Rails app works on localhost but no database on Heoku - ruby-on-rails

First time posting a question.
I recently did a Rails project on Udemy and it works fine on localhost, when I pushed to Heroku I only see signup/login page, none of the 'New,Edit,Delete..' pages. Installed pg and rails_12factor in production, and sqlite in test and dev. The teacher hasn't answered on the forum in a week so looking in other places. Here's my GitHub link https://github.com/guruprasadnagarajan/taskr and this is the Heroic page https://taskr-guru.herokuapp.com

When you create a heroku app and after you've created the database, you need to also migrate and add data to the database. Make sure that you have valid users and other needed data. For example, you can access the rails console of your application by running:
heroku run rails c -a <your app's name>
Then you can create users from there using rails models like:
User.create(name: <a name>, email: <an email>)
Alternatively you may create the needed data in the db/seed.rb file and then just run the task:
heroku run rake db:seed -a <your app's name>
If you have done all these steps above and still have the same issue, I am not sure how to go around it.
Hope it helps, happy coding!


Heroku run rake db:migrate command doesn't update database

I'm reading railstutorial.org Chapter 2 (about toy_app) using cloud IDE and I've run into a problem. I'm newbie so I would appreciate a simple sollution and explanation what I did wrong.
I followed every step as described in tutorial: I created my 'hello world' index page and I pushed it to heroku. I renamed my heroku site as well (it wasn't required in tutorial). Everything was fine at that moment.
I added user and micropost models. I've started a local server (on second terminal by typing rails server -b $IP -p $PORT) and added some users and microposts. Again, everything was working as expected.
I didn't close local server. I committed changes to git and I pushed it to Bitbucket and then to heroku. Finally, I typed heroku run rake db:migrate. It was the final step of this tutorial.
Everything seemed to be Ok, but I noticed that posts and users I added on local server weren't visible on my heroku site. Since I didn't close my local server, I checked it and posts I created were still available. As I said, situation on my heroku site was different.
I didn't get any errors during that process, only one warning after typing git push: Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address ... to the list of known hosts. Next time it didn't show up.
After my first try of every step I got promising outputs. After second and next tries it returned
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean`
Everything up-to-date
So still nothing worrying.
I tried to restart server, to follow those steps again after closing my local server but it didn't help. I searched for solution but only what I found were problems with massive errors or different problems.
Actually, It is problem I can go along with because I don't need it updated at this stage, but I would like to hear an answer and find out if there is something wrong with heroku or it it normal behavior or even if it is newbie's blindness.
First your local database and heroku database are different. Any user created on local app won't be available on heroku app unless you use a common database.
rake db:migrate, in its most basic form, just runs the change or up method for all the migrations that have not yet been run. If there are no such migrations, it exits. It will run these migrations in order based on the date of the migration.
Try creating user and post on heroku app, it should work all fine.

Creating a new database for second project on Prostgres

I am starting a new project and want to use Postgres as my database. How can I implement a new database for this project with Postgres without causing problems with the other database I am using for another project?
Thank you!
Not sure if it matters but these two projects have two different heroku accounts.
You tagged the question with the heroku tag. Heroku will take care of this for you.
Locally, you should first create a new user:
sudo -u postgres createuser -s your_user_name
For local development you can make this a super-user. Heroku will use sensible defaults in production.
Done that, configure your rails app and then create your db:
bin/rake db:create db:migrate

how to relaunch rails app on heroku

My app runs properly locally and has a crash when it runs on Heroku. The app does fine until I run a new_post_path call. I tried git push to see if a change to the new.html.erb file or the _form.html.erb file was the issue - but I think during the last push to heroku - my database may have taken a hit. At the time I was adding a t.text field (longtext) and it seems to be the issue.
So I wanted to roll back or totally re-start at heroku. But I have not found anyway to do it. Since this is not near production yet. Is there anyway to just create a new instance at heroku and push up to it?
Again, local version runs perfect. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
I would say there are several ways to handle this problem
restarting heroku
Run $ heroku restart in the rails dir. Sometimes I believe in magic.
Use $ heroku log to debug what is causing the error.
migrate database
Perhaps you made a database change in local rails, while heroku rails didn't.
Run heroku run rake db:migrate
drop database and remigrate database
See this thread. Sometimes old migration might be in conflict with current migration. Do a clean migration, if the data in your database isn't important.
recreate heroku instance
run $ heroku apps:destroy –app appname and replace appname with your appname. Then delete the current heroku remote repository location from git. git remote rm heroku. Then recreate heroku. run $ heroku create. go through pushing your code and migrating database like usual.
Relaunching might be the least of your problems, so I suggest a few things:
Review this Heroku article on releases, including the Heroku rollback feature.
Add the PG Backups add-on to your app.
I also recommend using something like the exception_notification gem in combination with the SendGrid add-on, so that you can get an email with details on the error as well.

Syncing Heroku and localhost databases

Hey so I am following the One Month Rails guide to learning Ruby and I have hit a wall on one of the lessons. I have just finished uploading an image with Paperclip, and as I finished my work on my localhost and checked it on Heroku, something went wrong. The pin/image appears to have been pushed to my Heroku account, the only problem is that the username and password that works for my localhost:3000 won't work for my Heroku account. The same password should work for both, but for some reason something is wrong. I wish I could give you the action that is going on in my terminal, but the ruby rails is the only thing that has a continuous status flow. The problem may have been when I switched my password after not using my account on localhost for a few weeks, but i thought that once i "git pushed" that to heroku master, it would've synced. I have tried heroku run rake db:setup which didn't seem to do too much as well as wrestled by way through "Importing a Heroku Postgres Database with PG Backups", but I had some trouble working through that. Any ideas? Thanks for the help.
Your 'database.yml' should not be sent to Heroku, they take care of that, creating a new database.yml config file with the proper DB access details.
Try logging into your Heroku instance and deleting the file.
Edit: nevermind, assumed you were not able to connect to the DB, not to login into the website.
So if I'm understanding you correctly, you've deployed your application to Heroku and the login (to your application) that was working locally doesn't work on Heroku.
Deploying your application doesn't deploy data. Assuming you've run heroku run rake db:migrate then your database schemas will at least match.
At this point, you've got a couple of options.
Use a seeds.rb file which you can load with heroku run db:seed to setup some 'seed' data so that you can login.
Push your local database to Heroku - either via heroku db:push or using heroku pg:transfer provided by https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-pg-transfer
Use heroku run console to create your user account via the command line
User.create(email: 'someemail.com', password: 'somepassword', password_confirmation: 'somepassword')
I'd be inclined to go with the later option.
How did the user get in their in the first place? Perhaps going back to that step in the tutorial - just remember, if you are using rails console locally to use heroku run console on Heroku.

Heroku: Deploying rails application troubles

I'm trying to deploy my rails application with heroku (as shown here). I've created a very simple rails application (using ruby 1.9.2 and rails 3.0.3; i'm sure heroku supports these - see heroku docs), created and pushed github repo, created heroku repo and pushed it (all commiting is done). And when i'm trying to access my application controller, it throws 404 rails page like it's saying 'there is no such controller'. I've done heroku rake db:migrate but first time i ran it i got 'host not found' error. Running this again fixed that. Well, i'm not sure if i should run heroku addons add:postgresql - i though postgres is on by default, but heroku says i should pay in order to get DB (running command i've mentioned asks me to confirm billing it).
May be it sounds stupid, but how can i deploy my rails application (it's a very simple one) without paying any fees and such troubles as 404 pages like i mentioned in the beginning of my post? (and this is my question). Maybe i should choose other hosting (if it exists in our world) or am i doing something wrong with heroku?
You forgot to push your quotes_controller.rb to git and heroku probably.
git add controllers/quotes_controller.rb
it seems you forgot models also, and probably lot of files.
