replace missing values in categorical data - machine-learning

Let's suppose I have a column with categorical data "red" "green" "blue" and empty cells
I'm sure that the NaN belongs to red green blue, should I replace the NaN by the average of the colors or is a too strong assumption? It will be
col1 | col2 | col3
1 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
0 0 1
0.5 0.25 0.25
Or even scale the last row but keeping the ratio so these values have less influence? Usually what is the best practice?
0.25 0.125 0.125

The simplest strategy for handling missing data is to remove records that contain a missing value.
The scikit-learn library provides the Imputer() pre-processing class that can be used to replace missing values. Since it is categorical data, using mean as replacement value is not recommended. You can use
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer
imp = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='most_frequent', axis=0)
The Imputer class operates directly on the NumPy array instead of the DataFrame.
Last but not least, not ALL ML algorithm cannot handle missing value. Different implementations of ML also different.

It depends on what you want to do with the data.
Is the average of these colors useful for your purpose?
You are creating a new possible value doing that, that is probably not wanted. Especially since you are talking about categorical data, and you are handling it as if it was numeric data.
In Machine Learning you would replace the missing values with the most common categorical value regarding a target attribute (what you want to predict).
Example: You want to predict if a person is male or female by looking at their car, and the color feature has some missing values. If most of the cars from male(female) drivers are blue(red), you would use that value to fill missing entries of cars from male(female) drivers.

In addition to Lan's answer's approach, which seems most commonly used, you can use something based on matrix factorization. For example there is a variant of Generalized Low Rank Models that can impute such data, just as probabilistic matrix factorization is used to impute continuous data.
GLRMs can be used from H2O which provides bindings for both Python and R.


How to use a material number as a feature for Machine Learning?

I have a problem. I would like to use a classification algorithm. For this I have a column materialNumber, like the name the column represents the material number.
How could I use that as a feature for my Machine Learning algorithm?
I can not use them e.g. as a One Hot Enconding matrix, because there is too much different material numbers (~4500 unique material numbers).
How can I use this column in a classification algorithm? Do I need to standardize/normalize it? I would like to use a RandomForest classifier.
customerId materialNumber
0 1 1234.0
1 1 4562.0
2 2 1234.0
3 2 4562.0
4 3 1547.0
5 3 1547.0
Here you can group material numbers by categorizing them. If you want to use a categorical variable in a machine learning algorithm, as you mentioned, you have to use the "one-hot encoding" method. But here, as the unique material number values ​​increase, the number of columns in your data will also increase.
For example, you have a material number like this:
Suppose the numbers are similar in themselves, for example:
[1,5,6,7], [2,3,8], [4,9,10]
We ourselves can assign values ​​to these numbers:
[1,5,6,7] --> A
[2,3,8] --> B
[4,9,10] --> C
As you can see, our tag count has decreased. And we can do "one-hot encoding" with fewer tags.
But here, the data set needs to be examined well and this grouping process needs to be done in a reasonable way. It might work if you can categorize the material numbers as I mentioned.

Normalize data with outlier inside interval

I have a dataset with some outliers, which are 10 or 100 times greater than the normal values. I cannot throw out these rows, and I want to normalize this data in an interval [0, 1]
First of all, here's what I thought to do:
Simply rank my dataset's rows and use the ranked positions as variable to normalize. Since we have a uniform distribution here, it is easy. The problem is that the value's differences are not measured, so values with a large difference could have similar normalized values if there aren't intermediate value examples in this dataset
Use sklearn.preprocessing.RobustScaler method. But I got normalized values between -0.4 and 300. It is still not good to normalize something in this scale
Distribute normalized values between 0 and 0.8 in a linear way for all values where quantile <= 0.8, and distribute the values between 0.8 and 1.0 among the remaining values in a similar way to the ranking strategy I mentioned above
Make a 1D Kmeans algorithm to locate all near values and get a cluster with non-outlier values. For these values, I just distribute normalized values between 0 and the quantile value it represents, simply by doing (value - mean) / (max - min), and for the remaining outlier values, I distribute the range between values greater than the quantile and 1 with the ranking strategy
Create a filter function, like a sigmoid, and multiply values by it. Smaller values remain unchanged, but the outlier's values are approximated to non-outlier values. Then, I normalize it. But how can I design this sigmoid's parameters?
First of all, I would like to get some feedbacks about these strategies, what do you think about them?
And also, how is this problem normally solved? Is there any references to recommend?
Thank you =)

How to decide numClasses parameter to be passed to Random Forest algorithm in SPark MLlib with pySpark

I am working on Classification using Random Forest algorithm in Spark have a sample dataset that looks like this:
Level1,Male,New York,New York,352.888890
Level1,Male,San Fransisco,California,495.8001345
Level2,Male,New York,New York,-495.8001345
Level3,Male,New York,New York,495.8
Level1,Female,San Fransisco,California,495.8001345
Here the last value in each row will serve as a label and rest serve as features. But I want to treat label as a category and not a number. So 165.22352099 will denote a category and so will -552.8234. For this I have encoded my features as well as label into categorical data. Now what I am having difficulty in is deciding what should I pass for numClasses parameter in Random Forest algorithm in Spark MlLib? I mean should it be equal to number of unique values in my label? My label has like 10000 unique values so if I put 10000 as value of numClasses then wouldn't it decrease the performance dramatically?
Here is the typical signature of building a model for Random Forest in MlLib:
model = RandomForest.trainClassifier(trainingData, numClasses=2, categoricalFeaturesInfo={},
numTrees=3, featureSubsetStrategy="auto",
impurity='gini', maxDepth=4, maxBins=32)
The confusion comes from the fact that you are doing something that you should not do. You problem is clearly a regression/ranking, not a classification. Why would you think about it as a classification? Try to answer these two questions:
Do you have at least 100 samples per each value (100,000 * 100 = 1,000,000)?
Is there completely no structure in the classes, so for example - are objects with value "200" not more similar to those with value "100" or "300" than to those with value "-1000" or "+2300"?
If at least one answer is no, then you should not treat this as a classification problem.
If for some weird reason you answered twice yes, then the answer is: "yes, you should encode each distinct value as a different class" thus leading to 10000 unique classes, which leads to:
extremely imbalanced classification (RF, without balancing meta-learner will nearly always fail in such scenario)
extreme number of classes (there are no models able to solve it, for sure RF will not solve it)
extremely small dimension of the problem- looking at as small is your number of features I would be surprised if you could predict from that binary classifiaction. As you can see how irregular are these values, you have 3 points which only diverge in first value and you get completely different results:
Level1,Male,New York,New York,352.888890
Level2,Male,New York,New York,-495.8001345
Level3,Male,New York,New York,495.8
So to sum up, with nearly 100% certainty this is not a classification problem, you should either:
regress on last value (keyword: reggresion)
build a ranking (keyword: learn to rank)
bucket your values to at most 10 different values and then - classify (keywords: imbalanced classification, sparse binary representation)

Categorical and ordinal feature data difference in regression analysis?

I am trying to completely understand difference between categorical and ordinal data when doing regression analysis. For now, what is clear:
Categorical feature and data example:
Color: red, white, black
Why categorical: red < white < black is logically incorrect
Ordinal feature and data example:
Condition: old, renovated, new
Why ordinal: old < renovated < new is logically correct
Categorical-to-numeric and ordinal-to-numeric encoding methods:
One-Hot encoding for categorical data
Arbitrary numbers for ordinal data
Example for categorical:
data = {'color': ['blue', 'green', 'green', 'red']}
Numeric format after One-Hot encoding:
color_blue color_green color_red
0 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
2 0 1 0
3 0 0 1
Example for ordinal:
data = {'con': ['old', 'new', 'new', 'renovated']}
Numeric format after using mapping: Old < renovated < new → 0, 1, 2
0 0
1 2
2 2
3 1
In my data price increases as condition changes from "old" to "new". "Old" in numeric was encoded as '0'. 'New' in numeric was encoded as '2'. So, as condition increases, then price also increases. Correct.
Now lets have a look at 'color' feature. In my case, different colors also affect price. For example, 'black' will be more expensive than 'white'. But from above mentioned numeric representation of categorical data, I do not see increasing dependancy as it was with 'condition' feature. Does it mean that change in color does not affect price in regression model if using one-hot encoding? Why to use one-hot encoding for regression if it does not affect price anyway? Can you clarify it?
First I introduce formula for linear regression:
Let have a look at data representations for color:
Let's predict price for 1-st and 2-nd item using formula for both data representations:
One-hot encoding:
In this case different thetas for different colors will exist and prediction will be:
Price (1 item) = 0 + 20*1 + 50*0 + 100*0 = 20$ (thetas are assumed for example)
Price (2 item) = 0 + 20*0 + 50*1 + 100*0 = 50$ (thetas are assumed for example)
Ordinal encoding for color:
In this case all colors have common theta but multipliers differ:
Price (1 item) = 0 + 20*10 = 200$ (theta assumed for example)
Price (2 item) = 0 + 20*20 = 400$ (theta assumed for example)
In my model White < Red < Black in prices. Seem to be that it is logical predictions in both cases. For ordinal and categorical representations. So I can use any encoding for my regression regardless of the data type (categorical or ordinal)? This division is just a matter of conventions and software-oriented representations rather than a matter of regression logic itself?
You will see not increasing dependency. The whole point of this discrimination is that colour is not a feature you can meaningfully place on a continuum, as you've already noted.
The one-hot encoding makes it very convenient for the software to analyze this dimension. Instead of having a feature "colour" with the listed values, you have a set of boolean (present / not-present) features. For instance, your row 0 above has features color_blue = true, color_green = false, and color_red = false.
The prediction data you get should show each of these as a separate dimension. For instance, presence of color_blue may be worth $200, while green is -$100.
Summary: don't look for a linear regression line running across a (non-existent) color axis; rather, look for color_* factors, one for each color. As far as your analysis algorithm is concerned, these are utterly independent features; the "one-hot" encoding (a term from digital circuit design) is merely our convention for dealing with this.
Does this help your understanding?
After your edit of the question 02:03 Z 04 Dec 2015:
No, your assumption is not correct: the two representations are not merely a matter of convenience. The ordering of colors works for this example -- because the effect happens to be a neat, linear function of the chosen encoding. As your example shows, your simpler encoding assumes that White-to-Red-to-Black pricing is a linear progression. What do you do when Green, Blue, and Brown are all $25, the rare Yellow is worth $500, and Transparent reduces the price by $1,000?
Also, how is it that you know in advance that Black is worth more than White, in turn worth more than Red?
Consider the case of housing prices based on elementary school district, with 50 districts in the area. If you use a numerical coding -- school district number, ordinal position alphabetically, or some other arbitrary ordering -- the regression software will have great trouble finding a correlation between that number and the housing price. Is PS 107 a more expensive district than PS 32 or PS 15? Are Addington and Bendemeer preferred to Union City and Ventura?
Splitting these into 50 different features under that one-hot principle decouples the feature from the encoding, and allows the analysis software to treat with them in a mathematically meaningful manner. It's not perfect by any means -- expanding from, say, 20 features to 70 means that it will take longer to converge -- but we do get meaningful results for the school district.
If you wish, you could now encode that feature in the expected order of value, and get a reasonable fit with little loss of accuracy and faster prediction from your model (fewer variables).
You cannot use ordinal encoding for a categorical variable where order doesn't matter. Main purpose of building a regression model is to see how much change in one variable has how much effect on the response variable. When you obtain the regression formula this is how you read it: "1 unit change in variable X causes theta_x change in response variable".
For example, let's say you built a regression model on housing prices and you got this: price = 1000 + (-50)*age_of_house. This means 1 year increase in the age of the house causes the price go down by 50.
When you have a categorical variable you cannot mention a unit change in that variable. You cannot say 1 unit increase/decrease in the color... etc. So, one-hot encoding, as Prune said in his/her answer, is merely a convention for dealing with categorical variables. It allows you to interpret the results like, if the house is white it adds $200 to the value when coefficient of color_white in your final model is +200. If the house is not white, that variable has no impact on your response variable because the value will be 0.
Don't forget that "Linear Regression" models can only explain linear relations between variables.
I hope this helps.

Numerically representing Nominal Data whilst retaining data semantics

I have a dataset of nominal and numerical features. I want to be able to represent this dataset entirely numerically if possible.
Ideally I would be able to do this for an n-ary nominal feature. I realize that in the binary case, one could represent the two nominal values with integers. However, when a nominal feature can have many permutations, how would this be possible, if at all?
There are a number of techniques to "embed" categorical attributes as numbers.
For example, given a categorical variable that can take the values red, green and blue, we can trivially encode this as three attributes isRed={0,1}, isGreen={0,1} and isBlue={0,1}.
While this is popular, and will obviously "work", many people fall for the fallacy of assuming that afterwards numerical processing techniques will produce sensible results.
If you run e.g. k-means on a dataset encoded this way, the result will likely not be too meaningful afterwards. In particular, if you get a mean such as isRed=.3 isGreen=.2 isBlue=.5 - you cannot reasonably map this back to the original data. Worse, with some algorithms you may even get isRed=0 isGreen=0 isBlue=0.
I suggest that you try to work on your actual data, and avoid encoding as much as possible. If you have a good tool, it will allow you to use mixed data types. Don't try to make everything a numerical vector. This mathematical view of data is quite limited and the data will not give you all the mathematical assumptions that you need to benefit from this view (e.g. metric spaces).
Don't do this: I'm trying to encode certain nominal attributes as integers.
Except if there is only two permutations for a nominal feature. It is ok to use any different integers (for example 1 and 3) for each.
But if there is more than two permutations, integers can not be used. Lets say we assigned 1, 2 and 3 to three permutations. As we can see, there is higher relation between 1-2 and 2-3 than 1-3 because of differences.
Rather, use a separate binary feature for each value of each nominal attribute. Thus, the answer of your question: It is not possible/wisely.
If you use pandas, you can use a function called .get_dummies() on your nominal value column. This will turn the column of N unique values into N (or if you want N-1, called drop_first) new columns indicating with either a 1 or a 0 if a value is present.
s = pd.Series(list('abca'))
a b c
0 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
2 0 0 1
3 1 0 0
