I am trying to create an image with fedora which has karaf inside it.I am not understanding how to do this using the Dockerfile.I am using the following docker file
FROM fedora
FROM openjdk:8-jre-slim
ENV RESOURCE_DIR /var/resources
ENV LOG_DIR /var/opt/log
ENV OSGI_BASE /usr/local/osgi
# Install Karaf
RUN mkdir -p ${OSGI_BASE}
ADD http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/karaf/3.0.8/apache-karaf-3.0.8.tar.gz ${OSGI_BASE}/
RUN gunzip apache-karaf-${KARAF_VERSION}.tar.gz
RUN tar -xvf apache-karaf-${KARAF_VERSION}.tar
RUN ln -s apache-karaf-${KARAF_VERSION} latest
# Cutomize to enable mount volumes
WORKDIR ${OSGI_BASE}/latest/etc
RUN sed -i 's/karaf.framework=felix/karaf.framework=equinox/' config.properties
RUN sed -i 's/^\(felix\.fileinstall\.dir\s*=\s*\).*$/\1\/deploy/' org.apache.felix.fileinstall-deploy.cfg
RUN sed -i 's%${karaf.data}%/var/opt%' org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg
# Include war as part of base feature
RUN sed -i '/^featuresBoot=/s/$/,http,war/' org.apache.karaf.features.cfg
ENV PATH ${OSGI_BASE}/latest/bin:$PATH
# Expose ports
EXPOSE 8101 8181 2181
# Define Mountable volumes
RUN mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR}
RUN mkdir -p ${RESOURCE_DIR}
The dockerfile runs and works fine.The only thing i dont understand is weather it has served the purpose. ie whether the karaf got copied on to the fedora os properly or did it just create a image with karaf on it.How to check it.Please help.
I want an image with elasticsearch and zipkin in it but i dont want to download it from docker hub instead I have downloaded the tar.gz file of those and then creating those images. I am able to run both of them individually but not simultaneously (by docker run command).
Please see below Dockerfile
FROM openjdk:11
RUN groupadd -g 1000 elk-zipkin && useradd elk-zipkin -u 1000 -g 1000
RUN mkdir /usr/share/elasticsearch/
RUN mkdir /usr/share/zipkin
#RUN mkdir /usr/share/kibana
COPY /artifacts/elasticsearch-7.17.6.tar.gz /usr/share/elasticsearch
COPY artifacts/zipkin.jar /usr/share/zipkin
#COPY /artifacts/kibana-7.17.6.tar.gz /usr/share/kibana
COPY script.sh /usr/share/zipkin
WORKDIR /usr/share/elasticsearch
RUN tar xvf elasticsearch-7.17.6.tar.gz
#RUN tar xvf kibana-7.17.6.tar.gz
WORKDIR /usr/share/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.17.6
RUN set -ex && for path in data logs config config/scripts; do \
mkdir -p "$path"; \
chown -R elk-zipkin:elk-zipkin "$path"; \
USER elk-zipkin
ENV PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.17.6/bin
WORKDIR /usr/share/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.17.6/config
#RUN sed -i "s|#network.host:|network.host:|g" elasticsearch.yml
#RUN sed -i "s|#discovery.seed_hosts: ["host1", "host2"]|discovery.type: single-node|g" elasticsearch.yml
COPY /artifacts/elasticsearch.yml /usr/share/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.17.6/config
#CMD ["elasticsearch"]
#EXPOSE 9200 9300
#WORKDIR /usr/share/zipkin
#CMD ["java","-jar","zipkin.jar"]
#EXPOSE 9411
WORKDIR /usr/share/zipkin
CMD ["sh","script.sh"]
java -jar zipkin.jar elasticsearch
Run command for them:
for zipkin -
docker run -d --name=zipkin \ -p=9411:9411 \ --env=STORAGE_TYPE="elasticsearch" \ --env=ES_HOSTS="someurl" IMAGEID
for elasticsearch -
docker run -d --name=elasticsearch1 -p=9200:9200 -p=9300:9300 IMAGEID
I have tried to run both of the service i.e. elasticsearch and zipkin individually and simultaneously.
I am expecting that both should be in one image and by only single docker run command both of the services should get run.
Somehow I made it, one can create a Dockerfile like mentioned in the question and then have to pass some sleep time into the script file to give some extra time for getting up the previous services.
nohup elasticsearch &
sleep 10
nohup java -jar zipkin.jar
Note: As per comments and the basics of container, one should not create multiple services inside the same container.
I have built a local uaa docker image and tried to run in local.
But I am getting this error when I am trying to start the docker image.
I built the docker image via this below command and the build is successful too.
docker build -t uaa-local --build-arg uaa_yml_name=local.yml .
when I am trying to run the local uaa docker image, I am getting this below error. What I am doing wrong
Content of DockerFile
FROM openjdk:11-jre
ARG uaa_yml_name=local.yml
ADD run.sh /tmp/
ADD conf/$uaa_yml_name /uaa/uaa.yml
RUN chmod +x /tmp/run.sh
RUN wget -q https://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.5.57/bin/apache-tomcat-8.5.57.tar.gz
RUN tar zxf apache-tomcat-8.5.57.tar.gz
RUN rm apache-tomcat-8.5.57.tar.gz
RUN mkdir /tomcat
RUN mv apache-tomcat-8.5.57/* /tomcat
RUN rm -rf /tomcat/webapps/*
ADD dist/cloudfoundry-identity-uaa-74.22.0.war /tomcat/webapps/
RUN mv /tomcat/webapps/cloudfoundry-identity-uaa-74.22.0.war /tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war
RUN mkdir -p /tomcat/webapps/ROOT && cd /tomcat/webapps/ROOT && unzip ../ROOT.war
ADD conf/log4j2.properties /tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/log4j2.properties
RUN rm -rf /tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war
CMD ["/tmp/run.sh"]
On further investigation I think it is looking for run.sh file in the /tmp/ folder which is added on line 5 in Dockerfile..but when I checked for the file in /tmp/ folder it is not there..Is it because of that?And how to resolve that? I already have the run.sh in my current folder.
I've been trying to get this running for many MANY hours. I've been scouting docker docs, github repos and other stuff but I can't get it working for some reason.
My dockerfile:
FROM mattrayner/lamp:latest-1804
RUN wget -O /tmp/lwt.zip http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/lwt/lwt_v_1_6_3.zip && \
yes A | unzip /tmp/lwt.zip &&\
rm /tmp/lwt.zip &&\
mv connect_xampp.inc.php connect.inc.php
CMD ["/run.sh"]
It build normally without any errors but when I run the image nothing appears in the /app directory and I get just a basic Welcome to LAMP view on my browser.
If I do docker run -p "80:80" -it -v ${PWD}/app:/app mattrayner/lamp:latest-1804 /bin/bash, cd /app, copy and paste
wget -O /tmp/lwt.zip http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/lwt/lwt_v_1_6_3.zip && \
yes A | unzip /tmp/lwt.zip &&\
rm /tmp/lwt.zip &&\
mv connect_xampp.inc.php connect.inc.php
it still doesn't work BUT if I exit and run the same docker run command it works.
Docker LAMP instructions also state to do exactly as I have done:
FROM mattrayner/lamp:latest-1804
# Your custom commands
CMD ["/run.sh"]
As I followed these instructions I thought that everything would work nicely.
What's the catch here? It has something to do with the intermediate containers probably but I can't comprehend it (I'm not a devops or developer by trade, just a hobbyist).
That happens because you're doing this:
Download a file (wget ...) in your /app dir in your docker image.
After that, you're overwritting this /app dir when you mount volume, with content of your $PWD/app.
If you are installing something doing docker build in some dirs, don't mount into the same path.
If you need something in the same path, you can mount some concrete files, but not the whole dir, or it will override what you had in your docker image when container is created.
You can do wget somewhere else or download it into your ${PWD}/app and then mount it.
I have crated a docker image for a simple Java-Spring MVC War file, (Docker Config below). I am able to run the using docker run command and also I do not see any errors in the log or trouble uploading war into internal registry in Openshift-minishift. I was able to pull the image in my Openshift-minishift console.
#Docker Config
FROM tomcat:8.0.20-jre8
MAINTAINER ashok.gudise#github
ENV CATALINA_HOME /usr/local/tomcat
RUN chmod -R g+rw $CATALINA_HOME
RUN find $CATALINA_HOME -type d -exec chmod g+x {} +
#RUN mkdir $CATALINA_HOME/app_conf
#ADD config $CATALINA_HOME/app_conf/
COPY build/libs/distributed-app-1.0.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/
#RUN sed -i -e 's/^shared.loader=$/shared.loader="${catalina.base}\/app_conf"/' $CATALINA_HOME/conf/catalina.properties
CMD ["catalina.sh", "run"]
OC Commands
oc new-project ext-project
oc login -u admin
oc policy add-role-to-user admin ashokgudise ext-project
oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:authenticated
oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:extproject
docker login -u ashokgudise -p XXXXXXXX
docker push
docker tag dist-app:1.0
I do not see any unusual thing or exceptions in my pod's tomcat logs,also I can see exploded war in the pod's terminal.
I could not able to run the app with generated route,
Finally I have resolved my issue, I've seen similar kind of issue that I faced here https://github.com/openshift/origin/issues/8702 .
Reason could be missing haproxy config for my generated router.
So I have uninstalled my minishift, and re-installed minishift using ansible-container
Now tomcat is up and running!!!
My dockerfile on fedora 22
FROM java:latest
RUN groupadd -r hbase && useradd -m -r -g hbase hbase
USER hbase
ENV HOME=/home/hbase
# Download'n extract hbase
RUN cd /home/hbase && \
wget -O - -q \
http://apache.mesi.com.ar/hbase/${HBASE_VERSION}/hbase-${HBASE_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz \
| tar --strip-components=1 -zxf -
# Upload local configuration
ADD ./conf/ /home/hbase/conf/
USER root
RUN chown -R hbase:hbase /home/hbase/conf
USER hbase
# Prepare data volumes
RUN mkdir /home/hbase/data
RUN mkdir /home/hbase/logs
VOLUME /home/hbase/data
VOLUME /home/hbase/logs
# zookeeper
# HBase Master API port
EXPOSE 60000
# HBase Master Web UI
EXPOSE 60010
# Regionserver API port
EXPOSE 60020
# HBase Regionserver web UI
EXPOSE 60030
WORKDIR /home/hbase
CMD /home/hbase/bin/hbase master start
As I understand when I set "FROM java:latest" my current dockerfile overlays on that one, so JAVA_HOME must be setted as it is in java:latest? Am I right? This Dockerfile is builded, but when I "docker run" image, It shows "JAVA_HOME not found" error. How can I properly set it up?
use the ENV directive, something like ENV JAVA_HOME /abc/def the doc https://docs.docker.com/reference/builder/#env
add to ~./bashrc (or for global /etc/bashrc:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH