How to implement DeepLinking If user don't have app then? - ios

I have 3 requirement for DeepLinking or Universal Links to my project.
If user is having the application then URL should redirect to application with content.
If user don't have the application then it should redirect to Appstore.
If user don't have the application then it should redirect to Appstore and after download the app it should go to that page with data which I am sending with URL.
Links which I followed:
What I understood is:
Creating and Uploading the Association File and for this I have to follow some steps:
Adding support for universal links is easy. There are three steps you need to take:
Create an apple-app-site-association file that contains JSON data about the URLs that your app can handle. Upload the apple-app-site-association file to your HTTPS web server. You can place the file at the root of your server or in the .well-known subdirectory. Prepare your app to handle universal links.
Creating and Uploading the Association File
To create a secure connection between your website and your app, you establish a trust relationship between them. You establish this relationship in two parts:
An apple-app-site-association file that you add to your website
A entitlement that you add to your app
Preparing Your App to Handle Universal Links.
In your entitlement, include a list of the domains that your app wants to handle as universal links. To do this in Xcode, open the Associated Domains section in the Capabilities tab and add an entry for each domain that your app supports, prefixed with applinks:, such as
Problem is: I followed all steps and I have a url I added it in the domain in my Associated Domain.
Example: https://<My_Domain>/anything.
Now Backend is generating URL and sending.
We are using Http server.
Route::get('appstore',function(){ return redirect()->away('');});
Problem is when I am clicking on that URL I am not getting any popup for already app and also After download how data I will get ?
Am missing something or backend is missing something?

So it seems like you are trying to accomplish deferred deep linking, which means you route the user to the content if the app is installed or you route the user to the app store to download the app and present them the content once the app is opened. This is very difficult to do by yourself and I'll explain more in a bit.
It looks like you are setting up your universal links correctly but the redirect to the app store is fairly hacky. Universal Links are meant to be used to redirect users to the web version, which means bringing them to the app store instead is no easy task.
If you do get the user to the app store, deferred deep linking which is just directing them to the content after they install the app is nearly impossible to do yourself without using a third-party service like Branch. Branch also will allow you to push users back to the app store to download the app, if that's the user experience your looking for.
Hope this helps!


Firebase Dynamic Links Opening all of my domain links in the app

I'm using a custom domain for Firebase Dynamic Links in my Unity app. The domain is in the format
On Android, this all works fine. Going to by clicking a link in an email or the browser, opens the URL in the browser and opens the app. On iOS, however, both open the app. This includes, most troubling, the URL which Firebase uses for its confirm your email and reset password logic.
My app is configured with in the associated domains section and the PList has an entry for FirebaseDynamicLinksCustomDomains with an array that has as an entry. has this
{"applinks":{"apps":[],"details":[{"appID":"","paths":["NOT /_/*","/*"]}]}}
Does anyone have an idea why this is happening and how I can get the app to only open URLs at
The root domain of your custom Dynamic Link shouldn't be added in the Associated Domains list. That's the reason why opens the app in iOS.
Only Google-provided domains (* should be added in the Associated Domains list.

iOS URL scheme or not existing Universal Link

I was developing Android App that could be opened by url link sent to email. The domain exist but the path not (ex. Im not an owner of the website so putting AASA file there is not possible. The link also contained jwt with some info that I was handling in the app. I wanted to do the same on ios but what I found, URL schemes doesn't support http and Universal Links need special file on that website. Is there a way to handle this on iOS?
You can check custom URL scheme
It will work without adding special file to the server. You need only a special link and after a tap on it, you will be redirected to that app (if it exists on your phone). Maybe this is what are you looking for

ios Universal Links - from multiple domains

I have a question about the apple-app-site-association and where it should be deployed in the case where I have 2 (or more) websites that are going to display a URL that will direct a user to my app.
For instance, I have a main website where my AASA file is deployed here:
With a wildcard in it like this:
"paths": ["/my-app/*"]
This means any link like this:
Will open up in my app.
What if I have another website and I want to link to the app from there. The new site is:
Can I link to the app using the same URL above? Do I need another AASA file deployed on the new domain?
There is no need to make changes on this other site, I was given incorrect information. There was an issue with the way it was implemented in our app that was causing it to not work from other domains.

Why can't Applebot crawl my website?

I am trying to set-up universal links for an iOS app.
The Apple search validator keeps failing when I try to validate the file apple-app-site-association with error message:
Unable to parse that webpage URL. Try a different URL.
The file content is correct, I tried with already validated files from other websites but it seems the crawler fails to access the website generally.
The domain and website are hosted on a shared server at without SSL. The file is not signed.
Any idea why that is?
This is the "App Search API Validation Tool", not the "Universal Links Validation Tool" (which doesn't exist from Apple). The results from this tool have no connection to whether Universal Links work or not.
That said, you must have SSL in order for Universal Links to work. That is the number one requirement. If you can't/don't want to set this up, look at an external link hosting service like Firebase Dynamic Links or (full disclosure: I'm on the Branch team)
In reference to "you must have SSL in order for Universal Links to work. That is the number one requirement." This is no longer a requirement.
If your app runs in iOS 9 or later and you use HTTPS to serve the apple-app-site-association file, you can create a plain text file that uses the application/json MIME type and you don’t need to sign it.

custom url schemes in twitter posts it does not work

I am an ios app developer. We have implemented a custom URL scheme 'my_app://section_name' or so where if the link is opened in the user's mobile browser, it will redirect the user to a specific section in the app.
We would like to be able to tweet these URLs and have users on their mobile device click on them to open up the app, however it just can click once
(when you click close , maybe you click wrong then you want to click it second but it does not work )
I hope this isn't too silly of a question. Thanks
Make sure to check the tweet body after it have been posted.
This may be due of an URL shortener, especially if the tweet is posted from the iOS 5 Twitter framework.
I'm having a similar issue with url schemes. We can include them in emails and text messages, and they highlight and work properly.
Unfortunately, when we do the same with a tweet, the iOS Twitter client fails to recognise the special URL scheme and so the user cannot tap on it to open our app.
Pretty big oversight, methinks. Anyone else had any joy including special URL scheme links in tweets?
A solution that you should consider involves not sharing the URI scheme directly, but rather creating a page on your web server to handle this. In fact, if you want to be able to share full URI schemes with paths, you're better off building a web server to dynamically generate a page with a URI scheme redirect.
This is a over-simplified representation of what we built at Branch. This includes some code to get you started though the web server will require a bit of setup not described here.
instead of testapp://, you'll link to
your server should listen at the route /hosted-redirect, grab and build the following page (body here):
So your server will have to generate and respond with this page, filling in, anytime is requested.
A lightweight node app could do this with a single file.
