How to use (push) and (pop) while reading benchmark using Z3_parse_smtlib2_file API. How can I get result for (assert(not(= o2_s o2_i ))) and (assert(not(= o1_s o1_i ))) constraints using Z3_parse_smtlib2_file API. I am getting result for (assert(not(= o1_s o1_i ))) only while reading benchmark using Z3_parse_smtlib2_file API in C.
(declare-fun i_s () Int)
(declare-fun t_s () Int)
(declare-fun o1_s () Int)
(declare-fun o2_s () Int)
(declare-fun i_i () Int)
(declare-fun t_i () Int)
(declare-fun o1_i () Int)
(declare-fun o2_i () Int)
(assert(= i_s 10) )
(assert(>= (+ (- 5) (* 1 i_s)) 0))
(assert(= t_s (+ 1 (* 1 i_s))) )
(assert(< (+ (- 20) (* 1 t_s)) 0))
(assert(= o1_s (+ 1 (* 1 t_s))) )
(assert(= o2_s (+ 0 (* 1 t_s))) )
(assert(= i_i 10) )
(assert(>= (+ (- 5) (* 1 i_i)) 0))
(assert(= t_i (+ 2 (* 1 i_i))) )
(assert(< (+ (- 21) (* 1 t_i)) 0))
(assert(= o1_i (+ 0 (* 1 t_i))) )
(assert(= o2_i (+ 0 (* 1 t_i))) )
(assert(not(= o2_s o2_i )))
(assert(not(= o1_s o1_i )))
This is currently not supported. Z3_parse_smtlib2_file extracts only the assertions from the file and ignores most other SMT2 commands. Z3 does not currently support extraction of a set of SMT2 commands that can be modified later.
What is wrong with this z3 expression?
(declare-const arg_1 Int)
(not (= 0 (mod arg_1 10)))
(= 0 (mod (+ 1 arg_1) 10))))
Trying to evaluate it with z3 hangs for ever. On the other hand, if I try either of the below, it returns immediately.
Using the first expression only
(declare-const arg_1 Int)
(assert (not (= 0 (mod arg_1 10))))
=> sat
(define-fun arg_1 () Int
Using the second expression only
(declare-const arg_1 Int)
(assert (= 0 (mod (+ 1 arg_1) 10)))
=> sat
(define-fun arg_1 () Int
Asserting them together in the same file also returns immediately.
(declare-const arg_1 Int)
(declare-const arg_2 Int)
(assert (= 0 (mod (+ 1 arg_1) 10)))
(assert (not (= 0 (mod arg_2 10))))
;(assert (= arg_1 arg_2))
=> sat
(define-fun arg_2 () Int
(define-fun arg_1 () Int
However, if I uncomment the arg_1 = arg_2 assertion, it will hang.
This is most likely a z3 bug. If you run the original with z3 -v:3, you get:
$ z3 -v:3 a.smt2
(smt.simplifying-clause-set :num-deleted-clauses 1)
final-check OPTIMAL
final-check OPTIMAL
and it keeps printing that. I tried with cvc4, yices, and mathsat; and they all solve it immediately. You should report this at so they can take a look at it.
We look for a number of the form efghiihgfe which is the product of two numbers of the form 999ab and 99qcd.
We use the following code
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-const c Int)
(declare-const d Int)
(declare-const e Int)
(declare-const f Int)
(declare-const g Int)
(declare-const h Int)
(declare-const i Int)
(declare-const p Int)
(declare-const q Int)
(assert (and (>= a 0) (<= a 9)))
(assert (and (>= b 0) (<= b 9)))
(assert (and (>= c 0) (<= c 9)))
(assert (and (>= d 0) (<= d 9)))
(assert (and (>= e 0) (<= e 9)))
(assert (and (>= f 0) (<= f 9)))
(assert (and (>= g 0) (<= g 9)))
(assert (and (>= h 0) (<= h 9)))
(assert (and (>= i 0) (<= i 9)))
(assert (and (>= p 0) (<= p 9)))
(assert (and (>= q 0) (<= q 9)))
(assert (= (* (+ 99900 (* 10 a) b ) (+ 99000 (* 100 q) (* 10 c) d ))
(+ (* (^ 10 9) e) (* (^ 10 8) f) (* (^ 10 7) g) (* (^ 10 6) h) (* (^ 10 5) i)
(* (^ 10 4) i) (* 1000 h ) (* 100 g) (* 10 f) e) ) )
(eval (+ (* (^ 10 9) e) (* (^ 10 8) f) (* (^ 10 7) g) (* (^ 10 6) h) (* (^ 10 5) i)
(* (^ 10 4) i) (* 1000 h ) (* 100 g) (* 10 f) e))
and the output is
(define-fun q () Int
(define-fun p () Int
(define-fun i () Int
(define-fun h () Int
(define-fun g () Int
(define-fun f () Int
(define-fun e () Int
(define-fun d () Int
(define-fun c () Int
(define-fun b () Int
(define-fun a () Int
To verify that 9966006699 is the maxim we run the code
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-const c Int)
(declare-const d Int)
(declare-const e Int)
(declare-const f Int)
(declare-const g Int)
(declare-const h Int)
(declare-const i Int)
(declare-const p Int)
(declare-const q Int)
(assert (and (>= a 0) (<= a 9)))
(assert (and (>= b 0) (<= b 9)))
(assert (and (>= c 0) (<= c 9)))
(assert (and (>= d 0) (<= d 9)))
(assert (and (>= e 0) (<= e 9)))
(assert (and (>= f 0) (<= f 9)))
(assert (and (>= g 0) (<= g 9)))
(assert (and (>= h 0) (<= h 9)))
(assert (and (>= i 0) (<= i 9)))
(assert (and (>= p 0) (<= p 9)))
(assert (and (>= q 0) (<= q 9)))
(assert (= (* (+ 99900 (* 10 a) b ) (+ 99000 (* 100 q) (* 10 c) d ))
(+ (* (^ 10 9) e) (* (^ 10 8) f) (* (^ 10 7) g) (* (^ 10 6) h) (* (^ 10 5) i)
(* (^ 10 4) i) (* 1000 h ) (* 100 g) (* 10 f) e) ) )
(assert (> (+ (* (^ 10 9) e) (* (^ 10 8) f) (* (^ 10 7) g) (* (^ 10 6) h) (* (^ 10 5) i)
(* (^ 10 4) i) (* 1000 h ) (* 100 g) (* 10 f) e) 9966006699 ))
and the output is
Please let me know if there is a more efficient program with Z3 to solve the problem.
Thank you, maybe use bit-vectors to force using finite domains instead of ILP.
In Z3, if the input script is written in SMTLib format, is it possible to output the model (value assignments satisfying the model)? The get-model returns an interpretation satisfying the constraints. Is there any way to extract the concrete values from these interpretations. I am aware that we can use the python/C++ API to get model values.
You probably want to use get-value, here's a minimal example (rise4fun link: ):
(declare-fun x () Int)
(declare-fun y () Int)
(declare-fun z () Int)
(assert (>= (* 2 x) (+ y z)))
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(declare-fun g (Int Int) Int)
(assert (< (f x) (g x x)))
(assert (> (f y) (g x x)))
(check-sat) ; sat
(get-model) ; returns:
; (model
; (define-fun z () Int
; 0)
; (define-fun y () Int
; (- 38))
; (define-fun x () Int
; 0)
; (define-fun g ((x!1 Int) (x!2 Int)) Int
; (ite (and (= x!1 0) (= x!2 0)) 0
; 0))
; (define-fun f ((x!1 Int)) Int
; (ite (= x!1 0) (- 1)
; (ite (= x!1 (- 38)) 1
; (- 1))))
(get-value (x)) ; returns ((x 0))
(get-value ((f x))) ; returns (((f x) (- 1)))
You'd potentially then have to parse this depending on what you're trying to do, etc.
For more details, check out the SMT-LIB standard:
The latest version is:
You can see some examples of get-value on page 39 / figure 3.5.
I am getting timeout on the following example.
Is there any trick to make this work ( reformulating the problem or using triggers)?
For this example, the macro finder will be useful (I think often with forall quantifiers with implications), you can enable it with:
(set-option :macro-finder true)
Here's your updated example that gets sat quickly (rise4fun link: ):
(set-option :macro-finder true)
(declare-const a (Array Int Bool))
(declare-const sz Int)
(declare-const n Int)
(declare-const d Int)
(declare-const r Bool)
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)
(declare-fun ttff (Int Int Int) Bool)
(forall ((x1 Int) (y1 Int) (n1 Int))
(= (ttff x1 y1 n1)
(forall ((i Int))
(=> (and (<= x1 i) (< i y1))
(= (select a i) true)))
(forall ((i Int))
(=> (and (<= y1 i) (< i n1))
(= (select a i) false)))))))
;; A1
(assert (and (<= 0 n) (<= n sz)))
;; A2
(assert (< 0 d))
;; A3
(assert (and (and (<= 0 x) (<= x y)) (<= y n)))
;; A4
(assert (ttff x y n))
;; A6
(=> (< 0 y)
(= (select a (- y 1)) true)))
;; A7
(=> (< 0 x)
(= (select a (- x 1)) false)))
(and (<= (* 2 d) (+ n 1)) (ttff (- (+ n 1) (* 2 d)) (- (+ n 1) d) (+ n 1)))
(and (= (- (+ n 1) y) d) (<= d (- y x))))))
I have the following expression
(declare-fun x00 () Real)
(declare-fun x01 () Real)
(declare-fun x10 () Real)
(declare-fun x11 () Real)
(declare-fun t0init () Real)
(declare-fun z0init0 () Real)
(declare-fun z0init1 () Real)
(assert (>= t0init 0))
(assert (= (+ x00 z0init0) x10))
(assert (= (+ x01 z0init1) x11))
(assert (< (+ (* 1 x00)(* 0 x01)) 0.0))
(assert (= (+ (* 0 x00)(* 1 x01)) 0.0))
(assert (< (+ (* 1 x10)(* 0 x11)) 0.0))
(assert (= (+ (* 0 x10)(* 1 x11)) 0.0))
(assert (< (+ (* 1 x40)(* 0 x41)) 0.0))
(assert (= (+ (* 0 x40)(* 1 x41)) 0.0))
(assert (= (+ (* 1 z4end0)(* 0 z4end1)) (* t4end 1)))
(assert (= (+ (* 0 z4end0)(* 1 z4end1)) (* t4end -2)))
and I would like to express as a simple formula in order to express the following:
(assert exists (x00 x01) ("the above expression"))
and then perform a quantifier elimination.
Is there anyone who knows how to proceed?
I know how to do it with z3py but I need some faster solution.
Thank you very much for any hint.
One possible solution is as follows
(declare-fun x00 () Real)
(declare-fun x01 () Real)
(declare-fun x10 () Real)
(declare-fun x11 () Real)
(declare-fun t0init () Real)
(declare-fun z0init0 () Real)
(declare-fun z0init1 () Real)
(define-fun conjecture () Bool
(and (>= t0init 0) (= (+ x00 z0init0) x10) (= (+ x01 z0init1) x11)))
(assert (exists ((x00 Real) (x01 Real)) conjecture))
and the corresponding output is
I am not sure if the quantifier elimination that you need will work with Z3. Maybe for your problem "Redlog" of "Reduce" is the better option. All the best.