Install npm bower offiline - bower

Is there any way to install Bower Offilne?
I'm trying to install bower but the same is probably being blocked by some proxy, I would need to install offline
I am using the command:
npm install -g bower on cmd and git cmd.
node.js and npm is instaled.

You can download the Bower zip file and install it as described here.


Install npm and gulp in docker4drupal

I am working on an existing project that was built by Droopler distribution and docker4drupal. As per Droopler distribution documentation, it requires npm and gulp to compiled sass easily and docker4drupal don't have it by default.
I tried to install in the container by sudo apt-get install npm and it says:
sudo: apt-get: command not found
Is there any way to install npm and gulp in docker4drupal for my existing project?
I am able to install npm & gulp, access php container and install those.
access php container docker-compose exec php bash
install npm sudo apk update && sudo apk add npm
install gulp globally sudo npm install -g gulp
This is how I do it, maybe there is a better way.
Reference: Install npm and gulp

bash: bower: command not found with NVM

I use nvm and I have McAfee with Windows 10 (so my C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v8.9.2\node_modules\npm\node_modules is empty at the beginning, so I copy/paste manualy all node_modules (with bower and bower-config) inside.
I use this:
npm install bower -g
npm bower --version
bower --version
bash: bower: command not found
npm bower --version 5.5.1 is not bower verion but npm version!!
On windows 10 + NVM
npm config set prefix /c/Users/xxxxxxx/AppData/Roaming/nvm/v8.9.2
npm install -g bower
bower --version

Dockerfile is building from Centos:7 - is there a way to instruct npm to be installed?

I have to make use of an existing Dockerfile, which generates a docker image from Centos 7. (FROM centos:7 , is the first line in the Dockerfile.)
I need to be able to run 'npm install' and 'npm run' commands within the containers that will be running this image, but npm is not installed. The ways I find online how to install npm on Centos 7 also do not work, as they rely on things such as apt-get which also is not installed in the container. Not having sudo also seems to be an issue.
Is there a way to configure the actual Dockerfile, to build the image, and have npm installed on that image being built? If not - how can I go about installing npm within the docker containers that will run this Centos7 image?
ANSWER: I added this to the Dockerfile:
RUN yum install -y epel-release
RUN yum install -y npm nodejs
CentOS and (and other EL distributions) do not use apt, they use yum (or dnf). Unfortunately, npm isn't packaged in CentOS' normal repos, os you'd have to install the EPEL repo fist:
Simple add a yum call in your Dockerfile:
RUN yum install -y
RUN yum install -y npm

No executable found matching command "bower"

I run this command on AppVeyor:
dotnet publish .\src\ReviewerServices.web -c Release
ReviewerServices.web is the folder containing my .NET MVC app and I want to create all the files to publish on IIS
Unfortunately, what I get is:
locally I get the same error. Do I need to install bower? npm install -g bower?
Ok, I had to install bower and gulp
npm install -g bower
npm install -g gulp
I have solved the problem.
need to install bower and gulp as a global packages.
npm install -g bower
npm install -g gulp

pip cannot install websocket-server python packge

I am inside my docker container, which is running centos6.6.1, and cannot seem to install the python package websocket-server.
pip install websocket-server
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement websocket-server (from versions: )
I managed to get around this issue with the following command:
pip install git+
but I don't like having to clone the repo in order to install the package. Any ideas how I can avoid this work around and get the first pip install to work?
I have the same problem with python package influxdb!
First what You need to do inside docker is upgrade pip and setuptools packages:
pip install -U setuptools pip
Do it inside virtualenv (if You use it).
