How to debug any sh file inside Dockerfile? - docker

Echo statements are not printing in console when i build container.
I am able to see the information as below
Step 1/3 : FROM jboss/wildfly:latest
Step 2/3 : ADD customization /opt/jboss/wildfly/customization/
Removing intermediate container 7b22667b3310
Step 3/3 : CMD /opt/jboss/wildfly/customization/
Running in 76f8bfe9ac95
Removing intermediate container 76f8bfe9ac95
Successfully built 5cb0fa9482f4
Successfully tagged madhu/wildfly-mysql-javaee7:latest file includes echo statements, but not writing to console.
Would be interested to know, how we should be able to debug the script.

The script specified in CMD is not executed at build time -- it's executed at runtime. You need to attempt a docker run to see its output.
If you want more output (and/or more useful output -- when used to show commands being executed, echo tends to throw away important details such as the difference between literal and syntactic spaces) your echos provide, modify the CMD or the script to set the -x shell command. You can do this by putting set -x in your script (under the shebang), or amending the CMD, to something like: CMD ['/bin/bash', '-x', '/opt/jboss/wildfly/customization/'] (using /bin/bash if the shebang is #!/bin/bash, /bin/sh if the shebang is /bin/sh, etc).


Docker is adding single quotes to ENTERYPOINT argument

I am creating a Dockerfile that needs to source a script before a shell is run.
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "-rcfile","<(echo '. ./mydir/')"]
However, the script isn't sourced as expected.
Combining these parameters on a command line (normal Linux instance, outside of any Docker container), it works properly, for example:
$ /bin/bash -rcfile <(echo '. ./mydir/')
So I took a look at what was actually used by the container when it was run.
$ docker ps --format "table {{.ID}} \t {{.Names}} \t {{.Command}}" --no-trunc
70a5f846787075bd9bd55432dc17366268c33c1ab06fb36b23a50f5c3aef19bb happy_cray "/bin/bash -rcfile '<(echo '. ./mydir/')'"
Besides the fact that it properly identified the emotional state of Cray computers, Docker seems to be sneaking in undesired single quotes into the third parameter to ENTRYPOINT.
'<(echo '. ./mydir/')'
Thus the command actually being executed is:
$ /bin/bash -rcfile '<(echo '. ./mydir/')'
Which doesn't work...
Now I realize there are more ways to skin this cat, and I could make this work a different way, I am curious about the insertion of single quotes to the third argument to ENTRYPOINT. Is there a way to avoid this?
Thank you,
At a super low level, the Unix execve(2) function launches a process by taking a sequence of words, where the first word is the actual command to run and the remaining words are its arguments. When you run a command interactively, the shell breaks it into words, usually at spaces, and then calls an exec-type function to run it. The shell also does other processing like replacing $VARIABLE references or the bash-specific <(subprocess) construct; all of these are at layers above simply "run a process".
The Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT (and also CMD, and less frequently RUN) has two forms. You're using the JSON-array exec form. If you do this, you're telling Docker that you want to run the main container command with exactly these three literal strings as arguments. In particular the <(...) string is passed as a literal argument to bash --rcfile, and nothing actually executes it.
The obvious answer here is to use the string-syntax shell form instead
ENTRYPOINT /bin/bash -rcfile <(echo '. ./mydir/')
Docker wraps this in an invocation of sh -c (or the Dockerfile SHELL). That causes a shell to preprocess the command string, break it into words, and execute it. Assuming the SHELL is bash and not a pure POSIX shell, this will handle the substitution.
However, there are some downsides to this, most notably that the sh -c invocation "eats" all of the arguments that might be passed in the CMD. If you want your main container process to be anything other than an interactive shell, this won't work.
This brings you to the point of trying to find simpler alternatives to doing this. One specific observation is that the substitution here isn't doing anything; <(echo something) will always produce the fixed string something and you can do it without the substitution. If you can avoid the substitution then you don't need the shell either:
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "--rcfile", "./mydir/"]
Another sensible approach here is to use an entrypoint wrapper script. This uses the ENTRYPOINT to run a shell script that does whatever initialization is needed, then exec "$#" to run the main container command. In particular, if you use the shell . command to set environment variables (equivalent to the bash-specific source) those will "stick" for the main container process.
# read the file that sets variables
. ./mydir/
# run the main container command
exec "$#"
# Dockerfile
COPY ./ # may be part of some other COPY
ENTRYPOINT ["./"] # must be JSON-array syntax
CMD ???
This should have the same net effect. If you get a debugging shell with docker run --rm -it your-image bash, it will run under the entrypoint wrapper and see the environment variables. You can do other setup in the wrapper script if required. This particular setup also doesn't use any bash-specific options, and might run better under minimal Alpine-based images.
insertion of single quotes can be avoided by using escape characters in the third argument to ENTRYPOINT.
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "-rcfile","$(echo '. ./mydir/')"]

Docker entrypoint script not sourcing file

I have an entrypoint script with docker which is getting executed. However, it just doesn't run the source command to source a file full of env values.
Here's the relevant section from tehe dockerfile
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
CMD ["-production"]
I have tried 2 version of entrypoint script. Neither of them are working.
cat >> /etc/bash.bashrc <<EOF
if [[ -f "/usr/local/etc/${SERVICE_NAME}/${SERVICE_NAME}.env" ]]
echo "${SERVICE_NAME}.env found ..."
set -a
source "/usr/local/etc/${SERVICE_NAME}/${SERVICE_NAME}.env"
set +a
echo "INFO: Starting ${SERVICE_NAME} application, environment:"
exec -a $SERVICE_NAME node .
if [[] -f "$ENV_FILE" ]; then
echo "INFO: Loading environment variables from file: ${ENV_FILE}"
set -a
source $ENV_FILE
set +a
echo "INFO: Starting ${SERVICE_NAME} application..."
exec -a $SERVICE_NAME node .
Version 2 of above prints to the log that it has found the file however, source command simply isn't loading the contents of file into memory. I check if contents have been loaded by running the env command.
I've been trying few things for 3 days now with no progress. Please can someone help me? Please note I am new to docker which is making things quite difficult.
I think your second version is almost there.
Normally Docker doesn't read or use shell dotfiles at all. This isn't anything particular to Docker, just that you're not running an "interactive" or "login" shell at any point in the sequence. In your first form you write out a .bashrc file but then exec node, and nothing there ever re-reads the dotfile.
You mention in the question that you use the env command to check the environment. If this is via docker exec, that launches a new process inside the container, but it's not a child of the entrypoint script, so any setup that happens there won't be visible to docker exec. This usually isn't a problem.
I can suggest a couple of cleanups that might make it a little easier to see the effects of this. The biggest is to split out the node invocation from the entrypoint script. If you have both an ENTRYPOINT and a CMD then Docker passes the CMD as arguments to the ENTRYPOINT; if you change the entrypoint script to end with exec "$#" then it will run whatever it got passed.
# (trying to avoid bash-specific constructs)
# Read the environment file
if [[ -f "$ENV_FILE" ]; then
# Run the main container command
exec "$#"
And then in the Dockerfile, put the node invocation as the main command
ENTRYPOINT ["./"] # must be JSON-array syntax
CMD ["node", "."] # could be shell-command syntax
The important thing with this is that it's easy to override the command but leave the entrypoint intact. So if you run
docker run --rm your-image env
that will launch a temporary container, but passing env as the command instead of node .. That will go through the steps in the entrypoint script, including setting up the environment, but then print out the environment and exit immediately. That will let you observe the changes.

How do I run the eval $(envkey-source) command in docker using Dockerfile?

I want to run a command, eval $(envkey-source) for setting certain environment variables using envkey. I install it, set my ENVKEY variable and then try to import all the environment variables. I do this all via Docker. However, docker is giving an error in this command:
Step 31/35 : RUN eval $(envkey-source)
---> Running in 6a9ebf1ede96
/bin/sh: 1: export: : bad variable name
The command '/bin/sh -c eval $(envkey-source)' returned a non-zero code: 2
I tried reading the documentation of envkey but they tell nothing about Docker.
I have installed envkey using following commands:
ENV ENVKEY=yada_yada
RUN curl -s | bash
Until here, all goes well. I get verbose of suggestions on the console about how to run the envkey to get all the environment variables set.
The problem comes on this side:
RUN eval $(envkey-source)
The error:
Step 31/35 : RUN eval $(envkey-source)
---> Running in 6a9ebf1ede96
/bin/sh: 1: export: : bad variable name
The command '/bin/sh -c eval $(envkey-source)' returned a non-zero code: 2
You can't do this, for a couple of reasons. The envkey documentation eventually links to an example in their GitHub which you might find informative.
Each Dockerfile RUN command runs a new shell in a new container. In particular, environment variables set within a RUN command are lost after it exits. Any form of RUN export ... is a no-op. If variables are static you can set them using the ENV directive, but in this case where you're running a program that needs to generate them dynamically, you need another approach.
A typical pattern here is to use a shell script as your container's ENTRYPOINT. That does some initial setup and then replaces itself with the container's CMD. Since the CMD runs in the same shell environment as the rest of the script, you can do dynamic variable setup here. The script might look like:
eval "$(envkey-source)"
exec "$#"
The other thing to keep in mind here is that anyone can docker inspect your image and get its environment variables back out, or docker run imagename /usr/bin/env. If you could run envkey-source in the Dockerfile then the environment variables would be available in the image in clear text, which defeats the purpose. Even embedding the key in the image effectively leaks it. You should pass this at runtime using a docker run -e option or a Docker Compose environment: key, relaying it from the host's environment.

What is wrong with this Dockerfile statement? Which one should I use?

If I want to run, for example wget, in a Docker file, I can type this:
RUN wget
If I want do an echo command I could do this
RUN echo 'Hello' >> /home/file.text
But I've also seen this:
RUN bash -c 'echo $USERNAME:ros | chpasswd'
If I want to run a shell script, I could do this
RUN 'bash ./'
I also was recommended this:
RUN . /home/ros/.bashrc
I think there are some invalid examples above and others that have subtle differing semantics. I would like to
Understand it so I can learn
What the right one is to use when I want to run a shell script
Here's a brain dump of related one-line answers:
Every RUN command launches a new shell (in a new container even) with a new clean environment and doesn't read any dotfiles. RUN export ... and RUN . ... are both no-ops that will have no effect on later steps.
Many standard Docker paths (like docker run ... some command) don't involve a shell at all, so if you create a .bashrc or .profile file it will be ignored in many common cases.
Unquoted RUN some command, CMD some command, and ENTRYPOINT some command are all automatically wrapped in sh -c '...' and you basically never need to say this explicitly. (In the case of ENTRYPOINT using the unquoted form is probably a bug.) Forms like CMD ["some", "command"] do not implicitly involve a shell (and don't expand environment variables).
GNU bash has several vendor extensions that unfortunately are in widespread use; Alpine base images don't include bash. In particular never say source when . is in the standard and does the same thing.
If you're installing software in an image, your best choice is to install it in a "system" location (pip install without an active virtual environment, npm install -g, ./configure --prefix=/usr/local); if you must install it somewhere else, use the Dockerfile ENV directive to set any environment variables that are needed; and if you can't do that, an ENTRYPOINT wrapper script can programmatically set the environment for the main process (but not any docker exec shells).
Just in general, ./ will run a shell script (provided it is executable and starts with a #!/bin/sh line); bash will as well (but doesn't require it to be executable and explicitly specifies which shell to use); and . ./ runs it in the context of the current shell (only this form can change environment variables for example).

Dockerfile capture output of a command

I have the following line in my Dockerfile which is supposed to capture the display number of the host:
RUN DISPLAY_NUMBER="$(echo $DISPLAY | cut -d. -f1 | cut -d: -f2)" && echo $DISPLAY_NUMBER
When I tried to build the Dockerfile, the DISPLAY_NUMBER is empty. But however when I run the same command directly in the terminal I get the see the result. Is there anything that I'm doing wrong here?
Commands specified with RUN are executed when the image is built. There is no display during build hence the output is empty.
You can exchange RUN with ENTRYPOINT then the command is executed when the docker starts.
But how to forward the hosts display to the container is another matter entirely.
Host environment variables cannot be passed during build, only at run-time.
Only build args can be specified by:
first "declaring the arg"
and then running
docker build . --no-cache -t disp --build-arg DISPLAY_NUMBER=$DISPLAY_NUMBER
You can work around this issue using the envsubst trick
And on the command line:
envsubst < Dockerfile | docker build . -f -
Which will rewrite the Dockerfile in memory and pass it to Docker with the environment variable changed.
Edit: Note that this solution is pretty useless though, because you probably
want to do this during run-time anyways, because this value should depend on not on where the image is built, but rather where it is run.
I would personally move that logic into your ENTRYPOINT or CMD script.
