Service Worker caching not recognizing timeout as a function - timeout

I was watching Steve Sanderson's NDC presentation on up-and-coming web features, and saw his caching example as a prime candidate for an application I am developing. I couldn't find the code, so I have typed it up off the Youtube video as well as I could.
Unfortunately it doesn't work in Chrome (which is also what he is using in the demo) It fails with Uncaught TypeError: fetch(...).then(...).timeout is not a function
at self.addEventListener.event.
I trawled through Steve's Github, and found no trace of this, nor could I find anything on the NDC Conference page
console.log('Service Worker script running');
self.addEventListener('install', event => {
console.log('WORKER: installing');
const urlsToCache = ['/ServiceWorkerExperiment/', '/ServiceWorkerExperiment/scripts/page.js'];
.then(cache => cache.addAll(urlsToCache))
.then(_ => self.skipWaiting())
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
console.log(`WORKER: Intercepted request for ${event.request.url}`);
if (event.request.method !== 'GET') {
.then(networkResponse => {
console.log(`WORKER: Updating cached data for ${event.request.url}`);
var responseClone = networkResponse.clone();'mycache').then(cache => cache.put(event.request, responseClone));
return networkResponse;
//if network fails or is too slow, return cached data
//reference for this code:
.catch(_ => {
console.log(`WORKER: Serving ${event.request.url} from CACHE`);
return caches.match(event.request);
As far as I read the fetch() documentation, there is no timeout function, so my assumption is that the timeout function is added in the util.js which is never shown in the presentation... can anyone confirm this? and does anyone have an Idea about how this is implemented?

It's coming.
According to Jake Archibald's comment on whatwg/fetch the future syntax will be:
Using the abort syntax, you'll be able to do:
const controller = new AbortController();
const signal = controller.signal;
const fetchPromise = fetch(url, {signal});
// 5 second timeout:
const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), 5000);
const response = await fetchPromise;
// …
If you only wanted to timeout the request, not the response, add:
// …
And from another comment:
Edge & Firefox are already implementing. Chrome will start shortly.
If you want to try the solution that works now, the most sensible way is to use this module.
It allows you to use syntax like:
return fetch('/path', {timeout: 500}).then(function() {
// successful fetch
}).catch(function(error) {
// network request failed / timeout


SignalR connection.on & connection.invoke

I have the following code
var connection = new signalR
connection.start().then(res => {
connection.invoke("JoinGroup", auctionId)
.catch(err => console.log(err));
}).catch (function (err) {
return console.error(err.toString());
ajax call here
connection.on("RefreshBids", function (currentBid, lastBidder) {
document.getElementById("currentPrice").textContent = `$${currentBid}`;
document.getElementById("lastBidder").textContent = `${lastBidder}`;
connection.invoke("RefreshBids", JSON.stringify(currentBid), JSON.stringify(lastBidder)).catch(function (err) {
return console.error(err.toString());
The code works with both 'connection.on' and with 'connection.on' + 'connection.invoke', but when they are both, 'connection.invoke' gives the error that it does not find 'currentBid' and 'lastBidder', it still works. It seems to work with 'connection.on', but should I use 'connection.invoke' as well
Usage depends on if you are using a generated proxy. Generally you will use one or the other but not both. See generated proxy doc and calling server methods doc for more details.

Twilio issue with task sitting in "Wrapping Up"

I'm testing out a new phone system design using Twilio TaskRouter, Studio, and Functions. I've gotten to the point that I can finish the call, but the task sits in "Wrapping Up" and won't allow a new call from the queue to go to the worker associated with that task until I physically delete that task. I've looked everywhere on how to close the task (get out of Wrapping Up), but can't find any good documentation anywhere.
I have a URL for the "Event Callbacks" of the TaskRouter and can capture exactly when the call moves to this EventType "task.wrapup", but don't know what to do at this point to move it past this step so it releases the task and worker.
So, with a little more digging I found the solution. For anyone coming here and having the problem I was having, here is the answer.
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
let client = context.getTwilioClient();
switch(event.EventType) {
case 'task.wrapup':
let workspaceId = 'WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
assignmentStatus: 'completed',
reason: 'Call completed'
.then(task => {
callback(null, twiml);
.catch(err => {
callback(null, twiml);
callback(null, twiml);
Hope this helps someone else :D
I ran into the same issues and came up with this solution. It's client-side Javascript based and using Twilio's taskrouter.js:
function registerTaskRouterCallbacks() {
worker.on("reservation.wrapup", function(reservation) {
function(error,completedTask) {
// Do stuff here if needed
window.onload = function() {
// Initialize TaskRouter.js on page load using window.workerToken -
// a Twilio Capability token that was set in a <script> in associated web page (PHP, etc.) script
window.worker = new Twilio.TaskRouter.Worker(workerToken);

Service worker spreading

I have a service worker for caching images, this service worker is only registered within the frontend template but it still keeps spreading into my admin template.
This causes my forms to behave unpredictably as the validation tokens get impacted with it.
With some console.log I figured the install event is triggered before getting to the requested page but I'm unable to determine the current/next URL there.
How can I prevent the service worker to spreading to the admin panel and interfere with the pages? I just want only assets to be cached.
This is my service worker as far as that is relevant:
const PRECACHE = 'precache-v1.0.0';
const RUNTIME = 'runtime';
// A list of local resources we always want to be cached.
// The install handler takes care of precaching the resources we always need.
self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
console.log('installing resources');
//.then(cache => cache.addAll(PRECACHE_URLS))
// The activate handler takes care of cleaning up old caches.
self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) {
const currentCaches = [PRECACHE, RUNTIME];
caches.keys().then(cacheNames => {
return cacheNames.filter(cacheName => !currentCaches.includes(cacheName));
}).then(cachesToDelete => {
return Promise.all( => {
return caches.delete(cacheToDelete);
}).then(() => self.clients.claim())
// The fetch handler serves responses for same-origin resources from a cache.
// If no response is found, it populates the runtime cache with the response
// from the network before returning it to the page.
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
// Skip cross-origin requests, like those for Google Analytics.
if (event.request.method === "GET") {
if (event.request.url.indexOf(PRECACHE_URLS) > -1) {
console.log("fetching " + event.request.url + " by the service worker");
caches.match(event.request).then(cachedResponse => {
if (cachedResponse) {
return cachedResponse;
return => {
return fetch(event.request).then(response => {
// Put a copy of the response in the runtime cache.
return cache.put(event.request, response.clone()).then(() => {
console.log('cached: ' + event.request.url);
return response;
else {
console.log("fetching " + event.request.url + " by service worker blocked, it's not a resource");
return fetch(event.request);
The problem is most likely that your admin pages lie inside the SW scope. This means that your SW controls eg. everything in / and your admin pages are located in /admin/ or something.
You can prevent the behaviour by checking the fetch requests your SW is intercepting. Something like:
if (event.request.url.match('^.*(\/admin\/).*$')) {
return false;
This should be the first thing in the SW's fetch listener. It checks whether it received a request for something from the admin pages and then cancels out if it did. Otherwise, it continues normally.

Atomic update of Realtime Database from Google Cloud Functions

I use Google Cloud Functions to create an API endpoint for my users to interact with the Realtime Database.
The problem I have is that I'm not sure how the code works. I have a helper function doSomething that I need to call only once, but I have a suspicion that there are cases where it can be called twice or possibly more (when multiple users call the API at the same time and the update operation hasn't been processed by the DB yet). Is it possible? Does it mean I need to use a transaction method? Thank you!
DB structure
somePath: {
someSubPath: null
Google Cloud Functions code
const functions = require('firebase-functions')
const admin = require('firebase-admin')
const cors = require('cors')({origin: true});
exports.test = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
cors(req, res, () => {
.then(snapshot => {
const value = snapshot.val()
if (value) return res.status(400).send({ message: 'doSomethingAlreadyCalled' })
const updates = { '/somePath/someSubPath': true }
return admin.database().ref().update(updates)
.then(() => res.status(200).send({ message: 'OK' }))
.catch(error => res.status(400).send({ message: 'updateError' }))
const doSomething = () => {
// needs to be called only once
I believe you were downvoted due to the above pseudocode not making complete sense and there being no log or output of what your code is actually doing in your question. Not having a complete picture makes it hard for us to help you.
Just Going from your structure in the question, your actual code could be calling twice due to function hoisting. Whenever I have this issue, I’ll go back to the api documentation and try to restructure my code from rereading.

How to subscribe to and see events from Hyperledger Composer transactions

I am running an NodeJS server with the following code to connect to the Hyperledger Runtime:
const BusinessNetworkConnection = require("composer-client")
this.businessNetworkConnection = new BusinessNetworkConnection();
this.businessNetworkIdentifier = "testNetwork";
.then(result => {
this.businessNetworkDefinition = result;
console.log("BusinessNetworkConnection: ", result);
.then(() => {
// Subscribe to events.
this.businessNetworkConnection.on("events", events => {
console.log("**********business event received**********", events);
// and catch any exceptions that are triggered
.catch(function(error) {
throw error;
I see data returned after the connection has been made in the result object and it is the correct network data that has been deployed.
However, when I submit transactions and made request VIA my generated REST APIs no events are seen by my server. In the Historian, I can see that events are emitted. Is there something else that I should be doing to see those events emitted by my transactions?
I tried same kind of test and I could receive events. I compared my test code and yours, and I found following difference:
I hope it helps.
