"Playlist vs segment duration mismatch" with HLS Streaming ts file - ios

I made a service which record a movie on iOS and publish it to the server. The server divides the stream to the multiple ts files. And by using these files, I make a m3u8 file and publish this file to the client.
However, mediastreamvalidator says that some ts files are invalid though I can play these ts files on Quick Time after I download these files.
Following is the output of the mediastreamvalidator
Error: Playlist vs segment duration mismatch
--> Detail: Segment duration 0.0000, Playlist duration: 12.0900
--> Source: https://***.com/media/*** - https://storage.googleapis.com/***27.ts
--> Detail: Segment duration 0.0000, Playlist duration: 12.0900
--> Source: https://***.com/media/*** - https://storage.googleapis.com/***29.ts
I googled the error that "Error: Playlist vs segment duration mismatch" but there seems to be no answers.
Could you tell me the way to solve this error?

Your segments may have discontinuities between them. If so you will need to enter the tag #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY between them. The HLS spec specifies that you need to mark discontinuities in the following scenarios:
file format
number, type, and identifiers of tracks
timestamp sequence
See Section https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8216


Upload audio file to Jodit

I'm trying to configure my Jodit editor (v.3.0) in order to be able to upload also audio files.
I've put
$config['extensions'} = ['jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'wav', 'mp3'];
in my config file and it stopped giving me the error "File type is not in white list", but it doesn't appear to execute any action.
What can I try?
First you've closed the extensions array key with a } but I think is just a mistype
For the issue: I've figure out that the mp3 I'm trying to load is actually an mpeg file, even if the extension is .mp3
How to test: got to your connector, open the file connector>vendor>jodit>application>src>components>BaseApplication.php and comment out all the "if" statement with 'File type is not in white list' (for me is near line 365).
Now try to upload the file and you'll see the real extension. Mine was mpeg and after removing the comments to the BaseApplication.php file and adding the mpeg extention to the config.php the file was uploaded as expected.
Hope this can help you and a others (even my future me searching this issue again hehehe)

How can I get video source from movie website

I want extract video source for example for this movie.
There are hidden video sources. And there is something like security steps to unable do it.
I opened it in firefox with Video Download Helper and I got:
Istnienie (2013) Lektor PL 720p - CDA
So there is an video source but If I go to https://vwaw607.cda.pl/539567/v_lq_lq5250559bd547af6bad2eb78dacaf5df4.mp4
it says video cannot be loaded. File is damaged
Could you give me an idea how to extract video url. Thanks

How to Extract Audio from WebM File

I just want to get a audio file(opus codec used) only in webm file.
I try to search what is webm format, how to parse, but I cant get info well.
I check that webm format is from mkv, then should I check the mkv first?
there is just one github code, but I cant find way how parse the audio from webm.
You're really going to want the MKVToolNix. These include the tool mkvextract in another answer.
The MKVToolNix is actually a series of tools (mkvmerge, mkvinfo, mkvextract, mkvpropedit). First you asked how to parse the info. You can find the details using:
mkvinfo file.webm
mkvinfo file.webm -a
The first command will parse the overall structure. The second gives the detail of each frame. Use the --help switch if you want all commands.
To extract the audio, do
mkvextract file.webm tracks X:newfile.opus
Where X is the track number that you've identified as wanted from mkvinfo previously. Webm and MKV can have multiple tracks. "newfile.opus" is the new file that you want to create, choose the name you want.
There is also a mkvtoolnix gui, but I've never used that.
mkvextract can extract audio for you, and I recommend having a look at the mkvtoolsnix source code.
For example, you can extract audio from a WebM file into an Ogg Opus file like this:
$ mkvextract ~/audio/bubbles.webm tracks 0:audio.opus
Extracting track 0 with the CodecID 'A_OPUS' to the file 'audio.opus'. Container format: Ogg (Opus in Ogg)
Progress: 100%

How do some sites download YouTube captions?

This is somewhat of a duplicate question of Does YouTube API forbid to download video captions if you are not it's owner?, Get YouTube captions and Does YouTube API forbid to download video captions if you are not it's owner?, which all basically say it's not possible unless to download captions via the YouTube API unless you are the owner or third-party contributions are not enabled; however, my question is how to sites like http://downsub.com/ or http://www.lilsubs.com/ have access to all captions?
In other words, when I access the YouTube API myself (even with youtubepartner and youtube.force-ssl scopes), I can only download the captions of some videos, but when I try the same videos that failed for me with 403: The permissions associated with the request are not sufficient to download the caption track. The request might not be properly authorized, or the video order might not have enabled third-party contributions for this caption. on these other sites, it works fine. I'm assuming they are using the YouTube API to access the captions, but what special sauce are they using? Some special partner key? An different API version? Are they just scraping from the videos themselves or something?
Send a GET request on:
Example for your video in comment: http://video.google.com/timedtext?lang=ko&v=0db1_qWZjRA
Let's look at another example of yours, i.e. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7068mw-6lmI (and I agree about differentiation part in your comment).
There are multiple subtitles available for the video
Korean (auto-generated) also called asr (automatic speech recognition)
These stand for the subtitle name parameter (i.e., name=English).
lang stands for the country code.
In your example: https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?lang=es-MX&v=7068mw-6lmI&name=Spanish
If subtitle track is available, it is possible to do translation form it, namely using tlang parameter.
This would be my bid for what these sites are using, i.e. translation of the available subtitle track (confirm by trying to use a video without subtitle track as input for one of their sites).
As for asr signature seems to always be needed, but as long as one of the subtitle tracks are available, you could use that for translation. E.g. in your OP comment example:
Looks like the last example is special with both of subtitle tracks being asr (checked with Chrome -> Inspect -> Network) therefore you need to omit the subtitle name parameter part. This difference unfortunately is not visible in YouTube video's settings wheel.
A 2022 answer:
Option 1: Send a curl request to the webpage: curl -L "https://youtu.be/YbJOTdZBX1g", search for timedtext in the result, and you would get a URL. replace \u0026 with & and you get the link for the subtitle.
Option 2: Use the yt-dlp package:
# For installing see: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp#with-pip
from yt_dlp import YoutubeDL
ydl_opts = {
"skip_download": True,
"writesubtitles": True,
"subtitleslangs": ["all", "-live_chat"],
# Looks like formats available are vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
"subtitlesformat": "json3",
# You can skip the following option
"sleep_interval_subtitles": 1,
with YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
There is this unofficial API used by Youtube :
LANG here is ISO 639-1 2 letter country code. For your example it would be :
You can check it in network tab while toggling the closed caption button :
I have used youtube-transcript-api successfully to retrieve transcripts. The below is a demo to dump the transcript into HTML with links back to the timestamps in the video:
import sys
from youtube_transcript_api import YouTubeTranscriptApi
video_id = sys.argv[1]
# Retrieve the available transcripts
transcript_list = YouTubeTranscriptApi.list_transcripts(video_id)
# Just use the first transcript, let it raise an exception if none exist.
transcript = next(iter(transcript_list))
for line_map in transcript.fetch():
st_sec = int(line_map['start'] / 60)
st_msec = int(line_map['start'] - st_sec * 60)
tstmp = f"{st_sec}:{st_msec}"
link_to_tstmp = f"https://youtu.be/{video_id}?t={st_sec*60}"
tstmp_str = ("%2d:%-2d" % (st_sec, st_msec)).replace(" ", " ")
#print(f"{st_sec}:{st_msec} {line_map['text']}")
print("""%s %s<br/>""" % (link_to_tstmp, tstmp_str, line_map['text']))
If there are multiple transcripts, the library provides API to search by language etc.
You can further tweak the logic to merge text so you only get one link every so many minutes. I got good results for a lecture by linking at every 1 min and format the lines into a HTML table.

VLC only plays some last segments of m3u8 file?

Here I have a manifest: index.m3u8 and 12 segments. My problem is that VLC player only play the last 5 segments in the manifest. This is my manifest:
With this manifest, VLC plays from sample-8.ts. I tried to pull out some segment, leave sample-0.ts -> sample-7.ts, then VLC plays from sample-3.ts. What wrong with my manifest? Your help is very much appreciated.
You need to add the #EXT-X-ENDLIST tag to the end of the playlist, assuming you want it to start from the beginning. Without the end tag the player assumes it's a live playlist, which explains the behaviour you are seeing. You should also set the playlist type, e.g. #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD.
