HttpRequest different timeouts per flow - timeout

i am trying to make two http requests with different timeouts per flow, i know i can configure globally httpRequestTimeout in the settings.js file but it sets the timeouts for all the flows.
I have two flows running in the same node-red and i need to set different timeouts for different http requests, i couldn't find a way to achieve it. I tried set the msg.req.timeout and msg.req.socket.server.timeout with no sucess.
Is there any way to acess the variables that are defined on settings.js? Mapping it to a env variable would be good as well.

Unfortunately this can only be set globally in settings.js and not over-ridden on a node by node basis.
You can set variables in settings.js from environment variables since the file is effectively executed at startup so.
httpRequestTimeout: process.env.HTTPREQUESTTIMEOUT,
This would set the timeout to the value of the HTTPREQUESTTIMEOUT environment variable.


Are Heroku's environmental variables a secure way to store sensitive data?

I use Heroku to deploy a Rails app. I store sensitive data such as API keys and passwords in Heroku's environment variables, and then use the data in rake tasks that utilize various APIs.
I am just wondering how secure Heroku's environmental variables are? Is there a way to hash these variables while retaining the ability to use them in the background somehow?
I came across a previous thread here: Is it secure to store passwords as environment variables (rather than as plain text) in config files?.
But it doesn't quite cover instances when I still need to unhashed password to perform important background tasks.
Several things (mostly my opinion):
1. API Key != Password
When you talk about API Keys, you're talking about a public token which is generally already very secure. The nature of API's nowadays is they need some sort of prior authentication (either at app or user level) to create a more robust level of security.
I would firstly ensure what type of data you're storing in the ENV variables. If it's pure passwords (for email etc), perhaps consider migrating your setup to one of the cloud providers (SendGrid / Mandrill etc), allowing you to use only API keys
The beauty of API keys is they can be changed whilst not affecting the base account, as well as limiting interactivity to the constrains of the API. Passwords affect the base account
2. ENV Vars are OS-level
They are part of the operating environment in which a process runs.
For example, a running process can query the value of the TEMP
environment variable to discover a suitable location to store
temporary files, or the HOME or USERPROFILE variable to find the
directory structure owned by the user running the process.
You must remember Environment Variables basically mean you store the data in the environment you're operating. The generally means the "OS", but can be the virtual instance of an OS too, if required.
The bottom line is your ENV vars are present in the core of your server. The same way as text files would be sitting in a directory on the hard drive - Environment Variables reside in the core of the OS
Unless you received a hack to the server itself, it would be very difficult to get the ENV variable data pro-grammatically, at least in my experience.
What are you looking for? Security against who or what?
Every piece of information store in a config file or the ENV is readable to everyone who has access to the server. And even more important, every gem can read the information and send it somewhere.
You can not encrypt the information, because then you need to store the key to decrypt somewhere. Same problem.
IMO both – environment variables and config files – are secure as long you can trust everyone that has access to your servers and you carefully reviewed the source code of all libraries and gems you have bundled with your app.

How to get domain/subdomains of an app outside of controllers/views?

How can I get the domain and subdomains of my application without being in a controller/view?
The reason for needing this is that I am subscribing to process_action.action_controller notifications within an initializer, and I need my applications' url from within that initializer.
If the host part of the URL (domain, subdomain) is dynamic ... which is to say "depends on the request" then, of course, the only way to get it is within the context of the request itself, which the controllers and views know about.
So I am assuming the application has a known host, perhaps dependent upon runtime environment (production, test, development, etc.), or maybe based on the server environment, but otherwise static. In this case, you could define a custom config variable containing the name, as noted in the more recent answer from Jack Pratt on this SO question: How to define custom configuration variables in rails.

global variable problem with rails+apache passenger

In my application I set a global variable in application controller,
In my development machine it works fine and variable is referred accross the application.
But in the production server (Apache passenger), when I change the global variable value through the application, it updates the table but, it doesn't reflect in the application. Every time I have to restart the server to get the global variable changed.
Please advise me where to set the global variable, so that I change the value of global variable from my application.
The production Apache server will be using multiple processes and each process will have its own version of your application. Setting your global variable in one process won't affect the variable's value in any of the other processes.
If you need to share some information across instances, you'll have to store it in a database or similar common data store that is shared by all your server processes.

Are Apache Environment Variables "request safe"?

I have my Apache web server fronting a Rails application. When a request comes in one of the Apache modules looks at the request and puts information into an Apache environment variable. My question is, is there a chance that one request can overwrite the environment variable of another request and have things get mixed up in the Rails layer?
Are Apache Environment Variables shared across Apache processes?
It sounds like you're using mod_setenvif, in which case, according to Environment Variables in Apache:
For additional flexibility, the directives provided by mod_setenvif allow environment variables to be set on a per-request basis, conditional on characteristics of particular requests.
It makes no sense to me that variables set in one request could affect another request. Race conditions would be rampant and nothing would work.

Accessing URL/URI information in Rails in the environments file?

How would I access the domain name from Rails inside the environments/deveopment.rb? I want to find out whether or not I am on localhost or a real domain. Thank you!
The environment files are not processed on every request- only at startup, so there wouldn't be any particular context at the time they are processed. This is really the job for a separate environment instead of having dev do double duty.
If you just want to check against the hostname or something though, you can do something like (assuming you're on a unix-like system):
my_host = `hostname`.chomp
and test against that, which may solve your problem.
