How to exclude grails plugin jar from war file - grails

Grails 3.2.5. Build.gradle has mail plugin:
compile "org.grails.plugins:mail:2.0.0.RC6"
In deploying a war to production I need to remove javax.mail-1.5.6.jar from WEB-INF/lib since that jar must be in the Tomcat lib when using a JNDI mail resource. So how do I keep the mail plugin but remove the offending jar file from the war? I knew how to do this in Grails 2.x. Via the gradle war task in build.gradle I have tried to exclude the file (doesn't work - the jar drifts in from a plugin somehow), and have tried to filter the file out. When I build the war I get two files - "app-0.1.war" and "app-0.1.war.original". The "original" file has the WEB-INF/lib/javax.mail jar filtered out, but the real, complete war still has it.
So how do I prevent that plugin jar from getting into the war file? Thanks.

One way to do it is with something like this:
war {
rootSpec.exclude '**/javax.mail*.jar'
(you may need to adjust depending on whether or not you want to also exclude the javax.mail-api jar file along with the javax.mail jar)


Grails picking old version jars(previous used) also, in 'test war' creation

I used yesterday itext-2.0.8 and today i changed to itext-2.1.7. even it is picking 2.0.8 into war file also two versions of itext jars are coming in war file. Now, there is no reference in pom or BuildConfig regarding 2.0.8, even it adding in war file.
Why it picking old referred jars and what bases it selecting which jars need to go for war file.
What should i do to eliminate them.
i deleted target folder and i run grails clean, even same output.
i think, i have to manually delete the all itext-2.0.8 in maven repo(.m2) and grails repo(.grails).
please give me your valuable suggestions please

Grails dependencies between custom plugin and war file

I've created a custom Grails plugin, and this plugin needs two other war files to work fine. Can someone tell me how to make that plugin depends on those war files ?
What should I put in the BuildConfig.groovy ?
Thanx all.
If i get you question, what you need is something to build the app, the plugins and war all together. You could use Maven, Gradle or Gant.
Here is a similar question: How to set up a multiproject Grails using Gradle?

Referencing external dependencies in GGTS by convention

How do I reference a dependency by convention within my project build path? Allow me to elaborate...
I'm using the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (GGTS 3.0). I'm referencing the dependency as such in my BuildConfig.groovy:
dependencies {
compile 'tgt:jaxb-utils:1.0'
The referenced jar file is successfully pulled down from the Artifactory repo - I can find the jar file on my local file system in the Ivy cache. When I run any grails targets (grails compile, grails run-app, grails run-tests), it works fine - meaning my code that imports the classes from the jar has no problems. When I run grails war, the referenced jar file is packed into the constructed war.
However, and here is the crux of this post - the project build path does not reference this jar file by default or convention, so my java or groovy code that imports the classes from the jar file reports a unable to resolve class ... error.
One solution is to simply add the jar file to the lib folder and update the build path accordingly, or modify the build path to reference the jar file in the Ivy cache folder. However, I'd have to do this for any/all dependencies pulled down in this way. Any jars in the lib folder will get saved to the team source code repository, and that seems like wasted space since the grails commands work fine with just the dependency reference in BuildConfig.groovy.
Am I just being too idealistic (ie - difficult) here, or is there a better way to clean up the unable to resolve class ... errors in my IDE without having to manually add the dependent jar files to my lib folder and update my build path? Ideas?
Eclipse / STS / GGTS : If you have Grails plugin installed, you can do the following :
Right click on your project -> Grails Tools -> Refresh dependencies (or shortcut "Alt+G, R")

How to deploy grails app with private plugin to cloud

I've created a private plugin for domain objects that are shared between two grails applications. I'm able to use the plugin successfully in my local environment as I've set the path to it via the BuildConfig file. For example, I have the following directories:
myPlugin/ (myPlugin is a grails plugin project dir)
In: appOne/grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy:
grails.plugin.location.compileMyPlugin = "../myPlugin"
My question is, what is the proper/best way to handle "packaging" this plugin with my app release so I can deploy it to a cloud service where it won't be available for download? I imagine there is a way to have grails do this for you but I'm unsure. (I'm very new to grails)
When you create you .war file for deployment, grails simply includes your plugin. So you have nothing special to do.
If your project is build in the cloud, you might try to specify a file path as local repository:
repositories {
localRepo "../myPlugin"
Just drop your zipped plugin in this folder and grails will find it.
I ended up doing the following to resolve this in Grails 2.1.0:
1) In the Grails Plugin Project:
grails package-plugin Produces the file
2) Copy plugin to my application's lib directory (appOne/lib/
3) In BuildConfig.groovy
Remove: grails.plugin.location.compilemyPlugin = "../myPlugin"
This was/is used during development to prevent the rebuild-reinstall process
when updating files included in the plugin.
plugins {..... compile ':grails-myPlugin:0.1' }
4) Test by cleaning appOne and re-run which will install/re-install the plugin via the lib directory
5) Commit all changes and add the plugin zip file to appOne and push. The cloud provider,
Heroku in this case, can then resolve the dependency.
Your build script should first package the plugin, then install the plugin into your Grails application. At least, that is how I have to do it. If you try and have both your plugin specified in the BuildConfig dependencies and as an inline plugin, Grails tends to complain about that.

Making .war smaller

There are several tutorials and even some posts here about shrinking .war files. However, the most common technique (to include grails.war.resources = {} in Config.groovy) does not seem to work for me. No matter what, grails dumps everything into the war file making a 25meg .war. Has this functionality changed? Grails 1.3.4
Im on 1.2.0
grails war --nojars
creates a war with no jars.
You have to make sure your jars are properly installed on wherever you are deploying, so
for tomcat.
For tomcat6 and later remember to update your file:
You will need to ensure that ${catalina.home}/yourDirectoryName exists and that it contains all the grails WEB-INF/lib jars in it.
