A horizontal line in a latex table - latex

I want to put a horizontal line between first and second rows in the following table:
\caption{Multi-row table}
&X \\
How to do this?

Just like the documentation to multirow shows: by adding a cline:
\caption{Multi-row table}
\cline{2-2} % add this
&X \\


Overleaf Appendix Table Numbering

I am using overleaf to write a journal article and want to move a lot of my results table to the Appendix. So I write the following commands:
\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 8in}]{geometry}
\caption{Reduced Form Estimates using Linear Probability Model}
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) \\
VARIABLES & A & B & C & D \\
&&&& \\
&&&& \\
&&&& \\
\multicolumn{5}{c}{\textit{Note:}Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p$<$0.01, ** p$<$0.05, * p$<$0.1 }
While the section is recognized as appendix and tables, the numbering of the tables continue from the main text. How do I go from for example: Table 12 to Table A1?
You could use
to change the numbering style of the appendix tables
Please also note that scriptsize is NOT an environment, it is a macro.
\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 8in}]{geometry}
\caption{Reduced Form Estimates using Linear Probability Model}
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) \\
VARIABLES & A & B & C & D \\
&&&& \\
&&&& \\
&&&& \\
\multicolumn{5}{c}{\textit{Note:}Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p$<$0.01, ** p$<$0.05, * p$<$0.1 }
\caption{Reduced Form Estimates using Linear Probability Model}
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) \\
VARIABLES & A & B & C & D \\
&&&& \\
&&&& \\
&&&& \\
\multicolumn{5}{c}{\textit{Note:}Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p$<$0.01, ** p$<$0.05, * p$<$0.1 }

How to vertically center my latex table cell

My Latex tabular looks like this
\multirow{2}*{Name} & \multirow{2}*{Description} & \multicolumn{2}{c}
{Time} \\
& & Item1 & Item2 \\
App1 & Good & 1000ms & 1000ms \\
I wonder how can I make Item1 and Item2 in the above table vertically-centered. Thank you!
You can use the command \cmidrule{3-4}: it is equivalent to \cline{3-4}, but it improves the looking of the table.
\multirow{2}*{Name} & \multirow{2}*{Description} & \multicolumn{2}{c} {Time} \\
& & Item1 & Item2 \\
App1 & Good & 1000ms & 1000ms \\

How to center my text vertically in a table environment?

I have a table with 3 columns where the first 2 columns are pictures and the 3rd is my comment on those pictures, but the comment "drowns", it is down at the bottom of the cell.
I have tried with m{2cm} instead of c:
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{c c m{2cm}}
but no change.
\caption{Caption if needed}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{c c c}
\textbf{O-Na} & \textbf{Na-Y} & \textbf{Comments} \\
\includegraphics[width=0.3\linewidth]{pic1.png} &
\includegraphics[width=0.3\linewidth]{pic2.png} &
My comments. \\
My text is at the bottom of the cell.
The graphbox provides the handy align=c option to vertically centre images:
\caption{Caption if needed}
\thead{O-Na} & \thead{Na-Y} & \thead{Comments} \\
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,align=c]{example-image-duck} &
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,align=c]{example-image-duck} &
My comments. \\

\footnote gives error in minipage environment with cta-author class

I need to use \footnote in a minipage environment, but it always gives an error
Command \itshape invalid in math mode. a\footnote{
mwe is
Column 1 & Column2 \\
a\footnote{footnote example} & b\\
Latex class file is here
You can redefine the way cta-author makes the footnote mark. Instead of $^{...}$, use \textsuperscript{...}:
Column 1 & Column2 \\
a\footnote{footnote example} & b \\
% A possible work-around
Column 1 & Column2 \\
a$^*$ & b \\
{\itshape\footnotesize $^*$footnote example}
And here is a visual of the work-around:

rowcolors fill whole row and not just the table row

Ok so i wrote this simple code (shown below) to create an alternate colour table using \rowcolors, yet instead of just colouring the rows of the table it colours the whole row (even more than textwidth). Any help how to fix this?
\begin{tabular}{p{0.45\textwidth} | p{0.55\textwidth}}
Filename & Contents \\
A & B \\
C & F \\
While 0.45\textwidth + 0.55\textwidth would seem to fit within \textwidth, each of your p-columns have an extra column separation... on both sides. To that end, you should remove them in order to make it fit within the text block boundary:
\caption{This is a table.}
p{\dimexpr0.45\textwidth-2\tabcolsep} |
Filename & Contents \\
A & B \\
C & F
Also, don't use the center environment; use \centering instead.
