Neo4j web client fails with large Cypher CREATE query. 144000 lines - neo4j

I'm new to neo4j and currently attempting to migrate existing data into a neo4j database. I have written a small program to convert current data (in bespoke format) into a large CREATE cypher query for initial population of the database. My first iteration has been to somewhat retain the structuring of the existing object model, i.e Objects become nodes, node type is same as object name in current object model, and the members become properties (member name is property name). This is done for all fundamental types (and strings) and any member objects are thus decomposed in the same way as in the original object model.
This has been fine in terms of performance and 13000+ line CREATE cypher queries have been generated which can be executed throuh the web frontend/client. However the model is not ideal for a graph database, I beleive, since there can be many properties, and instead I would like to deomcompose these 'fundamental' nodes (with members which are fundamental types) into their own node, relating to a more 'abstract' node which represents the more higher level object/class. This means each member is a node with a single (at first, it may grow) property say { value:"42" }, or I could set the node type to the data type (i.e integer). If my understanding is correct this would also allow me to create relationships between the 'members' (since they are nodes and not propeties) allowing a greater freedom when expressing relationships between original members of different objects rather than just relating the parent objects to each other.
The problem is this now generates 144000+ line Cypher queries (and this isn't a large dataset in compraison to others) which the neo4j client seems to bulk at. The code highlighting appears to work in the query input box of the client (i.e it highlights correctly, which I assume implies it parsed it correctly and is valid cypher query), but when I come to run the query, I get the usual browser not responding and then a stack overflow (no punn intended) error. Whats more the neo4j client doesn't exit elegantly and always requires me to force end task and the db is in the 2.5-3GB usage from, what is effectively and small amount of data (144000 lines, approx 2/3 are relationships so at most ~48000 nodes). Yet I read I should be able to deal with millions of nodes and relationships in the milliseconds?
Have tried it with firefox and chrome. I am using the neo4j community edition on windows10. The sdk would initially be used with C# and C++. This research is in its initial stages so I haven't used the sdk yet.
Is this a valid approach, i.e to initially populate to database via a CREATE query?
Also is my approach about decomposing the data into fundamental types a good one? or are there issues which are likely to arise from this approach.

That is a very large Cypher query!!!
You would do much better to populate your database using LOAD CSV FROM... and supplying a CSV file containing the data you want to load.
For a detailed explaination, have a look at:
(This page also discusses the batch loader for really large datasets.)
Since you are generating code for the Cypher query I wouldn't imagine you would have too much trouble generating a CSV file.
(As an indication of performance, I have been loading a 1 million record CSV today into Neo4j running on my laptop in under two minutes.)


Is there a definite answer for the performance of 1st level depth query search in Neo4j (or any other graph db) vs. SQL/NoSQL?

I am testing the use of Neo4j for social-like graph, but I also have many use-cases that require 1st level depth queries (e.g. get my likes / views). Consequently, I wish to decide whether I need another SQL/NoSQL to support (in terms of performance) this type of queries.
Up until now, I was only able to find benchmarks and quantitive data concerning > 1st level searches (i.e. friends of my friends ...)
Is it common knowledge that SQL/NoSQL db will have better performance for such queries? are there any research/benchmarks about this?
A depth of 1 shouldn't result in much difference in performance, I'd think. However, that does depend on two factors: the indexes you've set up, and the depth of expansion.
For both Neo4j and your relational db, you would want a supporting index on the starting node in the graph (the person or post whose likes/views you want to get). For the relational db, you would also want an index to support the join operation being used to get at the connected nodes.
For Neo4j, the expansion to the connected nodes is directly proportional to the number of nodes you are expanding to, since this is just pointer chasing between the nodes and relationships forming your graph. No indexes are used for that.
For a relational database, the relationship would likely be modeled as a table join (which should be index-backed), and that cost will be proportional to the size of the tables being joined, so as more data is added to the graph (no matter of whether it is connected to the user who you are querying for), it will be impacting your execution time.
Thankfully for your case only a single table join would be needed. You may not see a big difference between a graph db and a relational db. Neo4j tends to shine when many (possibly an unbounded number) of traversals are needed, like the friend-of-a-friend queries or those with longer patterns. If your use cases include longer patterns, especially if the types of the node expanded to are not known ahead of time, then Neo4j would be very helpful, especially as the data in your database grows, since traversal performance is proportional only to the directly connected data, not the total number of nodes of the given labels.

Neo4J using properties on relationships for quicker lookup?

I am yet trying to make use of neo4j to perform a complex query (similar to shortest path search except I have very strange conditions applied to this search like minimum path length in terms of nodes traversed count).
My dataset contains around 2.5M nodes of one single type and around 1.5 billion edges (One single type as well). Each given node has on average 1000 directional relation to a "next" node.
Yet, I have a query that allows me to retrieve this shortest path given all of my conditions but the only way I found to have decent response time (under one second) is to actually limit the number of results after each new node added to the path, filter it, order it and then pursue to the next node (This is kind of a greedy algorithm I suppose).
I'd like to limit them a lot less than I do in order to yield more path as a result, but the problem is the exponential complexity of this search that makes going from LIMIT 40 to LIMIT 60 usually a matter of x10 ~ x100 processing time.
This being said, I am yet evaluating several solutions to increase the speed of the request but I'm quite unsure of the result they will yield as I'm not sure about how neo4j really stores my data internally.
The solution I think about yet is to actually add a property to my relationships which would be an integer in between 1 and 15 because I usually will only query the relationships that have one or two max different values for this property. (like only relationships that have this property to 8 or 9 for example).
As I can guess yet, for each relationship, neo4j then have to gather the original node properties and use it to apply my further filters which takes a very long time when crossing 4 nodes long path with 1000 relationships each (I guess O(1000^4)). Am I right ?
With relationship properties, will it have direct access to it without further data fetching ? Is there any chance it will make my queries faster? How are neo4j edges properties stored ?
Following #logisima 's advice I've written a procedure directly with the Java traversal API of neo4j. I then switched to the raw Java procedure API of Neo4J to leverage even more power and flexibility as my use case required it.
The results are really good : the lower bound complexity is overall a little less thant it was before but the higher bound is like ten time faster and when at least some of the nodes that will be used for the traversal are in the cache of Neo4j, the performances just becomes astonishing (depth 20 in less than a second for one of my tests when I only need depth 4 usually).
But that's not all. The procedures makes it very very easily customisable while keeping the performances at their best and optimizing every single operation at its best. The results is that I can use far more powerful filters in far less computing time and can easily update my procedure to add new features. Last but not least Procedures are very easily pluggable with spring-data for neo4j (which I use to connect neo4j to my HTTP API). Where as with cypher, I would have to auto generate the queries (as being very complex, there was like 30 java classes to do the trick properly) and I should have used jdbc for neo4j while handling a separate connection pool only for this request. Cannot recommend more to use the awesome neo4j java API.
Thanks again #logisima
If you're trying to do a custom shortespath algo, then you should write a cypher procedure with the traversal API.
The principe of Cypher is to make pattern matching, and you want to traverse the graph in a specific way to find your good solution.
The response time should be really faster for your use-case !

Graph Databases vs Triple Stores - when to use which?

I know that there are similar questions around on Stackoverflow but I don't feel they answer the following.
Graph Databases to my understanding store data following mostly this schema:
Table/Collection 1: store nodes with UID
Table/Collection 2: store relations referencing nodes via UID
This allows storing arbitrary types of graphs. Now as I understand triple stores store nothing but triples:
Triple/Collection 1: store triples (2 nodes, 1 relation)
Now I would see the following distinction regarding use cases:
Graph Databases: when you have known, static connections
Triple Stores: when you have loosely connected nodes and are often looking for new connections
I am confused by the fact that people do not seem to be discussing which one to use according to these criteria. Most article I find are talking about arguments like speed or compatibility. But is this not the most relevant point?
Put the other way round:
Imagine having a clearly connected, user defined graph. Why on earth would you want to store that as triples only, loosing all the info about connections? Or having to implement some custom solution storing IDs in the triple subject.
Imagine having loosely collected nodes that you want to query for unknown relations using SPARQL. Graph databases do support that. But for this they have to build another index I assume and would be slower?
I see that "loosing info about connections" is the wrong way to put it. If you do as shown in the accepted answer and insert several triples for 2 nodes + 1 relation then you keep all the info and specifically the info what exact nodes are connected.
The main difference between graph databases and triple stores is how they model the graph. In a triple store (or quad store), the data tends to be very atomic. What I mean is that the "nodes" in the graph tend to be primitive data types like string, integer, date, etc. Relationships link primitives together, and so the "unit of discourse" in a triple store is a triple, and not a node or a relationship, typically.
By contrast, other graph databases are often called "property stores" because nodes are data containers that correspond to objects in a domain. A node stands in for an object, and has properties; they act as rich data types specified by the graph modelers, more than just primitive data types. In these graph databases, nodes and relationships are the "unit of discourse".
Let's say I have a person named "Bob" who knows "Susan". In RDF, it would be something like this:
<> :hasName "Bob".
<> foaf:knows <>.
<> :hasName "Susan".
In a graph database like neo4j, it would be this:
(a:Person {name: "Bob"})-[:KNOWS]->(b:Person {name: "Susan"})
Notice that in RDF, it's 3 relationships but only one of those relationships actually expresses semantics between two entities. The other two relationships are just tracking properties of a single higher-level entity (the person). In neo4j, it's 1 relationship amongst two nodes, with each node having a property. In RDF you'll tend to identify things by URI, in neo4j it's a database object that gets a database ID automatically. That's what I mean about the difference between a more atomic/primitive store (triple stores) and a richer property graph.
RDF and triple stores are mostly built for the kinds of architectural challenges you'd run into with the semantic web. For example, XML namespacing is built in, on the architectural assumption that you'll be mixing and matching the use of many different vocabularies and namespaces. (That right there is a very "semantic web" assumption). So in SPARQL and RDF you'll see typically at least the use of xsd, rdf, and rdfs namespaces concurrently, and probably also owl, skos, and many others. SPARQL and RDF/RDFS also have many hooks and features that are there explicitly to make things like ontology inference easier. You'll tend to identify things with URIs as a way of "namespacing your identifiers" but also because some people may want to de-reference the URI...again the assumption here is a wide data sharing arrangement between many parties.
Property stores by contrast are keyed towards different use cases, like flexible modeling of data within one model/namespace, mappings between objects and graphs for persistence of enterprise applications, rapid evolvability, and so on. You'll tend to identify things with your own scheme (or an internal database ID). An auto-incrementing integer may not be best form of ID for any random consumer on the web, (and they certainly can't be de-referenced like URLs) but they might not be your first thought for a company internal application.
So which is better? The more atomic triple store format, or a rich property graph? Do you need to mix and match many different vocabularies in one query or data model? Do you need to create an OWL ontology or do inference? Do you need to serialize a bunch of java objects in memory to a database? Do you need to do fast traversal of long paths? Those types of questions would guide your selection.
Graphs are graphs, both of them do graphs, and so I don't think there's much difference in terms of what they can represent, or how you go about thinking about a problem in "graph terms". The differences boil down to the architecture underneath of the hood, and what sorts of use cases you think you'll need. I won't tell you one is better than the other, but choose wisely.
(in reply to the comments on this answer: )
When an owl:inverseOf production rule is defined, the inverse property triple is inferred by the reasoner either when adding or updating the store, or when selecting from the store. This is a "materialized relation" - an RDFS vocabulary - defines, for example, as the inverse property of hasPart. If both are specified, it's not necessary to run another graph pattern query to traverse a directed relation in the other direction.
(:book1 schema:hasPart ?o)
(?o schema:isPartOf :book1)
(?s schema:hasPart :chapter2)
It's certainly possible to use RDFS and OWL to describe schema for and within neo4j property graphs; but there's no reasoner to e.g. infer inverse properties or do schema validation.
Is there any RDF graph that neo4j cannot store? RDF has datatypes and languages for objects: you'd need to reify properties where datatypes and/or languages are specified (and you'd be re-implementing well-defined semantics)
Can every neo4j graph be represented with RDF? Yes.
RDF is a representation for graphs for which there are very many store implementations that are optimized for various use cases like insert and query performance.
Comparing neo4j to a particular triplestore (with reasoning support) might be a more useful comparison given that all neo4j graphs can be expressed as RDF.

Importing data from oracle to neo4j using java API

Can u please share any links/sample source code for generating the graph using neo4j from Oracle database tables data .
And my use case is oracle schema table names as Nodes and columns are properties. And also need to genetate graph in tree structure.
Make sure you commit the transaction after creating the nodes with tx.success(), tx.finish().
If you still don't see the nodes, please post your code and/or any exceptions.
Use JDBC to extract your oracle db data. Then use the Java API to build the corresponding nodes :
GraphDatabaseService db;
try(Transaction tx = db.beginTx()){
Node datanode = db.createNode(Labels.TABLENAME);
datanode.setProperty("column name", "column value"); //do this for each column.
Also remember to scale your transactions. I tend to use around 1500 creates per transaction and it works fine for me, but you might have to play with it a little bit.
Just do a SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 1000 OFFSET X*1000 with X being the value for how many times you've run the query before. Then keep those 1000 records stored somewhere in a collection or something so you can build your nodes with them. Repeat this until you've handled every record in your database.
Not sure what you mean with "And also need to genetate graph in tree structure.", if you mean you'd like to convert foreign keys into relationships, remember to just index the key and in stead of adding the FK as a property, create a relationship to the original node in stead. You can find it by doing an index lookup. Or you could just create your own little in-memory index with a HashMap. But since you're already storing 1000 sql records in-memory, plus you are building the transaction... you need to be a bit careful with your memory depending on your JVM settings.
You need to code this ETL process yourself. Follow the below
Write your first Neo4j example by following this article.
Understand how to model with graphs.
There are multiple ways of talking to Neo4j using Java. Choose the one that suits your needs.

Working with cyclical graphs in RoR

I haven't attempted to work with graphs in Rails before, and am curious as to the best approach. Some background:
I am making a Rails 3 site and thought it would be interesting to store certain objects and their relationships as a graph, where each object is a node and some are connected to show that the two objects are related. The graph does contain cycles, and there wouldn't be more than 100-150 nodes in the graph (probably only closer to 50). One node probably wouldn't have more than five edges, with an average of three to four edges per node.
I figured a simple join table with two columns (each the ID of the object) might be the easiest way to do it, but I doubt it's the best way. Another thought was to use a plugin such as acts_as_tree (which doesn't appear to be updated for Rails 3...) or acts_as_tree_with_dotted_ids, but I am unsure of their ability to work with cycles rather than hierarchical trees.
the most I would currently like is to easily traverse from one node to its siblings. I really can't think of a reason I would want to traverse to a node's sibling's sibling, which is why I was considering just making an SQL join table. I only want to have a section on the site to display objects related to a specified object, and this graph is one of the ways I am specifying relationships.
Advice? Things I should check out? Thanks!
I would use two SQL tables, node and link where a link is simply two foreign keys, source and target. This way you can get the set of inbound or outbound links to a node by performing an SQL select query by constraining the source or target node id. You could take it a step further by adding a "graph_id" column to both tables so you can retrieve all the data for a graph in two queries and build it as a post-processing step.
This strategy should be just as easy (if not easier) than finding, installing, learning to use, and implementing a plugin to do the same, IMHO.
Depending on whether your concern is primarily about operations on graphs, or on storage of graphs, what you need is potentially quite different. If you want convenient operations on graphs, investigate the gem "rgl" (ruby graph library). It has implementations of most of the basic classic traversal and search algorithms.
If you're dealing with something on the order of 150 nodes, you can probably get away with a minimalist adjacency list representation in the database itself, or incidence list. Then you can feed that into RGL for traversal and search operations.
If I remember correctly, RGL has enough abstraction that you may be able to work with an existing class structure and you simply provide methods to get adjacent nodes.
Assuming that it is a directed graph, use a mapping table such as
id | src | dest
where src and dest are FKs to your object table.
If your objects are not all of the same type, either have them all inherit a ruby class or have another table:
id | type | type_id
Where type is the type of object it is and type_id is its id in another table.
By doing this, you should be able to get an array of objects for each object that it points to using:
select dest
from maptable
where dest =
If you need to know its inbound edges, you can preform the same type of query using src instead of dest.
From there, you should be able to easily write any graph algorithms that you want. If you need weights, you can modify the mapping table as such.
id | src | dest | weight
