swift conditionally call unwind segue using shouldPerformSegue - ios

I have two view controllers: Step3VC (we'll call this 'A') and Step3AddJobVC (we'll call this 'B'). I'm trying to validate some data on 'B' before performing an unwind segue back to 'A'.
'B' takes some user input, and I want to verify that the user input is not duplicate. The user is making a list of chores, and so duplicate names won't work. When the user taps 'save', the unwind segue performs, and the data is added to an array.
Here's the problem: the array is on 'A', but the validation needs to happen on 'B' before 'A' gets called. How do I do that?
What I've tried:
I've tried using shouldPerformSegue in 'B', but the array comes back blank []. So that's no good. Here's the code from 'B':
override func shouldPerformSegue(withIdentifier identifier: String, sender: Any?) -> Bool {
print("identifier is: ", (identifier))
print("sender is: ", (sender)!)
let newVC = Step3VC()
return false
So then I tried putting the validation into 'A' during the unwind segue...
#IBAction func unwindToStep3VC(sender: UIStoryboardSegue) {
let sourceVC = sender.source as! Step3AddJobVC
let updatedJob = sourceVC.job
// check for duplicate names
for name in dailyJobs {
if name.name.lowercased() == (sourceVC.jobTextField.text?.lowercased()) { // check to see if lowercased text matches
// call alert function from sourceVC
if let selectedIndexPathSection = jobsTableView.indexPathForSelectedRow?.section { // if tableview cell was selected to begin with
// Update existing job
if selectedIndexPathSection == 0 {
let selectedIndexPathRow = jobsTableView.indexPathForSelectedRow
dailyJobs[(selectedIndexPathRow?.row)!] = updatedJob!
} else if selectedIndexPathSection == 1 {
let selectedIndexPathRow = jobsTableView.indexPathForSelectedRow
weeklyJobs[(selectedIndexPathRow?.row)!] = updatedJob!
} else {
// Add a new daily job in the daily jobs array
let newIndexPath = IndexPath(row: dailyJobs.count, section: 0)
jobsTableView.insertRows(at: [newIndexPath], with: .automatic)
...but it gave the error:
popToViewController:transition: called on <ToDo_App.SetupNavController 0x7fcfd4072c00> while an existing transition or presentation is occurring; the navigation stack will not be updated.
If I pull out the 'if' validation code, the unwind segue works properly. The data is transferred and does the right thing. The problem is that if the user enters duplicate entries, I can't figure out how to stop them.
This is my code for checking if user input is duplicate:
// check for duplicate names
for name in dailyJobs {
if name.name.lowercased() == (sourceVC.jobTextField.text?.lowercased()) { // check to see if lowercased text matches
// call alert function from sourceVC
What am I missing? Is there a better way to do this? How do I call the variables from 'A' while I'm in 'B' to perform my validation BEFORE the unwind segue is called / performed?

You are trying to validate the things in shouldPerformSegue which is the right place, the thing which you are doing wrong is recreating new object of Step3VC and trying to access dailyJobs which is never set with value.
let newVC = Step3VC()
What you have do is pass dailyJobs form VC A to VC B while presenting VC B and then check if the data is duplicate or not in shouldPerformSegue.
Your code have to look like:
class VCA: UIViewController {
var dailyJobs = getDailyJobsFromServer()
#IBAction segueToVCB(sender: UIButton) {
let sb = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let vcB = sb.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "VCB") as! VCB
vcB.dailyJobs = dailyJobs
self.present(vcB, animated: true, completion: nil)
class VCB: UIViewController {
var dailyJobs: //DataType
override func shouldPerformSegue(withIdentifier identifier: String, sender: Any?) -> Bool {
//Here you do comparision with dailyJobs
if dailyJobs == userInput {
return false


Performing Segue with Prepare after validation check

I have a form that needs to be validated before performing a segue and also sending over the data to the next view controller. For now I'm just checking to see if all text fields are filled in:
#IBAction func startBtn(_ sender: Any) {
if(idInput.text == "" || dob1Field.text == "" || dob2Field.text == "" || dob3Field.text == ""){
print("no text")
My idea is, when the start button is pressed, check if all fields are filled, if they are use prepare to segue to the next VC and send the data.
I'm struggling to understand how to do this, I linked the start button on the storyboard to the VC and gave it an identifier mainUse since it is going to the mainUseController
Here is the prepare function:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?){
if segue.identifier == "mainUse"{
let vc = segue.destination as! mainUseController
The part I'm struggling to understand is how to call the prepare function once the check is done and succeeded. Thanks.
I linked the start button on the storyboard to the VC and gave it an
identifier mainUse since it is going to the mainUseController
Well here is the issue: your segue seems to be generated by dragging from the button to the destination view controller, don't do this because the segue will performed regardless of what's implemented in the button action. Instead drag from the view controller itself (but not from the button) to the destination view controller:
control + drag from the view controller to the destination controller
At this point, tapping the button won't forcibly navigates you to the destination view controller. Next what you should do is to perform the segue if the conditions are met, by calling performSegue(withIdentifier:sender:) method:
#IBAction func startBtn(_ sender: Any) {
if idInput.text == "" || dob1Field.text == "" || dob2Field.text == "" || dob3Field.text == "" {
print("no text")
// just don't forget to assign the segue identifier as 'mainUse'...
performSegue(withIdentifier: "mainUse", sender: nil)
Use the following code to perform the segue, first check if all condition fulfill then fire segue else display error message accordingly.
#IBAction func startBtn(_ sender: Any) {
if(idInput.text == "" || dob1Field.text == "" || dob2Field.text == "" || dob3Field.text == ""){
print("no text")
//Show alert message here
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "mainUse", sender: self)
prepare(for segue:) method is called by the ViewController delegate, you should avoid putting code there that you need to trigger.
What you can call for segueing is performSegue(withIdentifier:sender:)
More in:
Remember that your outlets are nil when segueing, if you want to assign or pass data to the receiver VC, create a strong property and assign that value before you segue but after the VC instantiation. Labels, texts, etc won't receive any data until they're draw.
If you need the entries from the text fields to be sent over to the next view controller, create a placeholder property and assign it during the segueing process.
You have a nice day!
#IBAction func startBtn(_ sender: Any) {
if idInput.text?.isEmpty ?? true || dob1Field.text?.isEmpty ?? true || dob2Field.text?.isEmpty ?? true || dob3Fieldtext?.isEmpty ?? true { print("some textField is empty") return }
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { [unowned self] in
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("YourIdentifier", sender: self)
If you are using navigation controller:
#IBAction func startBtn(_ sender: Any) {
if idInput.text?.isEmpty ?? true || dob1Field.text?.isEmpty ?? true || dob2Field.text?.isEmpty ?? true || dob3Fieldtext?.isEmpty ?? true { print("some textField is empty") return }
if let viewController = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "YourIdentifier") as? NextViewController{
if let navigator = navigationController {
navigator.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)

Reloading TableView when a UIViewController is being dismissed?

The problem here is that I'm presenting EditCommentVC modally, over the current context of the CommentVC because I want to set the background of the UIView to semi-transparent. Now, on the EditCommentVC I have a UITextView that allows the user to edit their comment, along with 2 buttons - cancel (dismisses the EditCommentVC) and update that updates the new comment and push it to the database.
In term of code, everything is working, except that once the new comment is being pushed and EditCommentVC is being dismissed, the UITableView on CommentsVC with all the comments is not being reloaded to show the updated comments. Tried calling it from viewWillAppear() but it doesn't work.
How can I reload the data in the UITableView in this case?
#IBAction func updateTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
guard let id = commentId else { return }
Api.Comment.updateComment(forCommentId: id, updatedComment: editTextView.text!, onSuccess: {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let commentVC = CommentVC()
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
}, onError: { error in
SVProgressHUD.showError(withStatus: error)
The code in the CommentVC where it transitions (and passes the id of the comment). CommentVC conforms to a CommentActionProtocol that passes the id of that comment:
extension CommentVC: CommentActionProtocol {
func presentActionSheet(for commentId: String) {
let actionSheet = UIAlertController(title: nil, message: nil, preferredStyle: .actionSheet)
let editAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Edit", style: .default) { _ in
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "CommentVCToEditComment", sender: commentId)
present(actionSheet, animated: true, completion: nil)
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "CommentVCToEditComment" {
let editCommentVC = segue.destination as! EditCommentVC
let commentId = sender as! String
editCommentVC.commentId = commentId
I see atleast 2 problems here:
You are creating a new CommentVC which you should not do if you want to update the tableView in the existing view controller.
Since you have mentioned that Api.Comment.updateComment is a an asynchronous call, you need to write the UI code to run on the main thread.
So first you need to have the instance of the commentVC in a variable inside this viewController. You can store the instance of the view controller from where you are presenting this view controller.
class EditCommentVC {
var commentVCdelegate: CommentVC!
// Rest of your code
Now you need to pass the reference commentVC in this variable when you are presenting the edit view controller.
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "CommentVCToEditComment" {
let editCommentVC = segue.destination as! EditCommentVC
let commentId = sender as! String
editCommentVC.commentId = commentId
editCommentVC.commentVCdelegate = self
Now you need to use this reference to reload your tableView.
Api.Comment.updateComment(forCommentId: id, updatedComment: editTextView.text!, onSuccess: {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
commentVCdelegate.tableView.reloadData() // - this commentVC must be an instance that you store of the your commentVC that you created the first time
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
}, onError: { error in
SVProgressHUD.showError(withStatus: error)
Well, i had this problem too, and the solution i found was to use Protocol. I would recommend you to search how to send data back to previous ViewController. That way, when you dismiss the EditCommentVC, you then send back a value(in my case i send true) to the previous ViewController(in your case, CommentVC), and then you'll have a function in CommentVC checking if the value is true and if it is, reload the TableView.
Here, let me show you an example of how i used (those are the names of my ViewControllers, functions and protocols, you can use whatever you want and send whatever data you want back):
In your CommentVC, you'll have something like this:
protocol esconderBlurProtocol {
func isEsconder(value: Bool)
class PalestranteVC: UIViewController,esconderBlurProtocol {
func isEsconder(value: Bool) {
//here is where you can call your api again if you want and reload the data
Also, dont forget that you have to set the delegate of EditCommentVC, so do it when you're presenting EditCommentVC, like this:
let viewController = (self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "DetalhePalestranteVC")) as! DetalhePalestranteVC
viewController.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
viewController.delegate = self
self.present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
//replace **DetalhePalestranteVC** with your **EditCommentVC**
And in your EditCommentVC you'll have something like this:
class DetalhePalestranteVC: UIViewController {
var delegate: esconderBlurProtocol?
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
delegate?.isEsconder(value: true)
That way, everything you dismiss EditCommentVC, you'll send back True and reload the tableView.

String not being passed to next view controller from prepareForSegue

I have a push segue on my StoryBoard which is named toGuestVC.
I use that to segue to the next ViewController in my didSelectRowAtIndexPath method like so:
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let username = followUsernameArray[indexPath.row]
performSegue(withIdentifier: SG_TO_GUEST_VIEW_CONTROLLER, sender: username)
Then in my prepareForSegue:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == SG_TO_GUEST_VIEW_CONTROLLER {
if let nextVC = segue.destination as? GuestCollectionVC, let sender = sender as? String {
print("PRINTING NEXT VC: \(nextVC)") //This prints out the memory address. Not sure if this is what you meant by print nextVC.
nextVC.guestUser = sender
For some reason this line in my prepareForSegue is not running:
nextVC.guestUser = sender.username
When I try to print out the value guestUser in my nextViewController the value of guestUser is nil. But when I print out the value of sender in my prepareForSegue method it is not nil.
So is my sender value not being passed to the next ViewController? I can't find a solution to this problem any ideas?
GuestCollectionVC Implementation:
import UIKit
import Parse
private let reuseIdentifier = "Cell"
class GuestCollectionVC: UICollectionViewController {
var guestUser: String!
override func viewDidLoad() {
print("PRINTING SELF IN GuestCollectionVC: \(self)")
func loadPosts() {
//Load posts query
let query = PFQuery(className: PF_POSTS_CLASS)
query.limit = postCount
//Getting error here below this comment when I use guestUser since it is nil
query.whereKey(PF_POSTS_USERNAME_COLUMN, equalTo: guestUser)
query.findObjectsInBackground { (result: [PFObject]?, error: Error?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
if let result = result {
self.uuidOfPosts.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
self.imageArrayOfPFFIle.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
for postObject in result {
if let uuid = postObject[PF_POSTS_UUID_COLUMN] as? String, let pic = postObject[PF_POSTS_PIC_COLUMN] as? PFFile {
}else if error != nil {
print("ERROR FROM GUEST COLLECTION VC FROM loadPosts FUNCTION: \(error?.localizedDescription)")
So this is my implementation in the GuestViewController. In my loadPosts method where I used the variable guestUser I am getting the error:
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
From console printing
PRINTING NEXT VC: "InstagramClone.GuestCollectionVC: 0x7a6c5cc0"
PRINTING SELF IN GuestCollectionVC: "InstagramClone.GuestCollectionVC: 0x7a6c5100"
it's now obvious that hidden unexpected instance of GuestCollectionVC was created. So, there are different errors occurs depending on order of this two objects invoke their viewDidLoad method (can be any order). Also there are can be other errors in nextVC viewDidLoad method, but this is other story for other question.
You got this problems because you created action segue, that works automatically on cell click (hidden view controller created), and at the same time you are perform this segue in code, creating second controller nextVC.
To solve issue, you should find and remove that segue and add new one, not action segue from some element of your view controller, but "empty" segue between view controllers. To create segue of this type you should select first view controller, hold "control" key and start dragging to next view controller from yellow square on top of first view controller (that symbol controller itself), choose "show", and set identifier.
Since I don't have the full context of the values within your tableView method I can only speculate. That said, the sender you're passing in should be the view controller:
performSegue(withIdentifier: "toGuestVC", sender: username)
You're passing in a value called username which looks to be a string value? It should be something like:
performSegue(withIdentifier: "toGuestVC", sender: self)
where self is your view controller. If you're passing in a string value to sender then in your prepareForSegue method then sender does not have a property called username sender actually is username. Therefore you should pass the value elsewhere:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
let indexPath = self.tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow
if let nextVC = segue.destination as? GuestCollectionVC {
nextVC.guestUser = followUsernameArray[indexPath.row]

Swift property nil outside unwindToViewController

To pass data between views, I decided to use a "temporary" object that would act as the data model of my views.
var tempMedecine = TempMedecine()
var xValue = 0
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if let dmController = segue.destinationViewController as? JRBDosageMainTableViewController {
dmController.tempMedecine = self.tempMedecine
#IBAction func unwindToViewController(segue: UIStoryboardSegue) {
if let dosageController = segue.sourceViewController as? JRBDosageMainTableViewController {
self.tempMedecine = dosageController.tempMedecine!
self.xValue = 10
let dosageCell = tableView.cellForRowAtIndexPath(NSIndexPath(forRow: 1, inSection: 0))
dosageCell?.detailTextLabel?.text = String(self.tempMedecine.dosageQuantity!) + " " + self.tempMedecine.dosageQuantityType!
override func shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier(identifier: String, sender: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
if identifier == "saveMedecine" {
guard tempMedecine.name != nil else {
Common.genericAlertController(self, title: "Error", message: "You need to define a name", preferedStyle: .Alert)
return false
guard self.tempMedecine.dosageQuantityType != nil else {
Common.genericAlertController(self, title: "Error", message: "You need to set a quantity", preferedStyle: .Alert)
return false
else {
return true
return false
This is some of my code from the "index" viewController where I need to tackle validation.
As you can see all of my viewControllers have a property named tempMedecine. I pass it around and update the data if needed.
The problem is that self.tempMedecine.dosageQuantityType returns nil in the shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier method but isn't returning nil in the unwindToViewController method.
I figured there could be two instances of my TempMedecine object, but that's not the case. I also thought there might be a problem with the way I pass the tempMedecine variable between my viewControllers but the property tempMedecine.name is effectively transfered, the only difference is that this property is set in the same viewController where I want to implement validation :
func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
self.tempMedecine.name = textField.text
return true
It's really looking like I'm working with two different scope. As soon as I leave the unwindToViewController method, I would get back to another scope where the tempMedecine variable isn't updated.
But the weird part is when I use a simple variable like xValue. If I update its value in the unwindToViewController method I get the correct value in shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier
What am I missing? Thanks for your help.
Okay, I fixed it. What happened was that I implemented some code to reset the dataSource which is tempMedecine if the user decided to click on the Back Button in the navigation bar :
if self.isMovingToParentViewController() {
tempMedecine?.dosageQuantity = nil
tempMedecine?.dosageQuantityType = nil
The thing is, I never thought the issue could come from this as I can use the tempMedecine data to set the value in my tableView after unwinding to the index viewController but I totally missed the part when object are passed my reference.

How to send Parse object field from one class to another?

I want to make such thing:
On one ViewControleer I'm making a query to Parse.com, where I'm sending objects fields to Label.Text. By clicking one button objects randomly changes, by clicking another one- next ViewController is opening. Just imagine Tinder - on the first VC I swiping girls, on the new one chat is opening, with the girl's name in the head of the NavigatorItem
So I want to send Object Field "Name" that I'm using in that view to another without other query.
I don't know, whether I can do it via segue, or protocol. Can U somehow help me with implementation?
here is the code of my random function
func retriveJobData() {
var query: PFQuery = PFQuery(className: "Jobs")
query.getObjectInBackgroundWithId("AUeuvj0zk2") {
(newJobObject: PFObject?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if error == nil && newJobObject != nil {
if let newJobObject = newJobObject {
self.PrcieTextField.text = newJobObject["jobPrice"] as? String
self.DateTextField.text = newJobObject["jobDate"] as? String
self.DescriptionTextField.text = newJobObject["jobDescription"] as? String
} else {
I want to send newJobObject["jobName"] to NavigatorItemName of another ViewController
you can override prepareForSegue for this purpose:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue!, sender: AnyObject!) {
if (segue.identifier == "yourSegueIdentifier") {
// pass data to next view
Assuming you have some method that triggers a push to the new viewController and that you're using the storyboard, call performSegue using the identifier you set up in the storyboard
#IBAction func buttonPressed(sender: UIButton!) {
performSegueWithIdentifier("identifier", sender: nil)
Then override prepareForSegue and pass in the string
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "identifier" {
let controller = segue.destinationViewController as! ViewController
controller.jobName = someWayThatYouRetrieveNewJobObjectName
Then in ViewController ensure you have a property for jobName
var jobName:String! //declare this as an optional instead if needed
And set the navigation title
navigationItem.title = jobName
