non https VssConnection with access token - disable required secure connection? - tfs

using TFS in our internal network, want to programatically check in changes with an access token, but get this: InvalidOperationException Basic authentication requires a secure connection to the server. Is there a way to turn off requiring secure connection?
var basicCreds = new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, BuildUnitTestConstants.AccessToken);
var connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(BuildUnitTestConstants.ProjectUri), basicCreds);
var sourceControlServer = connection.GetClient<TfvcHttpClient>();

Well, it is possible, albeit not recommended; I needed it as well, because internal IT department would not install TFS with HTTPS (sad story). Also, for testing scenarios it can come quite handy.
As always YMMV and I'm not responsible for what happens when you use it when you shouldn't ;-) You have been warned.
For one you could simply not use the .NET client API, but directly use HttpClient and manually put the PAT in the URL to access the REST API, e.g.:
(Hence that the tfx-cli works nicely with PATs and non-HTTPS TFS instances, most likely because it does just that internally, not using the .NET client API of course - it is a node.js thing.)
If you want to stay with the .NET client API, you can create your own credentials class like so:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common;
namespace Utilities
/// <summary>
/// Same as VssBasicCredential, but doesn't throw when URL is a non SSL, i.e. http, URL.
/// </summary>
/// <inheritdoc cref="FederatedCredential"/>
internal sealed class PatCredentials : FederatedCredential
public PatCredentials()
: this((VssBasicToken)null)
public PatCredentials(string userName, string password)
: this(new VssBasicToken(new NetworkCredential(userName, password)))
public PatCredentials(ICredentials initialToken)
: this(new VssBasicToken(initialToken))
public PatCredentials(VssBasicToken initialToken)
: base(initialToken)
public override VssCredentialsType CredentialType => VssCredentialsType.Basic;
public override bool IsAuthenticationChallenge(IHttpResponse webResponse)
if (webResponse == null ||
webResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Found &&
webResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Found &&
webResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
return false;
return webResponse.Headers.GetValues("WWW-Authenticate").Any(x => x.StartsWith("Basic", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
protected override IssuedTokenProvider OnCreateTokenProvider(Uri serverUrl, IHttpResponse response)
return new BasicAuthTokenProvider(this, serverUrl);
private sealed class BasicAuthTokenProvider : IssuedTokenProvider
public BasicAuthTokenProvider(IssuedTokenCredential credential, Uri serverUrl)
: base(credential, serverUrl, serverUrl)
protected override string AuthenticationScheme => "Basic";
public override bool GetTokenIsInteractive => this.CurrentToken == null;
Then create your VssCredentials using this class:
var credentials = new PatCredentials("", personalAccessToken);
var connection = new VssConnection(serverUrl, credentials);
(Shameless plug I use it in my TfsInfoService).

Nowadays you don't need to use the workaround provided by #Christian.K
Simply set the following env variable:
Source: code of Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.VssBasicCredential:
protected override IssuedTokenProvider OnCreateTokenProvider(
Uri serverUrl,
IHttpResponse response)
bool result;
if (serverUrl.Scheme != "https" && (!bool.TryParse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VSS_ALLOW_UNSAFE_BASICAUTH") ?? "false", out result) || !result))
throw new InvalidOperationException(CommonResources.BasicAuthenticationRequiresSsl());
return (IssuedTokenProvider) new BasicAuthTokenProvider(this, serverUrl);
To set the environment variable programatically:
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("VSS_ALLOW_UNSAFE_BASICAUTH", "true")

No this is not possible. The problem of enabling PAT over unsecured connections is that anyone could intercept the token easily and would be able to use it for their own purposes.
Either enable SSL on the TSF instance, this is highly recommended. Or use Windows Authentication to use a secure form of authentication to TFS over an unsecured channel.


How to set argument to Ninject binder regarding on request header

I have webapi serviss where almost every user has its own database instance to connect. So i have to set different connection string for each user. To recognize user i will pass specific Token into header. Regarding on this Token, system has to build and set differenct connection string into Data Access layer constructor (Order in this case)
Is it possible to pass argument to Ninject or any kind of IoC binder regarding on request header?
IOrders _orders;
public HomeController(IOrders order)
_orders = order;
Here is an Ninject binding, but as you can guess, HttpContext.Current is null.
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
var some_value = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers.GetValues("Token");
.WithConstructorArgument("Token", some_value);
Maybe there is much elegant way to do this using Controller Factory ?
I would create a service class that does this lookup for you. then inject this service into the Orders implementation.
public interface IRequestContext {
string ConnectionString {get;}
public class HttpHeaderRequestContext : IRequestContext {
public string ConnectionString {
get {
var token = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers.GetValues("Token");
// .. lookup conn string based on token
public class Orders : IOrders {
public Orders(IRequestContext ctx) {
// create new connection w/ ctx.ConnectionString
using this method, the lookup of headers and connection strings is abstracted away from the implementation. this makes it easier to test and easier swap out with a different method of obtaining a connection string if the need arises.
After implementing Dave approach, i realized that i could solve this connection string injection by feeding HttpContext.Current into Ninject binding like this:
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
.WithConstructorArgument("smth", x => {
var token = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers.Get("Token");
var _db = new SomeDataCxt();
var connStr = _db.DbStringRepository.GetByToken(token);
return connStr;

Limit user authorization to my Google domain

It should be possible to limit Google API OAuth2 requests to a specific google domain. It used to be possible by hacking on the end & to the request. Using the new MVC auth stuff it seems no longer possible. Any ideas how?
public class AppFlowMetadata : FlowMetadata
private static readonly IAuthorizationCodeFlow flow =
new AppGoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer
ClientSecrets = new ClientSecrets
ClientId = "***",
ClientSecret = "******"
Scopes = new[] { DriveService.Scope.Drive },
DataStore = new FileDataStore(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"), true) ,
public override string GetUserId(Controller controller)
// In this sample we use the session to store the user identifiers.
// That's not the best practice, because you should have a logic to identify
// a user. You might want to use "OpenID Connect".
// You can read more about the protocol in the following link:
var user = controller.Session["user"];
if (user == null)
user = Guid.NewGuid();
controller.Session["user"] = user;
return user.ToString();
public override IAuthorizationCodeFlow Flow
get { return flow; }
public class AppGoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow : GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow
public AppGoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer initializer) : base(initializer) { }
public override AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl CreateAuthorizationCodeRequest(String redirectUri)
var authorizeUri = new Uri(AuthorizationServerUrl).AddQuery("hd", ""); //is not in the request
var authUrl = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl(authorizeUri)
ClientId = ClientSecrets.ClientId,
Scope = string.Join(" ", Scopes),
RedirectUri = redirectUri,
//AccessType = "offline",
// ApprovalPrompt = "force"
return authUrl;
Passing a hd parameter is indeed the correct way to limit users to your domain. However, it is important that you verify that the user does actually belong to that hosted domain. I see in your answer that you figured out how to add this parameter back in to your request, so I will address the second part of this.
The issue is that the user can actually modify the requested URL in their client and remove the hd parameter! So while it's good to pass this parameter for the best UI for your users, you need to also verify that authenticated users do actually belong to that domain.
To see which hosted Google Apps for Work domain (if any) the user belongs to, you must include email in the list of scopes that you authorize. Then, do one of the following:
Option 1. Verify the ID Token.
When you exchange your code for an access token, the token endpoint will also return an ID Token in the id_token param (assuming you include an identity scope in your request such as email). If the user is part of a hosted domain, a hd claim will be present, you should check that it is present, and matches what you expect.
You can read more about ID tokens on Google's OpenID Connect docs (including some links to sample code and libraries to help you decode them). This tool can decode ID Tokens during testing.
Option 2. Call UserInfo
Once you have the OAuth Access Token, perform a GET request to with the Access Token in the header. It will return a JSON dictionary of claims about the user. If the user is part of a hosted domain, a hd claim will be present, you should check that it is present, and matches what you expect.
Read more in the documentation for Google's UserInfo endpoint.
The main difference between Option 1 and Option 2 is that with the ID Token, you avoid another HTTP round-trip to the server making it faster, and less error-prone. You can try out both these options interactively using the OAuth2 Playground.
With the updated for .NET core package previous answers are no longer suitable. Fortunately in the new implementation there is a way to hook into authentication events to perform such task.
You will need a class that will handle 2 events - the one that fired before you go to Google and the one for when coming back. In first you limit which domain can be used to sign-in and in the second you ensure that the email with the right domain was in fact used for signin:
internal class GoogleAuthEvents : OAuthEvents
private string _domainName;
public GoogleAuthEvents(string domainName)
this._domainName = domainName?.ToLower() ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(domainName));
public override Task RedirectToAuthorizationEndpoint(OAuthRedirectToAuthorizationContext context)
return base.RedirectToAuthorizationEndpoint(new OAuthRedirectToAuthorizationContext(
public override Task TicketReceived(TicketReceivedContext context)
var emailClaim = context.Ticket.Principal.Claims.FirstOrDefault(
c => c.Type == "");
if (emailClaim == null || !emailClaim.Value.ToLower().EndsWith(_domainName))
context.Response.StatusCode = 403; // or redirect somewhere
return base.TicketReceived(context);
and then you need to pass this "events handler" to the middleware via GoogleOptions class:
app.UseGoogleAuthentication(new GoogleOptions
Events = new GoogleAuthEvents(Configuration["Authentication:Google:LimitToDomain"])
#AMH, to do in simplest way you should create your own Google Provider, override method ApplyRedirect and append additional parameter like hd to address which will be using to redirect to a new google auth page:
public class GoogleAuthProvider : GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationProvider
public override void ApplyRedirect(GoogleOAuth2ApplyRedirectContext context)
var newRedirectUri = context.RedirectUri;
newRedirectUri += string.Format("&hd={0}", "");
After that just link new provider to your options:
app.UseGoogleAuthentication(new GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions()
ClientId = "your id",
ClientSecret = "your secret",
Provider = new GoogleAuthProvider(),
Having downloaded the source, I was able to see it is easy to subclass the request object, and add custom parameters:
public class GoogleDomainAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl : GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the hosted domain.
/// When you want to limit authorizing users from a specific domain
/// </summary>
[Google.Apis.Util.RequestParameterAttribute("hd", Google.Apis.Util.RequestParameterType.Query)]
public string Hd { get; set; }
public GoogleDomainAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl(Uri authorizationServerUrl) : base(authorizationServerUrl)
public class AppGoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow : GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow
public AppGoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer initializer) : base(initializer) { }
public override AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl CreateAuthorizationCodeRequest(String redirectUri)
var authUrl = new GoogleDomainAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl(new Uri(AuthorizationServerUrl))
Hd = "",
ClientId = ClientSecrets.ClientId,
Scope = string.Join(" ", Scopes),
RedirectUri = redirectUri
return authUrl;
I found this post when searching for a solution to specify the hosted domain with OpenID Connect integration to Google. I was able to get it working using the Google.Apis.Auth.AspNetCore package and the following code.
In Startup.cs
services.AddGoogleOpenIdConnect(options =>
options.ClientId = "*****";
options.ClientSecret = "*****";
options.SaveTokens = true;
options.EventsType = typeof(GoogleAuthenticationEvents);
services.AddTransient(provider => new GoogleAuthenticationEvents(""));
Don't forget app.UseAuthentication(); in the Configure() method of Startup.cs.
Then the authentication events class
public class GoogleAuthenticationEvents : OpenIdConnectEvents
private readonly string _hostedDomain;
public GoogleAuthenticationEvents(string hostedDomain)
_hostedDomain = hostedDomain;
public override Task RedirectToIdentityProvider(RedirectContext context)
context.ProtocolMessage.Parameters.Add("hd", _hostedDomain);
return base.RedirectToIdentityProvider(context);
public override Task TicketReceived(TicketReceivedContext context)
var email = context.Principal.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Email);
if (email == null || !email.ToLower().EndsWith(_hostedDomain))
context.Response.StatusCode = 403;
return base.TicketReceived(context);

How to secure reactor netServer with spring security?

I try to develop an "hybrid" server using spring boot webApplication with embedded tomcat and a netServer from reactor to scale-up my Rest Api.
There are no Spring controller, all the incoming request are handled by the netServer.
Never the less i'd like to have a login page using spring security remember me facilities to authenticate the user and use this authentication to secure incoming request on the reactor netServer.
I start to implements the netServer, according to this tutorial reactor thumbmailer
here is my netServer :
NetServer<FullHttpRequest, FullHttpResponse> server = new TcpServerSpec<FullHttpRequest, FullHttpResponse>(NettyTcpServer.class)
.consume(ch -> {
// attach an error handler
ch.when(Throwable.class, UserController.errorHandler(ch));
// filter requests by URI
Stream<FullHttpRequest> in =;
// serve image thumbnail to browser
in.filter((FullHttpRequest req) -> req.getUri().startsWith(UserController.GET_USER_PROFILE))
So when a user try to load his profile, the incoming request is handled by the userController :
public static Consumer<FullHttpRequest> getUserProfile(NetChannel<FullHttpRequest, FullHttpResponse> channel) {
UserService userService = StaticContextAccessor.getBean(UserService.class);
return req -> {
try {
LoginDTO login = RestApiUtils.parseJson(LoginDTO.class, RestApiUtils.getJsonContent(req));
DefaultFullHttpResponse resp = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, OK);
String result = userService.loadUserProfile(login);
resp.headers().set(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");
resp.headers().set(CONTENT_LENGTH, result.length());
} catch (Exception e) {
Here is the hack : getUserProfile is a static methode, so i can't use GlobalMethodSecurity to secure it.
i then inject a userService in this controller using a StaticContextAccessor :
public class StaticContextAccessor {
private static StaticContextAccessor instance;
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void registerInstance() {
instance = this;
public static <T> T getBean(Class<T> clazz) {
return instance.applicationContext.getBean(clazz);
UserService :
public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService{
public String loadUserProfile(LoginDTO login){
//TODO load profile in mongo
return new GsonBuilder().create().toJson(login);
the service is managed by spring so i guess i could use spring GlobalMethodSecurity on it (i m still developping this part, but i'm not sure this is the best way to secure my netServer)
Is there a easier way to use Spring security on reactor netServer ???
My first web site version was developped with nodeJS to handle many concurent users, and i try to refactor it using a JVM nio solution.
So is spring / reactor / netty a good solution to have a highly scalable server, or should i use something like play! or ?
Thank you so much
Have you tried bootstrapping your NetServer from within a JavaConfig #Bean method? Something like:
class AppConfig {
public Function<NetChannel, UserController> users() {
return new UserControllerFactory();
public NetServer netServer(Environment env, Function<NetChannel, UserController> users) {
return new TcpServerSpec(NettyTcpServer.class)
.consume(ch -> {
// attach an error handler
ch.when(Throwable.class, UserController.errorHandler(ch));
// filter requests by URI
Stream<FullHttpRequest> in =;
// serve image thumbnail to browser
in.filter((FullHttpRequest req) -> req.getUri().startsWith(UserController.GET_USER_PROFILE))
This should preserve your Spring Security support and enable you to share handlers as beans rather than as return values from static methods. In general, just about everything you need to do in a Reactor TCP app can be done using beans and injection and by returing the NetServer as a bean itself.

Multitenancy with Fluent nHibernate and Ninject. One Database per Tenant

I'm building a multi-tenant web application where for security concerns, we need to have one instance of the database per tenant. So I have a MainDB for authentication and many ClientDB for application data.
I am using MVC with Ninject and Fluent nHibernate. I have already setup my SessionFactory/Session/Repositories using Ninject and Fluent nHibernate in a Ninject Module at the start of the application. My sessions are PerRequestScope, as are repositories.
My problem is now I need to instanciate a SessionFactory (SingletonScope) instance for each of my tenants whenever one of them connects to the application and create a new session and necessary repositories for each webrequest. I'm puzzled as to how to do this and would need a concrete example.
Here's the situation.
Application starts : The user of TenantX enters his login info. SessionFactory of MainDB gets created and opens a session to the MainDB to authenticate the user. Then the application creates the auth cookie.
Tenant accesses the application : The Tenant Name + ConnectionString are extracted from MainDB and Ninject must construct a tenant specific SessionFactory (SingletonScope) for that tenant. The rest of the web request, all controllers requiring a repository will be inject with a Tenant specific session/repository based on that tenant's SessionFactory.
How do I setup that dynamic with Ninject? I was originally using Named instance when I had multiple databases but now that the databases are tenant specific, I'm lost...
After further research I can give you a better answer.
Whilst it's possible to pass a connection string to ISession.OpenSession a better approach is to create a custom ConnectionProvider. The simplest approach is to derive from DriverConnectionProvider and override the ConnectionString property:
public class TenantConnectionProvider : DriverConnectionProvider
protected override string ConnectionString
// load the tenant connection string
return "";
public override void Configure(IDictionary<string, string> settings)
Using FluentNHibernate you set the provider like so:
var config = Fluently.Configure()
The ConnectionProvider is evaluated each time you open a session allowing you to connect to tenant specific databases in your application.
An issue with the above approach is that the SessionFactory is shared. This is not really a problem if you are only using the first level cache (since this is tied to the session) but is if you decide to enable the second level cache (tied to the SessionFactory).
The recommended approach therefore is to have a SessionFactory-per-tenant (this would apply to schema-per-tenant and database-per-tenant strategies).
Another issue often overlooked is that although the second level cache is tied to the SessionFactory, in some cases the cache space itself is shared (reference). This can be resolved by setting the "regionName" property of the provider.
Below is a working implementation of SessionFactory-per-tenant based on your requirements.
The Tenant class contains the information we need to set up NHibernate for the tenant:
public class Tenant : IEquatable<Tenant>
public string Name { get; set; }
public string ConnectionString { get; set; }
public bool Equals(Tenant other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return other.Name.Equals(Name) && other.ConnectionString.Equals(ConnectionString);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return Equals(obj as Tenant);
public override int GetHashCode()
return string.Concat(Name, ConnectionString).GetHashCode();
Since we'll be storing a Dictionary<Tenant, ISessionFactory> we implement the IEquatable interface so we can evaluate the Tenant keys.
The process of getting the current tenant is abstracted like so:
public interface ITenantAccessor
Tenant GetCurrentTenant();
public class DefaultTenantAccessor : ITenantAccessor
public Tenant GetCurrentTenant()
// your implementation here
return null;
Finally the NHibernateSessionSource which manages the sessions:
public interface ISessionSource
ISession CreateSession();
public class NHibernateSessionSource : ISessionSource
private Dictionary<Tenant, ISessionFactory> sessionFactories =
new Dictionary<Tenant, ISessionFactory>();
private static readonly object factorySyncRoot = new object();
private string defaultConnectionString =
#"Server=(local)\sqlexpress;Database=NHibernateMultiTenancy;integrated security=true;";
private readonly ISessionFactory defaultSessionFactory;
private readonly ITenantAccessor tenantAccessor;
public NHibernateSessionSource(ITenantAccessor tenantAccessor)
if (tenantAccessor == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("tenantAccessor");
this.tenantAccessor = tenantAccessor;
lock (factorySyncRoot)
if (defaultSessionFactory != null) return;
var configuration = AssembleConfiguration("default", defaultConnectionString);
defaultSessionFactory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
private Configuration AssembleConfiguration(string name, string connectionString)
return Fluently.Configure()
.Mappings(cfg =>
.Cache(c =>
c => c.SetProperty(NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.SessionFactoryName, name)
private ISessionFactory GetSessionFactory(Tenant currentTenant)
ISessionFactory tenantSessionFactory;
sessionFactories.TryGetValue(currentTenant, out tenantSessionFactory);
if (tenantSessionFactory == null)
var configuration = AssembleConfiguration(currentTenant.Name, currentTenant.ConnectionString);
tenantSessionFactory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
lock (factorySyncRoot)
sessionFactories.Add(currentTenant, tenantSessionFactory);
return tenantSessionFactory;
public ISession CreateSession()
var tenant = tenantAccessor.GetCurrentTenant();
if (tenant == null)
return defaultSessionFactory.OpenSession();
return GetSessionFactory(tenant).OpenSession();
When we create an instance of NHibernateSessionSource we set up a default SessionFactory to our "default" database.
When CreateSession() is called we get a ISessionFactory instance. This will either be the default session factory (if the current tenant is null) or a tenant specific session factory. The task of locating the tenant specific session factory is performed by the GetSessionFactory method.
Finally we call OpenSession on the ISessionFactory instance we have obtained.
Note that when we create a session factory we set the SessionFactory name (for debugging/profiling purposes) and cache region prefix (for the reasons mentioned above).
Our IoC tool (in my case StructureMap) wires everything up:
x.For<ISession>().HttpContextScoped().Use(ctx =>
Here NHibernateSessionSource is scoped as a singleton and ISession per request.
Hope this helps.
If all the databases are on the same machine, maybe the schema property of class mappings could be used to set the database on a pre-tenant basis.

ASP.NET MVC - HTTP Authentication Prompt

Is it possible to make my application ask for username and password prompting for it before render a view?
Just like on twitter API to get information about your account:
So before render the view || file it asks you to insert you username and password, I think this is made directly on the server since the curl request is based on username:password as well like this:
curl -u user:password
As I'm trying to build an API following the same structure I would like to know how I can do this on ASP.NET MVC C#. I've already used this on ruby rails and its pretty simple like:
before_filter :authenticate
def authenticate
authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |username, password|
username == "foo" && password == "bar"
I don't think that [Authorize] filter is the same since I believe it's just a redirection,
and it redirects you to the Accounts Internal Controller that is based on the accounts database, in this case I will use another database, specifically from a webservice and do the validation after the information is submitted.
But I need the action to require the user and pass credentials on its request.
Thanks in advance
Actually to request a page that requires this authentication (i.e. Twitter)
I would have to declare this on its request
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
And this would reflect that prompted username and password.
So, it's exactly the same thing but from the other side, if it's possible to provide information to the authentication prompt on request, how could I require this authentication on the request instead?
So everytime somebody tries to make a request to my application on example:
it should ask for a username and password with that server prompt
so to retrive information on curl for example it would be like this
curl -u user:password http://myapplication/clients/verify_credentials
Well, to require basic authentication you need to return 401 status code. But doing that will cause the current authentication module to execute its default unauthorized handler (for forms authentication, this means redirecting to login page).
I wrote an ActionFilterAttribte to see if I can get the behaviour you want when there's no authentication module installed in web.config.
public class RequireBasicAuthentication : ActionFilterAttribute {
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) {
var req = filterContext.HttpContext.Request;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(req.Headers["Authorization"])) {
var res = filterContext.HttpContext.Response;
res.StatusCode = 401;
res.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"Twitter\"");
And the controller action :
public ActionResult Index() {
var cred = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII
var user = new { Name = cred[0], Pass = cred[1] };
return Content(String.Format("user:{0}, password:{1}",
user.Name, user.Pass));
That action successfully prints the username and password I enter. But I really doubt that's the best way to do this. Do you have no choice except asking for username and password this way?
You really want to create a service and not a web application, based on what I have read. I am guessing here, but I think you picked ASP.NET MVC to take advantage of the routing and building the URL's the way you want? Correct me if I am wrong.
In my opinion the best way to solve the problem you are having is to build RESTful web services with WCF if you are returning data. This article should help you get started if you want to go this route.
Otherwise, you will need to go further up the stack for handling the request and authenticating it. If this is the case, I can help with providing more info and code.
I modified the çağdaş answer to put the whole logic inside my custom ActionFilter attribute.
public class BasicAuthenticationAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public string BasicRealm { get; set; }
protected string Username { get; set; }
protected string Password { get; set; }
public BasicAuthenticationAttribute(string username, string password)
this.Username = username;
this.Password = password;
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var req = filterContext.HttpContext.Request;
var auth = req.Headers["Authorization"];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(auth))
var cred = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(auth.Substring(6))).Split(':');
var user = new { Name = cred[0], Pass = cred[1] };
if (user.Name == Username && user.Pass == Password) return;
var res = filterContext.HttpContext.Response;
res.StatusCode = 401;
res.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate", String.Format("Basic realm=\"{0}\"", BasicRealm ?? "Ryadel"));
It can be used to put under Basic Authentication a whole controller:
[BasicAuthenticationAttribute("your-username", "your-password",
BasicRealm = "your-realm")]
public class HomeController : BaseController
or a specific ActionResult:
public class HomeController : BaseController
[BasicAuthenticationAttribute("your-username", "your-password",
BasicRealm = "your-realm")]
public ActionResult Index()
NOTE: The above implementation requires the developer to manually insert the username and password as ActionFilter required parameters but can be easily extended to make it support any authorization mechanism (MembershipProvider, ASP.NET Identity, custom userbase on an external DBMS or file, etc.) by removing the custom constructor and modifying the OnActionExecuting method IF block accordingly.
For additional info, you can also read this post I wrote on my blog.
Here's the way that has worked for me. It's a little foot work but it will make IIS and MVC3 behave a lot more like all the other Basic Http authentication systems, like Apache...
Step 1.
Make sure "Basic Authentication" is installed for IIS.
( Example: Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off )
*I'm using Windows 7 at the moment and am not sure the exact path. [GOOGLE: installing basic authentication in IIS] should get you close.
Step 2.
Make sure Basic Authentication is enabled under your site. If you had to install this in the previous step you need to make sure you reset the IIS service and that all the app pools actually went down.
Step 3.
(Note: I am using MVC3, and feel this should work in most models, including ASP.Net, without a lot of fuss.)
In your project you will need to add the following classes:
public class ServicePrincipal : IPrincipal { // This answers the "What am I allowed to do" question
// In real life, this guy will contain all your user info
// and you can put what ever you like and retrieve it
// later via the HttpContext, on your application side.
// Some fun with casting will be required.
public static IPrincipal Default {
get {
return new ServicePrincipal {
Identity = new ServiceIdentity {
AuthenticationType = "Test",
IsAuthenticated = true,
Name = "Basic"
public IIdentity Identity { get; set; }
public bool IsInRole(string role) {
// If you want to use role based authorization
// e.g. [Authorize(Roles = "CoolPeople")]
// This is the place to do it and you can do
// anything from load info from a db or flat file
// or simple case statement...though that would
// be silly.
return true;
public class ServiceIdentity : IIdentity { // This answers the "Who Am I" Question
public string AuthenticationType { get; set; }
public bool IsAuthenticated { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class ServiceModule : IHttpModule { // This is the module for IIS
public void Init(HttpApplication context) {
context.AuthenticateRequest += this.BasicAuthenticationRequest;
public void BasicAuthenticationRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) {
HttpApplication app = sender as HttpApplication;
if( !ServiceProvider.Authenticate(app.Context) ) {
// Total FAIL!
public void Dispose() {
// Clean up the mess, if needed.
public class ServiceProvider {
public static bool Authenticate( HttpContext context ) {
// For the example we are going to create a nothing user
// say he is awesome, pass him along through and be done.
// The heavy lifting of the auth process will go here
// in the real world.
HttpContext.Current.User = ServicePrincipal.Default;
return true;
Step 3a. [edit]
Here's the different libs you'll be "using"
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Web;
Just wanted to throw those in. I hate it when folks leave them out. :)
Step 4.
Add the following to your web config. Please note I am including the surrounding structure, for example the "configuration" tag... It's just a road map, if you already have a "configuration" tag don't add the other or IIS gets upset with you.
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
<add name="ServiceCredentialModule" type="{Namespace}.ServiceModule"/>
Please note that the Namespace in {Namespace}.ServiceModule is the Namespace you put the classes from Step 3 into.
...and that's pretty much it.
