permission of Pages to allow Pageblocks as its children (On the permissions tab of Pages)
Now if you want to display the children of Pages as a listview go to List view (top right) of Pages and enable Yes - Enable list view
If you want to both be able to view children in the tree and in a listview, you can leave the above option unchecked and add a List View property to the Pages documenttype (as displayed in your screenshot)


Umbraco - Reading the nodes

I have a umbraco solution, which has a below piece of code in my view,
var home = Model.AncestorOrSelf(1);
var primaryNav = home.GetPropertyValue<IEnumerable<IPublishedContent>>("primaryNav").Where(n => n.GetPropertyValue<bool>("hideFromNavigation") == false);
From my Umbraco back office, can someone please tell me how can i find the nodes which satisfy the above piece of code.
I'm trying to a new node to the existing navigation bar, but it is not coming up. What could i be missing here?
Please let me know, i'm new to umbraco.
My Umbraco version is 7.2.1
Also, what could be the meaning of "primaryNav", here home.GetPropertyValue<IEnumerable<IPublishedContent>>("primaryNav")
Go to the root page of the website in the back office content tree. On that page there should be a content picker called something like "Primary Nav".
That should show up all of the selected items that should appear. It's also checking for a hide from navigation property, which you'd have to check individually on each of the selected nodes.
How are you trying to add the node to the menu? If it's via the picker, then it SHOULD work, unless the page has the hide from navigation checkbox checked. Also make sure you publish the root page once you've added the page to the picker rather than just saving.
The only other thing that might be causing it to not show up would be if the Partial that renders the navigation is being cached. Look in the view and see if it's using CachedPartial, and if so, that may be your culprit.

Adding multipage printing to Windows 8 ListView App

I have an app with a ListView showing a list of summary items.
I've added print support, but I'm stuck on splitting my content into different pages.
I can add multiple pages, but I don't know how to split my content into pages based on page size.
Currently I have a xaml user control for my print content with a bound ItemsControl in it. I'd either like to bind to a list of just the items that will fit on the page, or move the top visible item position up based on the page number.
I'm not sure which is the best approach and I'm not sure how to do either.
The only paging example I could find in the docs was for a rich text block, which relies on the RichTextBlockOverflow control. I don't think that will help me.

Unable to edit content using admin part

I have to support a website developed in umbraco. I am totally new to this and this is am working on this for the very first time. My requirement is very straight-I need to edit the content of a webpage. When I too the page it opened with two tabs - Main Content and Properties. In the main content tab I can edit the Title, Banner image, Content header etc, but not the content of the page. It doesn't give any rich textbox to edit the content. I have uploaded the view of one of the page.
I need urgently need to edit the content.Please help with this.
The screenshot implies that the content should be under the "Content" headline in the right screen, but depending on how the documenttype for the frontpage i created, the content could be made up by sub nodes. try folding out the tree to see.
If it dos-nt make sence you can see what documentype a node is made on and what template it uses to display it by clicking the Properties tab. Then go to the Settings Tab in the bottom and see what that documenttype contains and how its displayed in the template

View custom column

I've created a customer site column. When the user creates a webparts page the column must be populated.
What I want to do is have the value of this column automatically appear on the web page.
This should not be that hard.....
If you are using the out of the box input form, for them to fill in the data, the column will show up there automatically. If you are referring to a list view that is already on a page, you will need to edit the page, modify the webpart settings and customize the view (or simply pick an existing view that has the column added to it.)
When you put a list on a web part page, the list view format is psuedo copied to the page in that the page will not reflect and changes to the view that existed when it was put on the page, which is why you either have to reselect the default view or else customize the view of the webpart on the page.

How to build a tabbed Edit View for a big ViewModel in ASP.NET without JavaScript?

I've got a big ViewModel for a ContactViewModel with several addresses (default, invoice, delivery). This ContactViewModel I would like to edit within a DefaultAddress tab, etc. and I would like to know how to handle this without JavaScript? Is this possible?
Tell me if I'm off base here;
The way i think i'd approach this is to create a partial view which takes a list. the partial view would itterate through the list and create another partial view which is the tab.
on click of the tab i'd do a postback and store the clicked tab. this id then becomes the active tab.
when i come back to rebuild my page, the partialview for the actual tab would need to check to see if it's active and then make itself visible. if not visible then simply render nothing maybe.
This can be done with CSS. Here is an example:
The selected tab/view will need to be rendered on the server. I can see each tab being a link, when the link is clicked the correct view and selected tab is returned.
Some of the css tabs don't work correctly in IE6. I'm not sure if the above link is one of them.
