Parse Livequery changes not printing when there's an update - ios

When I started working with parse live query I knew from the beginning it would be a challenge. Seeing that there were muiple ways to create a live query. When I had the set up the server early on, the bit of code I used to listen for updates looked like this:
let liveQueryClientMessage = ParseLiveQuery.Client()
qMessages.whereKey("toUser", equalTo: (PFUser.current()?.objectId!)! as String)
messageSubscription = liveQueryClientMessage.subscribe(qMessage).handle(Event.created){ _, message in
//prepare a local notification alert
print("object updated")
This however, no longer seems to function properly. So I looked at the parse live query docs to see if there was a working example and found that this gets the server to "Create new client: " with this code:
let qMessages = PFQuery(className: "Messages")
qMessages.whereKey("toUser", equalTo: (PFUser.current()?.objectId!)! as String)
let subscription = Client.shared.subscribe(qMessages)
subscription.handle(Event.updated){ query, event in
print("object updated")
But I am unable to get the print message to display... Am I missing something? I'm using the latest version of parselivequery I believe:
pod 'ParseLiveQuery'
UPDATE1: So I tried to rebuild the server and the issue still seems to persist. I'll try and make use of a parse query and see if its the filter...
UPDATE2: I rolled back the version of the podfile just in case it was an issue with just grabbing the lastest master branch. No fix yet...

The solution to fixing this issue was related to where everything was defined. Refer to the awnser to this stackoverflow question: Parse Cloud - LiveQueries - iOS Client doesn't work There's sufficient explanation there too.


Firebase Crashlytics Custom Log Only Log Single Line

Recently my app has been crashing while trying to deserialize the JSON sent from the server and unfortunately the server doesn't record any log so I can't verify with them. So I decided to log the JSON response for this particular Api, I know that it's a bad practice to log server response but it's the only way I could try to identify the issue, the response for this api is not that long so I think it should be fine.
The issue comes in when I tried to reveal the log and found out it only shows one line in the firebase console as below:
raw response : {
The result I was expecting were something as below,vit shows up nicely in the debug console while developing using CLSNSLogv. I thought it will be the same in firebase console too but it was not the case.
raw response : {
success ={
Status = OK;
Object1 = "test"
Object2 = "test2"
Below is the code for logging, "value" is a dictionary as below:
value: [String : AnyObject]?
CLSLogv("raw response : %#", getVaList([value!]))
Appreciate your help
This is a Crashlytics issue, my team has been experiencing this issue lately. We were printing dictionary using CLS_LOG in ObjC and we've noticed that it displays only first line of the dictionary.
I've contacted Crashlytics support team, and a guy from there confirmed a bug and told me that he contacted their engineering team for a fix.
You can change the way of logging for now to display everything in single line, or log by log, or you can wait for a fix.
You can convert the response to JSON using JSONSerialization and then remove all the carriage returns so that it's all one line. If you log that modified value it should appear correctly in the Crashlytics logs.

iOS Firebase - Crash in simulator but not device w/ persistence

I tried googling this problem but it seems like everyone has the opposite problem where the app runs on simulator but not their device. I've been struggling a LOT all week with firebase asynchronous calls returning null and linked the issue to persistence being enabled. All my problems go away if I disable persistence, but I want it enabled. I learned recently about synchronous issues with the different listeners/persistence and have been struggling with firebase returning outdated/nil values for a while.
Simulator was working just a week or two ago and I'm not sure what's changed. I've tried messing with / switching out .observeSingleEvent for .observe and still crashes at this code:
let synced = ref.child("profiles").child((FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser?.uid)!).child("level")
synced.observeSingleEvent(of: FIRDataEventType.value, with: { (snapshot) in
if (snapshot.value as! String == "One") {
With the message:
Could not cast value of type 'NSNull' (0x10b7cf8c8) to 'NSString' (0x10a9dfc40).
When I try to print snapshot, it shows me an empty snapshot. But when I print the ref, the link works and takes me to the right place in my db (where I can see the data exists)
Any ideas how to fix/get around this without disabling persistence? Or more importantly I guess, should I care that it doesn't work in simulator if it works on a device? Will this matter for app store approval / affect future users?
If you'd like to see for yourself that this is an issue of firebase getting a nil/outdated value when the reference exists, here is what I see when I follow the printed ref link
The error seems fairly explicit: there is no value, so you can't convert it to a string.
synced.observeSingleEvent(of: FIRDataEventType.value, with: { (snapshot) in
if (snapshot.exists()) {
if (snapshot.value as! String == "One") {

PFQueryTableView isn't up-to-date with Parse-data (Swift 2)

I'm new to this forum, and – more importantly – I'm also new to the Swift (2) language – and actually in coding at all.
So at the moment I'm trying to work with Parse in Xcode 7 (Swift 2). To be more specific: I'm working with a PFQueryTableView to display the data, I set up in the Parse class, in the app. But my problem is that when I update this data on the Parse website and I run the app in the simulator, the tableview with data isn't up-to-date with my new data from the Parse-website.
After going through other topic-related posts, this is the code I came up with:
let query = PFQuery(className: "myClass")
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock { (objects, error) -> Void in
if error == nil {
print("Successfully retrieved: \(objects)")
} else {
print("Error: \(error)")
Now, when I run the app I can see the right data in the Target Output, but in the simulator it's still the old data. So I guess there must be a line of code in the "if error == nil { }"-section. I already tried several lines of codes which I got from other threads, but they all didn't work. And like I said before: I'm still a beginner in coding, so I just can't figure out myself how to do this.
Hopefully one of you guys can help me out. And if I need to be more specific or something, just ask!
Thanks in advance!

Parse - callFunctionInBackground crashes app on [__NSTaggedDate UTF8String] - But did not when I submitted my app

I'm using a Parse Cloud function to get a list of movies. This was all working very well till today. The app crashes and I can't seem to fix it.
Weird (and highly problematic) thing is that it did work yesterday and the days before. (This app is in production in the App store)
This is the function causing the error:
PFCloud.callFunctionInBackground(function, withParameters: parameters) { (movies, error) -> Void in
if error != nil { return block(success: false, movies: []) }
PFObject.pinAllInBackground(movies as! [PFObject])
let foundMovies = ParseMovie.arrayFromPFObjects(movies as! [PFObject])
return block(success: true, movies: foundMovies)
If I comment the 4 lines inside the block, it still crashes. If I comment the entire function, it doesn't. So it seems as soon as I call "PFCloud.callFunction" the app crashes.
Any idea what can go wrong? The Parse cloud function does work, because calling it with the parse rest API gives me the movies as expected.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Ok, got it. Apparently I'm using an old version of the Parse SDK (1.5) and since today, this version is not working anymore.. I'm not using pods so I was not aware of this out-dated version. A bit disappointed, but probably my fault?

Firebase childbyAutoId returns the same strange key every time

When using childByAutoId, something really strange happens. Instead of getting a unique id, I get the following key every time:
I know keys are generated with client side timestamps, so I tried running my code through the iOS simulator and an actual device, same result though.
I don't do anything interesting in my code, but here it is for reference:
func sendRandomMessage() {
let firebaseRootRef = Firebase(url:firebaseRootUrl)
let newMessageRef = firebaseRootRef.childByAutoId()
I'm using Firebase 2.3.0
There was a bug in the Firebase SDK for iOS 2.3.0 that caused this problem.
It has been fixed in 2.3.1. See
