How to configure Twilio send sms with callback url? - twilio

We have a requirement to configure callback URL with a custom parameter.
It's possible to configure the callback http url in Twilio console.
But we have to configure the callback url when we send sms so that when the user replies, twilio will make a call to the specified url mentioned.
Is there any way to configure the callback url programmatically?
Your timely help is much appreciated.

Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can't configure the SMS URL to be different based on different users responding to a Twilio number.
You can, however, direct this within your own system. When Twilio makes the webhook to your application it sends through a bunch of parameters including From, the number that sent you the message.
These parameters are sent as URL encoded parameters in the body of the POST request.
In your application you should be able to use that From parameter to look up your user and then deal with the incoming message for that user.
Let me know if that helps at all.


twilio webhook custom paramters

Is it possible to define custom data in outbound SMS/IVR call and receive same data back on callbackurl/webhook. I want to receive few custom parameters (apart from what twilio sends) when my webhook is called.
Try appending the custom data as URL query parameters to the URL you give Twilio to fetch the TwiML. SMS is a different animal, since it doesn't request TwiML like voice does.
How to Share Information Between Your Applications

Triggering a Twilio function to write a record in an external service (e.g. a CRM) whenever an sms message is SENT via Twilio

What the title describes can already be done easily via programs like Zapier, so I am hopeful that it can be done through Twilio functions directly.
Essentially, I have my CRM set up so that based on certain triggers, it sends a http POST request to the Twilio URL that controls SMS sending: + twilioAccSId + /Messages.json
For the most part, this works great!
I just want a way for Twilio to then respond by using a function to write a record into the CRM (using the CRM's APIs).
I would want the record written to include things like the delivery status of the message e.g. whether it failed, or was successful). I'm also open to exploring other ways where Twilio can transmit this outbound message info to the CRM through other means, and then having a function on the CRM then write a record!
Do you have the code to share of what you are attempting and the issue encountered? Or is the question more if this is possible? It is certainly possible.
You will use a statusCallback URL of your outbound POST to the messages resource, which will fire with the statusCallback messages and make an API call to your CRM to update the customer record accordingly. You can append a URL query parameter to your statusCallback, so you know which customer record to update.
Track Delivery Status of Messages
How to Share Information Between Your Applications
Passing Custom Information via Requests to Twilio

HTTP GET request for user's phone number in fulfillment editor

We are setting up a chat bot through Dialogflow. A user will receive a weblink to the bot in a call or SMS sent through twilio. I'm wondering if it is possible for us to set up an HTTP get request to twilio in fulfillment so that we can set a context parameter to the user's phone number in the fulfillment inline editor in Dialogflow.
I took a look at twilio's api docs but could only find information on HTTP requests regarding numbers purchased or available for purchase through twilio.
So to clarify: in Dialogflow's fulfillment inline editor, we want to set a context parameter equal to the user's phone number that twilio called or sent the SMS to with a weblink to our chat bot.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
If I'm understanding right, you want to send a URL to a user via SMS (or over the phone?) which will link them to a web based chat with your bot. And you want to be able to link that chat back to the original phone number?
If that is the case, then the first thing that comes to mind for me would be to create a unique URL for each phone number you send this message to. If you store a link between the URL and the number it is sent to in a database somewhere, then when th euser clicks through to it you can recover the phone number and apply it to your Dialogflow context.
I don't believe you need to make any requests to the Twilio API for this aside from sending the initial SMS.
I hope this helps.

Override Message Service inbound URL programatically

I have setup a trial Twilio account and have been investigating their
Programmable SMS service. Within my account I have also setup a Messaging Service. When I send an SMS I am able to set the URL I wish Twilio to send all delivery events (e.g accepted, sent, delivered etc) to, using a field called statusCallback. However, I am wondering if it is also possible to set the URL for which I wish to receive any replies to the message being sent, as part of the send SMS call? I know I can change the incoming request URL within the Messaging Services area of my Twilio account dashboard, but I would like to be able to set this URL on a per SMS basis, as part of the send SMS API call.
Does anyone know if this is possible? I cannot see anything in the docs to suggest it is but I wanted to know definitively.
I hope the question makes sense but if any clarification is needed then please let me know.

How to find relation between send and received message in twillio

I am using Copilot API of twillio to send sms. so i am able to send sms to end user. Now if user reply to that sms, i am receiving the callback (PHP Script). Using that callback URL, i am able to get the reply message.
Now i want to do is, i am trying to find a relation between sent and received(which end user reply) message. so i can then forward the reply message to their sender.
I will have UI like below, where user enter the message and number where he wants to receive reply.
But the problem is i am not able to find relation between send/receive message.
Any advice will be helpful.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Other than storing the information on your server upon sending/receiving a message, you could make use of the cookies stored at Twilio.
When Twilio makes a request to your server and it returns a cookie (a Set-Cookie HTTP response header), Twilio stores this cookie and associates it with the From and To numbers for the incoming call or SMS message.
A little caveat to this is the fact that this cookie is only stored for four hours, so unless that works for you, I'd suggest using the from & the to as composite keys to find a relation.
Hope this helps you
