Xamarin form displaying temperature value - ios

I want to display 36.53°C value inside xamarin form.
How Can I Display it Using grid and label?
36.65 will have large font size and it unit °C will have small font size.
Again °C will displayed at bottom corner of number.
How can I achieve this?

You can use FormattedText in Label:
<Span Text="36.65" FontSize="Large" />
<Span Text="ºC" FontSize="Small" />


is vertical alignment with images in bootstrap 5 handled differently to text, buttons or other components?

I've run into some issues with vertical alignment for an image (using bootstrap 5).
In the index.html I've created a number of thick strips that alternate being colour and then white, with each about 800 px each. I've set the height of each strip in css to 800px.
I'm trying to place an image in each strip and the image sizes will differ in width but none will be greater than 800 px in height. The image doesn't seem to be vertically centred when I used the suggestions from the post below:
Bootstrap Center Vertical and Horizontal Alignment
There is this example given https://www.codeply.com/p/0VM5MJ7Had
And the div tag used to center everything is
<div class="d-flex flex-column min-vh-100 justify-content-center align-items-center">
In the tag above if the min-vh-100 is removed then the content just moves up to the top of the screen even though it's still justify-content-center and align-items-center.
I'm still struggling to get my head around how vertical alignment works and the relationship between containers and rows to aligning an image vertically.
<!-- color background -->
<div id="first_strip" >
<img src="../images/" class="img-fluid" alt="" />
<!-- white background -->
<div id="second_strip">
<img src="../images/" class="img-fluid" alt="" />
<!-- color background -->
<div id="third_strip" >
<img src="../images/" class="img-fluid" alt="" />

Curved top border with mat-toolbar

I am using mat-toolbar and I would like to create bottom navigation. Similar to this enter image description here
I am not able to get a curve at top border
My result:
enter image description here
Here is my code:
<div class="footer">
<mat-toolbar class="toolbarNav">
<mat-icon class="material-icons color_blue" >home</mat-icon>
<mat-icon class="material-icons color_blue">question_answer</mat-icon>
<div class="create"> <button type="button" class="btn btn_create"
(click)="openDialog()"><img src="../../../assets/icons/Group 2090.svg"></button></div>
<mat-icon class="material-icons color_blue" >notifications</mat-icon>
<mat-icon class="material-icons color_blue" >person</mat-icon>
I suppose one good solution is using background svg's in your proposed forms, have you tried it out? There is one example https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-8uxnb4?file=src/app/toolbar-overview-example.css showing to add an image as background, if you utilize SVG, it will allow you all shapes you like, if you need an simple svg for test purpose let me know and I create you one for test purpose.

Angular Material vertical percentage space

How can I make one div to take certain percent of parent space verically?See the code below:
<div layout="column">
<div id="div1" flex="70%"></div>
<div id="div2" flex="30%"></div>
I want to make div1 70% height and div2 30% height of parent div. But it does not work. Div 1 and div 2 collapsed. But if the parent layout is row, it works fine---div1 takes 70% percent space horizontally.
I think you need to make the following modifications:
Specify a "height" to your outside div. This could be a percentage or pixels.
Do not use the % sign with the flex attribute
See this codepen: http://codepen.io/sebastiengiroux/pen/jPovxG
<div layout="column" style="height: 100%;">
<div id="div1" flex="70" style="background-color:red;"></div>
<div id="div2" flex="30" style="background-color:blue;"></div>
If you look into Layout docs https://material.angularjs.org/latest/layout/introduction
there is this statement that I think is relevant to your problem.
The flex attribute value is restricted to 33, 66, and multiples of five.
For example: flex="5", flex="20", flex="33", flex="50", flex="66", flex="75", ....
So I guess if you use allowed values, you can achieve results that you need. For example using 66 and 33.

How to reduce the height of the textbox

Hi How to reduce the height of the textbox...
<textarea id="" name="" placeholder=""></textarea>
#pageID div textarea.ui-input-text {height: 20px;}
Using rows attribute you can change the number of lines in your textarea, not exactly the height property (that is specified in pixels), but I think rows is what you want. Example with 20 lines of height:
<textarea id="" rows="20" name="" placeholder=""></textarea>
In the same manner there's a cols attribute to specify the width of the textarea in characters.
For textarea use rows "or and" cols and set the value that you want,
for normal textbox you can set a style for it as style="height:20px;"
By using CSS you can adjust the height of <textarea>
First, put some name on your id
<textarea id="box" name="" placeholder=""></textarea>
Then, your desired height in px
#box {
height:10px; /* example */
See here.

jquery-mobile: fieldcontain with small textbox

I'm using a <div data-role='fieldcontain'> to make a "box" where there are two fields "min" and "max" the problem is that I want to have two parts in the same line, but jquery mobile separes in two lines if display width is smaller than size jquery wants. I try to put width of two components, but it still separes in two lines and the label and text box are smaller than half display...
this is my code:
<div data-role='fieldcontain' id='TempLimits'>
<label for='Tmin' style='display-inline;width:100;'>Min
<input type='text' name='Tmin' id='Tmin' value='50' disabled='disabled' style='display:inline;width:50px;'/></div>
This is the solution I found:
<div data-role='fieldcontain' id='TempLimits'>
<label for='Tmin' style='display-inline;width:100;'>Min
<input type='text' name='Tmin' id='Tmin' value='50' disabled='disabled' style='display:inline-block;width:50px;'/></div>
