reserved keyword in dynamodb - Swift 3 - ios

Here is code:
queryExpression.keyConditionExpression = "#userId= :userId"
queryExpression.expressionAttributeNames = ["#userId":"userId", "#status":"status"]
queryExpression.expressionAttributeValues = [":userId":userID, ":status":"accept"]
queryExpression.projectionExpression = "status"
but I got the following error and I didnt know that status word is a reserved word in DynamoDB:
Error Domain=com.amazonaws.AWSCognitoIdentityErrorDomain Code=0 "(null)" UserInfo={message=Invalid ProjectionExpression: Attribute name is a reserved keyword; reserved keyword: status,}
I have looked at the below link but I do not understand it and I can't find a Swift example. How do I accomplish this?
I am new to DynamoDB things.

Here is a list of all the reserved words in DynamoDB:
so ExpressionAttributeNames and expressionAttributeValues are ways of aliasing to use #fooattribute and :foovalue even if foo were a reserved word within the above list.
So in your case, I believe your error is because the term status is reserved, you may try changing your last line to be :
queryExpression.projectionExpression = "#status"
That way you wouldn't be using the reserved word, it would read the alias instead. That alias would resolve to your actual attribute name which might as well be status.


Microsoft Graph: Unable to filter by binary singleValueExtendedProperty

I'm trying to retrieve an event from the grapi api based on a binary extended property that I already have a value for. I have retrieved this value from the same api so I know that an event with this value exists. I also know that the property id is correct since I used this with .Expand() to get the value.
var cleanGlobalObjectIdPropertyId = "Binary {6ed8da90-450b-101b-98da-00aa003f1305} Id 0x23";
var events = await client.Users[""].Events.Request()
.Filter($"singleValueExtendedProperties/Any(ep: ep/id eq '{cleanGlobalObjectIdPropertyId}' and ep/value eq '{value}')")
This is the error i get:
Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException : Code: ErrorInvalidUrlQueryFilter
Message: The filter expression for $filter does not match to a single extended property and a value restriction.
I have used the same filter syntax with an extended property of type string and that works fine, so I think the fact that this is a binary property is relevant to the problem.
I also faced to this problem. But I try to search for /messages against mapi property SearchKey.
I was thinking to use something like:$filter=singleValueExtendedProperties%2FAny(ep%3A%20ep%2Fid%20eq%20'Binary%200x300B'%20and%20ep%2Fvalue%20eq%20'yxum+DwfxUy13C4qs5R6ig==')
According to
"The six comparison operators can be used with all primitive values except Edm.Binary, Edm.Stream, and the Edm.Geo types."
So I assume that binary should be casted or decoded from base64 somehow, or it's impossible at all.
So I finally figure it out.
Let's say I got the value of singleValueExtendedProperty as:
"id": "Binary 0x300b",
"value": "yxum+DwfxUy13C4qs5R6ig=="
And I wanted to find message by value of this property. The problem here is that '+' should be encoded if exists. Also value should be casted to Edm.Binary. Correct query looks like this:$filter=singleValueExtendedProperties%2FAny(ep%3A%20ep%2Fid%20eq%20'Binary%200x300B'%20and%20cast(%20ep%2Fvalue,Edm.Binary)%20eq%20binary'yxum%2BDwfxUy13C4qs5R6ig==')

reserved keyword ExpressionAttributeValues in DynamoDB using Swift 3

I am able to get a response without the :status : accept expression attribute value but with it, I get the following error when I am using the #status in the projectionExpression line (status is a reserved word in DynamoDB so I had to add hashtag there per
Error Domain=com.amazonaws.AWSCognitoIdentityErrorDomain Code=0 "(null)"
message=Value provided in ExpressionAttributeValues unused in expressions: keys: {:status}}
Here is code:
queryExpression.keyConditionExpression = "#userId= :userId"
queryExpression.expressionAttributeNames = ["#userId":"userId", "#status":"status"]
queryExpression.expressionAttributeValues = [":userId":userID, ":status":"accept"]
queryExpression.projectionExpression = "#status"
I can go without the ":status":"accept" but I do not want to get a lot of items that do not have the accept value. I can't find an answer in this link or anywhere on stackoverflow:
A bit late, but: Your projection expression should not be "#status" but another word that isn't status. Status is the reserved word, so don't use that for the projection expression. See here for docs on what to do when you need to use a reserved word:
userId, on the other hand, does not require a projection expression because it is not a reserved word. See here for a list of reserved words:
However, you don't need a projection expression. You can simply use the code below. Define "queryExpression.expressionAttributeNames" to create a substitute name for the status attribute value. Here, I used the phrase "statusVal" as a substitute.
Try this. (It worked for me)
let queryExpression = AWSDynamoDBQueryExpression()
queryExpression.expressionAttributeNames = ["#statusVal":"status"] // Using statusVal because it is not reserved. You only need statusVal here because it is the only attribute that also happens to be an AWS reserved word.
queryExpression.keyConditionExpression = "userId = :uId AND #statusVal = :sV"
queryExpression.expressionAttributeValues = [
":uId" : String(describing: userId),
":sV" : "accept"]
And then perform the operation using AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper! Good luck!

Correct way to update map data type with cqerl

I am having hard time coming with the syntax of updating map using cqerl. I have tried the following till now and it doesn't work
statement = "UPDATE keyspace SET data[?] = :data_value WHERE scope = ?;",
values = [{data,"Key Value"},{data_value, "Data Value",{scope, "Scope Value"}]
What am I doing wrong here?
Also setting ttl does not work
statement = "INSERT INTO data(scope)
VALUES(?) USING ttl ?",
values = [{scope, "Scope Value"},{[ttl], 3650}]
Anyone, any idea?
Please note that you are using single quotes around the values, which in Erlang syntax indicates you are using atoms. Based on the documentation cqerl, it doesn't expect atoms there. cqerl data types
For example try:
statement = "INSERT INTO data(scope)
VALUES(?) USING ttl ?",
values = [{scope, "Scope Value"},{[ttl], 3650}]
Based on reply from the contributor on github, it takes an atom, so '[ttl]' is the right way
For updating a map correct way is with atom in the values part
statement = "UPDATE keyspace SET data[?] = ? WHERE scope = ?;",
values = [{'key(data)',"Key Value"},{'value(data)', "Data Value",{scope, "Scope Value"}]

Regex URL not validating as expected in Dart [duplicate]

I have the following regex in JavaScript regex
It attempts to validate and empty space/s or a URL.
Yet when I attempt to use it in Dart RegExp
that uses a Perle flavour regex, it does not validates.
Any help is appreciated.
Your pattern doesn't look for lowercase characters. Either you add a-z to the respective character groups or you use caseSenstivie: false as shown in the code.
var urlPattern = r"(https?|ftp)://([-A-Z0-9.]+)(/[-A-Z0-9+&##/%=~_|!:,.;]*)?(\?[A-Z0-9+&##/%=~_|!:‌​,.;]*)?";
var result = new RegExp(urlPattern, caseSensitive: false).firstMatch('');
If the result is != null a match was found.
Your pattern doesn't find http: URLs (only https or ftp) neither
Your statement about 'empty space' might apply to your email regexp you had in your question originally but not to your URL regexp you added in your comment.

spaces not accepting in ListQuery while querying a list in Google spreadsheet

I am trying to pass a query to a spreadsheet. I have a value say "John cena". How do I pass it in the following line. I am getting an error while doing so
ListQuery query = new ListQuery(listFeedUrl);
query.setSpreadsheetQuery("name = 'John cena' and age > 25");
ListFeed feed = service.query(query, ListFeed.class);
This is the error im getting: Bad Request
Parse error: Invalid token encountered
I'm sorry I don't know the answer completely, but I want to help.
Can you try something like this:
query.setSpreadsheetQuery("name = \"John cena\" and age > 25");
The wiki post # says that you have to include data with space in quotations.
I had the same issue, where I had my item column with values that can contain white spaces. By adding double quotes and escaping it in string, I was able to bypass the issue. Also you might want to remove other spaces in the query, apart from the ones between "and", just in case.
String queryString = ""; //should contain feedURL
ListQuery lsListQuery = new ListQuery(new URI(queryString).toURL());
lsListQuery.setSpreadsheetQuery("item=\"Item Name4\" ");
\\This will have the URI encoded
\\This will give you the complete URL
logger.debug(new URI (queryString+lsListQuery.getQueryUri().toString()).toURL());
\\ This should give the feed from which the columns can be read
ListFeed listFeed = service.getFeed(new URI (queryString+lsListQuery.getQueryUri().toString()).toURL(), ListFeed.class);
