Umbraco 7 - Custom Routing VS IContentFinder or both? - umbraco

I'm building a website that is a SPA and I want to use Umbraco as a back end.
The sites content is currently coming from static JSON files, I want Umbraco to replace these JSON files by genrating the JSON based on what is in the CMS.
As a first step I have put the website with its static files in to an Umbraco Installation. Created a home node with a template.
This is working correctly. I have also aranged all the content for the JSON file in to logical nodes in the Umbraco content tree.
Take these URLs for an example
How can I map BOTH of these URLs to a specific content node in Umbraco?
In my case I have:
-Home (Template with SPA)
When the request hits that node I want to read the URL and then go and get the correct content from the children and return it as JSON.
Not 100% sure if I should be trying to set up some custom routes so the URL's hit a controller, or the IContentFinder, or possibly a combination of both.
Any ideas?


TYPO3 8.7 is it possible to output a specific page with multiple url path s

I'm trying to integrate a vue.js application into a typo3 page.
I have a full functional TYPO3 instance where I can create own pages, edit the content and more. Now I want to add an existing vue.js application within this page.
Therefore I created an extension which added all necessary resources (js, css) and added an own content type which controls the integrations and configurations. The content type outputs a vue.js entry point. So far everything works. Smaller vue.js applications works as they should.
Now comes the challenge: When I want to create a more complex application which relies on the router functionality, I run into a problem.
Let's assume, I integrate my application into the page /shop and my application tries to render a product under /shop/product/some-id. This doesn't work. The URL processing is done by TYPO3 (as designed).
I tried to find a solution within the documentation but I'm not sure what I should search. I need a way to output the same page (/shop) regardless the following path. Does someone have a hint?
I found a solution. Within TYPO3 v8 is it possible to use the realurl extension for this purpose.
It is possible to define an own decode preprocessing function and analyse the current url.
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['realurl']['decodeSpURL_preProc'][] = RealUrlManipulation::class . '->decodeSpURL_preProc';
Within this method is it possible to change the url for TYPO3 inner processing and set it to an known url.

Does .html in the end of a URL mean that the webpage is static?

I know it's not a good question to ask, but sometimes I really need to know if a webpage or website is static or not.
Sometimes I see .html extension in many URL, Does that mean that those pages are static?
.html extension means that page contains only front-end code and does not have any server side language included in it (I'm not talking about URL rewriters that adds .html to the end of virtual path).
This does not prevent these things:
Page can load it's content via Ajax depending on inputs, URL params, time of day, etc.
Page can be generated as static HTML page, but still be re-generated from time-to-time.
You can have iFrame in static HTML page that leads to .php file.
Not really, .html does not mean webpage is static. Ajax can be used to load dynamic data in html page.
Also there is no proper method defined to find whether page is static or dynamic.
One way is, you can check requests in Developer Options of browser.
You can read more here.
There is no guarantee of a direct relationship between a thing that looks like a file extension in a URL and how the server handles things behind the scenes.
It might be resolved using basic static file handling rules to a static file with that name.
It might use a tool like mod_write to map the URL onto a server side script with the same name but a different file extension (e.g. if the site used to be made of static files, but was changed to be dynamic with steps taken to keep the URLs unchanged).
It might use a tool like mod_write to map the URL onto a server side script that has no relation to the name of the file but implements the front controller pattern for the whole site.
It might map onto a server side script which looks at the end of the URL to determine what type of data to return the content in (e.g. cars.html and cards.json might both be be handled by the same script, which outputs a list of cars, but it might output it in JSON or HTML depending on the URL).
It might hit a 404 error or a 302 redirect.
It might do any number of other things.
Not always, sometimes it can be a generated page from a Servlet or a PHP script that generates them. you can have a .htaccess rule to add .html to all documents.

AngularJS + ASP.NET MVC: routing URLs without corresponding physical view

We have a web app using AngularJS with ASP.NET MVC. It aims to replicate a file-system structure through URLs, like this:
For views in Angular, we are using stateProvider, with different states associated to existing views in disk (.cshtml files).
The problem issues when we request a file or folder from the browser and we try to serve a virtual view that doesn't really exist. We have just been able to achieve it with a full postback and some hacks, making a complete reload on each file/folder request.
Question: Is there a way of achieving that in Angular? Other way, the request for different URLs which don't have either their corresponding physical view as a file or any state in stateProvider, handling them with Angular and customizing a specific view which would deal with disk routes requested by URL?
We will have:
a fixed root view for the website: http://website
several root projects with a name:
each site may have different files and folders accesible via the URL:
RE-QUESTION: is it possible to handle this "virtual" URLs without having a physical view behind for folders or files? Our idea is to have one unique view called siteController which would control all the sites, and paths to folders and files.
I would suggest you define rootFolder/NFolders/File as parameters. Then you can have a html file as the view template to populate data from server.
Have a look at this link

how to serve static files via MVC after login (I am trying to add an angular mini-SPA to my large MVC project)

Looking for suggestions on how to host static files through an MVC app.
I have an MVC SPA (basically a bunch of static html, js and img files). I want users to be able to access these static files only after they have logged into my MVC application. I am running on a windows server platform, using IIS.
Currently I am doing this:
RouteTable.Routes.IgnoreRoute("AngularApp/{*path}"); //to serve up angular files from AngularApp folder
However this has a number of problems.
I don't really want to ignore the route, I want the MVC controller to check if the user has permissions (like my other controllers do), if not redirect to login page and if so, then instead of sending them to a view, allow them to load any files in a particular folder or subfolders. But the folders these files load from need to be a different path than the route URL requested. For example I don't want users to have to go to but rather if they request I want it to serve up the file from there.
This seems simply a matter of being able to have MVC redirect and fetch files from a different folder, but I have no idea how to do this.
Could someone knowledgeable about MVC please give me a step by step simple way to do this? When I try to fetch files outside the views folder this seemingly simple task results in various permissions and other kinds of errors because I don't know how to do it correctly.
P.S. To clarify, I know how to get my controller to check permissions and redirect, to any single file in the views folder, but how do I do it for a whole folder of files and directories in a higher level folder? I want to map the route, have it go to a controller, then instead of going to a view I want it to take me to static files. I suspect there is some way to use maproute() in global.asax to help me do this but I do not have a lot of experience with that.
I may be oversimplifying but I usually select the application in IIS Manager and then select Mime Types, they add mappings for whatever types you want to map statically. I've done this for HTML and JSON files before and it worked fine. Use type = text/javascript or application/json etc.

Fine control over Joomla URLs

I would like to convert my existing website to Joomla. However, I need finer control over URLs than I seem to be able to control with Joomla. Assuming that Joomla is installed in the base public_html directory of my user, I would like these pages to keep their URLs:
I am aware that I could use a 301 redirect via .htaccess however I would prefer to actually configure the canonical URL of the page. Is this possible in Joomla or with an extension?
Unquestionably, the defacto standard extension is At It's highly configurable, well supported, and ver well rated.
In Joomla! 2.5 you can use the built-in Redirect component to catch old URLs and send them to the right content without fiddling with the .htaccess.
You can also create menu's and menu items that will match the old paths then all you need is to place the content of your .html files into suitable articles. Remember you can create a menu (and thus a path to the content) but not display the menu anywhere on the site.
The genealogy.php appears to be a separate application so you can approach that by doing two things, first have a /eng/ directory on your new website with the genealogy.php application in it that way it will have the same URL. Then if you want to create a menu item in a Joomla! menu then you can link to it using a menu item of type 'External Link' - you can read more about the menu types by clicking on the help button in the toolbar.
For external pages if you want to wrap the external application in your template use a menu item type of Iframe Wrapper this will place them in the main component area of the template. With a good Joomla! 2.5 template you can use a template style specific (i.e. layout settings) for that page.
