Google Oauth 2.0 not giving back authorization code - oauth-2.0

I'm trying to follow this:
using the python client. I want to get the authorization code so I can exchange it for a refresh token.
However, when I make flow = OAuth2WebServerFlow(...) and call flow.step1_get_authorize_url() , I automatically get the access token instead of the authorization code upon signing in, which is what I want. I'm requesting contacts scope and passing the following parameters:
I've searched online for a while on how to fix this problems, and most of them just suggest adding approval_prompt='force', which I already have.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!


Missing authorization code error in Google OAuth2

I'm stuck with an issue while trying to use Google's OAuth2 php lib. On the server side, after I instantiate an OAuth2 object I redirect the user to Google's sign in page, after which they hopefully grant permissions based on the scopes (the APIs I declared for use in the OAuth2) I declared. Now here's my issue: after the user grants permission I get redirected to the redirectUri I specified during the instantiation of OAuth2. This redirectUri contains as params state, code, and scope k-v pairs. I always get a "Missing authorization code" if I don't send back the value code to server and set it as a property of the OAuth2 object. However, if I send back the value of code to the server and set it as a property of the OAuth2 object I get a
"Client error: POST
resulted in a 400 bad request response. Error: "invalid_grant"`
So, I'm at lost here. I should mention that I actually managed to make 2 authorized calls to Google Ad Manager (the scope I declared) using the same flow I described above, but after that I keep getting the same 2 errors as above.
Does anybody know what's going on? I must be missing something but I can't see what. I'm using this guide so it's not really convoluted or complicated code but I just can't get it to work somehow.

Issue with invalid_grant error with Google Oauth2

Cheers everybody,
we have been deeply reading google documentation on exchanging access_token from google in order our (delphi)desktop application to SSO with google from server side. Here is the payload we send first look like:
Normally after this it redirects me to login in to our test user and after this according to the documentation we send a POST request to the end point token in order to get the access_token and refresh_token...: '
with the following parameters, the 'code' is generated we also send it as follow:
code= 4/1AY0e-g4GlavO38PI5Oo3vq04Pc4lMWN77et-02UiVWOsT-IyRQnU1lq19qo
redirect_uri = urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
The response is always
"error_description": "Missing code verifier.",
"error": "invalid_grant"
We have tried to send the client secret id also, Does it have to do with our code_challenge ? are the end points url and initial url okay? What are we missing? We are using CEF4Delphi as "browser like experience in order for the user to type in their google credentials. We have been reading this:
We were also trying the playground :
we were sending the initial url in a chrome which generated a "code" and in the playground we inserted the code, and still got the same error of missing code verifier.
Thanks Guys
You seam to have URL encoded a lot of the values try not doing that. Also try using the basic call, before you start adding everything else. It should help you figure out which one of those extra parameters you are sending that's causing your issues.{clientid}&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&scope=profile&response_type=code
Also make sure that the client id is from an installed / other type client
This may also help Google 3 Legged OAuth2 Flow
For installed apps, the code challenge and verifier are parameters for enhancing the security of the OAuth flow through PKCE [1].
There is additional documentation about generating a code challenge and verifier here [2].

Discord API - random "invalid code" error passing back generated OAuth2 code

I've successfully implemented Discord's OAuth2 flow using the authorization code grant type into my application. The end user navigates to Discord's OAuth2 link for my bot, authorizes its access, and Discord redirects them back to my site with a code querystring. The bot then exchanges this code for an access token by querying Discord's API. Documentation on this process is available here for reference.
However, roughly every 50-100 requests to the exchange endpoint, I receive a 403 with the error invalid_grant and the description Invalid "code" in request. Frankly, I don't understand how the code just provided by Discord's system is instantly invalid. The same user can complete the process again and no error is returned the second time.
Out of desperation, I tried toggling on the option in the Developers Dashboard named Requires OAuth2 Code Grant seeing that it said "if your application requires multiple scopes," but it made no effect. I've also tried endless debugging, but the circumstances under each occurrence are apparently random. Oddly enough, I can't find anyone with the same issue online.
Below is the request I'm making in Node.js using the superagent library. It matches the documentation and works perfectly, other than the response randomly being the error described.'')
.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
client_id: process.env.BOT_ID,
client_secret: process.env.BOT_SECRET,
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
redirect_uri: process.env.OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI,
scope: 'identify guilds.join',
I can confirm that all variables match their expected values. The value of redirect_uri matches that of redirect_uri in the original URL used. code is the value of the code querystring returned through the OAuth2 flow.
What (if anything) am I doing wrong that's causing the error?
Update 1:
Discord has directed me to the API GitHub repo, and I found the issue closed here. Commented and will update here if I receive any helpful info or resolve the issue completely (hopefully the case).
Ran into the same issue using nodejs. Leaving here notes for prosperity:
On Node, if there is no explicit app.head() handler, the .post() handler receives all head requests
Several Android phones, upon being redirected from discord, first send a head request to the endpoint
The user authenticates on discord, then through the redirect back, does a head request. This pulls discord with the code, BUT directly afterwards it also does a post request, which will fail (as you already used the code once), and possibly un-authenticates the user.
Solution for my specific issue was an explicit .head handler for all callback endpoints, which basically just returned the same headers (a redirect) as the post one did, but without calling discord.
Hope this helps.
did you use the OAuth2 link to invite your bot to your server - with the correct permissions? If so, in your main.js file did you define the token?
I.e. bot.login(“YOUR_TOKEN_HERE”)
I would recommend not toggling the ‘Requires OAuth2 Code Grant’ as it is a pain to do anything with in the beginning.
Please let me know of any progress :)

How to generate an authorization code using PayPal-Ruby-SDK for future payment?

I am trying to generate access token for paypal for future payment using PayPal-Ruby-SDK example.
it "Exchange Authorization Code for Refresh / Access Tokens" do
# put your authorization code for testing here
auth_code = ''
if auth_code != ''
access_token = FuturePayment.exch_token(auth_code)
access_token.should_not be_nil
It requires an authorization code which I am unable to find how to generate.
Any Help will be highly obliged.
You are able to get Authorization Code only via PayPal web login flow. According to Paypal's official documentation .
The authorization code is part of your application details that were provided to you when you registered your application at, and you can view your application there to get the code.
You can't do this. You have to make API calls to create reference transactions:
Scroll to the bottom of that issue - looks like at least they're offering some kind of limited access to a REST API so you can skip their SOAP stuff.

Generating Linkedin Access Token

I have been trying with the simple REST Client as well as the REST Plugin for Mozilla. I am getting
"HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" response with
"{"error":"unauthorized_client","error_description":"the client is not authorized"}" in the body.
I have been successful in getting the auth code, and the below is the POST request for access token, (Scope is r_fullprofile)
The redirect_uri= is the one used for getting auth code as well.
Do we need to perform any URL encoding before making the POST request?
When I log into the linked in to my app, it has the below tokens,
OAuth User Token: c3ae4cee-1b23-xxx-9d2a-206f578dee4d
OAuth User Secret: 76bc48cc-c94f-xxx-bf9d-a663f7003383
I am not sure where it is used. we are using API & secret key to get auth code.
Thanks in Advance.
This is a 2-step process.
First, go to:
Then, within 10 secs of receiving the response, go to:
The response of the second request will have the actual access token you need to use.
When I followed the two steps I faced an issue where I got an error as
{"errorCode":0,"message":"Access to posting shares denied","requestId":"TYWULO2WPZ","status":403,"timestamp":1497353538016}
So I had to remove the &scope=r_basicprofile since it was preventing reading all the Default Application Permissions
I faced a similar problem and the problem was with the initial authorization code. You should mention the scope=rw_company_admin or whatever it is that you want to authorize to while doing the initial redirect URL call. Something like this -
