Creating developer provisioning profile but showing ineligible - ios

By mistake I removed the existing developer provisioning profile. So I am trying to create a new developer provisioning profile but each time it is showing ineligible.
Role of my user in the team is agent. App id, adhoc, and distribution provisioning profiles are created under that team with my ID which is working fine. I downloaded all developer and distribution certificates also. But in my keychain I found private key missing for the developer certificate but present for distribution certificate.
At the time of creation of the developer provisioning profile I am selecting all the available signing certificate and all the device ids. In my Xcode project when I am trying to select the developer provisioning profile, which is showing ineligible, I am getting the error message:
"Provisioning profile 'dev_provisioning_profile' doesn't include signing certificate 'iPhone Developer:'. No certificate matching 'iPhone Developer: ' for team 'team_name'.
What should I do to create valid developer provisioning profile?

Finally solved the issue. Just writing the steps. Not so sure that these are the exact steps but worked for me, may be helpful to others-
Delete the developer certificate that does not have a private key.
Then first check then uncheck the Automatically manage signing option in the project settings with selecting team.
Select provisioning profile in the project settings.
Delete the provisioning profile from machine.
Sign in developer account and edit the provisioning profile selecting all available developer certificates
Download the provisioning profile and add to XCODE.
By following these steps the provisioning profile becomes eligible and working fine.

You should delete the developer certificate that does not have a private key especially if there are multiple instances with the same identity. Also an easy way to solve this may be to uncheck then check the Automatically manage signing option in the project settings.


Is there a way to update Apple AdHoc provision profile?

I have recently created a new certificate for my own profile but there are already development and AdHoc provisioning profiles exist. So now I want to include my newly created certificate into those provision profiles.
In Apple Developer portal I could edit "Development Provision Profile" and tick my certificate to include it into that provision profile but I do not see such option for AdHoc profile.
So my question is, can I include my newly created certificate into the existing AdHoc profile?
Because currently when I try to manually sign my project I get this warning in Xcode:
Provisioning profile "match AdHoc com.example" doesn't include signing certificate
"Apple Development: My Name (some_code_here)".
and when I click on info button I get this:
Doesn't include signing certificate "Apple Development: My Name (some_code_here)"
Any idea how can I fix this?

When signed with a certificate which is not included in the provisioning profile, still app is able to install how?

When signed with a certificate which is not included in the provisioning profile, still app is able to install successfully on device,how ?
I have two wild card signing Identities
I created provisioning profile with Signing identity A
Now from command line i resigned it with B using the same provisioning profile.
App getting installed successfully, how ?
You need to understand that in order to run an app on an iOS device, you just need a valid provisioning profile.
You have two wildcard provisioning profiles, so technically both could work. However, you state that your provisioning profile was created with Signing identity A. First, confirm that your provisioning profile has only the Cert for identity A selected. Technically, a provisioning profile can be valid with multiple certificates.
If you confirm that your profile is not associated with the cert for signing identity, meaning the profile should not be valid if you signed the app with identity B, the other likely reason is that you already installed the app (or some other app) using the profile and signing identity A. If that is the case, there is a valid provisioning profile on the device that says your app should be allowed to run. I posted some more details about scenarios where the provisioning profile packaged with the app may be invalid / expired / etc. but the app will still run on the device in this post.
If you are expecting to use the code signing / provisioning profile to keep an app from successful install, you should have a dedicated, explicit bundle Id in your provisioning profile, along with a certificate specifically for that app ID. Then you can expire the profile and revoke the cert when you need to prevent the app from running on devices.
Edit: To check if this is due to an existing provisioning profiles, open Xcode, go to Window->Devices Right click on the device in question and select "Provisioning Profiles", like this:
If you want to try it out, you can remove all the provisioning profiles from the device and try to re-install. If you really only have a provisioning profile that is configured to accept the signing identity A, and you sign the binary with signing identity B, it should not work.

Xcode 7.1 certificate issue and invalid profiles

We are two devs working on the same ios project, using same developer id. When one of us runs app on device, xcode offers to fix a certificate issue. After agree, xcode kills all existing certificates and invalidates provisioning profiles. This kills each other provisioning profiles.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create developer certificate and provisioning profile.
2. Share it with other developer.
3. Create new profile by xcode when it says "there is no profile to run on device" (and gets "Fix issue" button).
Expected Results:
Previously created provisioning profiles and developer certificates should remain valid.
Actual Results:
It invalidates existing developer certificates and provisioning profiles.
xcode 7.1
How we can fix this issue?
Never use the "Fix issue" button is one of the best tips given by this article :
Instead learn how to manage provisioning profiles:
1/ Connect to your member center from
2/ Generate a developer certificate, you will have to share the private key with your other developer to use the same account (or you could invite him if you had an entreprise account)
3/ Register your device UDIDs
4/ Generate a development provisioning profile
5/ Configure your project to use this provisioning profile and developer certificate
6/ Build and run on your devices (and never struggle again with provisioning with provisioning profiles!)
Here is all the documentation you need:
Hope that helps.

Error Code-90161 Invalid provisioning profile

ERROR ITMS-90161:"Invalid Provisioning Profile
I have created IPA using Xamarin IOS in ad-hoc mode and selected a adhoc provisioning profile. but while uploading, following error annoying me :(
when I uploaded using application loader:
ERROR ITMS-90161:"Invalid Provisioning Profile.The provisioning profile included in the bundle x.x.x.x[Payload/] is invalid.[Missing code-signing certificate.] For more information,visit the iOS developer Portal."
If you get this error, you probably don't have the correct type of Provisioning Profile. There's a few types of Provisioning Profiles, most notably are the "Development" and "Distribution" profiles. I suggest looking at your provisioning profiles, and if necessary recreate them.
To elaborate: You have 1 Certificate (created via Xcode Certificate Generating). With this Certificate, you can create an "App Identifier", and Provisioning Profiles. You can use the same Certificate for both a Developer Provisioning Profile and a Distribution Provisioning Profile. They don't work with one another, meaning a Developer Provisioning Profile won't work for a release build, and a Distribution Provisioning Profile won't work for a debugg build.
Try this, and see if that helps. Be sure to haul the new profiles in Xcode (or any other method you'd use) and edit your project's settings.
Good luck!
Love and regards,
My issue was related to having Xcode Automatically manage signing. What finally fixed the issue for me was going into the developer portal, selecting Certificates, and revoking the Distribution Managed certificate. I then rebuilt my project in Xcode, keeping the checkmark enabled to Automatically manage signing, and a new Distribution Managed certificate was automatically created in the developer portal under certificates. Distributing the archive to the App Store no longer produced any errors.
This issue also came up in other projects where I manually manage the Provisioning Profile. What worked for me was doing the following on the portal:
Revoke the existing Distribution Certificate linked to the app's provisioning profile.
Issue a new Apple Distribution Certificate.
Link the new certificate to the app's provisioning profile.
Make sure to select the correct provisioning profile for your app's target in Xcode.
While de3z1e's solution seems to work for most people, it did not work for me. What did work was creating an Apple Distribution cert when using XCode settings. While Xcode is open,
Go to preferences (Command + ,) -> Accounts -> Choose your team -> Manage certificates -> + (bottom left) -> Apple Distribution -> Re-archive + upload
I am not sure why the other solution did not work for me, but this did. I also have Xcode manual signing on and left it on.
For Distribution:
If you upload to Test Flight you need an Apple Store provisioning Profile.
If you are distributing to specific devices, you need Ad hoc provisioning profile.
You assign it in visual studio through Manual Provisioning, choosing an Apple Distribution Identity, and choosing your provisioning profile manualy - nothing in automatic.
If you like me could not find your newly created provisioning profile to appear in visual studio, make sure the bundile indetifier in info.plist is the same as used in the provisioning profile.
If you are white-labeling as per xam-girls blog, other copies of info.plist is not looked at by visual studio iOS Bundle Signing
I faced same problem. I edited profiles, it works.
Click edit button all provisioning profiles and save it. Download and use edited profiles. App will upload to store.

Xcode Archive Error

When i try to archive me app in Xcode, it gives me an error that i don't have a provisioning profile. how do i get one. i have an IOS Development account.
I tried to upload a distribution certificate, but it did not work. why?
The Error says...
XCode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assets and failed to do so because of the following issues.
you account already had a valid IOS Distribution certificate
visit member center or import developer profile.
There are certificates and there are profiles, they are two different things. It sounds like you have a distribution certificate. Go to the developer portal, and then go the the identities, certificates, and profiles.
Profiles will be at the bottom. You need a distribution profile for your app id. Distribution profiles are then signed by distribution certificates. It is pretty straightforward. Once you create the profile, download it and double click it to add it to your library.
