Loading jQuery UI 1.12.x with RequireJS - jquery-ui

I am trying to load jQuery 1.12.1 Slider widget with RequireJS v2.3.5, so I can use a widget called "jquery.selectBoxIt", my setup is like this:
File structure:
baseUrl: '/AOP/Scripts',
paths: {
'jquery.selectboxit': '../../node_modules/selectboxit/src/javascripts/jquery.selectBoxIt'
shim: {
'jquery.selectboxit': ['jquery.ui.slider']
packages: [{
name: 'jquery.ui.slider',
location: '../../node_modules/jquery-ui/ui/widgets',
main: 'slider'
but I am getting these errors:
Uncaught Error: Script error for "keycode", needed by: jquery.ui.slider/slider
GET http://dev.k2.aop.local/AOP/Scripts/widget.js
Uncaught Error: Script error for "widget", needed by: jquery.ui.slider/slider
Uncaught Error: Script error for "version", needed by: jquery.ui.slider/slider
Uncaught Error: Script error for "ie", needed by: jquery.ui.slider/mouse
Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: jquery.selectboxit
I had tried to add all these dependencies as RequireJs packages but at the end this error pops out again
Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: jquery.selectboxit,keycode/version,widget/version,ie/version


electron upgrade from v7.3.3 to v15.4.1, fetch error

electron upgrade from v7.3 to v15.4.1, fetch Function is Error
TypeError: Failed to fetch
Cannot call all methods (post or get)
fetch(baseURL.replace(/\/$/, '') + url, { ...params })
TypeError: Failed to fetch
I'm falling apart and can't find a solution

Can not get the readable electron crash reports on Sentry

I'm handling crashes in our electron app with crashReporter and sending reports to sentry.io.
The goal is to see which part of JS caused the app to crash. To emulate crash I'm doing "process.crash()". To see source code trace I'm installing sentry from it's documentation, but source code never appears in sentry.
Here is the CrashReporter initialization code:
companyName: '...',
productName: '...',
uploadToServer: true,
submitURL: 'https://....ingest.sentry.io/api/.../minidump/?sentry_key=...'
Sentry is added to project as:
sentry-wizard --integration electron
npm install --save-dev #sentry/cli electron-download
node sentry-symbols.js
Webpack config:
const SentryWebpackPlugin = require('#sentry/webpack-plugin');
var config = {
target: 'node',
devtool: 'source-map',
plugins: [
new webpack.ProgressPlugin(),
new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin(),
new SentryWebpackPlugin({
include: '.',
ignoreFile: '.sentrycliignore',
ignore: ['node_modules', 'webpack.config.js'],
configFile: 'sentry.properties'
But this is how it looks on sentry:
You are producing a native crash, what you see here is a C++ stack trace which is symbolicated. Try to throw new Error('test'); in JavaScript somewhere, then you should see a JS stack trace.

Unable to load class, to missing dependency

I need to upload file:
def newTeam(String nameTeam){
render '123 ' + nameTeam
if(request instanceof MultipartHttpServletRequest) {
MultipartHttpServletRequest mpr = (MultipartHttpServletRequest)request
CommonsMultipartFile f = (CommonsMultipartFile) mpr.getFile("myFile");
i have error:
2017-04-11 23:22:37.416 ERROR --- [ Thread-12]
grails.boot.GrailsApp : Compilation Error: startup
failed: General error during class generation:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Unable to load class
org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartFile due to
missing dependency Lorg/apache/commons/fileupload/FileItem;
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Unable to
load class
org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartFile due to
missing dependency Lorg/apache/commons/fileupload/FileItem; at
It is fix. But i do not know how to use it. I have to write the dsl code in my resources.groovy.
Try adding the following to build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile 'commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload:1.3.2'

Twilio throws fatal error in php 7.x

I"m getting the following error in my production server, I gave the maximum possible permission for this wp-content directory and I still get this error, can you please assist ?
PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening
for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in
/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/text-my-app/Services/Twilio.php on
line 9, PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Services_Twilio_Rest_'
not found in
'available_phone...', 'outgoing_caller...', 'calls', 'conferences',
'incoming_phone_...', 'notifications', 'outgoing_caller...',
'recordings', 'sms_messages', 'short_codes', 'transcriptions',
'connect_apps', 'authorized_conn...', 'usage_records',
'usage_triggers', 'queues')\n#1
Services_Twilio_ListResource->get('AC2ab0e6e0b in
on line 47, referer:

Uncaught TypeError: CKEDITOR.style.customHandlers[e.type] is not a constructor

I'm using ckeditor_rails (4.5.10). ITs working fine on local (development ) but when i deploy using capistrano, getting error like this
Uncaught TypeError: CKEDITOR.style.customHandlers[e.type] is not a constructor
Any idea?
