What is the easiest way to draw line in absolute layput vaadin? - vaadin

After creating absoluteLayout object what is the easiest way to draw line between two objects in that?

I would recommend not to use absoluteLayout for drawing lines, but instead one of the Canvas addons:
Depending of your use-case you also want to draw whatever you are drawing directly in the client and not from the server.
For your question is very limited I can't give you more guidance.
If you still want to use absoluteLayout and drawing lines, you should go with a simple div-element (you could for example add an empty Label or whatever) and style it via CSS so it looks like a line. You won't be able to "connect" your two objects easily, though - use a canvas for that purpose.


How to use globalCompositeOperation in Konva for multiple shapes with scaling

I'm trying to create polygons with an inner border in Konva.
I found this example of doing this with globalCompositeOperation which works well in Konva, as long as there is only one shape. As soon as I try to add a second shape, this obviously doesn't work anymore and the first shape disappears.
It would work if I were to use a different layer for every shape, but of course that's not a solution that scales well.
I tried using a temporary layer as is done in the example but couldn't get it to work.
So I found this example of using group.cache(), which works fine ... until I try to scale the stage, at which point I would have to refresh the cache, otherwise I only get the scaled up cache, which looks bad.
This codesandbox illustrates the problem. (Please note that this uses simple triangles, in reality I work with arbitray polygons)
So is there a way to use cache with scaling? Or alternatively a better way to use globalCompositeOperation with multiple shapes in the same layer? Or some alternative solution?
I found a solution: calling group.cache({pixelRatio: scaleFactor}). I updated the sandbox.
No idea, if this is the best solution, but it works.

Removing sections from CGMutablePath

For this project, I'm using the addCurve method of CGMutablePath to draw a curve-shape on a view.
What I'm not understanding at all, is how (or whether it's even possible) to remove that exact same curve from the mutable path? Judging by the API, it looks like there are lots of methods for adding various shapes at different points, but no methods on how to remove them...
Is not possible, you may hold the elements of the original path so you can construct a new one just with the elements you want or, you can use CGPath.applyWithBlock to construct a new one selecting the wanted elements.

Have to develop the component shown in below image

Need to develop the component shown in the image above using Objective-C language. No idea where to start and which framework to use. Any heads up/reference links to develop this component is highly appreciated.
Use a combination of UIBezierPaths with custom fill colors. You can either use a shape layer or core graphics. Bezier path allows you to construct a custom path, so the first one will be a triangle, and the second a quadrilateral.
You could also use paint code if you want to construct the path visually.
Look at this
It's a very general way to create whatever control you want.

Design UISegmentControl

I'm having a segment control design like this
How to design my segments so that the selected one should look like the "ALL" like in the image above. What I could think of to use different images on selection but if I do that then some part of the curve which is going in "Others" won't be visible. Any suggestion on designing UISegmentControl like this ?
I have two suggestions:
Find an alternative approach that avoids this.
A lot of apps try to add delight by designing custom components and UI when actually it doesn't really add that much to the app. At worst you might frustrate people by using non-standard components that don't work the way they expect, or increase cognitive load as they're trying to use you're app.
Go 100% with a custom subclass.
Don't just settle for setting a static background image, but invest in creating a component that not only looks like this in a selected state, but also provides animations as people change the selected item.
This is going to be a fair amount of work, but would be something like this:
subclassing UISegmentedController -- it provides the base of the functionality that you're looking for which is good;
adding a new CAShapeLayer as to the controls background layer
figuring out a dynamic bezier curve that can update for all your states (will probably end up having control points for each segment) you might be able to do this by hand, but I'd have to use a tool like PaintCode to generate the bezier curve code, and Illustrator to make the initial curve
add listeners for event changes of the segment changing, and recalculate the curve control points as needed
The positive note of this is that the path property on CAShapeLayer is animatable, so when the segment changes and the curve updates the animation will probably be the easiest part!

Drawing a grid of circles in xcode/swift

How would I go abouts getting an effect in a view controller like the wonderful work of art attached in the following link?
I do have some idea, ranging from actually using ASCII text (I know, super wrong way) to a collection view of pictures, to what I suspect is the "right" way, done with core graphics. But I am asking in case there is a super easy/right methodology I will one day discover and facepalm.
You are correct that there are two primary ways for you to draw a grid of circles.
The primary way is to draw them using UIBezierPath or by using a collection view of images of circles.
For simple shapes, it is recommended that you choose the first option simply because your choices of circles aren't restricted by your images.
Here is a link for you to get started.
